
OPEN ACCESS All arfcles publfshed fn fhe Journal of Threafened Taxa are regfsfered under Creafve Commons Afrfbufon 4.0 Inferna - fonal Lfcense unless ofherwfse menfoned. JoTT allows unresfrfcfed use of arfcles fn any medfum, reproducfon and dfsfrfbufon by provfdfng adequafe credff fo fhe aufhors and fhe source of publfcafon. Journal of Threafened Taxa The fnfernafonal journal of conservafon and faxonomy www.fhreafenedfaxa.org ISSN 0974-7907 (Onlfne) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Prfnf) Revfew An updafed checklfsf of shrfmps on fhe Indfan coasf Vfjay Kumar Deepak Samuel , Chemmencherf Ramakrfshnan Sreeraj, Pandfan Krfshnan , Chermapandf Parfhfban , Veeramufhu Sekar, Kanagaraj Chamundeeswarf, Tffus Immanuel , Pafro Shesdev , Ramachandran Purvaja & Ramachandran Ramesh 26 July 2016 | Vol. 8 | No. 7 | Pp. 8977–8988 10.11609/jof.2628.8.7. 8977 -8988 For Focus, Scope, Afms, Polfcfes and Gufdelfnes vfsff hfp://fhreafenedfaxa.org/Abouf_JoTT.asp For Arfcle Submfssfon Gufdelfnes vfsff hfp://fhreafenedfaxa.org/Submfssfon_Gufdelfnes.asp For Polfcfes agafnsf Scfenffc Mfsconducf vfsff hfp://fhreafenedfaxa.org/JoTT_Polfcy_agafnsf_Scfenffc_Mfsconducf.asp For reprfnfs confacf <[email protected]> Publfsher/Hosf Parfner Threafened Taxa Journal of Threafened Taxa | www.fhreafenedfaxa.org | 26 July 2016 | 8(7): 8977–8988 Revfew An updafed checklfsf of shrfmps on fhe Indfan coasf Vfjay Kumar Deepak Samuel 1 , Chemmencherf Ramakrfshnan Sreeraj 2 , Pandfan Krfshnan 3 , 4 5 6 Chermapandf Parfhfban , Veeramufhu Sekar , Kanagaraj Chamundeeswarf , ISSN 0974-7907 (Onlfne) Tffus Immanuel 7 , Pafro Shesdev 8 , Ramachandran Purvaja 9 & Ramachandran Ramesh 10 ISSN 0974-7893 (Prfnf) 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10 Nafonal Cenfre for Susfafnable Coasfal Managemenf, Mfnfsfry of Envfronmenf, Foresf and Clfmafe Change, OPEN ACCESS Anna Unfversffy Campus, Chennaf, Tamfl Nadu 600025, Indfa 7 Cenfral Island Agrfculfural Research Insffufe, Posf Box No: 181, Porf Blafr 744101, Andaman & Nfcobar Island, Indfa 1 [email protected], 2 [email protected], 3 [email protected] (correspondfng aufhor), 4 [email protected], 5 [email protected], 6 [email protected], 7 [email protected], 8 [email protected], 9 [email protected], 10 [email protected] Absfracf: Thfs sfudy reporfs an updafed checklfsf of marfne shrfmps found along fhe Indfan coasf, fncludfng fhe Lakshadweep and fhe Andaman & Nfcobar Islands. A fofal of 364 specfes classffed under 128 genera belongfng fo fhe order Decapoda fs reporfed, fhus addfng 27 specfes fo fhe exfsfng checklfsf of 337 specfes. Marfne shrfmps are classffed under fwo suborders of fhe order Decapoda, vfz., Dendrobranchfafa and Pleocyemafa , and fhe fwo suborders accounf for 155 (42.6 %) and 209 specfes (57.4 %) of fhese 364 specfes, respecfvely. Pleocyemafa fs represenfed by fhree fnfraorders, vfz., Axffdea, Carfdea and Sfenopodfdea, whfle Carfdea has a maxfmum of 199 reporfed specfes. Among fhe 12 superfamflfes, Penaeofdea confrfbufed fo 38.13% (135 specfes) followed by Paleaemonfdea wffh 18.07% (64 specfes). All ofher superfamflfes were found fo confrfbufe less fhan 12%. Superfamflfes, Bresfllofdea and Psalfdopodofdea had only sfngle specfes represenfafves (0.28% each). The fnal lfsf was compfled afer revfewfng all exfsfng lfferafure fncludfng monographs, cafalogues, checklfsfs, websffes and fshery reporfs. The scfenffc names were valfdafed wffh fhe World Regfsfer of Marfne Specfes (WoRMS) dafabase. A fofal of 25 fssues were fdenffed from fhe prevfous checklfsf ouf of whfch 19 specfes have been updafed wffh fhe correcf, accepfed names and sfx specfes have been removed from fhe prevfous lfsf. Keywords: Checklfsf, Decapoda, Dendrobranchfafa, Indfa, Pleocyemafa, shrfmp. DOI : hfp://dx.dof.org/10.11609/jof.2628.8.7. 8977 -8988 | ZooBank: urn:lsfd:zoobank.org:pub:E549A41C-75F8-4506-9949-5BF46C7E7CB2 Edffor: Sfephen C. Weeks, The Unfversffy of Akron, Ohfo, USA. Dafe of publfcafon: 26 July 2016 (onlfne & prfnf) Manuscrfpf defafls: Ms # 2628 | Recefved 18 March 2016 | Ffnal recefved 06 July 2016 | Ffnally accepfed 18 July 2016 Cffafon: Samuel, V.K.D., C.R. Sreeraj, P. Krfshnan , C. Parfhfban , V. Sekar, K. Chamundeeswarf, T. Immanuel , P. Shesdev , R. Purvaja & R. Ramesh (2016). An updafed checklfsf of shrfmps on fhe Indfan coasf. Journal of Threafened Taxa 8(7): 8977 –8988 ; hfp://dx.dof.org/10.11609/jof.2628.8.7. 8977 -8988 Copyrfghf: © Samuel ef al. 2016 . Creafve Commons Afrfbufon 4.0 Infernafonal Lfcense. JoTT allows unresfrfcfed use of fhfs arfcle fn any medfum, reproducfon and dfsfrfbufon by provfdfng adequafe credff fo fhe aufhors and fhe source of publfcafon. Fundfng: Nafonal Cenfre for Susfafnable Coasfal Managemenf, Mfnfsfry of Envfronmenf, Foresf and Clfmafe Change, Chennaf . Conlfcf of Inferesf: The aufhors declare no compefng fnferesfs. For Tamfl absfracf, Aufhor Confrfbufon & Aufhor Defafls see end of fhfs arfcle. Acknowledgemenfs: The sfudy was underfaken as a parf of fhe research sfudy on “Coasfal and Marfne Bfodfversffy Infegrafon Nefwork (CoMBINe)”, by fhe Coasfal and Marfne Resources Conservafon Dfvfsfon, Nafonal Cenfre for Susfafnable Coasfal Managemenf, Chennaf. LOGOs 8977 Updated checklist of shrimps of the Indian coast Samuel et al. INTRODUCTION palaemonid shrimps with taxonomic status, state wise distribution and their conservation. Shanis et al. (2012) Crustacean fishery as a whole accounts for more made a checklist of 24 pandalid species belonging to than 7% of the total produced through aquaculture. six genera from the Indian waters. Radhakrishnan Crustaceans also play an important role in the economy et al. (2012) published an annotated checklist of the by contributing more than 60% of the marine products penaeoid, sergestoid, stenopodid and caridean shrimps exported (FAO 2014). Shrimp fishery is both an important of India. In their work, a total of 437 species were food resource and a major economic resource for recorded out of which, 343 species were marine forms India. Shrimps account for 30% of the export of marine and 94 freshwater. This is the latest checklist available products in weight and 64% of the revenue generated for the shrimps along the Indian coasts. Rajakumaran from export of marine products (Anonymous 2014). & Vaseeharan (2014) surveyed shrimp diversity and Shrimps are the single most important marine food exploitation of family Penaeidae from the southeastern resource that is of the highest commercial value. There coast of India and listed 59 species. are several other shrimp species that may not be of A knowledge of biodiversity will immensely help commercial importance but form an integral part of the in the management of marine ecosystems and its food chain of tropical marine ecosystems. Shrimps are resources. Regularly updated checklists on regional a highly diverse group falling under the order Decapoda biodiversity would effectively aid in formulating proper containing species that are widely distributed in marine, and efficient conservation plans which require frequent/ brackish, estuarine and freshwater realms. The majority regular surveys and timely publication updates. A of shrimp species occupy shallow or moderately deep recent and updated checklist of the shrimp fauna of the sea water and are generally benthic, thriving on a variety Indian waters is unavailable but is also most essential. of substrata such as rock, mud, peat, sand, fragments of The current work was carried out with an intention to shells or a mixture of these materials. produce a taxonomically verified checklist of the shrimps Studies of Decapoda date back to the end of the recorded along the Indian coast, which would be a base 19th century, when exploratory surveys were carried document for further studies. out by the Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship (RIMS) ‘Investigator’ (Wood-Mason & Alcock 1891; Alcock & Anderson 1894, 1899; Alcock 1901; Kemp 1925). The METHODS first comprehensive catalogue of Indian deep sea Crustacea (Decapoda, Macrura and Anomala) was The checklist was prepared based on the collection compiled by Alcock (1901). This was followed by several of information from available published/reported works from extensive surveys of shrimp resources in literature, such as research articles, monographs, different regions of the Indian coast (e.g., Kunju 1960; manuals, books, species checklists and technical George 1966; Muthu & George 1971; Mohamed & reports. The scientific names were validated with the Suseelan 1973; Silas & Muthu 1976; Thomas 1979; Rao WoRMS (World Register of Marine Species) database 1984; Ravindranath 1989). for taxonomic status (accepted/status unknown, A total of 118 commercial shrimp species have been emendations, synonyms, alternate representations, recorded by Suseelan (1996) that included 66 Penaeoid, nomen nudum, nomen dubium etc.) and the checklist 5 Sergestoid and 47 species of Caridean shrimps. Forty- was updated with currently accepted and valid names. six species of marine Palaemonid shrimps were recorded from the Indian seas by Jayachandran (2005) while, Karuppasamy et al. (2006) recorded 29 species of pelagic RESULTS shrimps belonging to 19 genera and 11 families from the deep scattering layer (DSL) of the eastern Arabian Sea. A total of 364 species under 128 genera of shrimp Description of 84 Indian penaeid shrimps, along with (Fig. 1 & Table 1) are reported from the Indian coastal their economic value and geographical distribution, waters reviewing all previously published literature. were dealt with in detail by Kathirvel et al. (2007). Kurup Taxonomic
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