TAB 5 Court File No. 006-40438 PROVINCIAL COURT OF MANITOBA BETWEEN: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN PLAINTIFF AND: WILLIAM NEAL GOODON DEFENDANT DEFENDANT'S DOCUMENTS RAY REPORT Jean Teillet Pape Salter Teillet Barristers and Solicitors #460 - 220 Cambie Street VANCOUVER, BC V6B 2M9 Telephone: 604-681-3002 Facsimile: 604-681-3050 Solicitors for the Defenrinnt INDEX TAB NO. Curriculz~mVitae of Dr. Arthur J. Ray Ray, Arthur, Me'tis Economic Communities and Settlements in the 1Ph Centuw - 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Curriculum Vilnefor Fflcrrl?~Members ARTHUR J. RAY, FRSC PROFESSOR, HISTORY DEPARTMENT (Appointed 1981) SCHOLARLY AND PROFESSIONAL ACTMTIES ACADEMIC AWARDS AND DISTINCTIONS Woodrow Wilson International Fellowship SSHRC Bora Laskin National Research Fellowship in Human Rights Appointed Co-Editor, Canadian Hisforical Review Elected Fellow, Royal Society of Canada Canada Council National Killam Research Fellowship, 2000-2002 Visiting Senior Fellow, Institute of Social Change and Critical Inquiry, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia, May 2002 UBC I<illam Research Prize for distinguished research career Honours for I Have Lived Here Since the World Begm (1996): Maclean's magazine Top 10 Books (non-fiction) in 1996 list; Book-of-the-Month Clob Canada, Main Selection, fall 1996; short-listed for the Hubert Evans Book Prize for Non-Fiction (B.C. Book Prizes, West Coast Book Prize Society, May 1997) Visiting Fellow, Social Sciences Research Institute, University of Edinburgh UBC Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Senior Fellowship Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Leave Fellowship AWARDS FOR SERVICE Certificate of Appreciation from the Gitxsan People for historical research and expert testimony in Delgamuukw vs. Regina Certificate of Appreciation, Office of the Treaty Commissioner of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon AREAS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Economic history and geography of the North and of the Native Peoples of Canada Comparative history of Native-newcomer relations in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States Comparative history of litigation research in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States. PUBLICATIONS BOOKS (from most recent) A. J. Ray, 2005 [1996], 1 Have Lived Here Since flre Worlrl Began, Toronto: Key Porter Books, Second Revised Edition, 398 pp. A. J. Ray, Jim Miller, and Frank G. Tough, 2000, Borrnfy and Benevolence: A History of Saskntchewan Trenties, Kingston and Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 293 pp. Arthur 1. Ray Page 2 /. A. J. Ray, 1998 [1974], Indians in the Fur Trade: their Role as Trappers, Hrtnters, and Middlemen in the Lands Sortflr~vestof Hudson Bay, 1660-1870. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 242 pp. A. J. Ray, 1990, The Fur Trade in the Induslrial Age, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 283 pp. A. J. Ray and C. Judd, eds., 1980, ~ld'?railsandNe~v Directions: Papers of the Third North American Fur Trade Conference, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 337 PP. A. J. Ray ancl D. B. Freeman, 1978, Give Us Good Measure: An Economic Analysis of Relations between the Indians and the Hztdson's Bay Company before 1763, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 298 pp. A. J. Ray ancl C. Heidenreich, 1976, The Early Fur Trades: A Strrdy in Crrltural Interaction, Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 95 pp. REFEREED BOOK CHAPTERS (from most recent) A. J. Ray, 2002 [1987], "When Two Worlds Met," in Craig Brown, ecl., The Illustrated History of Canada. Toronto: Key Porter Books: 17-104. (This book is now in its 31d revised edition. There are also French and Spanish edition*.) A. J. Ray, 1999, "'OuldBetsy and Her Daughter': Fur Trade Fisheries in Northern Ontario," in D. Newell and R. Ommer, eds., Fishing Places, FishingPeople: Issues and Traditionsin Canadian Small-scale FiFheries. Toronto: University of Toronto Pres: 80-96. A. J. Ray, 1999, "Introduction," to H. A. Innis, The Fur Trade in Canada, 3'd edition. Toronto: University of Toronto Press: v-xix. A. J. Ray, 1996, "Recent Trends in Northern Historiography," Special Issue, Essays on Canadian Writing, 59: 209-27. A. J. Ray, 1996, "The Northern Interior," in B. Trigger and W. Washburn, eds., Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the New World, Vol. 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 259-328. A. J. Ray, 1993, "Some Thoughts about the Reasons for Spatial Dynamism in the Early Fur Trade, 1580-1700," in H. Epp, ed., Three Hundred Prairie Years. Regina: Plains Research Centre: 113-23. A. J. Ray, 1993, "The Historical Geographer and the Gitksan and Wet'suet'en Comprehensive Claim: the Role of the Expert Witness," in Garth Cant et a]., eds., Indigenous Land Rights in Commonwealth Counfries: Dispossession, Negotiation and Commuraity Action. Christchurch, New Zealand: Dept. of Geography, University of Canterbury and the Ngai Tahu Maori Trust Board for the Commonwealth Geographical Bureau: 81-87. A. J. Ray, 1993, "At the Cutting Edge: Indians and the Expansion of the Land-Based Fur Trade in Northern North America, 1550-1750," in H. Nitz, ed., The Early Modem World-System in Geographical Perspective. Stuttgart, Germany: Steiner Verlag: 3 17-26. Arthur I. Ray Page 3 A. J. Ray, 1991,"Fur Trade History and the Gitksan-Wet'suwet'en Comprehensive Claim: Men of Property and the Exercise of Title," in Kerry Abel and Jean Friesen, eds., Aboriginal Resource Use in Canada: Historical and Legal Aspects. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press: 301-16. A. J. Ray, 1990, "The Decline of Paternalism in the Hudson's Bay Company Fur Trade, 1870-1945," in Rosemary Ommer, ed., Merchant Credit & Labour Strategies in Historical Perspective. Fredericton: Acadiensis Press: 188-202. A. J. Ray, 1988, "The Hudson's Bay Company and Native Peoples," in ~jlcomb Washington, ed., The Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 4: History of Indian-White Relations. Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution Press: 335-50. A. J. Ray, 1985, "Buying and Selling Hudson's Bay Company Furs in the Eighteenth Century," in D. Cameron, ed., Explorations in Canadian Economic History: Essays in Honour of Irene M Spry. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press: 95-115. A. J. Ray, 1984, "Periodic Shortages, Native Welfare, and the Hudson's Bay Company, 1670-1930," in Shepard Krech 111, ed., The Subarctic Fur Trade: Native Social and Economic Adaptations. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press: 1-20. A. J. Ray, 1978, "Opportunity and Challenge: The Hudson's Bay Company Archives and Canadian Science and Technology," in R. Jarrell and Norman Ball, eds., Science, Technology, and Canadian History. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press: 45-59. A. J. Ray, 1978, "The Hudson's Bay Company Fur Trade in the Eighteenth Century: A Comparative Economic Study," in J. R. Gibson, ed., EtneopeanSettlement and Development in North America: Essays on the Geography of Change in Honor and Memory of Andrew H. Clark. Toronto: University of Toronto Press: 116-35. A. J. Ray, 1978, "Fur Trade History as an Aspect of Native History," in D. Smith and I. Getty, eds., One Century Later. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press: 7- 19. REFEREED ARTICLES (from most recent) A. J. Ray, 2005 "Constructing and Reconstructing Native History: A Comparative Look at the Impact of Aboriginal and Treaty Rights Claims in Australia, New Zealand and North America," Special Issue of Native Studies Review, 16 (1) January: 15-38. A. J. Ray, 2003, Facts, Theories, and Cultural-Historical Expertise in Aboriginal Title Claims Litigation in Australia and North America, 19462002," in I. McCalman and A. McGrath, editors, Proof and Truth: The Humanist As Expert. Occasional Papers. Canberra: Australian Academy of the Humanities, October, 97-120. A. J. Ray, 2003, "Native History on Trial: Confessions of An Expert Witness," Canadian Historical Review, 84 (2) June: 253-273. A. J. Ray, 2003, "Aboriginal Title and Treaty Rights Research: A Comparative Look at Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States," New Zealand Journal of History, 34 (1) (April): 5-21. Arthur J. Ray Page 4 A. J. Ray, 2000, "Regina v. Marshall: Native History, the Judiciary, and the Public," Acadiensis, 29 (Spring). A. J. Ray, 1999, "Treaty 8: An Anomaly of the First Nations History of British Columbia," BC Studies, 123 (Autumn): 5-58. R. Galois and A. J. Ray, 1993, "Fur Trade in the Cordillera to 1857," in L. Gentilcore, ed., Historical Atlas of CJnada, Vol. 2. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, plate 19. A. J. Ray, 1993, "Creating the Image of the Savage in Defense of the Crown: The Ethnohistorian in Court," Special Issue, Native Studies Review 6 (2): 13-28. A. J. Ray, 1988, "Measuring Dependency," in Proceedings, Overcoming Dependency. Chicago: Newbeny Library, D'Arcy McNickle Center of the History of the American Indian, Occasional Papers, 9: 95-100. A. J. Ray, 1987, "The Fur Trade in North America: An Overview from.an Historical and Geographical Perspective," in Resonrce Management and the Nortfi American Fzrr Trade. 'Toronto: Wildlife Branch, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 13-21. A. J. Ray, W. Moodie, and C. Heidenriech, 1987, "Rupert's Land," in R.C. Harris and G. J. Matthews, eds., Historical Atlas of Canada, Vol. 1. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, plate 57. A. J. Ray, 1987, "Bayside Trade, 1720-1780," in R.C. Harris and G. J. Matthews, eds., Historical Atlas of Canada, Vol. 1, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, plate 60. D.W. Moodie, B. Kaye, V.P. Lytwyn, and A. J. Ray, 1987, "Competition and Consolidation, 1760-1825," in R.C. Harris and G. J. Matthews, eds., His(orica1 Atlas of Canada, Vol. 1, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, plate 61. D.W. Moodie, B. Kaye, V.P. Lytwyn, and A. J. Ray, 1987, "Peoples of the Boreal Forest and Parkland," in R.C. Harris and G. J. Matthews, eds., Historical,Atlas of Canada, Val. 1. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, plate 65. A. J. Ray and Arthur Roberts, 1986, "Approaches to the Ethnohistory of the Subarctic: A Review of the Handbook of North American Indians: Subarctic," Ethnohistory, 32 (3): 270-80.
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