© Jeff Goldberg / Esto 卡內基音樂廳的迴響 Carnegie Hall Live at July 2012 二零一二年七月號 © Jeff Goldberg / Esto FOREWORD 前言 It’s one of the most important performance venues in the world, movies 全球最重要的表演場地之一、電影曾以這裡為題材、史頓不遺餘力 have been made about it, Isaac Stern mounted a campaign to save 以保存這個音樂殿堂、柴可夫斯基曾在這裡指揮、波蘭鋼琴家 / 作 it, Tchaikovsky conducted here, Polish pianist / composer / politician 曲家 / 總統巴特維夫斯基在這裡作美國首演、德伏扎克著名的《新 Ignacy Jan Paderewski made his American debut here, Dvořák’s 世界交響曲》在這裡作世界首演、音樂家們對能亮相於此引以為 famous New World Symphony was premiered here, musicians dream 榮、世界各地的觀眾都想在這裡欣賞音樂會。卡內基音樂廳是一個 to perform here, music lovers from different parts of the world enjoy 響噹噹的名字。 watching a concert here...it can only be New York’s Carnegie Hall. 7月和8月,星期六晚的第四台音樂會將帶來多個來自紐約卡內基 In July and August, Saturday’s Live on 4 will bring you concerts and 音樂廳的現場演出。亮相的星級音樂家包括鋼琴家舒爾夫和安斯涅 recitals recorded at Carnegie Hall. Enjoy the wonderful music-making 斯、歌唱家馬蒂娜、指揮家嘉狄拿和費沙等。當中有獨奏會、巴羅 from this historical venue with stars including pianists András Schiff 克小組音樂會、鋼琴獨奏會,以及管弦樂演出,包括由力圖帶領柏 and Leif Ove Andsnes, singer Karita Mattila, and conductors John Eliot 林愛樂送上馬勒的《復活交響曲》。今年夏天,我們邀請你一起神 Gardiner and Iván Fischer, and many more. Programmes vary from a 遊紐約! song recital to a Baroque chamber concert, a piano recital to Mahler’s Resurrection Symphony (Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by 經常收聽第四台的朋友都會留意到,我們不單播放西洋古典音樂, Simon Rattle). So, spend a New York summer on Radio 4. 也會帶來其他口味,包括世界音樂和爵士樂。 Our long-time listeners know that Radio 4 doesn’t just broadcast western 大地之歌與馬勒的同名作品無直接關係,卻直接帶出了新節目的內 classical music. In addition, world music and jazz are frequently heard 容:來自不同地域、較具泥土味和民族氣色的音樂。節目主持人黃 on our airwaves. 愛恩專門研究世界音樂,逢星期六晚10時至午夜,她會帶你走進充 Songs of the Earth (note ‘Songs’ to distinguish from Mahler’s famous 滿異國風情的音樂世界。 work) is a new programme to bring you music from different parts of 歡樂時光代表著下班時份,大家可以鬆一鬆,歎一歎。由7月開始, the planet. Connie Wong is a specialist in world music. She is going to 星期一至五黃昏6時至7時,林家琦將於歡樂時光的上半部份選播爵 be your guide on this exotic musical excursion every Saturday evening 士樂,與你寫意地共度歡樂時光。 from 10 to midnight. 8月份,我們將慶祝德布西出生一百五十年。他是如假包換,與別 To most people, Happy Hour means after work, a time to let loose, and 不同的音樂巨匠;其音樂語言與同年代作曲家相比可謂大相徑庭。7 perhaps to go for a drink…. Most fittingly, in July, 6 to 7pm on Monday 月份,鋼琴家兼學者查海倫會先在德布西印象中,介紹德布西的生 to Friday, Kathy Lam will bring to you jazz music of different varieties. 平、感情世界、音樂風格和創作生命。下月,我們還將為你預備其 Please join her for an hour of all that’s jazz! 他與德布西有關的節目,請拭目以待。 August marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Debussy. He was a unique composer who wrote music in quite a different language 暑期愉快。 compared with his contemporaries. This month, we pave the way for the 第四台節目總監 蕭樹勝 anniversary celebration with a series entitled Debussy Recollection (in Cantonese) hosted by pianist and academic Helen Cha. Get a glimpse of the great composer and get prepared for the great French composer’s show time in August. On Artbeat, Jonathan Douglas interviewed one of the great modern Debussy conductors. Read excerpts from that Radio 4 would like to thank the patrons DIAMOND PATRON 鑽石贊助者 interview on p. 6. for their generous support. If you would Sir Gordon & Lady Wu 胡應湘爵士伉儷 like to become a patron of ‘FM’ Fine PLATINUM PATRON 白金贊助者 Happy listening. Music, please call us on 9073 3474 for M Restaurant Group further information during office hours. SILVER PATRON 白銀贊助者 香港電台第四台謹向以下贊助者的慷慨 Ms. Rayne Chai Chih-hui 蔡之慧女士 支持致以最深謝意。有興趣成為「美樂 集」贊助者的朋友,可在辦公時間內致電 Jimmy Shiu 9073 3474 查詢有關詳情。 Head, Radio 4 1 CONTENTS 目錄 01 FROM THE DESK OF HEAD, R4 掌台人隨筆 05 SPECIAL FEATURES 特稿 05 2012 New Generation Flashback 2012 音樂新一代回顧 06 Conductor Jun Märkl on the Joys of French Music 08 Asian Youth Orchestra - Quest for Excellence COVER STORY 封面故事 10 Live at Carnegie Hall 卡內基音樂廳的迴響 COLUMNS 專欄 14 Sunday Opera 歌劇世界 17 Musical Exchange 談天論樂 19 International Rostrum of Composers 2012 2012國際作曲家交流會議 20 Debussy Recollection 德布西印象 22 Songs of the Earth 大地之歌 25 All or Nothing 情有獨鍾 27 Happy Hour 歡樂時光 28 第四台之友情報站 Christiane Höhne Friends’ News © 06 29 New Releases 新唱片大本營 30 Concert Highlights 音樂會轉播精選 33 Main Programme Chart 節目時間表 08 35 Programme Highlights 節目精華 47 ‘FM’ Classified Board 《美樂集》分類廣告 48 Coda 10 AYO AYO © 20 Jeff Goldberg / Esto © 3 SPECIAL FEATURES 特稿 Raymond Chung 鍾子豪 The 2012 New Generation Concert took place on 7 June at RTHK Studio One. Nine new works were given their premieres. In addition to the commissioned work, A Breath of Life by Wong Chun-wai, last year’s winner, eight works were performed by the Composers’ Guild Ensemble conducted by their Music Director Richard Tsang and Associate Music Director Lo Hau-man. This year, the commission was to write music for an ensemble of 5 music instruments: violin, viola, double bass, oboe and bassoon. The winner of the year is Chan Kai-young. He is currently a MMus student in Composition at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His winning work, entitled Fata Morgana, paints a kaleidoscope of illusory landscapes with a palette of ‘distorted’ instrumental and harmonic colours. 2012 New Generation was broadcast in Live on 4 on 23 June. You can listen to the programme in our programme archive at www.rthk.hk. 今年的「2012音樂新一代」音樂會已於6月7日晚在香港電台一號錄音室舉行。九首新作品由「驕陽雅樂」合奏團在音樂總監曾葉發及副音樂 總監盧厚敏領導下演出。上年度冠軍得主黃俊諱接受委約創作的新曲《一息》,音樂色彩豐富,充滿個人風格。 今年,各年輕作曲家為五件樂器譜曲,包括小提琴、中提琴、低音大提琴、雙簧管和巴松管。冠軍得主是陳啟揚,他現於香港中文大學攻讀 碩士學位,主修作曲。他的作品《蜃景》刻意透過扭曲的音色,繪出海市蜃樓的變幻莫測,交叠現實與虛幻。 《蜃景》和多位年青作曲家的新作,已於6月23日晚8時的「第四台音樂會」時段播出,可於香港電台網頁(www.rthk.hk)重溫。 Three outstanding composers and their compositions for the ‘2012 New Generation Concert’: 2012音樂新一代 三位優勝者及作品 Champion 冠軍 Chan Kai-young : Fata Morgana 陳啟揚:蜃景 1st runner-up 亞軍 Ting Chung-wai: Flower Burial under a Pallid Moon 丁宗偉:殘月葬花 2nd runner-up 季軍 Tam Ka-shu: Discussion ‧ (Somewhat) Meaningless Sound for Somewhat Profound Listeners Members of the selection panel and the winner: (from left) Chan Wing-wah, 譚家樹:空廢討論 ‧ 給資深聽眾的無謂聲音 Pedro Faria Gomes, Chan Kai-young (the champion), and Richard Tsang 評審作曲家與得獎者:(左起)陳永華、Pedro Faria Gomes、陳啟揚(冠軍)及曾葉發 Young composers, conductors, selection panel members and those behind the scene Richard Tsang conducts the Composer’ Guild Ensemble 年輕作曲家、指揮家、評審團,以及幕後精英 曾葉發指揮「驕陽雅樂」合奏團 2012 New Generation was presented by Hong Kong Composers’ Guild and RTHK Radio 4 「2012音樂新一代」由香港作曲家及作詞家協會及香港電台第四台合辦 5 SPECIAL FEATURES 特稿 The German-Japanese conductor Jun Märkl has made a name for himself as a leading interpreter of French impressionistic music in recordings with the Lyon National Orchestra, of which he was, until recently, Music Director. Jonathan Douglas asked him how he had come to fall under the spell of Debussy and his compatriots. M : Jun Märkl J : Jonathan Douglas M : I’ve been music director of a French orchestra so I needed to J : It must be great fun to conduct because it is so rich for the develop my knowledge of French repertoire. I’ve also developed orchestra, and the musicians have to be constantly on their toes. a big project around Debussy because he is one of the most It must be a joy to play. underestimated French composers. He is, in my opinion, the M : Yes, but it’s also very hard work because it’s full of details. Every most important [composer] for the 20th century, so I created a bar has something different. It’s very delicate music and it takes recording project of all Debussy orchestral works, which just long time to get to where you feel comfortable and then it’s joy. came out with 9 CDs. It not only has all of Debussy’s original It’s like a mosaic. orchestral works but also instrumentation by various composers throughout the 20th century and instrumentation of his piano J : It’s a special kind of challenge isn’t it, different from playing works. German music? J : That must have been an extraordinary journey for you to be so M : Yes, it’s also a completely different approach, and that’s what’s deeply immersed in the music of Debussy. fascinating, for me with my German background, going into this kind of music to lighten up the orchestra, to get more bright M : Yes, that was a great discovery because I found out many things. colours than in German music. If the orchestra can do both it First of all, how this composer developed, deeper insights, what contributes to a really high quality of playing, a flexibility we is so special about him, and why he is so important. What need from the musicians. creates his brilliant sense of colours, the orchestration, and so I found out a lot of unique and also challenging works for the J : You have the perfect orchestra, the Lyon National Orchestra, orchestra to perform. to play this repertoire. Do you find that in your experience, it’s hard to get a German orchestra to be as flexible as you need to J : I am interested that you said earlier that you felt he is be to play French music? underestimated; in what way do you feel Debussy does not enjoy the recognition he deserves? M : Depends a little bit on which German orchestra, but most of the time they are playing too heavily, too dark, and many colours M : If you look at performances, there are usually 5 pieces that would not come out, so it’s very hard work working with them. are being performed regularly. Of course there’s La Mer Sometimes it’s a little bit against the tradition they usually have, and then Nocturne and then three others, but there is a vast and this is what makes working with this type of repertoire much repertoire which has rarely or never been played and there easier with an orchestra like the Hong Kong Philharmonic, an is a lot to discover.
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