[CANCER RESEARCH 44, 2089-2102, May 1984] Production of Skeletal Muscle Elements by Cell Lines Derived from Neoplastic Rat Mammary Epithelial Stem Cells Philip S. Rudland,1 Damien J. Dunnington, Barry Gusterson, Paul Monaghan, and Christine M. Hughes Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (London Branch), Royal Marsden Hospital, Downs Road, Button, Surrey SM2 5PX, United Kingdom ABSTRACT chymal elements seen in certain tumors of the mammary gland arise from preexisting, but more primitive, mesenchymal cells or Single-cell-cloned cell lines intermediate in morphology be from epithelial cells of the mammary parenchyma (3). tween the cuboidal epithelial and fully elongated myoepithelial- The carcinogen-induced tumors of the rat mammary gland like cells have been isolated from the single-cell-cloned epithelial usually contain both epithelial and myoepithelial-like cells (43), stem cell lines Rama 25 and Rama 37 originally obtained from and single-cell-cloned epithelial stem cell lines have been isolated dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-induced mammary tumors from from such tumors which were growing either in an outbred Sprague-Dawley and Wistar-Furth rats, respectively. These are Sprague-Dawley rat (6) or in an inbred Wistar-Furth rat (15). The designated Rama 25-11, Rama 25-I2, Rama 25-I4 (Sprague- former cell line is called Rama2 25, and the latter line is named Dawley) and Rama 50-55, Rama 59, and Rama 60 (Wistar- Rama 37. Both these single-cell-cloned epithelial cell lines can Furth), respectively. When growing as tumors in nude mice or give rise to elongated, myoepithelial-like cells in vitro. When syngeneic Wistar-Furth rats, respectively, many of the newly injected into nude mice (36) or syngeneic rats, respectively (15), cloned cell lines give rise to spindle and giant, multinucleated they form tumors which also contain both these cell types. That cells which stain immunocytochemically with antisera to myoglo- the parental cell line Rama 25 and the single-cell-cloned sublines bin and myosin and contain longitudinal fibrils, some of which developed from Rama 37, particularly Rama 37 CL-A3, are contain phosphotungstic acid-hematoxylin-staining cross-stria- epithelial in origin is confirmed by their characteristic ultrastruc tions. Ultrastructural analysis demonstrates the presence of A-, ture (6, 15, 29), the presence of intermediate filamental proteins I-, and H-bands and Z-discs and the hexagonal arrangement of of the prekeratin type (15, 25, 41), and the expression of MFGM thick and thin filaments characteristic of skeletal muscle. Similar antigens in tumors formed by injecting the cells into the appro results are obtained with selected cloned cell lines growing on priate rodents (10, 15, 36). Furthermore, Rama 25 cells can floating collagen gels in vitro. Thus, a developmental^ committed make small amounts of casein, the major protein product of the mammary epithelial cell can give rise, under suitable conditions, alveolar cell of the mammary gland, both in tissue culture with to a well-differentiated mesenchymal lineage, that of skeletal the appropriate hormones (40) and when growing as a tumor in muscle. It is suggested that such cells may be responsible for lactating nude mice (37), confirming its mammary epithelial iden the generation of the well-differentiated mesenchymal elements tity. In the course of this work, both single-cell-cloned cell lines seen in the mixed (epithelial and myoepithelial) tumors of glan also gave rise to a spectrum of cells with morphological forms dular origin. varying from cuboidal epithelial to fully elongated cells. We now report the isolation of some of these cells as single-cell-cloned INTRODUCTION lines from both epithelial precursors and show that they can give rise to tumors in rodents or structures on rafts of floating collagen In certain glandular systems, the myoepithelial cells which gels (17) that contain cells of another well-differentiated mesen surround the ductal epithelial cells have properties similar in chymal lineage, that of skeletal muscle. many respects to those of smooth muscle cells (21). The myo epithelial cell, however, is considered to arise from ductal epithe MATERIALS AND METHODS lial cells at least in the mammary (28, 33) and possibly in the salivary glands (13, 22). The mixed tumors which arise in the Tissue Culture. Rama 25 and Rama 29 cells isolated from a DMBA- salivary glands, the pleomorphic adenomas in particular, contain induced tumor in a Sprague-Dawley rat were grown in RM in an atmos both epithelial and myoepithelial cells together with varying phere of 10% CO2-90% air at 37°(6). Rama 25-25 cells were grown to amounts of well-differentiated mesenchymal products which in confluence, and fresh RM was added to the cultures 12 hr before cloning. clude banded collagen fibers, cartilage, and bone (21). In the Cells were detached by incubation with EDTA-trypsin solutions, and 96 mammary gland, tumors may arise in the epithelium that appar single cells were picked and grown up in wells containing cloning medium ently produce mucoid, chondroid, osteoid, and even bony inter (38). The overall cloning efficiency was 59%, and the percentages of colonies with cells of cuboidal, elongated, and intermediate morphologies cellular substances, and although extremely rare in humans they were 86, 2, and 12%. Three cell clones of intermediate morphology were are more frequent in dogs (18,19, 39). Usually, in humans these grown up in RM and frozen at passage 31. These were designated heterologous elements are thought to originate from neoplastic connective tissue elements (12), although there is evidence for 2 The abbreviations used are: Rama, rat mammary, followed by the single-cell transitional forms between carcinomatous and chondrosarcom- clone number and then a passage number; Rama 25-11, first cell line of intermediate morphology single cell cloned from Rama 25; Rama 37 CL, cell line of large cuboidal atous components suggesting a common ancestry (24). Thus, cells ring cloned from Rama 37; Rama 37 CL-A3, cell line single cell cloned from there is still doubt about whether the well-differentiated mesen Rama 37 CL (15); Rama 37 E, cell line of relatively elongated cells ring cloned from Rama 37; DMBA, 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene; MFGM, milk fat globule mem brane; PTAH, phosphotungstic acid-hematoxylin; RM, routine medium (Dulbecco's 1To whom requests for reprints should be addressed. modified Eagle's medium, 10% fetal calf serum, hydrocortisone (50 ng/ml), and Received October 25, 1983; accepted January 27, 1984. insulin (50 ng/ml). MAY 1984 2089 Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on October 2, 2021. © 1984 American Association for Cancer Research. P.S.Rudlandetal. Rama37 grown for 3 to 4 days to a density of about 80 to 90% of that at (cuboidalepithelialcell) confluency. Two x 106 cells in 0.2 ml Ca2+- and Mg2+-free phosphate- buffered saline were then injected into the right inguinal fat pad, either through the skin of 6-week-old female nude mice or by making an incision and exteriorizing the relevant region in 62-day-old female rats (15, 38). Tumors were palpated and sized each week as before, and when about 1 cm in diameter they were removed and fixed for histology. At autopsy, ringcloning animals were examined for visible metastatic tumor deposits in the lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys, lymph nodes, and gonads. Any suspicious areas were processed for histology. To obtain lactating nude mice bearing tumors, female nude mice carrying tumors up to 1 cm in diameter were mated with male BALB/c mice and sacrificed 3 days after parturition. Both the tumor and the left inguinal mammary glands were removed and Rama37E Rama37CL processed for histology (37). (moreelongatedcells) (cuboidalepithelialcell) Histology of Tumors and Collagen Gels. Tumors were cut into slices less than 0.5 cm thick, and both tumor slices and collagen gels were fixed in 60% methanol-30% lnhibisol-10% acetic acid (v/v) for 24 hr at 4°and processed as before (41). Sections were stained by hematoxylin and eosin, Hoechst 33258, reticulin, Picro-Mallory's acid, Martius scarlet blue, and PTAH methods as described by Drury and Wallington (14), except that the Hoechst-stained sections were irradiated with UV and singlecellcloning restained with Giemsa (6, 27), and the reticulin method was that of Chadwin (11). The fluorochrome Hoechst 33258 was purchased from Riedel de Haen AG, Seelze-Hannover, West Germany. Photographs were taken on llford Pan F film using a Reichert Polyvar microscope. Immunocytochemical Staining. Immunocytochemical staining of sec tions of tumors and collagen gels was carried out by an indirect procedure Rama50to55 Rama37C A3 using an alkaline phosphatase-conjugated second antibody (2, 41). Pri Rama59and60 (cuboidalepithelialcell) mary antibodies raised in rabbits against rat MFGM; purified human keratins (molecular weights, 69,000, 57,000, 47,000, 45,000, and (elongatedcells) 43,000), pig uterine smooth muscle myosin (30), and actin3 (purchased Chart 1. Summary of the isolation of different cell lines of the Rama 37 system. from Miles Chemical Co.) have been characterized and described previ Cell strains from the single-cell-cloned cell line Rama 37 were picked initially with a ously (41, 42). Rabbit antiserum to human skeletal muscle myoglobin ring clone; subsequently, cell lines were generated by picking single cells. Rama was purchased from Miles Yeda (Code 65-075, Lot R 542). In immuno- 37 E were more elongated than the large cuboidal (CL) epithelial cells, Rama 37 cytochemical tests, it reacted only with normal skeletal muscle and not CL, but still were not as fully elongated as Rama 29 or the equivalent elongated cells developed from Rama 37 CL-A3 (15). with smooth muscle or circulating RBC, and the staining of skeletal muscle could be abolished by prior incubation of this antibody with equine skeletal muscle myoglobin (Sigma Code M 0630). Rabbit antisera Rama 25-11, Rama 25-I2, and Rama 25-I4.
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