cyan magenta yellow black C MYK MY CY CM 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 DANUBIAN ASSOCIATION psychiatria psychiatria danubina PSYCHIATRIC FACULTAS MEDICA UNIVERSITATIS danubina STUDIORUM 2018 supplement 7 volume 30 ZAGRABIENSIS UDC 616.89 ISSN 0353 - 5053 www.hdbp.org/psychiatria_danubina International Twined Congress Psychiatry beyond DSM-5 Vol. 30/Suppl. 7 pp 393-652 (2018 Vol. ) November 15-17, 2018 Iseo, Italy ISSN 0353 - 5053 Excerpta Medica (EMBASE), Psychological Abstracts/ PsycINFO, Chemical Abstracts, MEDLINE/PubMed, EBSCO, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts/Social Services Abstracts, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Social Sciences Citation Index , Social SciSearch, Journal Citation Reports/ Social Sciences Edition, Journal Citation Reports/ Science Edition, SCOPUS, HRCAK, MEDICINSKA NAKLADA ZAGREB, CROATIA BioMedWorld.com, Research Alert, Google Scholar, Current Contents 9 770353 505002 - Social and Behavioral Sciences,, Web of Science (WoS), CiteFactor. PRO MENTE d.o.o. ZAGREB, CROATIA PSYCHIAT DANUB, 30(suppl. 7): S393-652 November 2018 korice DANUBINA_2018-Suppl-7 cyan magenta yelloww black C MYK MY CY CM 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PSYCHIATRIA DANUBINA An Official Journal of Danubian Psychiatric Association Vol. 30, Suppl. 7 November, 2018 Acknowledgement to genuine initiative for founding Psychiatria Danubina Nenad Bohaþek Gustav Hofmann Honorary Editors - Ehrenredakteure Norman Sartorius, Association for the Improvement of Mental Health Programs 14 Chemin Colladon, CH-1209 Geneve, Switzerland Editors in Chief - Hauptredakteure Miro Jakovljeviü, Department of Psychiatry Werner Schöny University Hospital Centre Zagreb OÖ Landes - Nervenklinik Wagner Jauregg Kišpatiüeva 12, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Wagner-Jauregg-Weg 15, 4020 Linz, Austria International Editorial Board – Internationale Redaktion Agius M. (Cambridge) Jukiü V. (Zagreb) Peþenak J. (Bratislava) Bitter I. (Budapest) Kapfhammer H.P. (Graz) Raboch J. (Prague) Bomba J. (Krakow) Kores Plesniþar B. (Ljubljana) Rakus A. (Bratislava) Dantendorfer K. (Vienna) Krasnov V. (Moscow) Sass H. (Aachen) Deckert J. (Würzburg) Lehofer M. (Graz) Tsygankov B. (Moscow) Hoschl C. (Prague) Libiger J. (Prague) Vlokh I. (Lvov) Jarema M. (Warsaw) Loga S. (Sarajevo) Voracek M. (Vienna) Jašoviü-Gašiü M. (Belgrade) Marksteiner J. (Graz) International Advisory Board – Internationaler Fachbeirat Bhugra D. (London) Gianacopoulos P. (Geneva) Kurimay T. (Budapest) Chiu H. (Hong Kong) Goldberg D. (London) Lazarescu M. (Timisoara) Dimsdale J. (San Diego) Herrman H. (Melbourne) de Leon J. (Lexington) Ferrero F. (Geneva) Hranov L. (Sofia) Oancea C. (Bucharest) Fleischacker W. (Innsbruck) Kasper S. (Vienna) Rossler W. (Zurich) Friedrich M.H. (Vienna) Koichev G. (Sofia) Svrakic D. (St. Louis) Gabriel E. (Vienna) Kua E.H. (Singapore) Veltischev D. (Moscow) Editor Assistants – Assistenten an der Redakteur Ivona Šimunoviü Filipþiü (Zagreb) Martina Rojniü Kuzman (Zagreb) Ena Iveziü (Zagreb) Guest Editor: Giuseppe Tavormina (Iseo) Computer service: UNIGRAF P. Heruca 6, Zagreb Printed by - Herstellung: MEDICINSKA NAKLADA Cankarova 13, Zagreb PSYCHIATRIA DANUBINA Psychiatria Danubina is cited/ abstrac- ted in Excerpta Medica (EMBASE), Psychological Abstracts/ PsycINFO, CONTENTS Chemical Abstracts, MEDLINE/ PubMed, EBSCO, Cambridge Scientific International Twined Congress - Psychiatry beyond DSM-5 Abstracts/Social Services Abstracts, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Social Sciences Citation Iseo, Italy, November 15-17, 2018 Index, Social SciSearch, Journal Cita- tion Reports/ Social Sciences Edition, Editorials................................................................................................................ 396 Journal Citation Reports/ Science Tavormina G: HOW UNDERSTANDING THE TEMPERAMENTS Edition, SCOPUS, BioMedWorld.com, Research Alert, Google Scholar, CAN HELP CLINICIANS TO MAKE A CORRECT DIAGNOSIS HRýAK, Current Contents - Social OF BIPOLAR MOOD DISORDERS: 10 CASE REPORTS ........................... 398 and Behavioral Sciences, Web of Science (WoS). Zdanowicz N, Reynaert C, Jacques D, Lepiece B, Godenir F, Psychiatria Danubina (ISSN 0353-5053) Pivont V & Dubois T: DEPRESSION AND PHYSICAL HEALTH, is published quarterly by Medicinska naklada, Cankarova 13, 10000 Zagreb, THE THERAPEUTIC ALLIANCE AND ANTIDEPRESSANTS .................. 401 Croatia; Pro Mente d.o.o., 10000 Zagreb, Franza F, Solomita B, Pellegrino F & Aldi G: Croatia. The cost of a yearly subscription to RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COGNITIVE REMEDIATION the journal is € 50.00 for institutions, AND EVALUATION TOOLS IN CLINICAL ROUTINE.............................. 405 € 40.00 for individual subscribers and € 30.00 for students - the prices are Patigny P, Zdanowicz N & Lepiece B: HOW SHOULD PSYCHIATRISTS without postage. (Payments in other currencies will be accepted on the basis AND GENERAL PHYSICIAN COMMUNICATE TO INCREASE of the official currency exchange rates). PATIENTS’ PERCEPTION OF CONTINUITY OF CARE AFTER Advertising enquiries, correspondence and copy requests should be addressed to THEIR HOSPITALIZATION FOR ALCOHOL WITHDRAWAL?............... 409 Prof. Miro Jakovljeviü, Psychiatric Therasse A, Persano HL, Ventura AD & Tecco JM: University Clinic, KBC Zagreb, Kišpatiüeva 12, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia INCIDENCE AND PREVENTION OF DEEP VEIN (tel: +385 1 23-88-394; THROMBOSIS IN RESTRAINED PSYCHIATRIC PATIENTS ................... 412 tel/fax: +385 1 23-88-329). E-mail: [email protected] Lantin C, Franco M, Dekeuleneer F-X, Chamart D & Tecco JM: All advertising material is expected to conform to ethical and medical NEUROLEPTIC MALIGNANT SYNDROME IN A PATIENT standards. No responsibility is assumed TREATED WITH CLOTIAPINE .................................................................... 415 by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a Jacques D, Maricq A, Dubois T, Lepiece B, Zdanowicz N & Zelgrange E: matter of products liability, negligence PARTIAL DENIAL OF PREGNANCY AT 32 WEEKS IN A DIABETIC or otherwise, or from any use or opera- tion of any methods, products, instruc- AND SUICIDAL PATIENT: A CASE REPORT. tions or ideas contained in the material What Are the Treatment Recommendations? ................................................... 418 herein. Because of the rapid advances in the medical sciences, the Publisher Naviaux A-F: TRIAGE OF CHILDREN WITH MENTAL HEALTH recommends that independent verifica- tion of diagnosis and drug dosages DIFFICULTIES PRESENTING IN A&E IN A GENERAL HOSPITAL ......... 422 should be made. Discussion, views and Tavormina D: STRESSFUL CHILDHOOD EVENTS: A RETROSPECTIVE recommendations as to medical proce- dures, choice of drugs and drug dosages JOURNEY INTO THE LIFE OF ADULTS WITH DEPRESSION; are the responsibility of the authors. A REPORT OF 5 CASES. The importance of maternal love........................... 426 ©2018 MEDICINSKA NAKLADA Zagreb, Cankarova 13, Croatia; Amorosi M: ECOSUSTAINIBILITY AND MENTAL HEALTH: FACULTAS MEDICA UNIVERSITATIS STUDIORUM FEMALE ASPECTS ........................................................................................ 431 ZAGRABIENSIS, Zagreb, Croatia; Del Buono G: THE PRECISION PSYCHIATRY. PRO MENTE d.o.o., Zagreb on the behalf of the Danube Psychiatric An Individualized Approach to the Diseases.................................................... 436 Association. de Ruffi T & Zdanowicz N: EFFECTS OF FINANCIAL Tel/fax: +385 1 37-79-444; Website: www.medicinskanaklada.hr PRECARIOUSNESS ON MENTAL HEALTH............................................... 439 E-mail: [email protected] Franco M, Lantin C, Dekeuleneer F-X, Bongaerts X & Tecco JM: All rights reserved. It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submited to A TRANSIENT PERSONALITY DISORDER INDUCED this journal have not been published and BY FOOTBALL MATCHES........................................................................... 443 will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. By submitting a Dubois T, Reynaert C, Jacques D, Lepiece B, Patigny P & Zdanowicz N: manuscript, the authors agree that the IMMUNITY AND PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS: VARIABILITIES copyright for their article is transferred to the Publisher if and when the article is OF IMMUNITY BIOMARKERS ARE THEY SPECIFIC? ............................ 447 accepted for publication. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in Juli G, Juli R & Juli L: SLEEP DISORDERS: retrieval system, or transmitted, in any ARE THEY A GENETIC QUESTION? .......................................................... 452 form or by any means, electronic, mecha- nical, photocopying, recording or other- Spurio MG: REWRITING NEURAL PATHWAYS TO STOP wise, without the prior written permission of the Publisher. DEPRESSIVE DISTRESS IN A SUSPENDED SPACE AWAY .....................457 Printed in Croatia. Weatherby TJM & Agius M: ETHICAL AND ORGANISATIONAL Publication of the journal is suppor- ted by the Croatian Ministry of Science, CONSIDERATIONS IN SCREENING FOR DEMENTIA............................. 463 Education and Sport. McKeever A & Agius M: DEMENTIA RISK ASSESSMENT AND RISK IMPACT FACTOR: 1.34 REDUCTION USING CARDIOVASCULAR RISK FACTORS.................... 469 PSYCHIATRIA DANUBINA 2018 Ɣ supplement 7 Ɣ volume 30 Demont C, Zdanowicz N, Reynaert C, Jacques D & Dubois T: CORRELATIONS BETWEEN EVENT-RELATED POTENTIALS AND NK CELLS, B AND T LYMPHOCYTES .........................................................475 Tavormina MGM, Tavormina R, Franza F, Vacca A & Di Napoli
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