36 mm SinL Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money SinL Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, by . Maghiel van Crevel Mayhem and Money E S Van Crevel · Crevel Van dited by dited Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money is a ground- – breaking contribution to scholarship, well-suited to classroom use in that it combines rigorous analysis with a lively style. Covering by the period from the 1980s to the present, it is organized around the notions of text, context and metatext, meaning poetry, its socio-political and cultural surroundings, and critical discourse in . Maghiel van Crevel ChineseTimes Poetry Mayhemof Mind, and in Money the broadest sense. Authors and issues studied include Han Dong, L Haizi, Xi Chuan, Yu Jian, Sun Wenbo, Yang Lian, Wang Jiaxin, Bei Dao, Yin Lichuan, Shen Haobo and Yan Jun, and everything from the subtleties of poetic rhythm to exile-bashing in domestic media. This book has room for all that poetry is: cultural herit- age, symbolic capital, intellectual endeavor, social commentary, emotional expression, music and the materiality of language – art, in a word. Maghiel van Crevel (PhD in Chinese Literature: Leiden, 1996) lectured at the University of Sydney (1996-1999) and is currently Professor of Chinese Language & Literature at Leiden University. His publications include Language Shattered: Contemporary Chinese Poetry and Duoduo (CNWS, 1996). et al. et ‘This monograph fully confi rms Maghiel van Crevel’s status as the world’s leading expert on contemporary Chinese poetry. His extremely meticulous documentation, his unbiased approach to a wide range of poets and poems, his terminological consistency and theoretical originality all combine to make this book outclass anything written previously on this topic, whether by western scholars or by Chinese scholars.’ Michel Hockx, Professor of Chinese, SOAS, University of London ---- This book is volume in the series - Maghiel van Crevel - 978-90-47-44273-8 www.brill.nl/sinl Downloaded from Brill.com08/10/2019 11:29:17AM via free access B_BRILL003-8 SINL 86_Van Crevel.indd 1 19-08-2008 16:30:27 Maghiel van Crevel - 978-90-47-44273-8 Downloaded from Brill.com08/10/2019 11:29:17AM via free access Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money Conn Te Ts ConTenTs v PReFACe ix ACknowledgMenTs xi ConvenTions xiii lisT oF illusTRATions xvii ChAPTeR one 1 AvAnT-gARde PoeTRy FRoM ChinA: TexT, ConTexT And MeTATexT 1 1. What Went Before 1 2. The Unofficial Poetry Scene and the Avant-Garde 5 3. Context: Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money 13 4. Text: From Elevated to Earthly and from What to How 23 5. Metatext: Images of Poetry and Poethood 30 6. The Case Studies, and What This Book Wants to Do 50 * 60 ChAPTeR Two 63 TRue disbelieF: hAn dong 63 1. The Rejection of Obscure Poetry 65 2. An Original Poetics 76 * 88 ChAPTeR ThRee 91 ThAnATogRAPhy And The PoeTiC voiCe: hAizi 91 1. Thanatography 95 2. The Poetic Voice 123 * 135 ChAPTeR FouR 137 exile: yAng liAn, wAng JiAxin And bei dAo 137 1. Poets in Exile 146 2. Exile in Poetry 159 * 186 ChAPTeR Five 187 Mind oveR MATTeR, MATTeR oveR Mind: xi ChuAn 187 1. Spirituality versus Materialism and the Barbarians 189 2. A Different Voice: Poetry Rising, Poets Falling 194 3. Words Capturing Images, Images Capturing Words 215 * 220 ChAPTeR six 223 FRinge PoeTRy, buT noT PRose: xi ChuAn And yu JiAn 223 1. A Wonderful Inadequacy of Definitions 225 2. «Salute» and «File 0»: Poetry or Prose? 229 3. Fringe Poetry 244 * 245 ChAPTeR seven 247 obJeCTiFiCATion And The long-shoRT line: yu JiAn 247 1. Objectification and Subjectification 252 2. Long Lines and Blanks 274 * 280 ChAPTeR eighT 281 nARRATive RhyThM, sound And sense: sun wenbo 281 1. Content Bias 284 2. «The Program»: Content and Plot 288 3. «The Program»: Form 294 4. Narrativity and Its Context 301 * 303 ChAPTeR nine 305 The loweR body: yin liChuAn And shen hAobo 305 1. Lower Body Poetry 307 2. A Poetic Lineage 338 * 342 ChAPTeR Ten 345 noT AT FACe vAlue: xi ChuAn’s exPliCiT PoeTiCs 345 1. Explanations, Issues and Alchemy 347 2. A Bigger Picture 360 * 361 ChAPTeR eleven 365 deseCRATions? hAn dong’s And yu JiAn’s exPliCiT PoeTiCs 365 1. Poethood According to Han Dong and Yu Jian 366 2. Metatextual Styles 392 * 396 ChAPTeR Twelve 399 whAT wAs All The Fuss AbouT? The PoPulAR-inTelleCTuAl PoleMiC 399 1. What Were the Issues? 400 Appendix: A Chronological Bibliography 451 ChAPTeR ThiRTeen 459 MoRe ThAn wRiTing, As we sPeAk: yAn Jun 459 1. Three-Dimensional Performance 461 2. Writing, Event Culture and Poetry Opening Up 471 * 474 woRks CiTed 475 index And glossARy 505 © Maghiel van Crevel, 2008 | doi 10.1163/9789047442738_001 This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the Creative CommonsMaghiel Attribution- van Crevel - 978-90-47-44273-8 Noncommercial 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-NC 3.0) License. Downloaded from Brill.com08/10/2019 11:29:17AM via free access sinica leidensia Edited by barend J. ter haar In co-operation with P.k. bol, w.l. idema, d.R. knechtges, e.s. Rawski, e. zürcher†, h.T. zurndorfer VOLUMe 86 Maghiel van Crevel - 978-90-47-44273-8 Downloaded from Brill.com08/10/2019 11:29:17AM via free access Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money By Maghiel van Crevel leiden • bosTon 2008 Maghiel van Crevel - 978-90-47-44273-8 Downloaded from Brill.com08/10/2019 11:29:17AM via free access This is an open access title distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-NC 3.0) License, which permits any non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. The support of the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies (LIAS) for the open access publica- tion of this book is gratefully acknowledged. Cover illustration: calligraphy by Che Qianzi (photograph by Jeroen wiedenhof) This book is printed on acid-free paper. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Crevel, Maghiel van. Chinese poetry in times of mind, mayhem and money / by Maghiel van Crevel. p. cm. — (sinica leidensia ; 86) includes bibliographical references and index. isbn 978-90-04-16382-9 (alk. paper) 1. Chinese poetry—20th century—history and criticism. 2. Experimental poetry, Chinese—history and criticism. 3. Avant-garde (Aesthetics)—China. I. Title. II. series. Pl2333.C87 2008 895.1’15209—dc22 2008031294 issn: 0169-9563 isbn: 978 90 04 16382 9 (hardback) isbn: 978 90 47 44273 8 (e-book) Copyright 2008 by Maghiel van Crevel. This work is published by koninklijke brill nv. koninklijke brill nv incorporates the imprints brill, brill nijhoff and hotei Publishing. koninklijke brill nv reserves the right to protect the publication against unauthorized use and to authorize dissemination by means of offprints, legitimate photocopies, microform editions, reprints, translations, and secondary information sources, such as abstracting and indexing services including databases. Requests for commercial re-use, use of parts of the publication, and/or translations must be addressed to koninklijke brill nv. printed in the netherlands Maghiel van Crevel - 978-90-47-44273-8 Downloaded from Brill.com08/10/2019 11:29:17AM via free access contents v ConTenTs Preface........................................... ix Acknowledgments .................................. xi Conventions ...................................... xiii list of illustrations ................................. xvii xviii Chapter One Avant-garde Poetry from China: Text, Context and Metatext 1 1. what went before ............................. 1 2. The unofficial Poetry scene and the Avant-garde .... 5 3. Context: Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money ....... 13 4. Text: From elevated to earthly and from what to how 23 5. Metatext: images of Poetry and Poethood ........... 30 6. The Case studies, and what This book wants to do 50 Chapter Two True disbelief: han dong ........................... 63 1. The Rejection of obscure Poetry ................. 65 2. An original Poetics ............................ 76 Chapter Three Thanatography and the Poetic voice: haizi ............. 91 1. Thanatography ................................ 95 2. The Poetic voice .............................. 123 Chapter Four exile: yang lian, wang Jiaxin and bei dao ............. 137 1. Poets in exile ................................. 146 2. exile in Poetry ................................ 159 Chapter Five Mind over Matter, Matter over Mind: xi Chuan ........ 187 1. spirituality versus Materialism and the barbarians ... 189 2. A different voice: Poetry Rising, Poets Falling ...... 194 3. words Capturing images, images Capturing words ... 215 Maghiel van Crevel - 978-90-47-44273-8 Downloaded from Brill.com08/10/2019 11:29:17AM via free access vi contents Chapter Six Fringe Poetry, but not Prose: xi Chuan and yu Jian ..... 223 1. A wonderful inadequacy of definitions ............ 225 2. «salute» and «File 0»: Poetry or Prose? ............ 229 3. Fringe Poetry ................................. 244 Chapter Seven objectification and the long-short line: yu Jian ........ 247 1. objectification and subjectification ................ 252 2. long lines and blanks .......................... 274 Chapter Eight narrative Rhythm, sound and sense: sun wenbo ........ 281 1. Content bias .................................. 284 2. «The Program»: Content and Plot ................ 288 3. «The Program»: Form .......................... 294 4. narrativity and its Context ...................... 301 Chapter Nine The lower body: yin lichuan and shen haobo ........
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