Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 122 / Thursday, June 25, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 34603 Documents which are incorporated by required information to the U.S. Senate, FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS reference are available for public the U.S. House of Representatives, and COMMISSION inspection at the Air and Radiation the Comptroller General of the United Docket and Information Center, EPA, States prior to publication of the rule in 47 CFR Part 53 401 M Street, SW, Washington, D.C. the Federal Register. This rule is not a [CC Docket No. 96±149; FCC 96±489] 20460, as well as the above addresses. ``major rule'' as defined by 5 U.S.C. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: 804(2). Non-Accounting Safeguards; Christine LemmeÂ, Office of Air Quality Correction (OAQ±107), EPA, Seattle, Washington, List of subjects in 40 CFR Part 52 AGENCY: Federal Communications (206) 553±0977. Environmental protection, Air Commission SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: pollution control, Fees, Incorporation by ACTION: Correcting amendments. Background reference, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. SUMMARY: This document contains a On August 6, 1997 (62 FR 42216), corrections to a final regulation in Note: Incorporation by reference of the EPA approved several minor revisions Implementation of Non-Accounting Implementation Plan for the State of to the Washington State Implementation Safeguards of Section 271 and 272 of Washington was approved by the Director of Plan (SIP) which revised certain the Communications Act of 1934, as the Office of Federal Register on July 1, 1982. regulations of the Puget Sound Air Amended that was published in the Pollution Control Agency (PSAPCA). An Dated: June 5, 1998. Federal Register of January 21, 1997, error occurred in the paragraph number Chuck Findley, (62 FR 2927). The regulation related to cited in the Identification of Plan Acting Regional Administrator, Region X. the definition of a successor or assign of section. The incorrect paragraph a Bell operating company. number published was (73), this action Part 52, chapter I, title 40 of the Code EFFECTIVE DATES: June 25, 1998. corrects the paragraph number to (74). of Federal Regulations is amended as FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa follows: Administrative Requirements Choi, Common Carrier Bureau, (202) Under Executive Order (E.O.) 12866, PART 52Ð[AMENDED] 418±1384. Regulatory Planning and Review (58 FR SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 51735, October 4, 1993), this action is 1. The authority citation for Part 52 Background not a ``significant regulatory action'' and continues to read as follows: is therefore, not subject to review by the On June 10, 1998, the Common Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq. Office of Management and Budget. In Carrier Bureau released an erratum to addition, this action does not impose 2. Section 52.2470 is amended by the First Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, DA 98± any enforceable duty or contain any adding paragraph (c) (74) to read as 1107, in CC Docket No. 96±149. This unfunded mandate as described in the follows: Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 correction reflects the change included (Pub.L. 104±4), or require prior Subpart WWÐWashington in that erratum. The full text of the consultation with State officials as erratum is available for inspection and specified by Executive Order 12875 (58 § 52±2470 Identification of plan. copying during normal business hours FR 58093, October 28, 1993), or involve * * * * * in the FCC Reference Center (Room 239), 1919 M. St., NW, Washington, DC. special consideration of environmental (c) * * * justice related issues as required by Need for Correction Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629, (74) On November 26, 1996 and April February 16, 1994). 7, 1997, the Director of the Washington As published, the final regulation Because this action is not subject to State Department of Ecology contains language that could be notice-and-comment requirements (Washington) submitted to the Regional misleading. under the Administrative Procedure Act Administration of EPA revisions to the List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 53 or any other statute, is not subject to the State Implementation Plan consisting of General information, Bell operating regulatory flexibility provisions of the minor amendments to Puget Sound Air company entry into InterLATA services, Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 Pollution Control Agency (PSAPCA) Separate affiliate, Safeguards, et seq.). Regulations I and III. Manufacturing by Bell operating The final rule is not subject to E.O. (i) Incorporation by reference. companies, Electronic publishing by 13045, entitled ``Protection of Children Bell operating companies, Alarm from Environmental Health Risks and (A) PSAPCA Regulations approvedÐ monitoring services. Safety Risks,'' because it is not an Regulation I, Sections 3.11, 3.23, 5.02, ``economically significant'' action under 5.05, 5.07, 6.03, 7.09ÐState-adopted 9/ Accordingly, 47 CFR part 53 is E.O. 12866. 12/96. Regulation III, Section 4.03Ð corrected by making the following The Congressional Review Act, 5 State-adopted 9/12/96. Regulation I, correcting amendment: Sections 5.03 and 6.04ÐState-adopted U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the Small PART 53ÐSPECIAL PROVISIONS 12/12/96. Regulation III, Sections 1.11, Business Regulatory Enforcement CONCERNING BELL OPERATING Fairness Act of 1996, generally provides 2.01 and 2.05ÐState-adopted 12/12/96. COMPANIES that before a rule may take effect, the [FR Doc. 98±16795 Filed 6±24±98; 8:45 am] agency promulgating the rule must 1. The authority citation for part 53 submit a rule report, which includes a BILLING CODE 6560±50±P continues to read as follows: copy of the rule, to each House of the Authority: Sections 1±5, 7, 201±05, 218, Congress and to the Comptroller General 251, 253, 271±75, 48 Stat. 1070, as amended, of the United States. EPA will submit a 1077; 47 U.S.C. §§ 151±55, 157, 201±05, 218, report containing this rule and other 251, 253, 271±75, unless otherwise noted. 34604 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 122 / Thursday, June 25, 1998 / Rules and Regulations § 53.207 [Corrected] business hours in the FCC Reference ACTION: Final rule. 2. In § 53.207, in the first sentence, Center (Room 239), 1919 M Street, NW., remove the word ``unaffiliated'' and Washington, DC. The complete text of SUMMARY: The Commission, at the add, in its place ``affiliated.'' this decision may also be purchased request of Daryl A. Alligood, allots from the Commission's copy Channel 296A to Shenandoah, VA, as Federal Communications Commission. the community's first local aural William F. Caton, contractors, International Transcription Service, Inc., (202) 857±3800, 1231 20th transmission service. See 63 FR 13027, Deputy Secretary. Street, NW., Washington, DC 20036. March 17, 1998. Channel 296A can be [FR Doc. 98±16931 Filed 6±24±98; 8:45 am] Additionally, Channel 264A can be allotted to the community in BILLING CODE 6712±01±M allotted to Normal with a site restriction compliance with the Commission's of 11.1 kilometers (6.9 miles) southwest minimum distance separation requirements, at coordinates 38±30±00 to avoid short-spacings to the licensed FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS NL; 78±36±33 WL, which represents a sites of Station WRVY±FM, Channel COMMISSION site restriction of 2.1 kilometers (1.3 263A, Henry, Illinois, and Station miles) northeast to avoid a short-spacing WMGI(FM), Channel 264B, Terre Haute, 47 CFR Part 73 to Station WCHG(FM), Channel 296A, Indiana. The coordinates for Channel Hot Springs, Virginia. Since the [MM Docket No. 96±225; RM±8894, RM± 264A at Normal are North Latitude 40± reference coordinates for this allotment 9004] 27±38 and West Longitude 89±06±06. are located within the protected areas of Channel 250A can be allotted to Radio Broadcasting Services; Canton, the National Radio Astronomy Heyworth with a site restriction of 3.8 Normal, and Heyworth, IL Observatory ``Quiet Zone'' at Green kilometers (92.4 miles) north to avoid Bank, West Virginia, the petitioner and AGENCY: Federal Communications short-spacings to the licensed sites of any other applicants will be required to Commission. Station WHMS±FM, Channel 248B, comply with the notification ACTION: Final rule. Champaign, Illinois, and Station requirement of Section 73.1030(a) of the WLUJ(FM), Channel 249A, Petersburg, Commission's Rules. With this action, SUMMARY: The Commission, at the Illinois. The coordinates for Channel this proceeding is terminated. request of WSHY, Inc., allots Channel 250A at Heyworth are North Latitude DATES: Effective July 27, 1998. A filing 252A at Canton, Illinois, as its third 40±20±55 and West Longitude 88±58± window for Channel 296A at local FM transmission service; and 56. With this action, this proceeding is Shenandoah, VA, will not be opened at Channel 264A at Normal, Illinois, as its terminated. second local commercial FM this time. Instead, the issue of opening transmission service (RM±8894). See 61 List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 73 a filing window for this channel will be FR 60068, November 26, 1996. At the Radio broadcasting. addressed by the Commission in a subsequent order. request of Atlantis Broadcasting, Co., Part 73 of Title 47 of the Code of FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: L.L.C., we also allot Channel 250A at Federal Regulations is amended as Leslie K. Shapiro, Mass Media Bureau, Heyworth, Illinois, as its first local aural follows: transmission service (RM±9004). 202) 418±2180. Channel 252A can be allotted to Canton PART 73Ð[AMENDED] SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a in compliance with the Commission's synopsis of the Commission's Report minimum distance separation 1. The authority citation for Part 73 and Order, MM Docket No. 98±30, requirements with a site restriction of continues to read as follows: adopted June 3, 1998, and released June 3.9 kilometers (2.4 miles) west to avoid Authority: 47 U.S.C.
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