T C Publisher’s Note v Contributors xix Editor’s Introduction ix List of Maps liii Key to Pronunciation xvii V 1 A N E O Ancient Near East Government 5 The Ancient Warka (Uruk) 67 Ancient Near East Literature 10 Ancient Near East Trade 72 Ancient Near East Science 17 Ancient Near East Warfare 77 Ancient Near East City Life 24 Ancient Near East Women 84 Ancient Near East Country Life 29 Ancient Near East Royals 89 Ancient Near East Food & Agriculture 34 Ancient Near East Artists 93 Ancient Near East Family Life 39 Egyptian Soldiers 97 The Hurrian People 44 Near Eastern Soldiers 101 The Mamluks 50 Ancient Near East Tradesmen 105 The Sāsānid Empire 54 Ancient Near East Scribes 109 The Kassites 61 Ancient Near East Slaves 113 P, P E ‘Abd Allāh ibn al-’Abbās 119 Arameans 131 ‘Abd Allāh ibn az-Zubayr 119 Ardashīr I 132 ‘Abd Allāh ibn Sa‘d ibn Abī Sarḥ 120 Argishti I 133 ‘Abd al-Malik 120 Armenia 133 Abraha 121 Arsacid dynasty 135 Abū Bakr 121 Artabanus I-V 135 Achaemenian dynasty 122 Artavasdes II of Armenia 136 Ahab 123 Artemisia I 136 ‘Ā’ishah bint Abī Bakr 124 Artemisia II 137 Akiba ben Joseph 124 Astyages 137 ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭ ālib 125 Atossa 138 Amos 125 Attalid dynasty 139 ‘Amr ibn al-‘Āṣ Mosque 126 Avesta 140 Anatolia 126 Bar Kokhba 141 Aqhat epic 128 Bathsheba 141 Arabia 129 Ben-Hadad I 142 xxxiii AAncientncient WWorld.indborld.indb xxxxiiixxiii 112/12/20162/12/2016 99:34:28:34:28 AAMM xxxiv • Table of Contents Bible: Jewish 142 Kaska 184 Canaanites 144 Labarnas I 185 Christianity 145 Luwians 185 Croesus 148 Lycia 186 Cyaxares 148 Lydia 187 Cyrus the Great 149 Maccabees 189 Damascus document 151 Manichaeanism 189 Darius III 151 Mary 190 Darius the Great 152 Masada, Battle of 191 David 153 Mausolus 191 Dead Sea Scrolls 154 Midas 192 Elijah 155 Mithradates I 192 Essenes 156 Mithradates II 193 Exodus 156 Mithradates VI Eupator 193 Ezekiel 157 Mithrism 194 Ezra 157 Moabites 195 Greco-Persian Wars 159 Montanism 196 Gyges 160 Moses 196 Hattusilis I 161 Mu‘allaqāt, Al- 197 Henotheism 161 Muḥammad 197 Herodian dynasty 162 Muwatallis 199 Hezekiah 162 Narses (Sāsānian emperor) 200 Hittites 163 Parthia 201 Hosea 166 Paul, Saint 202 Ḥusayn 166 Persia 203 Isaiah 168 Peter, Saint 206 Islam 168 Philistines 207 Israel 170 Phineas 207 James the Apostle 175 Phoenicia 208 Jehu 175 Phrygia 212 Jeremiah 176 Qur’ān 213 Jeroboam I 176 Samson 215 Jerusalem, temple of 177 Samuel 216 Jesus Christ 178 Saracen conquest 216 Jewish diaspora 178 Sarduri I 217 Johanan ben Zakkai 179 Sarduri II 217 John the Baptist, Saint 179 Sarduri III 217 John the Evangelist, Saint 180 Sāsānian Empire 218 Josiah 181 Saul 219 Judaism 182 Scylax of Caryanda 219 Kadesh, Battle of 184 Shāpūr I 220 AAncientncient WWorld.indborld.indb xxxxivxxiv 112/12/20162/12/2016 99:34:28:34:28 AAMM Table of Contents • xxxv Shāpūr II 220 ‘Uthmān ibn ‘Aff ān 228 Solomon 221 Xerxes I 230 Suppiluliumas I 222 Yannai 231 Talmud 223 Yose ben Yose 231 Telipinus 224 Zealots 232 Tigranes the Great 225 Zenobia 232 Umayyad Dynasty 226 Zoroaster 233 ‘Umar ibn al-Khaṭtāb 226 Zoroastrianism 233 Urartu 227 Zurvanism 234 Uruk 228 A I O The Harappan Civilization 239 Ancient India Family Life 275 Mohenjo-Daro 243 Ancient India Food & Agriculture 278 The Maurya Empire 247 Ancient India Women 283 Ancient India Art & Architecture 251 Ancient India Trade 287 Ancient India Religion 255 Ancient India Warfare 293 Ancient India Literature 259 Ancient India Brahmans 297 Ancient India Government 263 Ancient India Soldiers 301 Ancient India City Life 267 Ancient India Artists 305 Ancient India Country Life 271 Ancient India Untoucables 309 P, P E Advaita 315 Bhagavadgītā 325 Aiṅ kururnūru 316 Bharata Muni 326 Ājīvikas 316 Bhāravi 326 Akanāṉ ūṟ u 316 Bhartṛhari 327 Amaravātī school 317 Bhāsa 327 Amaru 318 Bhavabhūti 328 Ānanda 318 Bodhidharma 328 Andhradesha school 319 Brāhmaṇas 329 Appar 319 Brahmanism 329 Āraṇ yakas 320 Buddha 330 Āryabhaṭ a 320 Buddhism 331 Asaṅ ga 321 Buddhist cave temples 334 Ashvaghosa 321 Budhasvāmin 334 Aśoka 322 Campantar 336 Āśvalāyana 323 Caṅkam 336 Bāṇa 325 Cātanār 337 AAncientncient WWorld.indborld.indb xxxxvxxv 112/12/20162/12/2016 99:34:28:34:28 AAMM xxxvi • Table of Contents Chandragupta Maurya 337 Pārvatī Devī temple 372 Daṇḍin 339 Patiṉeṇkīḻkkaṇakku 373 Dhammapada 339 Patirruppattu 373 Gandhāra art 341 Peruṅkatai 374 Gaudapāda 341 Peyar 374 Gośāla Maskarīputra 342 Poykai 375 Guṇāḍhya 342 Puṟanāṉūru 375 Gupta emperors 343 Purāṇ as 376 Harivaṃśa 345 Pūtān 377 Harṣa 345 Rāmāyaṇa 378 Hinduism 346 Sātavāhana dynasty 380 Hydaspes, Battle of 347 Sri Lanka 380 Iḷaṅkō Aṭikaḷ 349 Śūdraka 382 India 349 Śuṅga dynasty 383 Indian temple architecture 355 Sūtras 383 Indus Valley civilization 357 Suttanipāta 384 Jainism 359 Śyāmilaka 385 Jātakas 360 Tantras 386 Kālidāsa 361 Tipiṭaka 387 Kalittokai 361 Tiruttakkatevar 388 Kaniṣka 362 Tiruvaḷḷuvar 388 Karaikkal Ammaiyar 363 Tissa, Dēvānaṃpiya 389 Kauṭilya 363 Tōlāmoḻittēvar 389 Kuruntokai 364 Tolkāppiyam 390 Mahābhārata 365 Upaniṣads 391 Mahābodhi Temple 365 Vākāṭaka dynasty 392 Mahendravarman I 366 Vālmīki 392 Mauryan dynasty 367 Vardhamāna 393 Milinda-pañha 367 Vasubandhu 393 Nārāyaṇa 369 Vātsyāyana 394 Naṟṟiṇai 369 Vaṭṭagāmaṇi 395 Nāṭya-śāstra 370 Vedas 395 Pallava dynasty 371 Vedism 396 Pāṇ ini 371 Viśākhadatta 397 Paripāṭal 372 AAncientncient WWorld.indborld.indb xxxxvixxvi 112/12/20162/12/2016 99:34:29:34:29 AAMM Table of Contents • xxxvii A F E O Ancient Far East Art & Architecture 403 Ancient Far East Trade 432 Ancient Far East Literature 406 Ancient Far East Warfare 436 Ancient Japanese Literature 410 Ancient Far East Royals 441 Ancient Far East City Life 414 Ancient Far East Priests 445 Ancient Far East Country Life 418 Ancient Far East Intellectuals 447 Ancient Far East Food & Agriculture 422 Ancient Far East Artists 451 Ancient Far East Family Life 425 Ancient Far East Tradesmen 455 Ancient Far East Women 428 Ancient Far East Soldiers 458 P, P E Ainu 465 Huainanzi 492 Angkor 466 Huangdi 492 Ban Gu 467 Hui Shi 492 Banpocun culture 467 Huiyuan 493 Black Pottery culture 468 Japan 494 Bodhidharma 468 Jimmu Tennō 498 Cai Lun 470 Jingū 499 Cao Cao 470 Jōmon 499 Cao Zhi 471 Kofun period 501 China 471 Koguryŏ style 502 Chūnqiū 477 Korea 502 Confucianism 477 Laos 506 Confucius 480 Laozi 506 Daoism 482 Legalists 507 Dong Zhongshu 483 Liangzhu culture 508 Faxian 484 Ling Lun 509 Fu Hao’s tomb 484 Liu Xie 509 Funan 485 Liu Yiqing 510 Ge Hong 486 Longshan culture 510 Gigaku 486 Lü Buwei 511 Great Wall of China 487 Lu Ji 511 Gu Kaizhi 488 Mao Shan revelations 513 Guang Wudi 488 Mencius 513 Han dynasty 489 Mimaji 514 Han Feizi 490 Mon-Khmer 514 Haniwa 490 Mozi 515 He Yan 491 Mulanshi 515 Himiko 491 Nihon shoki 517 AAncientncient WWorld.indborld.indb xxxxviixxvii 112/12/20162/12/2016 99:34:29:34:29 AAMM xxxviii • Table of Contents Nintoku 517 Tao Hongjing 535 Northern Wei dynasty 518 Tao Qian 535 Ōjin Tennō 519 Three Kingdoms 536 Pak Hyŏkkŏse 520 Tibet 536 Pyu 520 Vietnam 539 Qijia culture 522 Wang Bi 540 Qin dynasty 522 Wang Chong 540 Qin tomb 523 Wang Xizhi 541 Qu Yuan 524 Weiyang palace 541 Shang dynasty 525 Wendi 542 Shang Yang 525 Yamato court 543 Shi Huangdi 526 Yayoi culture 543 Shintō 526 Yue 544 Shōtoku Taishi 528 Yue ware 545 Silk Road 528 Yuezhi culture 545 Sima Qian 530 Zengzi 546 Sima Xiangru 530 Zhangdi 546 Six Dynasties 531 Zhiyi 547 Srong-brtsan-sgam-po 531 Zhou dynasty 547 Sui dynasty 532 Zhou style 548 Tai 533 Zhuangzi 548 Taizong 533 Zhuge Liang 549 Tang dynasty 534 Zi Si 549 V 2 A R O The Decline & Fall of the Science & Engineering in Roman Empire 555 Ancient Rome 604 Art and Architecture in Ancient Rome 560 Trade in Ancient Rome 610 City Life in Ancient Rome 565 Transportation in Ancient Rome 614 Country Life in Ancient Rome 570 Warfare in Ancient Rome 619 Culture in Ancient Rome 575 Women in Ancient Rome 623 Family Life in Ancient Rome 579 Intellectuals in Ancient Rome 628 Food & Agriculture in Ancient Rome 583 Gladiators in Ancient Rome 632 Law in Ancient Rome 587 Patricians (Nobles) in Ancient Rome 636 Literature in Ancient Rome 593 Plebeians in Ancient Rome 640 Religion & Mythology in Priests in Ancient Rome 645 Ancient Rome 598 Royals in Ancient Rome 650 AAncientncient WWorld.indborld.indb xxxxviiixxviii 112/12/20162/12/2016 99:34:29:34:29 AAMM Table of Contents • xxxix Slaves in Ancient Rome 655 Artists in Ancient Rome 666 Soldiers in Ancient Rome 661 P, P E Accius, Lucius 675 Avitus, Eparchius 696 Achilles Tatius 675 Basil of Cappadocia, Saint 698 Acte, Claudia 676 Bible: New Testament 698 Actium, Battle of 676 Boethius 699 Adrianople, Battle of 677 Brutus 700 Aemilius Paullus, Lucius 677 Caesar, Julius 701 Aeneas 678 Caligula 702 Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius 679 Calpurnius Siculus, Titus 702 Agrippina the Elder 679 Camillus, Marcus Furius 703 Agrippina the Younger 680 Cannae, Battle of 703 Alesia, Battle of 681 Capella, Martianus 704 Alexander Polyhistor, Lucius Cornelius 682 Caracalla 704 Ambrose 682 Carrhae, Battle of 705 Ammianus Marcellinus 683 Carthage 705 Antipater of Idumaea 683 Cassian 708 Antonia the Elder 684 Cassius 708 Antonia the Younger 684 Catiline 709 Antoninus Pius 685 Cato the Censor 709 Antony, Marc 685 Cato the Younger 710 Apollodorus the Architect 686 Catullus 711 Apollonius of Tyana 686 Celsus 711 Appian 687 Celsus, Aulus Cornelius 712 Appian Way 687 Chalcedon, Council of 713 Apuleius, Lucius 688 Châlons, Battle of 714 Ara Pacis 688 Cicero 714 Arausio, Battle of 689 Cincinnatus, Lucius Quinctius 715 Aretaeus of Cappadocia 689 Claudian 716 Arianism 690 Claudius Caecus, Appius 716 Aristides 691 Claudius
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