GADARWARA SUPER THERMAL POWER PROJECT STAGE-I (2X800 MW) Compliance status of Environmental Clearance Vide Letter No: J- 13012/125/2009-IA,II(T) Dt:22/03/16 SLNO MOEF STIPULATION STATUS AS ON 30.09.2016 A Specific Conditions: I The project proponent shall set up the Noted and will be complied. power project as a model plant demonstrating that ecology and development can co-exists in harmony and set examples for others to emulate similar practice. Ii Sulphur and ash contents in the coal to The said stipulation will be complied be use in the project shall not exceed during operation phase of the project. 0.5 % and 34 % respectively at any given time. In case of variation of coal quality at any point of time fresh reference shall be made to the Ministry for suitable amendments to environmental clearance condition wherever necessary. Iii Bi-flue stack of 275 m height with flue A bi-flue stack of 275 meters height gas velocity not less than 22 m/s shall has been designed to maintain velocity be installed and provided with of 22 m/sec. Continuous online stack continuous online monitoring monitoring facility for measurement of equipments for SO x, NO x and PM 2.5 & SO 2 and NO x and Particulate matter PM 10 . Mercury emissions from stack emissions from stack shall be may also be monitored on periodic provided. At present outer shell of bi- basis. flue stack completed. Iv No mine void filling or filling up of low There will be no mine void filling or lying areas with fly ash shall be filling up of low lying areas with fly undertaken. ash. V COC of 5.0 shall be adopted Closed cycle cooling system has been designed with COC of 5.0 for oplimization of water requirment. Vi Continuous monitoring of Narmada Continuous monitoring of Narmada River water quality in its upstream and River water quality in its upstream downstream of water tapping point and downstream of water tapping shall be undertaken regularly and point will be undertaken regularly records maintained. during operation phase of the project. Presently hydro-geology study by NIH Roorkee is being carried out. Field work completed and final report is under preparation. Final report will be submitted to Regional & Central office of MoEF &CC. vii The project proponent shall explore NTPC Gadarwara project is possibility for storage of excess constructing weir on Narmada river in monsoon water for use during lean consultation with Government of M.P season. The same could be by In addition to this, Hiran WRD, construction of barrage at appropriate Jabalpur (MP) has been approached location which could be carried out in and requested to suggest water close consultation with the WRD, Govt. storage scheme for Shakkar River & of Madhya Pradesh. Sita Reva river which are tributaries of Narmada. viii The ash pond design shall be such that The structure of ash dykes will be no breach takes place even in the worst designed, constructed and operated as case of natural calamity. Since the per State of the Art engineering geology of the area indicates sandy practices for the design and loam and loamy soil, the ash pond need construction of earth dams with to be appropriately lined with adequate factor of safety. The design appropriate impermeable media. of ash dyke shall also take into consideration the seismic parameters. Ix Ash pond for Stage-II (400 acres) can The said stipulation will be complied be considered only after the first ash during operation phase of the project. pond is dispensed with by filling up of bottom ash and demonstration of 100% fly ash utilization established within four years of commissioning of the plant. The 2 nd ash pond for Stage-II (400 acres) requirement should not arise and land earmarked can be converted for green belt and or water storage. X Long term study shall be carried to Aquatic ecology study has been assess impact on the ecology of the awarded to Annamalai university, river Narmada downstream of the Chennai vide LOA dated 17.03.2015 present project site at a different to study the impact on the Ecology of location especially at tapping points for river Narmada. drinking water supply and irrigation. The study shall be carried out by an Field work completed and final report institute of repute like IIT, Roorkee is under preparation. Final report preferably within six months and report shall be submitted to Concerned submitted to the Ministry. Thereafter Regional & Central office of MoEF the study shall be repeated after &CC. commissioning of both units of 2x800 MW and report subsequently submitted to the Ministry. Xi The project proponent shall explore Possibility will be explored for setting setting up of R.O System to treat up of R.O System to treat cooling cooling tower blow down discharge of tower blow down discharge of about 5 about 5 cusecs and the R.O system cusecs to take care of drinking water shall be so designed so as to take care supply for the nearest few villages. of drinking water supply for the nearest few villages. xii The village ponds / surface water Developing of village ponds / surface bodies located within 5 kms radius of water is being planned in the the project site shall be regenerated in Community Development works of the as part of its social welfare site. activities. xiii An amount of Rs 45.60 Crores as one A requisite fund has been earmarked time investment shall be earmarked for for implementing CSR-CD activities activities to be taken up under CSR for the project and shall be utilized in during construction phase of the accordance with the said stipulations. Project. A detailed CSR Action Plan be furnished to the Ministry within 3 Expenditure of Rs 13.30 crore towards months. Recurring expenditure for CSR Community Development carried out. thereafter shall be Rs 9.2Crores per Progress on CSR work is enclosed as annum till the life of the plant. Social Annexure-I Audit by a reputed University or an Institute shall be carried out annually and details to be submitted to MOEF besides putting it on Company's website. B. General Conditions (i) Vision document specifying prospective NTPC vide letter dated 08.04.2013 has plan for the site shall be formulated submitted a Project Vision Document and submitted to the Regional Office of to the Regional Office of the Ministry the Ministry within six months. of Environment and Forest & Climate Change (MoEF & CC), Bhopal. (ii) Scheme for implementation for Projects as well as township are in harnessing solar power within the construction phase. Scheme for premises of the plant particularly at harnessing solar power within the available roof tops shall be formulated premises of the plant particularly at and status of implementation shall be available roof tops has been submitted periodically to the Regional formulated and incorporated in the Office of the Ministry. engineering layout of the project and same will be implemented on completion of building works at project. (iii) Provision for installation of FGD shall Adequate space has been provided in be provided for future use. the layout for installation of FGD plant in future use, if necessary. (iv) Coal transportation to plant site shall The said stipulation will be be undertaken by rail and no road complied during operation phase transportation shall be permitted. of the project. (v) A long term study of radio activity and A detailed study on chemical heavy metals contents on coal to be composition of coal used particularly used shall be carried out through a heavy metal and radio activity reputed institute. Thereafter contents will be carried out through a mechanism for an in-built continuous reputed institute once the project monitoring for Radio activity and heavy starts receiving the coal during metals in coal and fly ash (including operation phase. bottom ash) be put in place. Award of contract for conducting natural background radiation monitoring to ‘BARC’ is in process. (vi) Utilization of 100% Fly Ash generated Ash Utilization Plan has been shall be made from 4th year of prepared and shall be implemented in operation. Status of implementation compliance to fly ash gazette shall be reported to the Regional Office notification dated 03.11.2009 and its of the Ministry from time to time. amendment dt Jan’2016 during the operation phase of the project. Further, its status of implementation will be also submitted to the Regional Office, MoEF&CC at Bhopal regular interval. (vii) High Efficiency Electrostatic The High Efficiency Electrostatic Precipitators (ESPs) shall be installed to Precipitators (ESPs) are designed for a ensure that particulate emission does guaranteed efficiency of 99.93 %. The not exceed 50 mg/Nm 3. particulate emission shall not exceed 50 mg/Nm 3. (viii) Adequate dust extraction system such Adequate no. of dust suppression as cyclones / bag filters and water and extraction system will be provided spray system in dusty areas such as in in coal handling area including coal coal handling and ash handling points, stock yard area, ash handling points, transfer areas and other vulnerable transfer areas and other vulnerable dusty areas shall be provided. dusty areas for control of fugitive dust emissions. Dry fog dust suppression system is being provided at all transfer points. (ix) Fly ash shall be collected in dry form An ash management scheme will be and storage facility (silos) shall be implemented consisting of dry ash provided. Unutilized fly ash shall be extraction system (DAES) for dry disposed off in the ash pond in the form collection of fly ash with storage of slurry form.
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