THE ADVOCATE “Brining out the advocate in everyone” July 2011 C O N T E N T ATRC holds 40 lectures in 40 primary schools, with the theme “Children in Page 1 environmental protection” ATRC has held lec- tures on the topic Lectures were held in 27 municipalities and 40 primary schools such “Children in environ- as: Pejë: Primary School“Lidhja e Prizrenit" dhe “Ramiz Sadiku; ATRC during May- mental protection “ in 40 Gllogoc -Komoran: Primary School “Xheladin Gashi- Plaku” dhe June, 2011 held 40 environmen primary schools of 27 “Arif Shala” Koretice e Poshtme, Viti :Sllatina Primary School municipalities of Kosovo tal lectures on "Children in environmental protection." "Njazi Rexhepi” dhe Viti “Deshmoret e Vitise”; Novoberde: Page 2 The aim of the lectures was to Primary School "Nushi&Tefiku"; Obiliq Millosheva: “Liria” dhe “Fazli Grajqevci” Palaj; Fushe Kosove: Primary School: "Daut ATRC organized train- in- Bogujevci" dhe “Vellezrit Frasheri” Miradi e Poshtme,Ferizaj ing on “Participatory form students about environm Budgeting” in 10 munici- ental issues in gen- Primary School “Ganimete Terbeshi” Deqan Beleg” Primary palities of Kosovo eral and their di- School: "Ardhmeria” dhe “Kuvendi i Verave te Llukes” Lluke e Eperme; Kaqanik Primary School "Qamil Ilazi" Kaqaniku i Vjeter Trajning by Intercoop- rect engagement in advocacy dhe “7 Shtatori” Begrace; Gjakove: Primary School “Selman Riza” eration and Care Interna- campaigns. dhe “Mazllom Kepuska”; Kline Jagode: Primary School: "Ate tional Gjergj Fishta" dhe “Motrat Qiriazi” Kline; Malisheve: "Afrim Page 3 Krasniqi” dhe ”Emin Duraku”; Lipjan: Primary School "Ismail ATRC - CSSProject Luma” dhe “Zenel Hajdini” Gadime; Kamenice : Primary School train for Intergative Me- “Fan Noli” “Rexhep Mala” Topanice; Gjilan Primary School: diation and certify 15 "Thimi Mitko” dhe “ Abaz Ajeti” Zabel; Prishtine: Primary Mediators School: "Dardania”, Mitrovicë Primary School “Branko Badicevic” ATRC assists new Mu- dhe “Sveti Sava” Zvecan Primary School “Vuk Karadzic” dhe nicipalities in drafting Zvecan Zerovnica; Leposavic Primary School “Leposavic” dhe and revising regulations Lesak “Stana Bacanin”; Zubin Potok Primary School “Petar Kocic on transparency dhe Zubin Potok “Bllagoje Radic”; Babin Most Primary School Letter from the Little “Milan Rakic”. Ambassadors of the En- The project is funded by the U.S. Embassy in Pristina. vironment Faqe 4 ATRC—PILPG Organize the conference “Justice and the People” ATRC train the staff of the NGO: Action Against Violence and Peace Building– ANP Gjilan Informant: The Advocate is the monthly publication of the ATRC, which aims to inform non-governmental organizations, donors, media, representatives of institutions, etc., for activities conducted at the ATRC and its partners. We hope and wish that the publication will be a function of information and better coordination of activities between the ATRC and other non-governmental organizations in Kosovo. The publication was made possible thanks to the readiness and willingness of the ATRC staff. THE ADVOCATE Faqe 2 ATRC organized training on "Participatory Budgeting" in 10 municipalities of Kosovo During April to The Training focused June 2011,ATRC has held 10 on the need to involve citizens in participatory budget- training sessions about ing process as a mechanism "Participatory Budgeting". The that allows citizens to be in- Partici- volved in the decision making pro- pants of the training were cess from the planning phase of the members of municipal budget to the implemen- the Assembly, municipal offici tation of it. als and civil society representa- These activities are a continuation of the "Resolution of Social Conflict" tives from 10 municipalities of financed by the International Center Kosovo: Peja, Gjakova,Prizren, Olof Palme . Klina, Suva- Reka, Istok, Malishevë, Decani, Orahovac and Dragash. Training supported by Intercooperation Training supported by Care International ATRC organized a three day training about ATRC supported by Care International Kosovo "Designing the project proposal" for gender equality in June, held two-day training on "Leadership and officials, other municipal officials, and representa- Governance." Participants in these trainings were tives of the civil society from 9 municipalities of Ko- representatives of youth NGOs, beneficiaries’ of sovo: Kamenica, Novo Brdo, Kllokot, Hani I Care International Kosovo. Elezit, Kacanik, Raniluge, Viti, Partes and Strpce. The purpose of organizing this training was to in- The Training is focused on explaining in gen- crease the capacity of partici- eral all elements of a project pro- pants for effective leadership of NGOs and non- posal. The training methodology is based on the logi- profit sector. The training addressed the mean- cal approach, which allowed the participants ing of leadership and governance; in particular to develop projects from initial ideas, determining the concepts, structures, and principles of lead- objectives, project implementation and budg- ing NGOs. Furthermore, the board's role, functions, et. During the training, the participants have devel- accountability, and responsibilities of NGOs, the oped two draft projects in the field decision making process, performance monitoring of gender equality and infrastructure. and support. THE ADVOCATE Faqe 3 ATRC - CSSProject for Intergative Mediation train and certify 15 Mediators The training was divided in- Starting from June 25 until July 8, to two phases; in basic training and advan 2011, ATRC in partnership with the ced, aiming with- organiza- in two weeks, to equip participants with t tion CSSProject for Integrative Mediati he necessary skills and the skills of a me- on and the Ministry of Justice, Media- tion Committee, organized a two- diator, in order that their involvement as week intensive training for 15 media- mediators in practice be as easy and tors in the region of Prishtina, at the as successful at the same time. end they were certified by ATRC and CSSP. According to the Law on Mediation, approved by the Assembly of Kosovo in 2008,intermediaries will be licensed by the Ministry of Justice and will then engage in the process of mediation in cases that are referred by courts or directly, as one of the most quick to reduce backlogs in courts. The two day training is financially supported by the Norwegian Embassy in Prishtina and the Ministry of Justice. ATRC assists new municipalities in drafting and Letter from the Little Ambassadors of the Environment revising regulations on transparency "The Young Environmental Ambassadors" have ATRC during this quarter has continued to addressed a letter to the representatives of the Kosovo insti- work on capacity building for three new municipali- tutions, in which they have expressed their concern about ties: Gracanica, Kllokot and Ranilug. During this peri- the state of the environment. In their letter among other od, three workshops were organized in each municipali- things they wrote: "We want our sky to be blue and crystal ty, with the purpose of facilitating the process of draft- clear. We want our rivers and springs to be to clean. We ing municipal regulations. want healthy and fertile soil for our bread. We want our forests to be green and full of life. We want our cit- In all three municipalities working groups were formed, composed of members of the Munici- ies without waste and noise. We want more space for play- pal Assembly and representatives of the civil socie- grounds and entertainment. Do not destroy our future. We ty who were involved in drafting and revising regulations want Kosovo to be clean. " on transparency. As a result of these workshops the mu- The Young Environmental Ambassadors Project nicipality of Gracanica developed draft rules for transpar- is implemented by the Advocacy Training and Resource ency; whereas the municipali- Center, ATRC, and supported by the U.S. Embas- ty of Kllokot and Ranilug modified existing regulations in sy in Pristina. This project aims to increase the level of edu- accordance with applicable laws. Regulations for transparency in these municipalities were developed / modified in accordance with the Law on public access to documents and rules for government communications s ervice to the public. These activities are part of the "successful practice- functional municipality" funded by USAID funds. THE ADVOCATE Faqe4 ATRC and PILPG organize the conference “Justice and the People” On June 30, 2011 the first conference was organized within the jointcampaign by ATRC and PILPG called "Justice and the People: Strengthening the rule of law in Kosovo" and aimed to bring together NGOs, civil society groups, and grassroots leaders interested in greater access to jus- tice and to reform aspects of the justice system. Participants included experts from various segments of society in Kosovo, and some of the main purposes of the discus- sion were: to generate insights and recommendations for improving the current legal system, an examination of ways to en- courage citizens of Kosovo to take initiative for improving the justice system, to advo- cate for needed reforms, to analyze the general perceptions of the justice system, and to identi- fy ways to empower citizens and civil soci- ety. Inputs provided by participants of the roundtable provided an overview of the important problems in the fields of justice system reform, access to justice, etc.. This conference represents only the first of many future events that are de- signed to promote this campaign. ATRC train the staff
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