Nuclear holocaust has rendered most of the planet a desert wasteland. Radiation levels are incalculable. A shadowy government agency contracted Vault-Tec to build a network of underground Vaults to house the survivors. The Master has built an army of mutant survivors and outcasts as well as a !ercely loyal unit of heavily armed soldiers called The Enclave. #AT" September 10, 2017 $%&AT'ON C&C Airsoft 50 Lackawanna Dr. Stanhope, N %("RAT'ON S&*"#+$" Agen"a may vary "epen"ing on weather an" %e&" con"itions • 0'(00 – 0*(+0 Sign,in / Chrono • 0*(+0 – 10(00 .reetings, /rie%ngs, an" .roup 1hotos • 10(00 – 10(+0 2nitia& "ep&oyment an" faction brie%ngs • 10(+0 – 12(00 1hase 2 3Le$e& 14 • 12(00 – 15(00 1hase 22 3Le$e& 6p4 • 15(00 – 15(+0 /reak • 15(+0 – 17(+0 1hase 222 3A"vance" 8ode4 • 17(+0 – 1'(00 9n"e: an" ;af<e R",')TRAT'ON C*"&-$')T /e s0re to bring these key items with you to the sign,in "esk • 9vent ticket-9vike con%rmation receipt • C&C N an" 8oon"og 2n"0stries waivers /ring the fol&owing items to the Chrono Station • ;e=0ire" safety gear, e.g. gogg&es, re" rags, etc • ALL ri<es to be 0se" in the game T"AM) >here are three "istinct teams %ghting thro0ghout the ?aste&an". 9ach faction has their own motivations an" i"eas on how the ?aste&an" shou&" be e:p&ore", an" 0&timate&#, con=0ere". 6niform re=0irements wi&& be strict&y enforce". @est color "oes not matter. >eam 0niforms are "e%ne" b# shirt/top color an" pattern. Harlem Militia 6niform( 80&tiCam/Desert >an/Atacs patterns ANB b&ack vests, rigs, or p&ate carriers) A parami&itary organiDation from the Southern section of the ?aste&an" Facebook( Charit#( >he Ca&ifornia Aca"em# of Science Hudson Rangers 6niform( A&& !reen an" wood&an" patterns ANB b&ack vests, rigs, or p&ate carriers) A surviva&ist group from the Northwestern section of the ?aste&an" Facebook(''57'0+- Charit#( >he 9:p&oratori0m Newhaven Mercs 6niform( /&ack an" sha"ow patterns AANF color vest, rig, or p&ate carrier) 8ercenaries an" hire" !0ns from the Northeastern section of the ?aste&an" Facebook(*151+0555'2**- Charit#( >he 2ntrepi" Sea, Air an" Space 80se0m Non-Faction Players (NFPs) Non,faction p&ayers act as antagonists, a&&ies an" !0i"es throu!hout the ?aste&an". Some characters wi&& ai" you, for a price. Some characterGs so&e motivation is to "estroy you an" your entire faction. The Enclave >he 9nc&a$e are a 0nit of heavi&y arme" sol"iers, 0sing a&most in"estructib&e 1ower Armor S0its. The 9nc&ave are generousl# pai" for their a&&egiance to >he 8aster. The 9nc&aveHs power armor ren"ers them invincib&e insi"e ;aven ;ock. Mutants >he m0tants are a h0man race that cou&" not escape the effects of the n0c&ear fa&&out. They are &oya& to The 8aster, an" wi&& stop at nothing to ri" the ?aste&an" of interlopers. Vault Dwellers >he @a0&t Dwe&&ers have been &iving in sec&0sion for the past 100 years. >he# possess very 0ni=0e me"ica& abi&ities, b0t are scare" off very easi&#. The Merchant >he 8erchant is a se&f serving, mysterio0s character. Ie takes pri"e an" Joy in provi"ing the best possib&e "ea&s on amm0nition, e=0ipment an" s0pp&ies in the entire ?aste&an". The Master >he 8aster is a sha"owy %!0re, control&ing the ?aste&an" from a secret &ocation. No one has e$er seen >he 8aster, an" reports on his or her whereabouts never &ea" to capt0re an" prosec0tion. AB%+T 2nspire" by the vi"eo games F!""#UT% an" &!STE"!ND (%, this event wi&& feat0re 0ni=0e ru&es "esigne" to sim0&ate the e:perience of &eve&ing 0p an" surviva&/scrounging in a post,apoca&yptic worl". >eams wi&& compete to earn "onations for their respective charities: >he Ca&ifornia Aca"em# of Science, The 9:p&oratori0m, an" the 2ntrepi" Sea Air an" Space 80se0m. /*AT TO "0("&T Bperation(?aste&an" is a sci,% variant of a 8i&Sim airsoft game. A&& factions start with &imite" amm0nition an" m0st %n" e:tra ammo on the %e&" or tra"e bott&e caps for more from the Cara$an or >he 8erchant. >eams m0st %n" ;a",K /oxes an" hoar" them in their IL. >he team with the most ;a",K /oxes at the en" of the game wi&& be the winner. >eams ma# attempt to rai" other teams' IL for their boxes an" s0pp&ies. ,AME P$A1 9ach phase of Bperation(?aste&an" wi&& have speci%c r0&es of enga!ement an" a0thoriDe" weapons. 9ach phase wi&& a&so have tasks, missions an" obJectives that m0st be comp&ete" before &eve&ing 0p the phases. (*AS") Phase ) *"evel +, 1istols, shot!0ns, bolt action ri<es an" m0DD&e &oa"e" A9.s. 9vent s0pp&ie" /LACK //s on&#. BbJective( Sec0re a @a0&t for your faction to 0se as a /ase of Bperations an" Storage Center. @a0&ts are NBT respawn points. >he col&ection an" storage of ;a",K boxes wi&& begin in this phase. Phase )) *"evel $-, 8agaDine fe" A9.s permitte". Semi,a0to operation. 9vent s0pp&ie" /LACK //s on&#. 1hase 22 wi&& inc&0"e the maJority of the tasks an" missions. Phase ))) *!dvanced Mode” 1ersona& //s an" f0&&,a0to operation permitte" 1hase 222 wi&& brin! the episodes 0nfo&"in! in Bperation(?aste&an" to a c&ima:. The power !ri" m0st be "estroye" an" >he 8aster m0st be e&iminate". "2+'(M"NT C*"&-$')T 1&a#ers m0st bring a&& of these re=0ire" items to sign,in. 1&ayers &acking an# item wi&& NBT be a&&owe" to p&a#. No e:ceptions. • 500fps &imit w/ .25g //Gs for f0&&,a0to capab&e weapons • 500fps &imit w/ .25g //Gs for bo&t action ri<es • E0&&,Sea& gogg&es with retention ANo shooting !&assesC • No mesh !oggles without secon"ary eye protection • /arre& Con"om-/&ockers Asocks an" !&oves "o not countC for a&& ri<es • A2C re" N"ea"N rags • Nametape or "0ct tape yo0r ca&&sign to yo0r vest or he&met • At &east 2 =0arts water/h#"ration • Eie&" rations Afood or snacks as nee"e"C • /oots Ast0r"# footwear recommen"e" with ank&e supportC • ?atch->imepiece A"0&ts m0st present va&i" photo 2D a&ong with both si!ne" waivers AC&C an" 9vike/NFCAirsoftC 8inors m0st have a parent signe" waiver E;S-.8;S ;a"ios are re=0ire" of ALL p&ayers SPE.)!" RE/$)REMENT' 1&a#ers m0st 0se in,game .25g .&. //Gs which wi&& be supp&ie" to you free of charge. 2n the ?aste&an" wor&", amm0nition is in short s0pp&#. There are no restrictions on the amounts of magaDines yo0 may carry. 1ersona& //s can be 0se" "0ring 1hase + BNLF PR#H)0)TED )TEMS • 1ea !rena"es or other pyrotechnics • A&& smoke "evices m0st be checke" with %e&" staff • @e&ocity re"0cing <ash,hi"er to &ower E1S • 1ersona& //s e:cept "0ring 1hase + AStaff wi&& ran"om&# spot check p&ayers mags) ,"N"RAL R+$") 1. CBND6C> 1.1. Airsoft is a game of IBNB;. 1&ease ca&& FB6; B?N hits! 1.2. Do NBT ca&& opposing team p&ayers o0t. Ca&&ing opposing p&ayers out is poor sportsmanship an" your si"e wi&& be pena&iDe". 1.+. Do not assume opposing p&ayers are cheating. .ive them the bene%t of the "oubt 1.5. 1&ayers ca0ght attempting to cheat wi&& inc0r pena&ty points for their si"e, an" ma# be eJecte" from the game witho0t ref0n" an" barre" from f0t0re events. 1.5. 1&ayers, who attempt to stea&, ca0se bodi&y harm, or otherwise break the &aw wi&& be referre" to &oca& &aw enforcement of%cers an" barre" from f0t0re events. 1.7. S0bor"inate p&ayers shou&" observe an" respect game ranks/positions such as S=0a" Lea"ers, 1&atoon Lea"ers an", of course, yo0r Comman"ing Bf%cer. a. ;ank is a tool to provi"e str0ct0re for an enJoyab&e game. ;anking of%cers shou&" a&ways remember this is J0st a game. 2. SAE9 1LAF 2.1. 9#e protection ASee 9F9 1;B>9C>2BN ru&es) m0st be worn at a&& times in a p&aying area. 2.2. 2f a p&ayer &oses their e#e protection or has a me"ica& emergenc#, they shou&" imme"iate&y ca&& N/&in" 8an.N Fie&" ;efs or .ame Staff shou&" be contacte" imme"iate&# to pa0se the imme"iate area of the game 0nti& the affecte" p&ayer pronounces NA&& C&ear", at which point s0pervisors wi&& signa& the game to contin0e. 2n the absence of game supervisors, nearby p&ayers shou&" wa$e their re" rags in the air to in"icate a b&in" man ca&&. Bnce the affecte" p&ayer pronounces NA&& C&ear", p&ayers shou&" ret0rn their re" rags to their pockets an" ye&& NA&& C&ear.N 2.+. NB b&in" %ring. Fou m0st be ab&e to see a&ong the barre& of the !0n you are %ring with yo0r own Ano 0sing mirrors or "evices to shoot aroun" obstac&es).
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