Feb. 19, 1935. J. W. LOGAN, JR 1,991,903 ELECTRIC BRAKE MECHANISM Filed May 4, 1934 3. Sheets-Sheet IEEE5. INVENTOR JOHN W. LOGAN, JR. %26, Feb. 19, 1935. J. W. LoGAN, JR 1991,903 ELECTRC BRAKE MECHANISM Filed May 4, 1934 3. Sheets-Sheet 2 EC NNNNNNNNNN Nava 2 s - e a/2) al NY22 2 o g A2 7 WWENTOR JOHN W. LOGANJR. Feb. 19. 1935. J. W. LOGAN, JR 1,991,903 ELECTRIC BRAKE MECHANISM Filed May 4 1934 3. Sheets-Sheet 3 IWWENTOR JOHN W. LOGAN,Jr. J°waA. ORNE Patented Feb. 19, 1935 1991,903 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE - 1991,903 ELECTRIC BRAKE MECHANISM John W. Logan, Jr., Wilkinsburg, Pa., assignor to The Westinghouse Air Brake Company, Will merding, Pa., a corporation of Pennsylvania Application May 4, 1934, Serial No. 723,853 a 27 Claims. (C. 88-156) This invention relates to a vehicle braking sys equipment and the friction brake equipment tem, and more particularly to such a system in which acts in accordance with the effectiveness which the braking effect is produced by the op of the electrodynamic brake to prevent applica eration of an electrodynamic brake combined tion of the friction brake so long as the electro 5 with a friction brake. i dynamic brake is appreciably effective, and to auto In the braking of high speed trains a desir matically release the electrodynamic brake when able brake to employ is one of the electrodynamic it becomes less effective and to simultaneously type, such as that known as the eddy current cause application of the friction brake to be ap brake, because with an electrodynamic brake high plied with sufficient braking force to bring the 10 braking effort can be obtained at high train vehicle to a complete and full stop. O Speeds without severe shock being caused by an Other objects and advantages of my invention excessive rate of retardation as the speed of the will be apparent from the following description train decreases, as is characteristic of the well taken in connection with the accompanying known friction brake. Also the self regulating drawings, in which 5 properties of the electrodynamic brake reduce the Fig. 1 is a schematic view of a two truck, four 5 hazard of the wheels slipping, even when the axle street car, to which one embodiment of my brake is heavily applied, as in emergency situa invention is applied, tions. Furthermore, this high braking effort is Fig. 2 is a diagrammatic elevational view of one obtained with an electrodynamic brake without of the brake mechanisms, 20 the friction and wear incident to the use of a fric Fig. 3 is an end view of the brake mechanism. 20 tion brake. shown in Fig. 2, When an electrodynamic brake is employed the Fig. 4 is a sectional view taken on the line braking effect becomes less and less as the vehicle 4-4 of Fig. 2, / Speed decreases, until, near zero speed, the elec Fig. 5 is a diagrammatic view of the circuits 25 trodynamic brake has substantially no retarding and apparatus comprising one complete embodi 25 effect. It is, therefore, necessary to supplement ment of the invention, and the electrodynamic braking equipment with an Fig. 6 is a diagrammatic view of the control other brake, such as the well known friction mechanism shown in its brake applying position. brake, so that, at low vehicle speed, the friction Referring to the drawings and particularly to 30 brake will act to provide the desired braking Figs. 1 and 2 thereof, the illustrated embodiment 30 effect until the vehicle has been brought to a com of my invention is applied to each of the four plete stop. The auxiliary or friction brake is axles of a two truck, four axle street car, the also desirable where an eddy current dynamic several units being indicated at i, 2, 3 and 6. A brake is used because the braking torque of the driving motor 5 is geared to each axle G for driv 35 eddy current brake depends upon continuity of ing its associated wheels 7. To each motor shaft, 35 electric power being supplied thereto to maintain is connected a brake drum 8 of magnetic material, application of the brake coils. through which braking effort may be applied by It is a general object of my invention to pro either or both of two brakes, an eddy current vide a dual braking system of the type described, brake, having an operating winding 9, and a 40 and control means in conjunction therewith, for friction brake having a brake band 10. The brake 40 effecting an application of the electrodynamic band 10 is mounted at its midpoint 1 to surround ', brake at relatively high vehicle speeds and which the brake drum 8, the opposite ends 12 and 13 of will automatically release the electrodynamic which are connected by links 16 and 17 to an brake and apply the friction brake at relatively operating cam 14 keyed to a brake lever 15 through 45 low vehicle Speeds in a manner to bring the vehicle a shaft 18. The brake lever 15 and the parts for 45 to a complete stop without appreciable shock. operating it constitute the service portion of the Another object of my invention is to provide friction brake. To the upper end of the lever 15 means for applying the friction brake at speeds a chain 19 is connected and is wound on the higher than those at which it is normally applied ratcheted hand wheel 21 for operating the lever in 50 for making emergency stops, and for effecting a clockwise direction, as viewed in Fig. 2, against 50 concurrent application of both the electrody the pressure of a service spring 22 that is biased namic brake and the friction brake under emer move the lever 15 in a counterclockwise direc gency, stop conditions. tion and apply the brakes. The chain and A further object of my invention is to provide ratcheted hand wheel are required to overcome 55 an interlock system between the electric brake the spring pressure and hold the brake released 55 2 1,991,908 only when it is desired to cut the brake out of gizing the exciting winding thereof, whereupon service, or when electric power is not available. a magnetic flux is established having a path from As shown in Fig. 1 a separate hand wheel 21 is one pole piece 49, across the air gap to the mag provided for each brake unit and is located below netic material of the brake drum 8, around the the floor 44 of the car and outside of the car so two halves of the brake drum, across the air gap 5 that it cannot be operated by the operator or by to the pole piece 51 to the winding portion 48 of an unauthorized person within the car. Obvi the magnetic core. Since the brake drum hub ... ously a single hand wheel might be used to re 46 and the supporting brackets 52 and 53 are of lease all the brake units, if desired. non-magnetic material, substantially all of the 0 As best shown in Fig. 2, a rod 24 is pivotally flux produced by the energizing winding 9 is con 0. connected to the lever 15 at the point 23 and is fined to the magnetic path described. If the connected to be actuated by a release Solenoid 25 brake drum is rotating, eddy currents will be for operating the brake to its release position generated in the magnetic portion, these eddy against the force of a service spring 22, and also currents reacting with the flux producing them to 5 against the force of an emergency spring 39, to provide a retarding motion of the drum 8 of the 5 be more fully described later. When so oper brake. ated to its release position, the brake is held in When the brake drum is rotating there is a that postion by a service holding solenoid 26 that variation in the magnetic flux across the air gaps is connected to the rod 24 through a lever 28, between the pole pieces 49 and 51 and the mag 20 pivotally mounted at 27 upon a bracket 31 ex netic brake drum 8 whenever the slots 47 pass tending upwardly from the frame 32 of the motor across the pole pieces. This variation, which is 5, and pivotally connected at 29 to the service periodic, causes a temporary variation in the flux solenoid. The lever 28 carries a movable con cutting the checking winding 55, thus generating tact member 33 which engages a fixed contact in this winding a voltage that is proportional to 25 member 34, when the brake is in its release posi the frequency of the passage of the slots across tion, closing a circuit through the limit switch the pole pieces, which is proportional to the comprising these members for a purpose to be speed of the vehicle. Since the eddy currents later described. generated in the brake drum and effective for In addition to the service portion of the fric braking the vehicle are proportional to the speed 30 tion brake above described, an emergency portion of the vehicle, the voltage induced in the check is provided comprising a lever 37 loosely mount ing winding 55 may be used to control the appli ed upon the shaft 18 to move independently cation of the friction brake upon a predetermined thereof and extending downwardly therefrom to decrease in the effectiveness of the eddy current the pivot 38.
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