RESEARCH ARTICLE Adv. Sci. Lett. Vol. 24, No. 7, 2018 36-6612/2018/24/606/006 doi:10.1166/asl.2018.11735 Copyright © 2011 American Scientific Publishers Advanced Science Letters All rights reserved Vol. 24, Number 7 2018 Printed in the United States of America Cohesiveness Oral Tradition and Tradition Write: A Case Study On Expansion events and figures Gajah Mada of Majapahit in East Aceh Section 1,2 1,2 Asnawi , Mufti Riyani 1 Departement Of Science Education, Faculty Of Education, Samudra University, Aceh, 24416, Indonesia 2 History Departement, Faculty Of Education, Samudra University, Aceh, 24416, Indonesia This study intends to determine the extent to which these oral traditions intersect with historical events and how the myths that developed in the community Tamiang and Perlak as well as in border areas that show the name identification that was related to the events of the expedition and the name of Gajah Mada of Majapahit. Folklore, myth, and the story are the reduction process of the oral tradition that developed and influential in the lives of today. These researchers utilize historical-critical method with traditional historiologies types. This type of research selected because researchers want to use the resources in the form of oral tradition. Highlighted the oral tradition that is still alive in the people of Aceh the East in order to obtain the views of local residents as a source to write a history of the triumph of Majapahit and Gajah Mada figures from a different angle. In the field, historians were often hit by lack of written sources related to a historical event (missing link). This lost period did not disappear completely. Stories, Stories of Heroism, Fables, tale, Chronicle,etc., it often provides a description of the missing historical periods. As a collective memory that was spoken from generation to generation, oral traditions can be a source of history with a particular process. This study uses the historical method with the use of traditional sources; results showed that the process of expansion into Eastern part of Aceh is not written in detail in the book Pararaton and Negarakertagama and leave no evidence of conquests like inscriptions or other written evidence. This expansion event is only recorded through oral tradition associated with some place names or toponymy in the eastern part of Aceh, especially in Aceh Tamiang and Peureulak, East Aceh district Keywords: East Aceh Section, Expansion Of Majapahit, Oral Tradition, Tradition Write 1. INTRODUCTION The arrival of Majapahit and his envoy to the area has not been widely disclosed in historical writing. Gajah Historical events and great figures always Mada of Majapahit and given the conquered kingdoms or interesting to be rewritten in a variety of viewpoints. One regions of expansion is different from the view of the of the great figures of the archipelago is Gajah Mada. historical center. As with any relationship creates a binary Gajah Mada or the highest office called Mahapatih Gajah opposition notch ordination and subordination. Gajah Mada is a mahapatih during the triumph of Majapahit. Mada of Majapahit and was hailed as a hero and a great Together with King Hayam Wuruk of Majapahit which empire capable of uniting the archipelago given the ruled in the range of 1350-13891. Gajah Mada moves historical center but became a figure which is realize Palapa Oath. Palapa Oath and his form in contradictory for the countries conquered and territory expedition history Majapahit intersection Pamalayu expansion. incised with the rest area outside Java island, one of them A great tradition in the history of Sumatra began with the Kingdom of the ocean, and the Empire of with manuscripts written in the form of Hikayat. Samudra, Empire of Peurelak and BenuaTamieng is now Manuscript offensive Majapahit expedition to Sumatra, in parts of East Aceh region. one of the renowned saga is a tale 23111 king Pasai. The Email Adress: [email protected] 1 Adv. Sci. Lett. Vol. 4, No. 2, 2011 1936-6612/2011/4/400/008 doi:10.1166/asl.2011.1261 RESEARCH ARTICLE Adv. Sci. Lett. Vol. 24, No. 7, 2018 36-6612/2018/24/606/006 doi:10.1166/asl.2018.11735 saga rewrote in historical writing like Tarich Atjeh and Based on the description above, the oral tradition, Archipelago written by Zainuddin by using a source of in this case, can be used as a historical source because it oral tradition. These traits appear in the discussion of the contains things that are positive. This fitsI Gde Widja6 events with the utilization of the words 'according to the opinion stating that oral tradition actually contains source of the story' or 'told by sahibulsaga2. In through the information that is about life of a community with its saga, Majapahit expedition to Sumatra (Aceh) have not various aspects and is special because it is internal been written in the book Pararaton and Negarakertagama information or information from within. in detail. The oral tradition of the People of Gajah Mada of Gajah Mada is believed to lead the expedition to Majapahit which can be traced in the area of East Aceh. Sumatra, which was told as stories or folk tales associated Majapahit contiguity and Gajah Mada in this area is with the names of several places in the eastern part of believed to be the name of a language or phoneme sounds Aceh. The events of this expedition aredescribed in the similar to the word Majapahit; the place is like a hill form of stories or oral tradition and do not develop as a called Manyak Payed (pronounced 'maya'pait) in the historical record3. Tamiang, East Aceh. Besides Manyak Payed in Tamiang If traced based on literature sources there is a area, still, there is a swamp that is between Peurlak and possibility of contact history and the Majapahit kingdom Peu Dadawa with name Paya Gajah. The origin of the and BenuaTamieng. Based on the Timeline adapted from name of two places and several other locations in the various sources, there are number 1352 which stated eastern part of Aceh region has its own tale. invasion of Majapahit to Tamiang, thwarted by This study intends to determine the extent to mangkubhumi Muda Sedinu or known by the name of which these oral traditions intersect with historical events Raja Muda Sedia. According to Ali Hasmy adapted by and how the myths that developed in the community Emi Suhaemi in his writings 'Acehnese Women in Tamiang and Perlak as well as in border areas that show Government and War', appears the name of the daughter the name identification that was related to the events of of Lindung Bulan, daughter of Raja Muda Sedia that the the expedition and the name of Gajah Mada of Majapahit. royal government Benua Tamieng role as Prime Minister. Folklore, myth, and the story are the reduction process of Princess Lindung Bulan or called Princess Sri Kandee the oral tradition that developed and influential in the pursuing a strategy ruse to repulse the duke of Nala, who lives of today. occupied the island of Majapahit envoy Kampey (one region Tamiang) in 1377 4. 2. ORAL TRADITION IN HISTORYCAL METHOD Historical events in a different perspective, in fact, can not always be written. The reasons for this may be These researchers utilize historical-critical due to the limitations of the data sources and less method with traditional historiologies types. This type of stimulation of the written tradition in society. However, research selected because researchers want to use the the events and historical figures in space or the scene is resources in the form of oral tradition. Oral tradition as often retold with a tradition called the oral tradition. materials in this study is an attempt to capture the Although the levels of validity as historical sources have experiences of the group in the past through stories limitations as anachronism properties (not sequential) and passed on from generation to generation from generation the element of subjectivity which is greater than the to generation have a distinctive aspect. The oral tradition written sources and oral history5. is the form of the saga, myth, folklore, stories, imagery or In this case, oral history can also be said to maxim and kind of oral tradition that contains historical contain the oral tradition itself. This often happens data related to the object of the oral tradition according to because it can be considered more meaningful because it the location used as a case study. is the visual reconstruction of the events that had ever As well as historiography, according to historical taken place contained in the memory of every individual research Gottschalk using four stages of heuristics or human being. This oral history can be a primary source if tracing, criticism, interpretation and writing of history, but it is delivered by a perpetrator or a witness, or a for this study using oral tradition as a source of historical secondary source if not the perpetrators or witnesses, but sources, then this needs to be categorized oral tradition7. people who know of an event. The time span of these Oral tradition in the story category tends to convey the eventshas gone too far to be able to find the perpetrators facts to the taste of speakers so filled with additions and witnesses of history required by oral history. according to taste, therefore, need to do a comparison test Meanwhile, the oral tradition is an oral testimony with the information from other speakers8.). delivered orally from generation to generation, although 3. Cohesiveness Oral Tradition and Tradition Write: its content is not a historical event actually occurred or in Expansion events and figures Gajah Mada of the form of tradition, however, does not mean it is Majapahit in East Aceh Section unlikely that the oral tradition contains the instructions for opening the historical facts and resources the new-source in the writing of history.
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