If Applicable) and the Author(S) 2018 AHJ Magnan-Park Et Al. (Eds.

If Applicable) and the Author(S) 2018 AHJ Magnan-Park Et Al. (Eds.

INDEX 0-9 political commentary, 436, 437, 444 100,000 Bad Jokes, 335 pro-democracy, 439 1951 United Nations treaty, 692 social media, 428. See also Activism, 1965 Immigration and Naturalization digital Act, 477, 479 youth, 440 1968 Czechoslovakia. See Prague Spring Actor 1997 Handover, 691, 694 and image, 652, 653, 655, 656, 659, 2014 Umbrella Movement, 691 663 2046 (2004 flm), 111, 113, 115 refective of human nature, 653 20th Century Fox’s, 335 as transcending the self, 652 3D, 81, 82, 85 Actor–network theory (ANT), 172 “386 generation”, 541 Actualités sénégalaise (Senegalese News- 5D, 82 reels), 42 7D, 82 Advertising, 80, 111, 141, 205, 230, 542, 610 Advertising culture, 62 A and sanitization, 62 Abbas, Ackbar, 385, 439, 564, 571 Aesthetic of slow, 569, 570. See also Cin- space of disappearance, 564 ema of slowness Abenomics, 416 The Aesthetics of Hunger, 38. See also Abe, Shinzo, 416 The Aesthetics of Violence Above-the-line personnel, 26 The Aesthetics of Violence, 38 Academy Awards, 619, 623 Affective community, 497, 502 Accented cinema, 76 Affects, 491, 492, 498, 501, 502 “Achoo Cha Cha”, 573, 575 Affrmative, 621 Acland, Charles, 133, 135, 137, 144, Afghanistan, 690, 693–695, 700–702 146 Africa Acoustic persona, 381 as the ultimate Other, 41 Activism African Arts Festival, 43 digital, 438 Afrique sur Seine (1955), 42 fan, 438 Ahn, SooJeong, 27 © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2018 709 A. H. J. Magnan-Park et al. (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Asian Cinema, https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-349-95822-1 710 INDEX Ahwaz, 489 Animation, 375, 385, 618, 619, 624 Ah Ying (Fong), 61, 65 Anime, 21, 614, 616, 617, 619, 620 Aiello, Danny, 354 Anna and the King, 472, 473 Aikawa, Sho, 284–286, 288 Another World We Are Making:Haen- Aikoku 愛国, 281 dang-dong People 2 (1999), 638 Aimless Bullet (Yu), 59 Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival, 74 Akin, Fatih, 76 Anthology flm, 82. See also Omnibus Albertini, Bitto, 345 flm; Portmanteau flm; Transautho- Algeria, 44 rial cinema Algiers, 43–45 Anthropological gaze, 42 Algiers Charter. See “The Algiers Charter Anti-Communist containment, 24 on African Cinema” Antonio das Mortes (1969), 39 The Algiers Charter on African Cinema, Antonioni, Michelangelo, 32, 309, 45. See also Algiers Charter 313–324 Alibaba Group, 332 Appadurai, Arjun, 295, 411 Alibaba Pictures, 109–111, 122 Appeal, 611, 615, 620, 622, 624 Alien series, 359 Applause Pictures, 28, 29 A-list festival, 192, 193, 199 Appropriation, 379, 428, 432, 441 Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong (2015), fan, 436 412, 420, 423, 424 Arabian Peninsula, 18 Alternative screenings, 222, 223, 227, Arabic cinema, 46 234 Arabic language, 20 Althusser, Louis Arcade games, 385 interpellation, 55 Armenflm (Hayflm), 77 Altman, Rick, 376 Armenia, 71–81, 83–85 AMC Entertainment, 333, 337 Kingdom of, 71, 78 American Committee for Armenian and Republic of, 71, 74, 80 Syrian Relief, 80 Arrow Films American Dream, 31 Arrowdrome, 204 American Dreams in China (2013), 412 Arrow Video, 204, 205, 207 American flm, 612, 619, 621 Art for art’s sake, 30, 34, 48 American International’s, 346 Artistic second cinema, 39 American neocolonialism, 37 Art Theatre Guild (ATG), 226, 230, 231 American occupation, 540 ASEAN, 21 Amphetamine (Scud), 560, 564–566, Ashik-Kerib, 77 568 Asia Anatolian Central, 18, 21, 29 audiences, 156 defnition, 17 folk tales, 166 East, 17–22, 24–28 Anda, Armine, 74–76 ‘global’ Asia, 140 Anderson, Benedict, 16, 22 Inner, 18 Anderson, Paul, 334 New, 23 Andrew, Dudley, 689 new Asia, 131, 133, 135, 136, 139, Angelababy, 112–114, 120, 335 140, 144 Angela Ying Mao, 378 South, 18–21, 29 Ang Lee, 339, 378 Southeast, 18–22, 24, 25, 29 Anglophone, 36, 46 Asia as method, 129, 294 Animal bodies, 385 Asia Foundation, 24–26 Animal incarnations, 385, 386 AsiaGraph, 130–132, 144, 145 INDEX 711 Asia House Film Festival, 196 Astruc, Alexandre, 34 “Asian(s)”, 451 Athletic body, 383 Asian cultural production, 132, 145 Atlas, 334, 339 Asian media arts, 136, 139 Attendance, 221–223, 225–228, 232, continentalists, 16–18, 21–25, 27, 28, 233, 235 30, 47 Audience(s), 221–230, 232, 236, 610, “flm(s)”, 454, 458, 462, 464 611, 613, 615, 617, 620–624 nationalists, 16 Audio-visual capitalism, 22 new Asian arts exhibitions, 133 Audition, 204–207 “others”, 454, 462 Auerbach, Erich, 54 regionalists, 16 Aufderheide, Patricia, 40 Asian cinema, 15, 21, 27, 245, 246, 428, Australasia, 78 432–434, 441, 444 Australia, 690–704 contemporary, 428, 433, 434, 440 Australian Pasco’s circus, 457 pan-, 428, 435 Auteur, 33–35, 41, 43, 427, 434, 436, transnational, 429, 443 441, 444, 534, 537, 540. See also Asian continent, 15, 16, 21–24 Authorship, Auteurism Asian extreme, 197 collective, 431, 432, 444 Asian Film Festival, 25, 27 multiple, 428, 429, 433 formerly the Southeast Asian Film pan-Asian, 432 Festival, 25 Auteurism, 428, 432, 434, 436, 441, renamed the Asia-Pacifc Film Festival, 442, 563 25 Auteur’s cinema, 33 Asian fnancial crisis, 612 Authenticity, 381, 384, 385 Asianization of global culture, 22 Author Asian male actors, 484 author’s rights, 30, 35, 36 Asian men, racialized representations, as single creative genius, 35 470 moral rights, 36 Asian modernity. See Modernity Authorship, 204, 206–209, 429, 431– Asian Project Market, 75 434, 436, 440, 444, 445, 529, 530, Asian roots, 376 533, 548, 552. See also Auteur Asian stereotypes, 472 Autocratic rule, 48 Asian values, 412 Autor, 36 Asian women, 689, 690 German equivalent of the French Asia-Pacifc Film Festival, 25, 26, 192. auteur, 35 See also South East Asian Film Festi- Autorenflm, 35 val, The Axis nations, 31 formerly the Asian Film Festival, 25 Azerbaijan, 72, 73, 76, 77 as producers’ festival, 26 Asia-Pol, 345 Asiatic, 80 B cinema, 151 Babur, 18 roots of Turkish cinema, 158 Bad Robot Productions, 339 Asiatic races, 21 BAFTA, 623 Asia Union Film, 339 Bahramitash, Roksana, 505 The Asphalt Jungle (1950), 36 Baidu Group, 332 The Assassin, 387 Bai du ren. See See You Tomorrow (2016 Assimilation, 380, 387 flm) Astaire, Fred, 380 Bail, Charles, 346 712 INDEX Bai mao nü (The White-Haired Girl), Battle Front for the Liberation of Japan:- 551 Summer in Sanrizuka, The (1968), Bai Ruoyun, 296, 301, 302 633 Bait 3D, 334, 357 The Battle of Chile Parts I, II, and III Bakhtin, Mikhail, 54, 55 (1975, 1976, and 1979), 38 heteroglossia, 55 Battle Royale, 205, 206 “socio-ideological” dialects, 55 Battleship Potemkin, 35 Bakla, 584. See also kathoey; waria Battles without Honor and Humanity cross-dressing, 584–586, 589, 596, (Fukusaku), 61 597, 599, 600, 602 Bazin, André, 269 effeminacy, 584–586, 589, 591, 595, and Catholicism, 60 596, 599, 600 BBC, 613, 620 gay man, transgender woman, 584, Beauty 585, 588, 593, 598, 600–602 biopolitics, 543 gender transitivity, gender intransitiv- economy(meinü jingji), 549 ity, 584, 585, 600, 601 labors, 542 homosexuality, 584, 585, 601 worker, 551 interiorized femininity, 586, 600 Beijing, 631, 642, 643, 645 LGBT social movements in the Philip- Beijing Film Festival, 193 pines, 599 Beijing Olympics. See Olympic Games Bakla, 584. See also kathoey; waria Below-the-line personnel, 26 cross-dressing, 584–586, 589, 596, Benin, 41 597, 599, 600, 602 Benjamin, Walter, 652, 663 effeminacy, 584–586, 589, 591, 595, benshengren (native Taiwanese), 393, 596, 599, 600 394, 398, 399 gay man, transgender woman, 584, benshi, 249 585, 588, 593, 598, 600–602 Berlinale, 192, 194, 199 gender transitivity, gender intransitiv- Berlin International Film Festival, 27 ity, 584, 585, 600, 601 Berne Convention, 35 homosexuality, 584, 585, 601 Berry, Chris, 632–636, 646 interiorized femininity, 586, 600 Bertolt, Brecht LGBT social movements in the Philip- alienation effect, 436 pines, 599 Bertolucci, Bernardo, 32, 339 Bal (Semih Kaplanoglu, 2010), 162, 164 Betrayal, 396, 398, 400 Bamboo United Gang, The, 394 A Better Tomorrow, 61, 470, 471 Bangladesh, 25 B-flms, 197 Bangpian, 345 Bhagat, Chetan, 412 Barbarian, 20 bias, 415, 459, 463 Barrier Bicycle Thieves (De Sica), 60 cultural, 28 The Big Boss, 348 language, 28 The Big Brawl, 348, 350, 351, 354, 356 market, 28 Big Three, 27, 34, 43 Barthes, Roland, 68, 539 “big timer” flms, 60 punctum, 539 Birri, Fernando, 38 bassiji, 494, 495, 497–499, 502 Bitters End, 618 bassij-e mostazafan (sazman-e bassije Black Caesar (Cohen), 60 mostazafan), 494 The Black Falcon, 345 Batjack Productions, 344 Black Orpheus (1959), 35 Blade Runner, 346, 347 INDEX 713 Blaxploitation, 60 Buñuel, Luis and Dalí, Salvador Blockbusters, 610, 611, 613, 614, 619, Un Chien Andalou, 537 621 Burkina Faso, 46 Bloodsport, 378 Burning of the Red Lotus Monastery, 377 Blow Up, 32, 322, 323 Busan Film Festival, 192. See also Pusan Blue Star, 336 Film Festival Blum, Robert, 25 Busan International Film Festival (BIFF), Blu-Ray, 201, 202, 204, 205, 207, 26, 27, 182 211–213 and Asian Cinema Fund, 182 B-Movies, 378 and Asian Network of Documentary Body care, 542, 543 (AND), 182 Bollywood, 295, 300, 469, 475–477 and Asian Project Market, 182 Bond, James, 307, 312 as the Cannes of Asia, 27 Bond system, 156 formerly the Pusan International Film Borneo, 24 Festival, 26 Borzage, Frank, 344 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Boss Tweed, 60 (1969), 35 Botz-Bornstein, Thorsten, 442 Butler, Judith, 532, 552, 553 kawaii consumerism, 442 Gender Trouble; Feminism and the Bourdieu, Jean, 34 Subversion of Identity, 529 Box offce, 24, 28–33, 45, 612, 614– Byun Young-joo, 635 616, 622, 623 domestic, 30, 31 overseas, 31 C Brazil, 39 Cahiers du cinéma, 33, 35 Brennan, Bernadette, 694 Cairo International Film Festival, 79 Brick Mansions, 334, 357 Calendar, 75 A Brighter Summer Day, 392, 394, 396, Callahan, William, 414 399 Call Him Mr.

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