1 STAN ROSH HASHANA 2020 C4345_P -Trade in Print ad copy.pdf 1 2020/09/09 10:32:58 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 2 STAN ROSH HASHANA 2020 From the beloved country may you have a shana tova and easy fast. May Hashem inscribe all of you for a healthy and prosperous year From the Beloved Country may you have a shana tova and easy fast. May Hashem inscribe all of you for a healthy and prosperous year) Stan The Good Shabbos Man is a weekly ‘Mishugas’ on the internet www.stantgsm. com …..Which has weathered a GROOOOOT storm along the way, to reach the milestone of 20 years….. What a bobby it has been….It has taken ME AROUND THE WORLD many times, and the 98% positivity towards the letter encourages me to continue, for how long I don’t know….??? It has become such a ‘humungous’ task, to sort through info each week, try and get the most interesting data out that Yidden would like to read, answer the hundreds of personal E-mails a year…..and try and keep everyone happy…. This is the 20th year of the ‘Stan The Good Shabbos Man’ newsletter, which started way back in 2000 when I left Stan & Pete Caterers….It has been a L-O-N-G journey to get here, having written soooooo much over the past 20 years….having passed milestones like the Barmitzvah year and the Chai year ….. When broken down it is a bit ‘Skrikky’….. over 1,000 weekly letters, with an average of 10 pages, which is +/- 10,000 pages, and when broken down into words, not even going there …. Einaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, that is a lot….and I believe that it has been very well received by Yidden all over, especially Souff Effrikken Yidden, whether they are in Poffadder or New York……. If I had to gage by replies received every week, I reckon that the ‘Rugger’ has the biggest following, and then the jokes and so on……..The “Vort” each week has proved VERY popular …. I must say that I receive very few ‘Klaps’ , BUT….you cannot please everyone……….. ‘ROOTS’ is still a ‘Humungous’ thing on the website, with soooo many Yidden worldwide, ‘Zuching’ (looking) for their Roots, and it is sad how we only start looking when the older generation are already gone, and it makes it harder to trace roots….. I met up with Eli Rabinowitz many years ago, and he has answered many queries on Ancestry, and my regular promoting has got many readers to apply /get their Lithuanian passports, and many other passports…. Lithuania always features on the letter…. The various stories that I write on bring huge responses……I have touched many people seeking all kinds of information, and most I have been able to assist….. Must say that some queries have brought soooo much joy, and the Odd one has brought tears….. I would like to thank my sponsors (Chavers) for their support, which allows me to print the Yearly Shabbos Newspaper ….. Unfortunately, due to the ‘Gazershe’ Corona Virus, I was not going to do a Yomtov paper, BUT….. I was persuaded to do one, although it is only available ONLINE, as the advertising has dropped immensely…. To Rabbi Yossy Goldman, Sydenham Shul, C/O ‘Beloved Country’ for his weekly inspirational ‘Vort’ which is well received by thousands each week…..and I must say that come ‘hell or high’ water, he gets the ‘Meisa’ to me every week….. Adank Rabbi….. Looking forward TO MORE ‘Meisa’s’ in the next few years G-D willing….. Gezunte un Freilache Yom Tov…. (Enjoy and have a GR8888888 Yomtov and well over the fast….) Stan The Good Shabbos Man www.stantgsm.com / [email protected] It’s so simple to be wise…. Just think of something stupid to say and then don’t say it ……. 3 STAN ROSH HASHANA 2020 Wishing all our clients and the Jewish community a safe, healthy, sweet New Year and well over the fast. Securing Safety and Peace of Mind 24/7 CALL CENTRE: 0861 101 000 www.mantissecurity.co.za 4 STAN ROSH HASHANA 2020 From the Rabbi …… By Rabbi David Shaw, Sandton Shul. Right now, in the prelude to Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, we find ourselves inching our way towards the the end of the book of Deuteronomy. This is the Fifth and final book of the Torah. It consists in the main, of Moshe Rabbeinu’s last words to his beloved people. It stresses some known Mitzvot, teaches some new ones and reminisces about our ancestors mistakes and failings during the course of the last 40 years while on their way to the promised land. He basically tells them off, sometimes subtly and sometime quite frankly, quite bluntly. However with all the recounting of our ancestors Rabbi David Shaw misdeeds, the highs and the lows and all the deleterious consequences of their choices, one word in its variant forms appears over and over again. That word is LOVE! 23 times in Devarim. While looking back, or looking forward, speaking about good times and bad, the overarching theme of the book is love and the message is so clear. Whatever comes from G d comes in a package wrapped with love. I wish you a sweet, healthy and safe New Year filled with overflowing blessing and of course love. Purim…Rabbi David Shaw with Frans Kekane ,Selwyn Trakman & Doc Pinky Sirelli. KONICA MINOLTA GAUTENG Wishing you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR and a meaningful fast. Wishing all our clients and the Jewish community a May your name be printed in the book of life. safe, healthy, sweet New Year and well over the fast. Securing Safety and Peace of Mind 24/7 CALL CENTRE: 0861 101 000 www.mantissecurity.co.za www.kmgauteng.co.za konicaminoltagauteng [email protected] 011 312 1155 5 STAN ROSH HASHANA 2020 Looking back on the past 20 years….. What started out as a exercise to learn how to use a Komputta 20 years ago, I My “ Purim Shpiel” disaster was huge, and I actually got some started sending a weekly Shabbos letter to my family & friends overseas…..For the Seriaaaaaaaas threats…BUT…. I did it, and I learnt that some first 8 years, it was virtually only overseas people reading the letter….. It grew like Souff Effrikken Yidden are very ‘Old fashion’, and this Shpiel did wildfire, as the Politics were Tukka ‘U get what I see” and the Jokes were a ‘Bietjie’ not appeal to a few, which caused huge ‘Garotiss’….. ‘Vuil’ (Rough…). …and each week, more and more people were asking to join the letter…. It became a hobby, and it was very easy to do, as I wrote the weekly Meisa, which was 2/3 pages, and got replies which I did reply to….. Then one day I sat next to a ‘Nudnick’ Hilly at a concert at Linksfield Shul and he got me involved in starting the website and the joke book….. The Hobby had turn 360 degrees, into a very ‘Lebbedikke’ hobby, with me posting up to 10,000 Pichaaaaa’s each year, and the subscribers grew and before I knew it I was getting soooo much correspondence, and I must say that 98% of all personal E-mails were replied to, and the news I receive each week, keeps the stories rolling…..The replies I get these days, are When I first started my Nephew Ari (Chaim Der Arbeiter) Lyons was 11, and he can draw very well and he created many different sketches for me over the years….. His original thought was that I looked like Stan from South Park, and that was his first creation, and he went on to do many, and they have helped lift the articles and letters…. I have dotted a few here….. When the Bokke were Moered into the turf at Twickenham, I put this article in the Star Death Column.( 26th. November,2002 ) SPRINGBOKS Passed away peacefully, on Saturday, 23rd. November at Twickenham. mainly roots, and info required of long lost Chavers & relatives, and the amount Will be remembered for past GREAT deeds. of people united has been phenomenal….. BUT…..the work load is immense, and The loss of Labuschagnewas a blow ,but should NOT have I sometimes wonder if this is still a hobby, there is soooo much to do….. When caused such a painful ending. you get a query, and don’t answer same day, I get follow up after follow up….. My Our sincerest condolences. first Hobby was stamp collecting while at school, and it also started to turn into a labour intensive hobby, BUT…..I got married and that was that hobby gone……. How long will the letter still goes….??? I have no idea, BUT…..I am nearly at my real STAN’S MANNE. senior years….! ! ! ! ! ! ! I got Ari to do a sketch…..Got a bit of Flack, BUT….it was a sad period in Bok history…. A year after starting, we had 9/11 which was a ‘Moerse‘ learning curve with huge traffic during the event ……. Various Sport World Cups really bring in huge traffic The Corona Virus has Tukka been the biggest Event since I and keep it ‘Lebbedik’……. Have done quite a few fun promotions, like giving out started writing, and has drawn a lot of traffic…. Hopefully on the theatre tickets in Joburg for the best joke of the week sent….. Got a humungous 21st Anniversary please G-D, we will be in a better space…… amount of good jokes…… The Minyan created to send a King David student on a The 20 years has flown and been a ‘Meichel’ with my hobby….
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