.. "."- . """ GJhe Journal of RECORDING, THE' ELECTRICAL' ER.A VOL. XXVIII WASHINGTON, D. C., FEBRUARY, 1928 NO. 2. lDlLABORJD] evnr},CJ ~ iuT'e ,~:Z1"\ 1 the OFFICIAL P INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS DEVOTED TO THE AFFI L1AT ED WITH THE CAUSE OF AMERI CAN FEDERATION ORGANIZED OF LABOR IN ALL ITS LABOR DEPARTMENTS FEBRUARY-THE MONTH OF IMPORTANT DAYS February 12, annivenary of Lincoln'. birth, reminds us of his appreciation of the wor ki ng man. One of his best known sayings is that "God must have loved the common people, he made so many of them." February 22, George Washington'. birthday, reminds us of a statement he made- "Common prudence dictates to every man the necessity of settling his temporal concerns while it is in his power." February 29, COnllnK only in Leap Year, reminds us of the "better halI" of the common people, even though she does not take the advan­ tage which Leap Yenr is supposed to give her. • .: • *' What have these important days to do with life insurance? Washington pointed the way in which the common people, loved by Lincoln, should take care of themselves. One of the best ways of settling "temporal concerns" is by obtaining adequate life insurance protection, and this is sure to protect the "better halves" from want and distress in the future. This company issues the standard forms of life insurance for men, women and children, joint life policies fo r husband and wife, home safeguard policies, children's educational policies, and group life insurance for labor organizations. Write today and r e t information and rates. UNION COOPERATIVE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION HOME OFFICE: MACHINISTS' BUILDING WASHINGTON, D. C. 1 I OFFI C IAL ORGAN OF THE Magazine Chat INTERNATIONAL This number is lin illush'll,­ tion of what our correspondents ELECTRICAL WORKERS AND OPERATORS can do. It Is virtually devoted to a presentation of their work. j PUBLISHED MONTHLY And if proof were needed thnt they can write IInlllytielll arti­ C. M. BUCNIAZET. Editor, Machinilta' Building, Wuhington, D. C. cles, reaching' deep undel' the I lIurfllee to social truth, as well Thi, Journal will not be held te.ponlibl .. (01" view. exprelled by ns report locul happenings, this corre_pondenh. numbCl' of the J ournal supplies it. The fir. t of each month i. t he clo.inlr date; .11 copy mu,l be in OUr hind. on or before. --- - The leading nl·tide is prinei­ pnlly the work of Patrick Mur­ EXECU'I'IVE OFFICE RS INTEItNATIONAi .. phy and his nssocintes of Holly­ wood. It presents an idea i nternntionnl PresIdent, J. r. NOONAN, EXECUTIVE nOAlto worthy of cOllside1'llti on by 506 Machini!ta' Bldg., WII ~ hington, D. C. CIIAS. 1'. FOlm, Chuirmalt. every union man of lillY cruft International Secretnry, G. M. BUG­ Mn chl nl ~a' Bldg., Washington, O. C. ill the Uni ted Stales and NI AZET, 606 Machinists' Bldg., Wnsh_ First District G. W. WIII TfORO Canada. jnglon. D. C. 1517 Third Ave., New York, N. X. ' ''lcrnot ional Trell! urcr, W. A. £lOOAN, Se~ ond DIstrlct F. L. Kr.!.! .... 647 South Sixth Ave., MI. Vernon, 910 neacon St., lIyde Pllrk, Mllu. Frank Tustin's clear annlY5i~ N. Y. Third Di8tricl M. P. COlmAN of cheap building conditions 607 Bigelow Blvd., Pl ttsbur (: h. I'll. thnt Intel' prove expe n ~ive , both INTERNATIONAL ~'ourth DistrIct EOWAIW NQTHNAm,F. to the home builder and to the VICE PRESIDENTS 110 It St" N, E. Washington, D. C. Fifth District M . J. 1l0YLI1 community, should recommend E. INGLE!!. 669 St. Jamea St., London, 49 23 Grand Blvd., Chlen"o. Ill. itself to every thought.ful Sixth Diatrict G. C. GADBOIS Ont., Cnn. render. outside of Seattle, !IS J. T. FtNN~J.l" 46 Parkman St., Dor_ 1532 No. Boaton St., Tulsn. Okln. chester, Mllss. Seventh Dillttict C. ~'. OI.I\'F.II well liS at home. E. F. KLOTt!!. M nchlni~18' Bldg., Wuh. 262 4 Brynn t St., Denver, Co lo. ;nglan. D. C. Eighth Diltr iet J . L. McBnmr. Then there is Moriarity's plea A. M. !lULL, 1'. O. Box 1196, New 165 J nmeB St., Lnbor Temple, Orl"lI.n~, La. Winnipeg. ('nn. for more enlightenment in the II. II. BI!OACII. Mn chinlats' Bldg .. ulle of tools. F rom Boston Hlso TELEPHONE OPERATORS' Wnshlngton. D. C. comes Goody's timely discus­ D. W. TRAO .... 2505 Yupon Strc(!t, DEI'ARTMENT Hounton, Tex. sion of the use of new duct. T. C. V ICK ERS, 537 Pacific Bldg.• San Prealdent J UI.I A o'rONNOI! We like technical articles of Fruncisco, Calif. 1108 Tremont Bldg., BOBton. Mftu. this kind, becnuse we know 0111' E. J. EVANS, 130 N. Welle St., Room S~c ret a r y MAR1.!': LI'.8 f,l !': readers do. Cnn you beat these 1201, Chicago, Ill. 1108 Tremont Bldg., B08ton. Mnll. IIrt.icles for range and interest? A t lhe last minute C. D. Mull, of San Francisco. got Contents c::der the wire with his story />" •• of the national drive 0 11 the ~'rontlBJl iece . liH Begi nn iug--Qul'S I for Intlt'lll'udenl MO"h' I'rodud 59 telephone monopoly. It is "' ou l ~ of Ih" 'I'rnde: th., /lill'h CUJj I ur UI ~ u ~e pretty ne1ll'Iy nil West Const Stan' nfion antI ,\nllrch)' In tllC Coal "'I e h l ~ llnd Boston this month, boy~. Cavellf Emlllor;oJl ,\pplilod lu lIonH.! Owners " Wilke 1Jp, you middle western­ Cooj)t'r"(I",, S I rike ~ NOlI: or Uniull I n ~ u r lt n~1' "65 Weflt COltljt, ,\ ronsed : 1 ~ l11nnd s CurblnJ( or Ill'll . " ers! But. we would b(' as ,\merlc"" .;co notnl ~18 Conrrunf I ndu ~ I rlnl Prug r es~ thoughtless as an l S-year-old Electriclll Wurk" rH BrMk New School Palhs . " " having' his first date. if we did New All-Sleel Undedloor Duct S)'~ I c m Ih" 'lewl:d Ughl Thrown on Union MO"cOIIenl in En gland "70 not mention that the co rre­ Cn rtoon " spondence in the regular col­ E,jitorlal 72 umns is of wide range and of Wo",an'lI ',"ork .. ..••. 71" • ·ronl Sig n Lnl1lrl".gc In Itlt!li.:--I'rogress Itl:vl cw"d 16 excellent quality. S1. Lt>ul s Exlt·ntls Work l Ulu New l'ield ll 17 t;"(>r),day Science /ladio 79 As long as we have corre­ (,,,usITueli,'c Illulll "80 spondents like these, doing (:Orrl'!j l lOll d e n ~t' work like this. we can rest lI S- Thl' O cfOl>UB 102 In Mell10rillm 106" 6Ure rl thllt. our Journal will con­ NollceB . lOS tinue to wenr its hat high nnd I.oenl Union OUicill1 Iteceilll8 III proud. ""IDUd ." ~.'kmo1 Pubu.hIDI Co. ~7 1122 1I II~ N. W .. W.oh!nc\O<l, D. C. 58 The Journal of Electrical W01'kers and Operators \ \ r Clara Bow is be61 known for roles making an immediale uppool 10 lhe SMUS. 11 is a lillie known fact that she is Ihe daughter of a Brooklyn carpenter, and Ihat ;1 UJas due /0 his single-hwrttd devotion Ihal Bow go/ her chance. Such wriur& as Jim TullV dcclare thaI she has never had II rrol opportunity /0 display Ihe range of emotion she is capable of. Tull!l be/ifVfti she is capable of doing greal roles. Perhaps II differenr public would give Clara Bow Iltr chance. THE JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS &OPERATORS Official Publication of Ihe Inlernational Brotherhood of Eleclrical Vol. XXVII WASHINGTON, D. C., FEBRUARY, 1928 No.2 Beginning- Quest for Independent Movie Product IllS i. the alory of an idea. It i. alao not IIIHllt UI'0n union prOl'agDlutn plclure6 tor the story of ferment-ferment in tho they know thul 11",1 . O\~U ",... ",hl!rt would not Thirty millions will go to the ,"ul' l,ort .uch 1'lclurPl, LIke Ibe r~8t of Ud, T third largon industry in the United unlnn me"'!>,.,.. "'I"t e"tl'rtal",",cnt. nut Statu. and fiut in publie est~m-the movie •. movies tonig ht. In all this multi­ l'rI!Ic\t"lt'ur. l'r ", lu ~,'''' now aN.! tu.nlng ...... !Ie The Idea, slated briefly. il this: Lllbor 1,10),"'1'8 witb ~11"".hcd n' I ,ullllon~ 1I''t:.u~e tude only a fe w will pierce be­ 1101')' fl'tl.112e Ihat Ihc 1,III1'cl'1l hl"(' 110 altHoD' should havo a bila:er share not only in the II",., 10 workln!: tor I""m at In1 t<,.ma olf".('!l production of the movies. but [1'1 the deter­ hind the imme diate e ntertain­ lli"m. (;1.·,., rb"Me pta)'era anuthcr oUllet b,. mination of the kind of plpy. produced, lind ment to the real facts of the in­ ".hlch t1,(,y r"" rend, the IInhl1c, ~nch an 0011· let n8 Ih,; unlon~ cOli ]lro,·hlr. nud It woulll in their distribution. be c.""If'B! 10 "'Dt.:h the pr"IlUcers crnwl1nl; The termont referred to, briefly stated, i. dustry. Facts of far-reaching im­ on Ihplr l>dlh,. Itl thllse whum Ihcy 1I0W the unrOll in Hollywood; portance directly affecting the I l,urn From tIme 10 lime I'('IIO'!. come 10 the ."rral'(' Ihlt union. are eouMltln!n:r makl"l: 1,[ecUN"'. Now IK Ihe lime 10 hrln~ thla move· Fiut. among the Itnra of the ~reen, entertainment of everyone of the mrur 10 a hl'~,1 Therr are ."allable buntl.rl'" Second, among the critics, thirty millions.
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