Cambridge University Press 052155361X - Christianity Under the Ancien Regime, 1648-1789 - W. R. Ward Index More information Index Adelboden, 88 Arnauld, Antoine, 28–9, 32–3 Adelung, Anhard, 95 Arndt, Johann, 24, 26, 72–4, 78, 99, 129, Adrian, Patriarch, 219 133–4, 222 Aegean islands, 202 Arnold, Gottfried, 26, 89, 129, 134 Aeschi, 88, 126 Associate Presbytery, 141–2 Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of, 13, 200 Association Oath, 88 Albania, 202, 204 atheism, 72–3, 129, 147–151, 157–8, 160, Albrum, 211 163, 166, 168, 172, 174 alchemy, 73, 89 atheist, deWnition of, 149–50 Alembert, Jean d’, 168 Atterbury, Bishop Francis, 134 Alentejo, 38 Aufkla¨rung, 156, 171–183 Alet, bishop of, 13 Augsburg, 54, 82, 105, 108, 149, 248–9 Alexander I, Tsar, 121 Augsburg, Confession of, 6, 68, 109, 116 Alexander VIII, pope, 13 Augsburg, Unaltered Confession of, 21 Algarve, 38 Augustine, St, 198 Allga¨u, 249 Augustinian theology, 33 Alsace, 74, 233–4 Augustinianism, 27, 149, 228 Altona, 84 Augustus II, the Strong, Elector of Saxony, Altransta¨dt, 95 102, 205 Altransta¨dt, Convention of, 94, 205 Austria, 3, 6, 32, 54, 57, 59–61, 64, 69, 93, America, 9, 81–2, 99, 108, 110, 122, 125, 107, 110–11, 184, 193, 195, 197, 202, 131–3, 135, 143–6, 151, 190, 210, 250 241 Austrian Succession, War of, 63, 110, 185, Amersfoort, 131 247 Amsterdam, 25, 131, 156 Avignon, 13, 27, 29 Anabaptists, 24, 217 Angers, 232 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 183 Anglo-Catholics, 243 Baldinucci, Fr Anthony, 43 Anna, empress of Russia, 222–3 Balfour, John, 140 Anne, Queen, 11, 81, 133, 161, 208, 240, Balkans, 53, 55, 202–4 242, 244 Baltic Sea, 78, 101, 105, 110, 116, Annoni, Hieronymus, 249 118–121, 136, 205, 210, 245 Ansalone, Fr Peter, 43 Bamberg, 54–5, 69, 191 Anton, Paul, 77–8 Baptists, 83, 128 Antwerp, 190, 233 Barcelona, 35 Apocalyptics, 16–18 Bardili, Christoph Gottfried, 184 Aretino, P., 150 Barnabites, 63, 195 Arians, 217 baroque, 58–61, 67–8, 73, 93 Aristotle, 71, 74, 76, 88, 102, 104, Bascio, Matteo da, 42 148–50, 152, 174 Basel, 87, 184, 248–9 Arminianism, 143 Basel Missionary Society, 250 Arnauld family, 28 Bauman, John, 132 258 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 052155361X - Christianity Under the Ancien Regime, 1648-1789 - W. R. Ward Index More information Index 259 Baumgarten, Siegmund Jacob, 175 Bruno, Giordano, 150 Bavaria, 54–5, 58–60, 68, 187, 190, 233 Brunswick, 177 Baxter, Richard, 88, 143, 160, 208 Buddeus, Johann Franz, 153 Bayle, Pierre, 71, 151, 158–60, 165, 167 BuYer, 169 Bayreuth, 54 Bunyan, John, 130, 208 Beccaria, Cesare, 49 Burgos, 35 Behmenists, 88–91 Burgundy, 233 Belgium, 45, 197, 199 Burnet, Gilbert, 21, 65 Belgrade, 204 Butler, Joseph, bishop, 164 Benedict XIII, pope, 30, 237 Benedict XIV, pope, 30, 41, 50, 169, 188, Cabbalism, 89, 156 193, 200, 237 Calvin, John, 9 Benedictines, 41, 70, 149, 199, 228, 230 Calvinism, 64, 84, 135, 143–4, 181, 215, Benediktbeuern, 58 244 Bengel, Johann Albrecht, 127–8 Calvinistic Methodists, 138, 145 Bennet, John, 145 Cambridge, 36, 208, 230 Bentley, Richard, 153 Cambridge Platonists, 90, 160 Berchtesgaden, 105, 109 Cambuslang, 141–2 Berdyaev, N. A., 90 cameralistics, 192–3 Berkeley, George, bishop, 169 Cameronians, 141–2 Berleburg Bible, 20, 91 Camisards, 17–18 Berlin, 77, 98, 109, 167, 177 camp meetings, 94, 119 Bern, 27, 87–8, 103, 124–5, 184 Campanella, Tommaso, 150 Bernese Oberland, 88, 125–6 Canada, 225 Bernie`res-Louvigny, mystic, 129 canonisation, 2, 35, 48, 50–1 Berthelsdorf, 113–5 Canstein, Baron Karl Hildebrandt von, 78 Bielitz, 96 Capuchins, 42, 52, 93, 108 Blois, 22 Carinthia, 62, 98, 107, 110, 196 Bohemia, 4, 55–6, 58–60, 68, 93, 96–8, Carlowitz, Peace of, (1699), 202 110–11, 114–5, 132, 185, 195, 213 Carpzov, Johann Benedikt, 77 Bohemian Brethren, 97, 114–115, 211, cartesianism, 24–5, 78, 85, 87, 149 217 Castell-Remlingen, Sophia Theodora of, Bo¨hme, Anton Wilhelm, 81–2, 133, 137, 113n. 208 Catalonia, 237 Bo¨hme, Jakob, 24, 89–91, 134 Catherine II, the Great, of Russia, 191, Bollandists, 169 205, 220–2 Bologna, Archbishop of, 47 Catholic Enlightenment, 184–201 Bosnia, 202 censorship, 11, 192 Bossuet, Bishop J. B., 14, 22, 25, 30 Ce´vennes, 16–18, 94, 126 Boston, 82 Champagne, 233 Bourignon, Antoinette, 18, 24–5, 79, 87 Charles I of England, king, 9 Braga, 38 Charles II of England, king, 9–10 Brainerd, David, 140 Charles III of Spain, king, 37, 189, 200 Brandenburg, 15, 55, 77–8, 80, 91, 93, 98 Charles VI, emperor, 56, 62, 65–6, 193–4 Brandenburg, Electors of, 4, 5, 15 Charles X of Sweden, king, 212 Brazil, 38 Charles XI of Sweden, king, 210 Bremen, 85–6 Charles XII of Sweden, king, 18, 94, 97–8, Breslau, 6, 93–4, 173 205, 215 Brice, Edmund, 90 Chatellier, Louis, 68 Brieg, 6 Cherasco, Treaty of, 34 Brienne, Lome´nie de, archbishop, 228, children, 17–18, 25, 63, 94, 108, 115, 119, 232 125, 134 Brinkenhof, 119 chiliasm, 15 Bristol, 142, 145, 210 Chillingworth, William, 71 Brockes, Barthold Hinrichs, 172 China, 151 Bromley, Thomas, 90 Christian perfection, 130 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 052155361X - Christianity Under the Ancien Regime, 1648-1789 - W. R. Ward Index More information 260 Index Christian VI of Denmark, king, 117 Cromwell, Oliver, 9, 82 church bells, 47 Cuper, Franz, 154 Church-slavonic, 223 curia, 41, 43, 187, 199, 245 Cicero, 151 Czestochova, 212, 214, 216 Cilgwyn, 137 circulating schools, 136 Dalmatia, 204 Civil Constitution of the Clergy, 236 Dannhauer, Johann Konrad, 74, 78 Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Lord, 9 Danzig, 215 Clarke, Samuel, 161 Darney, William, 145 class meetings, 75, 77, 86, 88, 93, 107, Daubeny, Charles, 242 127–130, 234, 248–9 Daughters of Charity, 238 Clement VII, pope, 42, 193 Dauphine´, 17 Clement XI, pope, 7, 30, 52 David, Christian, 100, 113–15, 119–120, Clement XII, pope, 69 125 Clement XIII, pope, 52, 189–90, 193, 200, Davies, Howel, 138 228 Davies, Samuel, 225 Clement XIV, pope, 69, 190, 200 Decker, Military Provost, 182 Clement, Joseph, Bishop of Lie`ge, 32 Defereggental, 105, 107–8, 127 Cleves, 86 Defoe, Daniel, 65 Coccejus, Johannes, 84–6 deism, 174 Cockburn, Lord, 244 deists, 160–67, 177, 240 Codde, Peter, 33 Delaware, 210 Colberg, Ehregott Daniel, 24 Denmark, 5, 55, 81, 84, 117, 205, 207–10 Collegialism, 246–7 Descartes, Rene´, 25, 150–2, 156, 158, 174 Collegiants, 25, 156 Deutsche Christentumsgesellschaft, Collins, Anthony, 162–3, 165 248–50 Cologne, 67, 128, 187 devotions, 42, 46, 227, 237 Comenius, Johann Amos, 115 Dez, Fr Jean, 68 Commission des reguliers, 227–9 Diderot, Denis, 166, 168, 170 Commonwealth, 162 Dillingen, 58 Communion Bulls, 69 Discalced Carmelites, 58 Compostella, 35, 49 Disentis, 59 Compton, Bishop Henry, 10 dissenters, 9, 10, 132, 143–5, 239, 241–4 Concordat, Spanish, (1753), 37 Dittmar, Johann, 91 confessional box, 1 Doddridge, Philip, 111, 132, 134, 144 confessionalism, 2–4, 15–16, 73, 87, 93, Dorpat, 120 110, 116, 175, 195, 212, 225–7, Dort, Synod of, 8, 83 244–5, 250 Drabik, Nikolaus, 111 confraternities, 39, 46, 68, 213, 234, 237 Dresden, 73, 77, 101–2, 112 Constantinople, 202, 220 Duisburg, 86 Constituent Assembly, 228, 235–6 Durham, 164 conversions, 74, 77, 79, 85, 99, 115, Du¨rninger, Abraham, 122 117–8, 122, 128, 130, 134, 136, 139, Du¨rrnberg, 105, 109 210 Du¨sseldorf, 68 Conz, Karl Philipp, 184 Copenhagen, 208–9 Easter Ross, 140 Corpus Evangelicorum, 5, 55, 62, 108, East Prussia, 5, 109, 118–19, 217 176 Ebersdorf, 113 Courland, 205, 222 Edwards, Jonathan, 6, 138, 143–4 covenants, religious, 2 Edzard, Esdras, 79 Coverley, Sir Roger de, 240 Egede, Hanns, 210 Crell, Joseph, 217 Eichsta¨tt, 54 Crell, Samuel, 217 Einsiedeln, 59 Crisp, Tobias, 143 Electors Palatine, 4, 5, 6, 107 Cristofarini, Fr, 43 Eliot, George, 178 Croatia, 195, 204 Elizabeth, Empress of Russia, 121, 222 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 052155361X - Christianity Under the Ancien Regime, 1648-1789 - W. R. Ward Index More information Index 261 Emden, 130 Formula Consensus, 87–8, 103–4 Emmental, 87 Formula of Concord, 212 Ems, Punctation of (1786), 187 France, 4–8, 12–22, 27–8, 32, 34, 36–7, England, 6, 18, 36, 45, 47, 53, 62, 90, 42–3, 53, 55, 62, 68, 82–3, 155, 132–3, 139, 142–3, 145, 147, 155, 166–71, 175, 188–90, 192, 202, 204, 161, 166–7, 170, 183, 208, 217, 223, 226–237, 240 237, 249 Francis I, Emperor, 193–4 England, Church of, 9–12, 16, 61, 131, Francis II, Ra´ko´czi, 65 133–6, 144, 161, 208, 231, 236, Franciscans, 46, 50, 204, 230 239–43, 250 Francke, August Hermann, 24, 73, 77–82, Ensisheim, 54 87, 91, 93, 95–6, 98–9, 108, 112, enthusiasm, 17, 31 116–17, 119–120, 130, 133, 135, 142, Epicurus, 152 173, 208 episcopalism, 186–7 Francke, Gotthilf August, 82, 117, 133, Erasmus, 83 135 Erb, Johannes, 87 Francke, Johannes, 73 Erdmuthe Dorothea, Countess Reuss, later Franckenberg, Abraham von, 90 Countess Zinzendorf, 113, 120 Franeker, 86 Erfurt, 80 Frankfurt, 18, 54, 75–6, 84 Erlach, J. B. Fischer von, 59 Frankfurt-on-Oder, 193 Erlangen, 193 Franklin, Benjamin, 47 Ernst the Pious, duke of Saxe-Gotha, 73 Frederick I, king of Prussia, 80, 118 Erskine brothers, Ebenezer & Ralph, 135, Frederick II, the Great, king of Prussia, 55, 138, 141 80, 98, 167, 170–71, 181–3, 185, 191, Eskimos, 210 195–6, 205, 244, 247 Espen, Bernard van, 69, 199 Frederick William I, king of Prussia, 80 Essen, 76 Frederick William IV, king of Prussia, 247 established churches, 2, 5, 12, 71, 83–4, Frederick, Prince of Wales, 144 87–8, 116, 122, 131, 133, 144, 154, freemasonry, 162, 195 160, 162–3, 166, 168, 176, 210, 226, Feising, 187 229, 235–6, 239–41, 247–8, 250 French Prophets,
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