http://kentarchaeology.org.uk/research/archaeologia-cantiana/ Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society GENERAL INDEX Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. Abbey Farm villa 45, 46, 50, 51, 52, archbishops' manor, Ford 251-68 54 archbishop's palace, at Charing Abbot, Archbishop George 255-6 315-49 Acol54 armlets, Roman, copper alloy 188, Adam of Charing, archbishop's 189; see also bracelets steward 319 artichoke garden 361 Addington 247, 291, 293 Ashbee, Paul, 'William Stukeley's Ady, Edward 358, 360 Kentish studies of Roman and Agricola 25 other remains' 61-102 Alcester (Warks) 14 Ashford see Westhawk Farm Aldington, church 288 Austen, Ralph 363, 364 Aldridge, Neil, 'Little Farningham Aylesford 76, 98, 101 Farm, Cranbrook, revisited' bridge 130 135-56 orange ware 184 Allington Ayleway, Hercules 61, 69-70, 75 castle 245, 247 manor 246 Barber, Luke, on the metallurgical Amminus (Adminius), coins 32 remains and metal work from amphoras, glass, Roman 157, 161, Syndale Park 187-90 164; see also pottery Barham see Oxinden, Henry Andrews, Colin, 'Romanisation: a Barham Downs 74, 76, 89, 98, 101, Kentish perspective' 25-42 123 Anglo-Norman architecture see St barns Leonard's Tower Charing, archbishop's palace 320, Anglo-Saxon and Saxon period 325,328, 336 burials 57, 81 Ford 253, 260,261,262,264 cremation, Reculver 252 Ford Place, Wrotham 293, 294 kingdoms 39-41 Great Maydekin 359, 360 pins 188 Westenhanger Castle 203, 231, at Reculver 251-3 232, 233, 234 roads 124-5, 126, 127 barrows 72, 73, 77, 82-3, 85, 93, 94, Watling Street and roads 121-2, 99 124-5, 126 Saxon(?) 77 animal bone Bartholomew, John Know 290 cremated 115-16 Bartholomew, Leonard 290 at Syndale Park 193 Bassa, priest 251, 253 Appledore, Home's Place 382 Bass(us) the thegn 252, 253 455 GENERAL INDEX Battel Hall, Leeds (Kent) 325, 326 Brackley, vicar of 255-6 bead, blue 138 Brent, John, William and Thomas Beckenham 70, 101 341 Becket, Archbishop Thomas 319 brickwork Bede, the Venerable 252 Charing 321, 339 Belgic 52, 55, 58 Ford, Hoath 258, 263, 264 Belle Isle 53 Ford Place 309, 310, 312 Bendinge, Thomas de 320 St Nicholas Court crypt 369, 371, Benenden parish 136 372,379 Bennett, B.J. 257, 260-1, 263 Bridges, John, tenant-occupier 381 Bertram, Charles Julius 63, 64, 80 Bridges, Thomas 381 Bethersden marble fireplace, Ford Bridges family 381, 383 Place 309-10, 311, 312 Brigstock (Northants), temple 15 Biddle, Professor Martin 387, 388 Broadfield Farm, seal matrix 245 Bigbury 31, 33 Broadley, William 382 Birchington Broadstairs Alpha Road 58 Lanthorne House 58 palstaves 80 Roman sites 50, 58 Roman sites 44, 48, 51, 55, 58 Rumfields Brickfield 57 Sparrow Castle 54 Sacketts Hill 56 The Retreat 58 Seven Stones Estate 55 villas 54 Stone house School 55 Woodchurch villa 53 Stone Road 57 see also Minnis Bay Bronze Age 47 bird bone 105, 106, 115-16 brooches, Roman Black Death 205, 206, 380 bronze 138 Blackheath, Roman road 127 copper alloy 166, 189, 190 Blake, William 63 Brooker, James 352, 354 Blore, Edward 348 n.35 Brooksend 47, 53 Blue Bell Hill 75, 76, 94 Broome Park 361 Bodiam bucket, bronze 57 castle 209, 216, 217, 218 buildings, Roman 43, 44, 45, 46, dovecote 212 47-50, 52-4 coins 144 Burgh, Joan 381 Romano-British site 135, 143, 154 burials Booth, Paul, 'The Roman shrine at Iron Age 30, 32 Westhawk Farm, Ashford: a Roman 26, 103-20 preliminary account' 1-23 5th-century 40 Borden, enclosed cemetery 167 Anglo-Saxon/Saxon 57, 81 bottles, clay, Jutish or Frankish see also cemeteries; cremations; 252 inhumations; Springhead box-flue tiles see tiles Boxlees Hill, Minster 56 Caen stone 228, 373 Boycot, Thomas 257 Caesar, Julius 26, 30-1, 33, 74-5, bracelets, Roman 86, 89, 93, 94, 98 copper alloy 107, 112-13, 113 Caesar's Camp 74, 86, 89, 98, 99 gold, snake-bracelets (armlets) Cambridge, Queens' College 381 157, 164 Camulodunum see Colchester 456 GENERAL INDEX Canterbury Ford 256, 260, 261, 262, 264, 265 archbishop's residence 337 Old Soar Manor, Plaxtol 238, 240, Bell Harry Tower 253 241, 242-3, 245, 246, 247 Castle 72, 125 St Leonard's, West Mailing 269, Christ Church Priory 315 270, 272, 276 Dane John 72, 86 St Mary's Abbey 392-5, 396-8 Danish invasion 128 Charing grog-tempered ware 176, 184, archbishop's palace 315-49 185, 186 barn 320, 325, 328, 336 masons 380 chamber and chapel 317, 318, pre-Roman and Roman 28, 31, 319-21, 337, 338 33-6, 39, 40 gatehouse range 317, 318, Riding Gate 72, 85-6, 93, 98, 101 332-5 Roman pavement 81 hall 317, 318, 324-9, 324, 337, Roman roads 46, 122, 123, 124, 341 128 kitchens 318, 320, 331, 336, St Augustine's Abbey 72, 82, 91, 337 98,251 lodging ranges (south and St Ethelbert's tower 91 west) 317,318, 332-5, St Gregory's church 82, 91, 98, 337,341 101 porter's lodge 332 St Gregory's Priory 389 private accommodation 337-41 St Martin's church 72, 82, 91, 98, roof construction 320, 325-6, 99,101 326, 328 St Pancras church 72, 91 services 317, 318, 324, 329- St Thomas' shrine 128 31 sandy grey ware 177,180,182, 184 High Street 322-3, 323 Stukeley's visits 72, 75, 76-7, 82, Pett Lane 323, 323 85-6, 93, 94, 98 St Peter and St Paul 316, 317, 322, theatre, Roman 34-5, 36, 40 323 West gate 124 Stukeley's visit 71, 76, 101 Worth Gate 72, 84, 85, 98 Charles I 255-6, 257, 341 Canterbury, archbishops of 245, 'Cheesemans Camp', Manston 55 287,380 Chelmsford (Essex), temple 13, 14, manor at Ford 251-68 15, 19 palace at Charing 315-49 Chilham 98 Canterbury Archaeological Trust Civil War 103 Clerke family 290 Cantiaci 25, 30-1, 39 Ford Place 290, 306 Cantium 30-1 Henry Oxinden 351 cemeteries, Roman/Romano-British St Leonard's Tower 275-6 45,47,48,50-1,57-8, 172, 191 civitas 25, 28, 33, 34, 39 Dartford 105, 116, 117, 118 Clare family 245-6, 247 Springhead, communal and Romano- Clare, Gilbert 246, 247 British (walled) 157-69 Clare, Richard de 246 Chanctonbury Ring (Sussex) 15-16 Classis Britannica 30, 38 chapels stamped tiles 135-6, 141-2, 143, Charing 318, 320-1,322, 338 154-5 457 GENERAL INDEX Claudius, Emperor 122 cremations Clerke, Lady Alice 289 Roman 44, 45, 49, 55, 56, 57, 58, Clerke, George 290 103-20 passim, 157, 165, 252 Clerke, James 289-90, 312 Saxon 252 Clerke, John I 287, 289, 312 Criol family 203 Clerke, John II 288-9, 312 Criol, Joan 203 Clerke, John III 289 Criol, John 203 Clerke, John IV 290 Criol, Sir John de 203, 205 Clerke, William (d.1611) 290, 293, Criol, Lady Lettice 205, 217 312 Criol, Nicholas de 203 Clerke, William 290 Criol, Sir Thomas 205 Cliffsend 54, 55, 58 crosier, Wrotham 81 Cnut, king 125, 128 Croydon (Surrey), archbishop's Cockett, Foulke 257 palace 337, 338-9 Coffin Stone 75, 83 crypt (unknown use), St Nicholas coffins, Roman Court 367-84 lead 57, 157, 161, 164, 166 Culpeper, Jane (nee Sheldon) 289 wooden 166 Cybele 19 coin flan, copper alloy 187, 189 coin hoards, Roman 59 Darent river, crossing point 117, silver 53, 80-1 117, 118 coins Dartford 103-20 Iron Age 31-2 Beadle's site (Trenches 1-3) 103, potin 33 /04.105-6, 109, 116,117,118 Roman 26, 30, 36-7, 39, 40, 46, bracelet 107, 112-13, 113 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, 71, 74, bridge, medieval 127 81-2, 163, 166 cemeteries, Roman 105, 116, 117, Dartford 107, 112 118 Little Farningham Farm 138, coin 107, 112 144, 149, 151 early Norman church 127 Syndale Park 172, 178, 187 early Roman burial (Priory Centre Westhawk Farm 5, 7, 9, 12, 16, site) 103-20 17-18 East Hill 117, 118 Saxon sceat 252 Gala bingo hall site (Trenches 6 Colchester (Essex) 17, 188, 190 and 7) 103, 104, 105, 108, Camulodunum 122 109 Cornwall, Sir John 205 High Street 117, 118 Cottington Lane, Cliffsend 54 Holy Trinity Church 286 n.22 Coudray-Salbart (France) 243 human bone 105, 106, 113-16 Court Lodge, Sturry 230, 231 Joyce Green 777, 118 Cranbrook, Goddards Green, fire- Lowfield Street 117-18, 777 place 310; see also Little place-name 127 Farningham Farm pottery 105, 106, 107, 110-12, Cranbrook Local History Society 116,118 136 pyre debris (ustrinum) 104, 106-7, Cranmer, Archbishop Thomas 254- 110, 112, 114-15, 116-17 5, 340 Roman villa 777, 118 Crayford 71, 75, 127 Spital Street 117, 777 458 GENERAL INDEX Dartford (cont.) Ebbsfleet sunken/cellared structure, post- harbour 47, 122 Roman 109 road 47 Temple Hill 777, 118 settlement 47 vessel glass, Roman 106, 112, 116 villa 44, 47, 50, 52 Dartford District Archaeological Ebbsfleet Farm 56 Group 118 Eccles villa, pottery 184, 185 Davies, Malcolm, 'Death and social Edward I 247, 324 division at Roman Springhead' Edward II 337 157-69 Edward IV 288 Deal Egbert, King of Kent 251 Castle 73, 93 Elizabeth I 229, 255 Stukeley's visits 77, 82, 86, 93, Eltham Palace 101 94, 99, 101 Elwill, Sir John 61, 65, 67, 70, 94 decuriones 25 Epple Bay 52, 57 Deptford, river crossing 127 Erwood, F.C. Elliston 386, 387, 388 Detsicas, Alec 103, 118, 167 Ethelbert, King 252 published works 197-202 Ethelburga 252 Dixwell, Sir Basil 361 Ewell, Robert and William 256 Domesday 287, 315 Ewell borough 272 dovecotes (dovehouses; pigeon Exchequer 289 houses) Ford 263, 264 Fairlight 755, 155 Great Maydekin 359, 360 Fairweather, Dr F.H.
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