1912 1912 1912 CircaCirca 19131913 •• LowLow levellevel interceptorinterceptor sewersewer •• “M”“M” buildingbuilding pumpingpumping stationstation •• PrimaryPrimary settlingsettling tankstanks CircaCirca 19451945 toto 19501950 •• AddAdd incinerationincineration –– #1#1 andand #2#2 incineratorsincinerators •• AddAdd dewateringdewatering –– coilcoil filtersfilters •• AddAdd administrationadministration buildingbuilding Circa 1948 1950 CircaCirca 19541954 CircaCirca 19551955 •• AddAdd digestiondigestion tankstanks andand gasgas controlcontrol buildingbuilding –– andand spheresphere Circa 1955 Circa 1955 Circa 1955 CircaCirca 19571957 toto 19641964 •• AddAdd secondarysecondary treatmenttreatment –– aerationaeration tanks,tanks, blowerblower building,building, heatingheating buildingbuilding •• AddAdd digestiondigestion tankstanks #9#9 toto #12#12 •• AddAdd primaryprimary tankstanks #7#7 toto #9#9 1962 CircaCirca 19651965 toto 19731973 •• AddAdd incineratorsincinerators #3#3 toto #5#5 •• AddAdd “T”“T” buildingbuilding pumpingpumping stationstation (Mid(Mid-- TorontoToronto interceptorinterceptor system)system) •• AddAdd aerationaeration tankstanks #7#7 toto #9,#9, coveredcovered allall tankstanks toto reducereduce odourodour Circa 1965 CircaCirca 19741974 toto 19791979 •• AddAdd thermalthermal conditioningconditioning processprocess •• AddAdd incineratorsincinerators #6#6 toto #8#8 •• AddAdd primaryprimary tankstanks #10#10 toto #12#12 •• AddAdd emissionemission airair systemsystem andand 608’608’ stackstack CircaCirca 19791979 Circa 1979 CircaCirca 19801980 toto 19881988 •• AddAdd plantplant waterwater towertower andand plantplant waterwater pumpingpumping stationstation •• AddAdd seawallseawall electricalelectrical substationsubstation •• ConvertConvert coilcoil toto clothcloth filtersfilters toto beltbelt presses,presses, addadd centrifugescentrifuges #1#1 andand #2#2 CircaCirca 19881988 19881988 toto 20072007 •• AddAdd digesterdigester gasgas controlcontrol buildingbuilding •• AddAdd plantplant--widewide heatingheating systemsystem •• AddAdd biosolidsbiosolids loadingloading facilityfacility •• AddAdd pelletizerpelletizer facilityfacility –– twice!twice! 19881988 toto 20072007 •• AddedAdded digestiondigestion tankstanks #13#13 toto #16#16 inin 1991,1991, thenthen addedadded digestiondigestion tankstanks #19#19 toto #22#22 inin 1997.1997. DougDoug isis stillstill waitingwaiting forfor #17#17 andand #18….#18…. •• AddedAdded aerationaeration andand finalfinal settlingsettling tankstanks #10#10 andand #11#11 •• AddedAdded centrifugescentrifuges #3#3 toto #12#12 20032003 20072007 ABTPABTP fromfrom SpaceSpace (Google Earth) PhotosPhotos suppliedsupplied by,by, andand ThanksThanks to:to: •• MartinMartin ShigeishiShigeishi •• EmilyEmily ZegersZegers •• AlfredAlfred LauretaLaureta •• ABTPABTP && CityCity ofof TorontoToronto ArchivesArchives Toronto Transit Commission Contaminated Sites Screening Report LRV Fleet Replacement Yard, Toronto, ON Prepared by: AECOM 300 – 300 Town Centre Boulevard 905 477 8400 tel Markham, ON, Canada L3R 5Z6 905 477 1456 fax www.aecom.com Project Number: 60118979 - 111853 Date: February, 2010 AECOM Toronto Transit Commission Contaminated Sites Screening Report LRV Fleet Replacement Yard, Toronto, ON Statement of Qualifications and Limitations The attached Report (the “Report”) has been prepared by AECOM Canada Ltd. (“Consultant”) for the benefit of the client (“Client”) in accordance with the agreement between Consultant and Client, including the scope of work detailed therein (the “Agreement”). The information, data, recommendations and conclusions contained in the Report: • are subject to the scope, schedule, and other constraints and limitations in the Agreement and the qualifications contained in the Report (the “Limitations”) • represent Consultant’s professional judgement in light of the Limitations and industry standards for the preparation of similar reports • may be based on information provided to Consultant which has not been independently verified • have not been updated since the date of issuance of the Report and their accuracy is limited to the time period and circumstances in which they were collected, processed, made or issued • must be read as a whole and sections thereof should not be read out of such context • were prepared for the specific purposes described in the Report and the Agreement • in the case of subsurface, environmental or geotechnical conditions, may be based on limited testing and on the assumption that such conditions are uniform and not variable either geographically or over time Unless expressly stated to the contrary in the Report or the Agreement, Consultant: • shall not be responsible for any events or circumstances that may have occurred since the date on which the Report was prepared or for any inaccuracies contained in information that was provided to Consultant • agrees that the Report represents its professional judgement as described above for the specific purpose described in the Report and the Agreement, but Consultant makes no other representations with respect to the Report or any part thereof • in the case of subsurface, environmental or geotechnical conditions, is not responsible for variability in such conditions geographically or over time The Report is to be treated as confidential and may not be used or relied upon by third parties, except: • as agreed, in writing, by Consultant and Client • as required by law • for use by governmental reviewing agencies Any use of this Report is subject to this Statement of Qualifications and Limitations. Any damages arising from improper use of the Report or parts thereof shall be borne by the party making such use. This Statement of Qualifications and Limitations is attached to and forms part of the Report. 60118979-111853_5ra_Feb 17 2010_ LRV Fleet.Docx AECOM 300 – 300 Town Centre Boulevard 905 477 8400 tel Markham, ON, Canada L3R 5Z6 905 477 1456 fax www.aecom.com February 17, 2010 Ms Adrienne Long, P. Eng. Senior Project Engineer Transit City, Toronto Transit Commission 5160 Yonge Street, 13th Floor Toronto, ON M2N 6L9 Dear Ms Long: Project No: 60118979 – 111853 Regarding: Contaminated Sites Screening Report LRV Fleet Replacement Yard, Toronto, ON AECOM is pleased to provide you with this Contaminated Sites Screening Report for Leslie Street between Commissioners Street and Queen Street East, and Queen Street East between Curzon Street and Hastings Avenue. This report was prepared for the Toronto Transit Commission’s proposed Light Rail Vehicle Fleet Replacement Yard project on the Ashbridges site. Please find the following report attached: Contaminated Sites Screening Report, LRV Fleet Replacement Yard, Toronto, Ontario If you have any questions or comments, you can reach me at 905.477.8400, ext. 435 , or e-mail, [email protected]. Sincerely, AECOM Canada Ltd. Loren Polonsky, MCIP, RPP Senior Environmental Planner LP:pc Attach. 60118979-111853_5ra_Feb 17 2010_ LRV Fleet.Docx AECOM Toronto Transit Commission Contaminated Sites Screening Report LRV Fleet Replacement Yard, Toronto, ON Distribution List # of Hard Copies PDF Required Association / Company Name 2 1 Transit Transit Commission 2 1 AECOM Revision Log Revision # Revised By Date Issue / Revision Description 1 E. Cosburn Nov. 19, 2009 DRAFT for issue 2 E. Cosburn Jan. 21, 2010 Final for internal review 3 E. Cosburn Feb. 17, 2010 FINAL for issue AECOM Signatures Report Prepared By: Emily Cosburn, B.E.S. Environmental Scientist Report Reviewed By: Janice Green, C.E.T. Senior Project Manager 60118979-111853_5ra_Feb 17 2010_ LRV Fleet.Docx AECOM Toronto Transit Commission Contaminated Sites Screening Report LRV Fleet Replacement Yard, Toronto, ON Executive Summary AECOM Canada Ltd. (AECOM) was retained by the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) to complete a screening of contaminated sites for the properties along Leslie Street, between Commissioners Street and Queen Street East, and along Queen Street East between Curzon Street and Hastings Avenue (Figures 1 and 2) (hereafter referred to as “the Extended Study Area”) in association with the Light Rail Vehicle (LRV) Fleet Replacement Yard Environmental Assessment being completed for the Extended Study Area and the north portion of the Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant (ABTP), which is detailed in a Phase I Environmental Assessment under separate cover. The combined length of the Extended Study Area is approximately one kilometre (0.64 miles). The Extended Study Area properties are owned and maintained independently and the roadways in the Extended Study Area are owned and maintained by the City of Toronto. The purpose of the Contaminated Sites Screening Report is to identify actual and potential sources of contamination associated with the properties along the Extended Study Area arising from documented current and/or historic activities on the Property and the neighbouring properties prior to the development of the LRV Fleet Replacement Yard and associated connecting tracks in the Extended Study Area. A review of historical records including aerial photographs, MOE databases, city directories, topographic and soil maps, fire insurance maps, and EcoLog ERIS records was performed and a site visit of the Extended Study Area was conducted on October 15, 2009 to observe existing property conditions from publically accessible right-of-ways. Summary of Findings and Conclusions: Several potential environmental concerns were identified in the Extended Study Area. Historical records indicated that several service
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