VINULUI tourism agency presents • agenția turismului prezintă • агентство по туризму представляет CONTENT CUPRINS СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Overview Tourist wine road of Moldova Ruta turistică vitivinicolă 4 Informaţii succinte 28 Туристический винный despre Moldova маршрут Краткая информация „Stepa Bugeacului”/«Bugeac о Молдове Steppe”/Буджакская Степь Roadmap Tourist wine road Harta drumurilor Ruta turistică vitivinicolă 5 Карта дорог 34 Туристический винный маршрут Introductory speech „Purcari” Cuvânt de salut 6 Приветственное слово Tourist wine road Ruta turistică vitivinicolă Tourist wine road 40 Туристический винный Ruta turistică vitivinicolă маршрут 10 Туристический винный „Chişinău-Bălţi” маршрут „Orheiul Vechi” Tourist wine road Ruta turistică vitivinicolă Tourist wine road 46 Туристический винный Ruta turistică vitivinicolă маршрут 16 Туристический винный „Dunărea de Jos” маршрут ”Lower Danube” „Codrii Moldovei” «Нижний Дунай» Tourist wine road Viticulture in Moldova Ruta turistică vitivinicolă Vinificaţia în Moldova 22 Туристический винный 52 Виноделие в Молдове маршрут „Lăpuşna” CONTENT CUPRINS СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Moldovan divin Restaurants Divinurile moldoveneşti Restaurante 62 Молдавские дивины 90 Рестораны Viticulture of Moldova Sights and attractions Viticultura Moldovei Atracţii turistice 68Виноградарство Молдовы 92 Достопримечательности Festivals and exhibitions Diplomatic missions Festivaluri şi expoziţii Misiuni diplomatice 76Фестивали и выставки 94 Дипломатические миссии List of Wineries Lista întreprinderilor vinicole Useful directory, links 78Список винодельческих Telefoane utile, lincuri предприятий 96 Полезные номера телефонов и ссылки Hotels Hoteluri 82Гостиницы Travel Agencies Agenţii de turism 86Туристические агентства Ordered by/La comanda/По заказу: Association of Female Journalists of Moldova “New Vision” © Tourism Agency of Republic of Moldova Asociaţia ziaristelor din Moldova „Viziunea Nouă” © Agenţia Turismului a Republicii Moldova Ассоциация женщин-журналистов Молдовы «Новый Взгляд» © Агентство по Туризму Республики Молдова Address: 53 Hancesti str., Chisinau mun. Editor-in-Chief /Redactor-şef/ Редактор выпуска Tel./fax: (+373 22 ) 22 66 34. – Natalia Sineavscaia, [email protected]. e-mail: [email protected] Design/дизайн – Nicolai Verbitkii. Web: www.turism.gov.md Translators/Traducători/Переводчики - Alla Abramova, Lilia Botnariuc. Printed by/Tipărit la/Отпечатано в Proof-readers/Corectura/Корректура ÎS «Tipografia Centrală» – Lilia Botnariuc, Alla Abramova. INFORMATION INFORMATIE ИНФОРМАЦИЯ The Republic of Moldova is a small, Republica Moldova este o ţară mică, cu Республика Молдова - небольшая, гу- densely populated country in South- populaţie densă. E situată în Sud-Estul стонаселенная страна в Юго-Восточной Eastern Europe. Europei. Европе. The area – 33.8 thousand km2 Suprafaţa – 33,8 mii km2 Площадь – 33.8 тыс.км2 Moldova neighbors Ukraine to the north, La nord, la est şi la sud se învecinează cu На севере, востоке и юге граничит с east and south, and Romania to the west. Ucraina, iar la vest – cu România Украиной, а на западе - с Румынией. Moldova’s territory is 350 km long from Teritoriul R. Moldova are o întindere de la Территория Молдовы имеет протяжен- the north to the south and 150 km from nord la sud de 350 de km, iar de la vest la ность с севера на юг 350 км и с запада на the west to the east. est – 150 km. восток - 150 км. Population – about 3.5 mln. people Populaţia – circa 3,5 milioane de oameni. Население – около 3,5 миллиона чело- Capital – Chisinau, over 800 thousand Capitala – Chişinău, peste 800 mii de lo- век. residents. cuitori. Столица – Кишинэу, более 800 тысяч жи- National currency – Leu (1 USD = about Valuta naţională – leul (1 dolar SUA – телей. 13 MDL), 1 leu equals to 100 bani (coins). aproximativ 13 lei), 1 leu este echivalent Национальная валюта – лей (1 доллар The state language – Moldovan cu 100 de bani (monede). США – примерно 13 леев), 1 лей равен (Romanian), the inter-ethnic language Limba de stat – moldoveneasca (româ- 100 банам (монеты). of communication – Russian, in some nă), limba de comunicare dintre repre- Государственный язык – молдавский regions Gagauzian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian zentanţii etniilor – rusa, în unele regiuni (идентичен с румынским, язык межна- along with Moldovan and Russian. alături de moldoveneasca şi rusă – găgă- ционального общения – русский, в не- Internet zone - .md uza, ucraineana, bulgara. которых регионах наряду с молдавским Telephone code - 373 Zona-Internet - .md; и русским - гагаузский, украинский, бол- Religion – Orthodoxy – 98.5% of popula- Codul telefonic – 373; гарский). tion. Religia – 98,5% din populaţie sunt Интернет-зона - .md Moldova (also called Moldavia) pro- creştini-ortodocşi. Телефонный код – 373 claimed independence on August 27, R. Moldova şi-a proclamat independenţa Вероисповедание: православие - 98,5% 1991. Moldova is a member of the United la 27 august 1991, devenind apoi membru населения. Nations and the CIS. ONU şi CSI. Молдова (называемая также Молдавия) провозгласила независимость 27 августа OFF ICIAL HOLIDAYS Săă RB TORI OFICIALE 1991 года. Является членом ООН и СНГ. January 1 – the New Year 1 ianuarie – Revelionul January 7 – Christmas 7 ianuarie – Naşterea Domnului nostru ОфАь ИцИ л НыЕ пРАзДНИкИ: March 8 – the International Women’s Day Iisus Hristos 1 января – Новый Год. Easter (Sunday, Monday) 8 martie – Ziua Internaţională a Femeii 7 января – Рождество Христово. May 1 – the International Spring and Paştele (duminică, luni, marţi) 8 марта – Международный Женский Labor Day Paştele Blajinilor (morţilor) – la o săptă- День. August 27 – Independence Day mână de la Paşti Пасха (воскресенье, понедельник) August 31 - «Limba Noastra» (State 1 mai – Ziua Internaţională a Primăverii Радуница (Родительский День, через не- Language Day) şi Muncii делю после Пасхи) 27 august – Ziua Independenţei 1 мая – Международный День Весны и *Chisinau’s Day is celebrated on October 31 august – „Limba Noastră” (Ziua Limbii Труда. 14. Nationale) 27 августа – День Независимости. Each populated locality has its own holi- 31 августа – «Limba Noastra» (День day on the day of the Saint in honor of * La 14 octombrie este sărbătorit Hramul Национального Языка). which the locality’s church was conse- Chişinăului (Ziua oraşului). În toate locali- crated. It is a cheerful holiday with fairs tăţile, de ziua sfinţilor ale căror nume le *14 октября отмечается Храм Кишинева and festivals. poartă bisericile centrale, se prăznuiesc (День города). В каждом населенном hramurile – sărbători vesele, cu iarma- пункте в день Святого, в честь которого *The second Sunday of October – the roace şi petreceri populare. освящена церковь, отмечается Храм – Wine Day. веселый праздник с ярмарками и народ- *A doua duminica din luna octombrie – ными гуляниями. The marked holidays (*) are not official Ziua Vinului. national ones but are widely celebrated. *Второе воскресенье октября Sărbătorile marcate cu steluţă * nu sunt – День вина. oficiale. Праздники, помеченные *, не являются официальными национальными, но от- мечаются широко. 4 Drumul vinului Dear friends, Vine and wine have always been an alienable part of Moldovan lifestyle, while viti-viniculture refers to the few traditions that have been preserved through centuries. The geography of Moldova sees neither high mountains nor sea shores, yet the country is a tourist attraction owing, among others, to clusters of juicy grapes and picturesque vineyards. Even the outline of the country on the map is reminiscent of a grape cluster. The attainments of Moldovan viniculture could be taken pride in, while multiple medals awarded at international contests prove once again how much efforts and soul have been introduced by the Moldovans into production of this divine beverage. The country is rich in natural resources, sights and attractions of interest for tourists, while our main asset is our industrious and hospital people. Therefore, the desire to attract tourists to our country appears natural inclusive those who would like to get familiar with our wine routes. We are happy to present the guide book “Wine Route” meant to introduce the Republic of Moldova as a tourist destination worth while visiting, as well as to get familiar with the principal tourist wine routes of our country. At present, the main objective of the Tourism Agency of the Republic of Moldova is to establish partnership with our good neighbours in the field of touristic activity in viti-viniculture, while the nearest prospect includes expansion of the extant routes by their inclusion into trans-boundary tours. Autumn appears to advantage in this place. The variety of warm colours and nuances manifested by nature autumns, romanticism of multiple weddings that are traditionally celebrated this season and splendid aroma of young yet already “sparkling” wine—all the aforesaid is going to provide tourists with excellent impressions. You are welcome to Moldova! Liudmila Dumitras, General Director of Tourism Agency of Republic of Moldova 6 Drumul vinului Dragi prieteni! Дорогие друзья! Viţa de vie şi vinul dintotdeauna au fost pentru Виноград и вино всегда были для молдаван moldoveni ca o binecuvântare, viticultura şi неотъемлемой частью их жизни, а vinificaţia numărându-se printre puţinele tradiţii виноградарство и виноделие относятся к тем perpetuate de-a lungul secolelor. немногим традициями, которые сохранились, Fără munţi şi fără mare Republica Moldova пройдя сквозь века. care, văzută pe hartă, de altfel, ea însăşi are Не имея ни высоких гор, ни морского
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