

'(926I rqlsP,$V) ulrDur.tl1 pue DlcsKqdur lqasq? sr uol] -ceoJsrr{J 'adof,so.rcru aql.rapun 8uu^al\ alq,tt uorlnlos (X) aprxo+.{q ulntss€?od qll^ palE8lJrl Suraq uoller€dard aI{} :umDar{}od€ aql Jo suorlJas I?crlla^ uo pa^rasqo lsaq sr uorlaea.r eq;, (q/6I SorX ? ^\oJsur,rs) aldrnd +X slr€ar urnrtaqlrda or{J'un0aql?dE 'saldrJxa aurllBl{l snorolo, -uoJ r{11^\BrcaqlodE aulJouEJal a^Bq mtDu\Jt(f pue Dnsfuld 'l.sBJ}uo, uI '(9l,6l SoJx T naocsur,!\s)poJnolo3-lJEp saurocaqpue sllaJ I€3[B sasol aldfcxa oulll€rll aqJ, aJuEJEad -de auraprrJpopnasd € s€q pue xa^uoJ f[8uor1s sr urnlJaqlod? arnlBur aqL unnaq]odv :sJalJ€rBqJ Sur,ldolloJeq1 {q paqsrn€utlsrp sr snuo8 .qlrl/' slql lnq plaU aql ur prrs&1d pug D1rDu\ (J pasnJuor aq ,{Eur aut:r,46';o salduteg salpnls aAIl€rBduroC 'anlq uolloJ ur palunou pu€ auolorcltu Surzaeq 9 qlra ln, aJa^\ suoll Iouar{dolf,B.I'(tl6I) '(016I) -raspluro?Buv a^oluar\Ipue (zr6I) uosraqlnJ uossurlsrry T' uosraqlnc fq lno las sarnpatoJd ar{l 01 SulproJcB paltnpuoJ aJan\ sasdlEuP lesrruar{J aqJ '(-,{!uules 'qq) HJUSd ul pasnoq ^\ou suorlrallof, I€uosred s,roqln" aql ul puP (HJusd) lunllEqraH uerl€rlsnY uralsaia aql ul plar{ suaurlJads papnlcur parpnls uEll€JlsnY uJalsal!\ aqJ, paurur€xa uaaq 'sanbruElog lEualEur o^€q'"Aaua0 urpJ€f la arlolE^JasuoJ aql puB (,ftolstH I€Jnl€N) urnasntrl qsrlrlg aq1 1e pasnoq au?rtrd snua8 aql ulql^\ satJadsJo suourcads JaIIlo pue sad,{I spoqtal{ puE slelrelal I 'JdlJBJeqJ )lulouoxEl lue lJodullu€ se ad11sprcaqlode uE uorlBluau8rd aql ol uorluallE ^\BJp plp suorlB^Jasqo lBuJalur Jo 'suaur s,Sneqsurl sJatteJ€q3 alqBuB,\ uo pas€q aJ€ suotsl^tpqns asaql punoJ aABq 13I{1'suollJosqns -r)ads adfl aql SurulurExadq'(S/61) Sory Ja^a,|Aoq JaqlrnJ T',!\o?sur,'r1s'JnoloJ qltia suorlJas o&\1olur snua8 aql papl^lp (lg6I) 3n3r{sull darS-t{sluoaJ8Jo JJnq 'a1rqnA-fqse 1q311 aled E,{[EJaua8sr'aeaJplJsfrld aq] ur eJauaBral{lo aql a{rl'au?r{d uollcnpoJlul '}l'";TLY uralsal Jo suollarFls'or eql iluoP uorlnqulsrppallrurl P i.\oqs Daraunqnsd pt" ,7,rrr'rrrd 'd'Drallnor sarradsrnoJ erlJ ellerlsnV uJalsarlAui pi)prorar {lsnor^ardueeq lou sPqau?x{d snuabaqJ A 'aeacElss.{qd) ',{tul!Ies (g8erj tgZ OtZ :(f)S "rsttrnN eilertsnv uratsaM uI (saueq)I'I ,]rirId snua: 3qf N ItBrlsqv 'IaeI3 'raarrs Z6/q rrolrral uraqtroN \rr^\IE( prdeu rellssou Zi ^uIuI€S 'N €II€rlsnY urolsol\ uI (souaqclrl 'aeecelcsl(q6) aulxfd snuaS oqJ/ (886r)r8z-61,2 :(8)g ersfnN Nu)tsiaVol. 6, No.3 (19881 Thollas. Under long wave ultra-violet light, the thallus in most species emits a bfight lemon yellow fluorescence, due to lichexanthone present in the cortex. This substance is not produced in Physcia and Dirinario. This is a useful aid for generic identification of sterile specimens(Swinscow & Krog 1975). Hypothecium. In vertical sections of a mature apothecium, the region below the hymenium is composed of dark reddish-brown hlphae forming a lens-shaped hypothecium. This region also reacts K+ purple. A coloured hypothecium is absent in Phl.scio and where present in Dirinqrict is K-. Lawer Surface. The lower surface of the thallus in Pyrlne is always black. Generally a specimen with a pale lower surface is referable lo Phlscia. The four speciesofPyrine found in Western Australia are readily separated by the fol- iowing characters: Soralia Medulla UV Light Chemistry coccifera red yellow negative atranorin & to white cocoes white white lemon- lichexanthone yellow petricola absent white lernon- lichexanthone yellow subcinerea white yellow lemon- lichexanthone yellow Key to the Species 1. Soralia absent 2. P. petricoLa Soraliapresent ...............,...................2 Soralia red ..... 1. P. coccifera Soraliawhite .......,...............................iJ 3. Medullawhite ................... .,.............3. P. cocoes Medullayellow 4. P.subcinerea Taxonomy 1. Pyxine coccifera (Fee)Nyl., Mem. Soc.Sci. Nat. Cherbourg5: I08 (7857).Parmeliq coccifereFee, Essai Cr1pt.:126 (1824). Thallus on bark of trees, Ioosely attached; Iobes grey; pseudocyphellae red, linear, on lamina and lobe margins (Figure 1H), frequently developing into soralia with bright red granular soredia (Figure 1I); medulla creamy-yellow in the upper layers, white below. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry. Cortex UV-; atranorin and pyxiferin (red pigment). Specimens exemined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Prince Regent River Reserve, Kimberley, A.S. George12730 p.p. (PERTH); Prince Regent River Reserve,Kimberley, A.S. George12301 p.p. (PERTH). 'r0lx, prprros rElnueJSpdr olur prdolr^dp delldqd\Jopndsd - 1)ttr d u 1r\d qtr^\ aqol IEudrEtr{ I (OZx) aeleqdtrtopnasd pal leur8rEln qlk\ saqol snlleql IPur;r eI I H or a}t '(0Ix) ErtEros leu€rettl luepunqE 8ul^\oqs seqol snflEqt Ipu$IeI I-C (ozx) EuIrud Jo soqtled :])urlsrP qll^\ saqol snllel{} IeulFrel'{ I saoru aulr,td '€qeros lEulBrplu Bur^\oqs (OZx) saqol snllEq'l leu€rEl\tr-g Daraunqns aulxld '(00Ix) Ltlnr.aqtod.{rt u.4\orq qslppar l.rEp ro :}uaur -dole^ap 8ul.1.oqs urmcaqlode arnlB[r Jo uor]rrs lEuLpnl€uo.I c[ (r3]e$ ur) sarodsorsE arnlEl{-J (olx) se8i1s lbluarudolarep snciue,r ur ercaqlody g (ozx.i srqol snllBq] lPur8rEl{-v D?or?Jlada!?rid I ern8ld s, ..;af '.{l!lInES eurr,{d N 282 Nul,tsiaVol.6. No.3 (1988) 2. Pyxine petricola Nyl. ap. Crombie,J. Bot., Lond. 14:263 (1876).?1.pe: Island of Rodrigues,Dr. I.B. BaLfour2391, Venus Transit Expedition,9.x.18?4 (holo: BM). PyxtnemeissneriTuck. ex Nyl. var. endoleucaMuell. Arg., Flora, Jena 62:290 (18?9). ?ype: In territorio africano Djur, Seriba Ghattas, Schweinfurfh (holo: G). Pyxine subueJltaStirtoa, Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 30: 396 (7897).Type: Queensland, Jirrrbouron HaheaoLeifoLium, F. M. Bailey,June 1895(iso: BM). Thallus on bark of shrubs,rarely on rocks,firmly attached,lobes white to grey-white; pruina laminal, shiny, t-owardsmargins of lobes;soralia absent (Figure lA); hedulla white. Apothecia abundant, black, plane with distinct thalline maigins at first, be- comingstrongly convex at maturity (Figure1B); hypotheciumdark reddish-brown,lens- shaped(Figure 1E), sometimesthis colouration extendsdownwards to producean,,in ternal stipe";ascospores brown, bilocular, 16-18 x 5.2 6.5 pM (Figure1C). Chemistry.Cortex UV+; Iichexanthoneonly. Specimensexqmined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Houtmans Abrolhos, Suomi I.. M Sg4gry s n JPIRTH, hb. Sammy);Houtmans Abrolhos, E. Wallaby I., M Sammy s.n. (PERTH,_hb.Sarnmy); Houtmans Abrolhos, Shark I., M Sorum3rs.n.(PERTH, hb. Sammy);Lake MacIEod, near Carnarvon,N. Sammy s.n. (PERTH, hb. Sammy); Monkey-Mia, Pero_n_Peninsula, Sh,ar\ Bay, N. Sammy s.n. (hb. Sammy); Beverl"ey SpringsHomestead, Kimberley, B.G. Muir s.n. (hb. Sammy);Head of Witsamunsun Creek.Kimberley. B.G. l\4uirs.n. thb. Samrnyt:Hidden Valley. Kununu"rra, Wesr Kimberley.C.G. Smith s.n. {hb. Sammv). 3. Pyxine cocoes (Sw.)Nyl., Mem. Sco.Sci. Nat. Cherbourg5;108 (I8b7).Ltchen cocoesSw., Nova Gen.Sp. Pl.: 146(1788). Pyxine meissneriTuck. ex Nyl. subsp.conneclans Vainio, Acta Soc.Fauna Flora fenn. 7(1):154 (1890). Pyxi.neconnectans (Vainio) Vainio, Suomal. Tiedeakat. Toim., Ser. A: 70 (1914).?ype: Vainio Lich. Brasil.Exsicc.62, Rio de Janerio,1885 (iso: BM). Pyxine cocoesf. sorediigeraMuell Arg., Bot. Jb. 20; 262 (7894).?ype: Usambara,I{olsf 1423(holo: G). Pyxine o-ceanica,Zahlbr. ap. Rock, Coll. Hawaii publ. Bull. 4: 37 (7976). Type: ZalhbrucknerLich. Rar. Exsicc.207, Oceania, insula Palmyra, /. liocA (iso:BM).- Thallus on bark of trees and shrubs,firmly attached;lobes ashy-white to grey-white, flat,_crowded and plicate; pruina Iaminal, shiny, towards margins ofthallus (Figure 1F); soraliaabundant, marginal, crowded towards centre of thallus (Figure 1G); soralia granular; medulla white. Apothecia not seen Chemistry.Cortex UV+; lichexanthoneonly. Specimensercmjned. W_ESTERNAUSTRALIA: Geraldton, Chapman River Bridge, N. Sammys.n. (PERTH, hb. Sammy);Houtmans Abrolhos, Suomi I., N. Sommr Jn. (PERTH, hb. Sammy);Houtmans Abrolhos, Shark I., M Sommys.n. (PERTH, hb. Fqql*yl; HoutmansAbrolhos, E. WallabyI., N. Sammys.n. (PERTH, hb. Sammy); NW of Lake Log'ue,S of Eneabba,M. BLqchu)elil2873(hb. Sammy). 4. Pyxine subcinerea Stirton,Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst.30: 396 (189?).?ype: Queens- land,F. M. Baitey22 (holo:BM). Pyxinemeissneri Tuck. ex Nyl. var..soredlctaMuell. Arg., Flora, Jena 62:290 (1879). ?ype: Djur, Brauneisenstein,Seriba Ghattas, Schweinfurth, 1877 (holo: G). Pyxine chrysanthaVainio, Cat. Afr. PI. Welwitsch 2: 412 (7907).?ype: Golungo.Alto, Angola,ad truncosarb. vigent. in sylvisprimaevis prope Sange, Weliitsch,1857 (lecto: BM). I N. I \; I I --r/' I I *, ( a J DaJaul)qns .lq/ d' du1ir';d '( o Dto.njad aulxiJ lfi '(r ) '(.) ) sroJor aulrtd D.tdlnxo) aulrId ErrErtsnv uratsaA ur sarrads el?r,{d Jo uortnqutsr( Z arnErJ rr asnEcaquol5ar Er€qlrd a5rpr aqr qroq ruasqE ",;l?,$":lt'ii;'Hn,.aJi#rffii:l:Ti alq€Ins Jo uorJpurJoJaql ol a^tDnpuoJ aurTls€ocuErTEJlsny uJalsoM aql u^\op gur,\our JuaJJnr ]luEato urJB,\\p Jo acuase.rdaql ,{q paureydxe aq {€ru (luputruop sur€J Ja}ur,\\) .(gg6I suor8al uJa_qlnosur auTrf.dJo sareadsaa.rq1;o acuauneto aqJ .{iuuregl sarc5di uaqcrl JoJ a8nJar B aq ol palDadxa aq ue3 ,erJ€rlsnv uJelsa]!\ lBf,rdot]'s[alJaqulry Io trlaq I€DrdoJl oql urqlr.'id aq] Jo uo€ar (luEururop sutBr rawurns) la,r\ dllBuosEasarlJ 'spuplq.Srq aql JSarof uado aJour l"JrdoJl Jo .lsarol aql qr Jo uorlpla8a^ IElseoJuo'lsaroJ-ur€J,ft€puocas uado ur punoJ aq uBJ ,sJtdorl lI urBJ urEJrAIo lu€lrqpqut tIB lou sr aa?rf,d aql ur JoqlnB aql {q ap€lu suor]B^ -rasqo uroJd puElsuaanb ur punoJ pup Jrurapua aJp sarcadsuerp.rlsny aorr{l,{luo .(gg6I uos[d) salElA qlnos idaN ur JnoJ puE puElsuaanb JoJ papJorar alp sarrads gI EtlpJl -snv uI BrsVls€a-qlnos

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