. ' \ CHRONICLE CRANFORD. N, J.. THURSDAY. MAY 8. 1930. __ FIVF. CEN1S TOTAL MRS. VANDEMARK IWH-LSEY ELECTED HEARING 13,800 Gwst Artists Top QUITS SCHOOL BOARD Stugcr Gfe$ Stand UONS PRESIDENT BsLakqr Homed CoMcrt Profran Trader* BealgnaUea Owe f IB Health tied* •sasgaalleas W Teaclwre Aha At V. L A. Meeting Woman's Choral Presertts iSectcd Candidate for Nomination to Retinae From Prrstdcnry, She Rem. of ( Well - Balanced Evening, Due to HI health. Mrs. Minnie O Congress Speaks Before of gUUa wen re- During National Observ- Vsndemark presented her resignation William J WUlsry was .M prm I* Presirnted With Watch Duting by th* Cranford Ambulance as a member ot the Board of Education Republican Club. Sixteen Comrnmse at It* tneetlrsg Monday night ance of Music Week. .< at the regular May meeting held Tues- New Members Received. n^nictlh^b^ the total, up to *Mn.4g. it day evening In the board rooms. She *1 lUyasru's other nOtm wvrr dVsu -_ «_, ennouiiLSJ there la still about The 8econd Conctrt ot tin- Seventh was chairman of the health and at Fred W Unge, vlre pmlttrnt. Dr tut tendance committee of the board. Her A, Dunfee. secrMary; Jack Wott. ins- MM «ut*tanmng In pladgaa. From the Season of the Woman's Choral ox Speaking to a capacity audlcnc* of Aa Fwf BOfT Wink, resignation was accepted with regret urer: Waller Cooper. Uon tumr J 1 "*" ««rti-inurth aiiiuml mrrtlna Bustosss Men's Aseodation tIMO was Cranford was very fittingly held dur members of th* Republican Club at the I ort Oam- received as additional returns from the and a'committee was named to recom- T""*!" twister and O K Wan»r «e e» VBtaer lm|irovrn.fnt A«wla. Club. the Bur Ing the observance of the Seventh An- regular meeting In th* club house last boxing bouts apeueuied several weeks nual Celebration of National Music mend a successor. Members of the "oughton. tn»t«. Tfc.. A n.,.,1,.* MI,. Alter ago. The fashion show which the am- Week and took place at Roosevelt committee are: President C. A. Lan night. Wesley A Stanger, candidate for I la tbtTbwh- balance committee presented last Fri- sing. R. T Robinson, John K. Cloud. N the Republican nomlnatlona* con- r was carried School Aucatortum on Tuesday evenlnc T<U day brought hi ttlJO, while a contri- when, in addition to a wel) selected P Stewart was named as chairman of gressman from this districtprVsented, ot Frank McCulimsfb tw rrrr--1 ''"* """""^ * ' '" ««at om>* she with Ib* election wwaas actetdd urms taVensblV T i ^"^ '-*" s"*""1" 1"f ""• t"«t twelve bution of »» was received from Rich- program >of choral number*, the club the committee »hlch Mrs. Vsndemark his stand against prohibition lleDe^ i o( various ards and Oaaton. genenl contractors headed. Oeorge O Teller, chairman of thr ms- j 1—n m mimnn Ttir annual meet. presented as soloists Benno Rablnoff, eland th* liquor problem, la one which • Sorcaton wat tor the railroad improvement violinist and Joseph,-Mathieu, tenor. Other resignations Included that of !> other members of should'b* d**it with by th* Slates. It was announced the whole township A large audience braved the discom- Miss Jane Drackebush, school nurse, fort of the hottest May <th on record effective at the close of the present N. ruk, tt ZZZXSitSZZl t Rossncnats. Po- had been canvasted. with the exception •'1 am opposed to the Eighteenth ng rlwied In to Indicate bf enthusiastic applausr school year: and Mrs. Constance Brook, Amendment to the National ConsUlu- lite* and an engrossed copy wtU b* M \ Rowland English. of a few streets. Those who have not their appreciation of both rhorus and lo the family ' new dlrec- been solicited are requested to send teacher of Orade 1A, Orant, effective Wallace Rooptr, guest artuu. May 16 They were accepted with Hon. I am opposed to the Volstead In taking 'ofBce. Presidnu vna«, Wallace Bond their contributions to either Thomas Act, the Jones law and similar prohi- S7ok* as follows >•. Mr. J Angus r Charles Fred- " " " of the oonuntttee The chorus, under the baton of Lit' regret t of the meet- or John I* Orennan. treasurer, llan Andrews musics! director, saiu Teachers appointed for the coming bition national legislation In oonnec i Rosmcrsnis, with good phrasing and well developed year were: Miss Ruth Tunner. 48 Qrant: Uori with th* liquor traffic At the conclusion of the meeting climaxes, psrticularly In the rendition Miss Cora Wakeflrld, SB. Sherman; ••Next I suppot* you want to know Monday night, members of the com- of the Reve Angeuque. or a Seraphic Miss Owen Swrnsen, SB, Lincoln: Miss what I propose doing when you *l*ot mittee Inspected an ambulance brought Song, of Rublnstein-Oaines, which wa> Mona Smith. 6B, Lincoln: MluKather ms to Congress from this district and \by tin here from Ugh Bridge. The special markd by. unanimity and EmoothneM Ine Clark, (B. oosevelt, Transfers, I go down to Washington as your rep- committee appointed to make a recom- throughout. effective Sept «. Include; Miss Oladys resentative. Chili mendation of the ambulance to be pur- Mr. Rablnof revealed himself as a smith. 3D Orant to 3A Orant;«Mn. -I intend lo Introduce • resolution ed. chased will submit Its report at the violinist of remarkable gifts and un- Winifred Usowskl. 4A to 6A Orant; for the repeal of the Eighteenth their personal Interests to the interests «t thr mirtlni was [ UM chair and meeting Moody night. usual proficlncy. This slender, dsrk- Miss Etlzsbeth KsUy. 4B to 4A, Orant; Amendment to the NaUonsI Constitu- ot Uonlsm end th* protect' i by appointing The latest list of contributors Is as tion, referring the entire matter back objects eyed young man Is not only well Miss Eleanor Lex*. M to departmental, M f I for the year. Ill* schooled—he Is a pupll_of Leopold Lincoln: Oeorge Rely**, mechanical to th* sutes when It belongs. I e». "I hav* been convinced tor * *• * *' ««><«> with a > meeting were ap- Auer— but Is decidedly accomplUhed an drawing, to director manual training, PHI t« ally myself with'other Don' thst things do not wait Into well. IUs technique Is clean cut and high school. Miss Marian Pawllk was gresMWn from other district* In varl- -*w.s,es»i swiejHIHIWllaf MH UHHsWiU tWHf brilliant and his tone ranges from full appointed secretary to Charles A, Wai ous sute* In th* Union who b*li*v* ar* placed In posUlans aaa> pan eg th> fts^sj msflutlisa <iBma by Mrs P. K. I the meeting to or- and robust to delicately tender. In lace, prindpal of the Sherman School. th* asm* as I do, and stand by Uu* gnat plan the almighty is working w • regular routine bust- "Waves at Play" his Interpretation of resolution with all of th* steadfastness Miss Lakry «ri( mad* It was agreed to hold-the summer "Our first president, the Her. Hasps*. thi> grtni|i Mra. \the_nporu of K.B. otsen the clever musical passages was mag- school session June 33 to August 1. Th* of which I am capable. In drawing who occupied the cnslr nswfar two yoan nificently accurate and of perfect tech the resolution for repealing the amend and Mrs John w i. Q. K. school will meet In the Cleveland gave the club a spiritual fouBwatkas ttj 1 nlcal finish. Benno Rablnof has be* i ment I expect to enlist the beat brains «B«n on Uie rewlution ; reported on UM School and the start will Include: Miss preaching the ethics ana obtMU u As prewnlnl by Mrs featured, with Mme. Jerlua' on the and bast legal talent avaUabl* In the Uonlsm. He was followed by Oswqsav to Q. O. Donnelly program of.the Maine Music Festival Jeanette Armstrong, principal; Miss State of New Jersey. Cbr mwUKItn was a> to|. , quoting too In Mary Duggan. English; Miss Etta Tun- who has practiced Uoniaas tar and in concerts of the Dkranlan ,Wa- ,„_ -I believe that this Issue Is bigger yean, In the many ——•—-, _ SheUa Donnelly tlonal Chorus as well as in recitals a: ner, departmental geography: and-hisHi*- Jhan any man: that It I* th* most Im- h.new buildings to in- as. Wilson tory: Miss Ulllsn Oarisnd and he ha* been afflliat4d wW» a*a k* aB . Ods orsaUssUon with pro- Aeolian and Carnegie Hall. He pleased portent internal question thst has lus many aetlviilas hi* spirtt «g sents* as man* U ooaaielled to accept i of the Town A Friend his hearers and won a well-merited Winifred Usowskl, in charg* of grades arisen sine* slavery, t bs|ler* ths,t I the dUBcultlo* In C. H. »">~— 4, 8 and «. hk* *e*n an insplnrlon to every ass* a Istsrs gtaat nstgnalton as preal- and enthusiastic reception. till* is th* Mm* for *vw- man and who has known him. and sapssMbr ts> of* apartment J. P. Shnrtmal . _ The school calendar for ino-ai, as woman In Hi* Unit** •late*, b*|i«vlng reported that the Joseph Mathleu possesses a tenor adopted, shows IS4 days- Classes start ourolub, > w*. as snemk«rs ot' thU & Robinson Barrett voice of much charm and One feeling, in maintaining » IMpuhUoan form of > than paid the With R. Barrett Sept. 17 and continue through June It. '"*"——** ••*•• T • mils* her faithful together with a gracious manner "whfeU government and In th* restoration of g wsnw» fan- so many yean Bobby Barrett™. makes hi* singing most acceptable. Ills Holiday* wul Include: Columbus Day, th* rights of tn« sovereign people, and man of iinuswl abiuty. wns> ha> a»* sWnlash Barrett Election Day, Thanksgiving recess, Nov.
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