Les disparitionsC ŽůůĞĐƟǀĞŽĨ F ĂŵŝůŝĞƐŽĨƚŚĞ forcées enD algérie :isppeared in un crime contreA lgeria l’humanité 1990-2000 Publisher: Collective of Families of the Disappeared in Algeria Participated in the preparation of this document: SOS Disappeared Graphic design: Antoine Sintzel (Agence Mount) Legal deposit: February 2016 Photo credits: Rights holders Cover photo credits: Rachel Corner To the mothers and parents of the disappeared who have been fighting for truth and justice for more than twenty years in the memory of the missing and all the victims of the 1990s in Algeria Table of Contents Executive summary 01 Introduction Section IV. The Algerian authorities’ response to the missing persons’ files:- I. What is enforced disappearance? 07 Continuous impunity II. Enforced disappearances in Algeria: a crime against humanity I. From the denial of enforced disappearance to the organisation of impunity 95 Aims and methodology 17 A. 1994-2003 – The denial of the State officials’ involvement in the disappearances 95 The Algerian Civil War 21 B. 2003-2005 – The ad hoc mechanism for dealing with the missing persons: 98 “The State is responsible but not guilty” C. 2005 – National reconciliation: the attempt to close the missing persons’ files in impunity 100 Section I. The State officials as perpetrators of the enforced disappearances II. The Charter for Peace and National Reconciliation: a violation of the right to truth and right to I. The State officials as authors of the arrest of the disappeared 27 full and complete compensation to the families of the disappeared 101 A. The specialised anti-terrorism units working as “combined forces” 29 1. The para-commando regiments of the People’s National Army 30 A. Legal immunity and refusal to conduct investigations: 102 2. Mobile Brigades of the Judicial Police 31 violation of the right to truth B. The State security forces’ ordinary units 33 B. Financial compensation in return for the drawing up of a death certificate: violation of 104 1. The judicial police 33 the right to full and complete compensation 2. The military police 35 C. Prohibition of all criticisms towards the authorities 106 3. The soldiers 35 4. The paramilitary militia 38 Conclusion and recommendations 109 II. The denial of the detention of the missing and the concealment of their fate 42 Appendices Section II. The target of enforced disappearances: the civil population Appendix 1: The structures for coordination on the fight against the subversion and 115 I. The profile of the disappeared: the male youth of the working-class areas 54 terrorism involved in enforced disappearances II. The reason for the disappearances: a population regarded as subversive by the authorities 58 Appendix 2: Testimony of the harassment and torture suffered by the family of the missing Mohamed 118 A. Political opinion 59 Mehalli B. The professions of the missing 61 Appendix 3: Testimony of Sid Ahmed Aber, held in the Southern camps 121 C. Families of wanted persons or persons suspected of having joined the armed groups 64 Appendix 4: Testimony of the disappearance of Djamel Saadoun, 29, student and deferred conscript of the 122 national service, El Biar, Algiers Appendix 5: Testimony of the harassment suffered by the Bouaroura family 123 Section III. The widespread and systematic nature of enforced disappearance Appendix 6: The timeline of enforced disappearances in Gué de Constantine between August and Novem- 125 ber 1996 I. Frequent mass disappearances: the widespread nature of enforced disappearance 70 Appendix 7: The sweeps in El Kennar Nouchfi and El Emir Abdelkader – Jijel province 128 A. Enforced disappearances at the time 70 Appendix 8: Testimony of the torture suffered by Merouane Bendjaël, brother of a missing person 131 1. 1990–1993: the implementation of repression and signs of enforced disappearances 71 Appendix 9: Charter for Truth, Peace and Justice 132 2. 1994–1996: “terror must switch sides”, the peak of enforced disappearances 72 3. 1997–1999: Against a backdrop of massacres, enforced disappearances decreased 73 B. Enforced disappearances across the country 74 II. The recurrence of procedures used: the systematic nature of enforced disappearance 78 A. Frequent and mass arbitrary arrests 78 B. Secret detention: from detention centre to detention centre 81 C. Torture on a large scale 86 D. Denunciation: a key component in the cycle of State repression 91 Acronyms APN – National People’s Assembly NHRI – National Institution of Human Rights ANP – Algerian People’s National Army ONDH – National Observatory on Democracy and Human Rights PCO – Post of Operational Command AIS – Islamic Salvation Army ICCPR – International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights BMPJ – Mobile Brigades of the Judicial Police CCLAS – Centre for the Conduct and Coordination of Anti-Subversive Action MS – Military Security DRS – Department of Intelligence and Security TPP – Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal CCPR – Human Rights Committee CFDA – Collective of Families of the Disappeared in Algeria CFT – Algerian Land Forces Command CJA – Justice Commission for Algeria CNCPPDH – National Consultative Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights ICC– International Criminal Court CPMI – Main Military Investigation Centre CTRI – Territorial Centre of Research and Investigation DCE – Directorate of Counter-Espionage DCSA – Central Directorate for Army Security DGSN – Directorate General of National Security FIS – Islamic Salvation Front FIDH – International Federation for Human Rights GIA – Armed Islamic Group WGEID – Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances Executive summary $VVXFKDFFRUGLQJWRWKH&KDUWHUDQGLWVLPSOHPHQWLQJSURYLVLRQVWKHGLVDSSHDUDQFHVKDYH QHYHUEHHQTXDOL¿HGDVEHLQJHQIRUFHG$VWKHDXWKRULWLHVFRQVLGHUGLVDSSHDUDQFHVDWWKHKDQGV According to international law on human rights and international criminal law, the practice RI6WDWHR൶FLDOVDVLVRODWHGFDVHVRI³H[FHVVLYHDFWV´WKH\GHQ\WKHLQYROYHPHQWRILQVWLWXWLRQV RIHQIRUFHGGLVDSSHDUDQFHLVTXDOL¿HGDVDFULPHDJDLQVWKXPDQLW\ZKHQLWDSSHDUVLWRFFXUUHGDV in this phenomenon SDUWRIDZLGHVSUHDGRUV\VWHPDWLFDWWDFNGLUHFWHGDJDLQVWDFLYLOLDQSRSXODWLRQZLWKWKHSROLWLFDO JRDORIODXQFKLQJVXFKDQDWWDFN 1. $FFRUGLQJWRWKH3UHVLGHQWRI&1&33'+±1DWLRQDO+XPDQ5LJKWV,QVWLWXWH 1+5, LQ $OJHULDFRQVLGHUHGQRQLQGHSHQGHQWE\WKH1+5,¶V81DFFUHGLWDWLRQV\VWHP 7 – these testimo- 'XULQJWKHFLYLOZDURIWKHVLQ$OJHULDWKRXVDQGVRIHQIRUFHGGLVDSSHDUDQFHVZHUH QLHVDUHQRQH[LVWHQW'HWHUPLQLQJWKHIDWHRIWKHPLVVLQJDQGLGHQWLI\LQJWKHSHUSHWUDWRUVRI SHUSHWUDWHGLQWKHQDPHRI¿JKWLQJDJDLQVWWHUURULVPDQGVXEYHUVLRQOHGE\WKH6WDWHVHFXULW\ WKHGLVDSSHDUDQFHVZRXOGEHLPSRVVLEOH+RZHYHUIRUQHDUO\WZHQW\\HDUVWKH&)'$DQG626 IRUFHV±PLOLWDU\JHQHUDOLQWHOOLJHQFH'56SROLFHJHQGDUPHULHSDUDPLOLWDU\PLOLWLDDUPHG 'LVDSSHDUHGKDYHGUDZQXSDOLVWRIQDPHVRIPLVVLQJSHRSOHDQGKDYHFROOHFWHGVHYHUDO JXDUGVHWF,QWKHDQQLYHUVDU\\HDURIWKHDGRSWLRQRIWKH&KDUWHUIRU3HDFHDQG1DWLRQDO WKRXVDQGGHWDLOHGWHVWLPRQLHV RQWKHFLUFXPVWDQFHVVXUURXQGLQJWKHHQIRUFHGGLVDSSHDU - 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