IntroductionIntroduction inin humanhuman anatomyanatomy Anatomy • Definition - anatome = up (ana) + cutting (tome) • Disciplines of anatomy – Macroscopic – Microscopic – Developmental – Neuroanatomy • Approach to study of gross anatomy Upper extremity Back Head and neck Thorax Abdomen Pelvis and perineum Lower extremity Basis for Terminology • Terms informative • Nomina anatomica • Use of eponyms Use correct terminology on exams; avoid nonspecific, general terms, like “front,” “up,” and “behind.” DisciplinesDisciplines ofof AnatomyAnatomy •• Gross Gross Anatomy:Anatomy: structuresstructures studiedstudied withwith thethe nakednaked eye.eye. –– Systematic Systematic anatomy:anatomy: organizedorganized byby systems,systems, e.g.,e.g., digestive,digestive, nervous,nervous, endocrine,endocrine, etc.etc. –– Regional Regional anatomy:anatomy: studystudy ofof allall structuresstructures inin anan areaarea ofof thethe body,body, e.g.,e.g., upperupper extremityextremity bones,bones, muscles,muscles, bloodblood vessels,vessels, etc.etc. •• Microscopic Microscopic anatomyanatomy (histology)(histology) •• Cell Cell biologybiology •• Developmental Developmental anatomyanatomy (embryology)(embryology) •• Pathological Pathological anatomyanatomy •• Radiologic Radiologic anatomyanatomy (x-ray,(x-ray, CT,CT, MRI)MRI) •• Other Other areas?areas? (surgery)(surgery) LevelsLevels ofof StructuralStructural OrganizationOrganization •• Biochemical Biochemical (atoms,(atoms, molecules)molecules) •Cellular•Cellular •• Tissue Tissue •Organ•Organ •Organ•Organ systemsystem •Organism•Organism MedicalMedical ImagingImaging TechniquesTechniques •• X-rays X-rays •CT•CT ScanScan •PET•PET •• Ultrasound Ultrasound imagingimaging •MRI•MRI •• Anatomy Anatomy isis important!important! Anatomical Planes • Median = vertical, front to back in midline • Frontal (coronal) = vertical, perpendicular to median • Horizontal (transverse) = parallel to floor, perpendicular to median, coronal • Sagittal = vertical, parallel to median • Midsagittal (R-L) • Parasagittal (unequal R-L) ReferenceReference positionspositions •• AnatomicalAnatomical positionposition –– most most widelywidely usedused && accurateaccurate forfor allall aspectsaspects ofof thethe bodybody –– standing standing inin anan uprightupright posture,posture, facingfacing straightstraight ahead,ahead, feetfeet parallelparallel andand close,close, && palmspalms facingfacing forwardforward •• FundamentalFundamental positionposition –– is is essentiallyessentially samesame asas anatomicalanatomical positionposition exceptexcept armsarms areare atat thethe sidessides && palmspalms facingfacing thethe bodybody Anatomical Position • Body erect • Head, eyes, toes directed forward • Limbs at sides of body • Palms directed forward AnatomicalAnatomical directionaldirectional terminologyterminology •• Anterior Anterior –– in in frontfront oror inin thethe frontfront partpart •• Anteroinferior Anteroinferior –– in in frontfront && belowbelow •• Anterosuperior Anterosuperior –– in in frontfront && aboveabove •• Posterior Posterior –– behind, behind, inin back,back, oror inin thethe rearrear •• Posteroinferior Posteroinferior –– behind behind && below;below; inin backback && belowbelow •• Posterolateral Posterolateral –– behind behind && toto oneone side,side, specificallyspecifically toto thethe outsideoutside AnatomicalAnatomical directionaldirectional terminologyterminology •• Contralateral Contralateral –– pertaining pertaining oror relatingrelating toto thethe oppositeopposite sideside •• Ipsilateral Ipsilateral –– on on thethe samesame sideside •• Bilateral Bilateral –– relating relating toto thethe rightright andand leftleft sidessides ofof thethe bodybody oror ofof aa bodybody structurestructure suchsuch asas thethe rightright && leftleft extremitiesextremities AnatomicalAnatomical directionaldirectional terminologyterminology •• Inferior Inferior (infra)(infra) –– below below inin relationrelation toto anotheranother structure;structure; caudalcaudal •• Superior Superior (supra)(supra) –– above above inin relationrelation toto anotheranother structure;structure; higher,higher, cephaliccephalic •• Distal Distal –– situated situated awayaway fromfrom thethe centercenter oror midlinemidline ofof thethe body,body, oror awayaway fromfrom thethe pointpoint ofof originorigin •• Proximal Proximal –– nearest nearest thethe trunktrunk oror thethe pointpoint ofof originorigin •• Lateral Lateral –– on on oror toto thethe side;side; outside,outside, farthefartherr fromfrom thethe medianmedian oror midsagittalmidsagittal planeplane •Medial•Medial –– relating relating toto thethe middlemiddle oror center;center; nenearerarer toto thethe medialmedial oror midsagittalmidsagittal planeplane •Median•Median –– Relating Relating toto thethe middlemiddle oror centcenter;er; nearernearer toto thethe medianmedian oror midsagittalmidsagittal plane plane From Van De Graaff KM: Human anatomy, ed 6, New York, 2002, McGraw-Hill AnatomicalAnatomical directionaldirectional terminologyterminology •• Caudal Caudal –– below below inin relationrelation toto anotheranother structure;structure; inferiorinferior •• Cephalic Cephalic –– above above inin relationrelation toto anotheranother structure;structure; higher,higher, superiorsuperior •Deep•Deep –– beneath beneath oror belowbelow thethe surface;surface; usedused toto describedescribe relativerelative depthdepth oror locationlocation ofof musclesmuscles oror tissuetissue •• Superficial Superficial –– near near thethe surface;surface; usedused toto describedescribe relativerelative depthdepth oror locationlocation ofof musclesmuscles oror tissuetissue AnatomicalAnatomical directionaldirectional terminologyterminology •• Prone Prone –– the the bodybody lyinglying faceface downward;downward; stomachstomach lyinglying •Supine•Supine –– lying lying onon thethe back;back; faceface upwardupward positionposition ofof thethe bodybody •Dorsal•Dorsal –– relating relating toto thethe back;back; beingbeing oror localocatedted near,near, on,on, oror towardtoward thethe back,back, posteriorposterior part,part, oror upperupper surfacesurface ofof •Ventral•Ventral –– relating relating toto thethe bellybelly oror abdomen,abdomen, onon oror towardtoward thethe front,front, anterioranterior partpart ofof •Volar•Volar –– relating relating toto palmpalm ofof thethe handhand oror solesole ofof thethe footfoot •Plantar•Plantar –– relating relating toto thethe solesole oror undersurfaceundersurface ofof thethe footfoot DirectionalDirectional TermsTerms ••TowardToward thethe upperupper partpart •Superior Cephalic ••TowardToward thethe lowerlower partpart •Inferior Caudal ••FrontFront •Ventral Anterior ••BackBack •Dorsal Posterior DirectionalDirectional TermsTerms ••FrontFront DownDown •Prone ••TowardToward MidlineMidline •Medial ••AwayAway fromfrom MidlineMidline •Lateral •Same-Ipsilateral •Opposite-Contralateral ••BetweenBetween •Intermediate ••NearNear •Proximal DirectionalDirectional TermsTerms ••FarFar •Distal ••OnOn thethe SurfaceSurface •Superficial ••OnOn thethe InsideInside •Deep ••OnOn thethe WallWall ofof thethe BodyBody CavityCavity •Parietal ••OnOn anan OrganOrgan •Visceral TheThe SkeletonSkeleton •• Consists Consists ofof –– Bones, Bones, cartilage,cartilage, joints,joints, andand ligamentsligaments •• Composed Composed ofof 206206 namednamed bonesbones groupedgrouped intointo twotwo divisionsdivisions –– Axial Axial skeletonskeleton (80(80 bones)bones) –– Appendicular Appendicular skeletonskeleton (126(126 bones)bones) TheThe AxialAxial SkeletonSkeleton •• Formed Formed fromfrom 8080 namednamed bonesbones •• Consists Consists ofof skull,skull, vertebralvertebral column,column, andand bonybony thoraxthorax Figure 7.1a PlanesPlanes andand SectionsSections •• A A planeplane isis anan imaginaryimaginary flatflat surfacesurface thatthat passespasses throughthrough thethe body.body. •• A A sectionsection isis oneone ofof thethe 22 surfacessurfaces (pieces)(pieces) thatthat resultsresults whenwhen thethe bodybody isis cutcut byby aa planeplane passingpassing throughthrough it.it. Transverse plane Coronal plane Coronal plane Median plane Of body Sagittal plane Of hand Of foot SagittalSagittal OtherOther PlanesPlanes andand PlanePlane SectionsSections •• Frontal Frontal oror coronalcoronal planeplane •• Sagittal Sagittal planeplane –– dividesdivides thethe bodybody oror anan organorgan intointo – divides the body or – divides the body or frontfront (anterior)(anterior) andand backback anan organorgan intointo leftleft (posterior)(posterior) portionsportions andand rightright sidessides •• Midsagittal Midsagittal planeplane •• Transverse(cross-sectional) Transverse(cross-sectional) oror –– producesproduces equalequal horizontalhorizontal planeplane halveshalves –– dividesdivides thethe bodybody oror anan organorgan intointo •• Parasagittal Parasagittal planeplane upperupper (superior)(superior) oror lowerlower –– producesproduces unequalunequal (inferior)(inferior) portionsportions halveshalves •• Oblique Oblique planeplane –– somesome combinationcombination ofof 22 otherother planesplanes PlanesPlanes andand SectionsSections ofof thethe BrainBrain (3-D(3-D anatomicalanatomical relationshipsrelationships revealed)revealed) •• Superior Superior •• Dorsal Dorsal oror PosteriorPosterior •• Horizontal Horizontal –– towardstowards thethe headhead –– atat thethe backback ofof thethe Plane bodybody Plane – The eyes are superior to – The eyes are superior to –– TheThe brainbrain isis thethe mouth.mouth. posteriorposterior
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