RP367 Volume 1 GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Public Disclosure Authorized MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS AND WORLD BANK ZHANYI-LIUPANSHUI RAILWAY ADDITIONAL SECOND LINE PROJECT Public Disclosure Authorized PRESEITLEMENT ACTION PLAN Public Disclosure Authorized Prepared by: Foreign Capital Center of Ministry of Railways, P. R. China(FCC) Public Disclosure Authorized The Second Survey & Design Institute of China Railways (SSDI) AUGUST 2005 ,;p ! / GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS AND WORLD BANK ZHANYI-LIUPANSHUI RAILWAY ADDITIONAL SECOND LINE PROJECT RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN Prepared by: Foreign Capital Center of Ministry of Railways, P. R. China(FCC) & The Second Survey & Design Institute of China Railways (SSDI) AUGUST 2005 I I iI i I i I I I i i I i i i II i I RAP under Additional Second Line Project of LZR TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 7 1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND ............................................................ 7 1.1. 1 Project Current Status ........... 7.................................................7 1.1.2 Necessity of Construction ofLZLZR.7.......................................... ................ 7 1.2 PROJECT RESEARCH AND DESIGN ........................................................... 8 1.3 PROJECT INTRODUCTION .......................................................... 9 1.4 PROJECT INPACT .......................................................... 10 1.5 MEASURES TO LESSEN PROJECT IMPACT .......................................................... 11 1.5.1 Dur-in7g Project Plau and Design Period.......................................................... 11 1.5.2 C onsstrcution Period ........................................................... 11 1.5.3 Planning andCI lun7plen2ention of RAP ............................................ 112.............. 1.6 SCHEDULING ........................................................... 12 1.7 PREPARATION FOR RESETTLEMENT AND MONITERING & EVALUATION . .13............................13 1. 7.1 h7ivestigation and collection ofphy'sical indicators.......................................................... 13 1. 7.2 Socioecononic Survey ................ 13 1. 7.3 Resettlement Programininig.13 1. 7.4 Preparationfor resettlement and Monitoring & evaluation.14 1.8 BASIS AND OBJECTIVES OF RAP .. 14 1.8.1 Basis.14 1.8.2 Policy Objeectiees.15 !2 NATURAL AND SOCIOECONOMIC BACKGROUND OF PROJECT IMPACT AREA . 16 2.1 NATURAL AND SOCIOECONOMIC BACKGROUND OF LIUPANSHUI CITY OF GUIZHOU PROVINCE . 1 6 2.2 NATUTAL AND SOCIOECONOMIC SITUATIONS OF QUJING CITY OF YUNNAN PROVIjNCE.1 9 3 PROJECT IMPACT.R23 3.1 SURVEY ON PROJEC TIMIPACT..23 3.2 AFFECT ED PHYSICAL INDICATORS BY THE PROJECT .. 24 3.2.1 Lanld acquisition7 an1d occupation..2 5 |~3.2 1.1 Permanent acquisition of land by the Project...2. 5 ! Land for tc:mporary use..77 13.2.2 HPouses and a..iliar. facilities to be demolished .. 2 |3.2.3 Affecteddpopulation.33 3.2'.4 En1ter prises, Institutional Unvits anad Private Busness .. es s .. 33 3.27.5 Scattered trees and tooms..34 3.2'.6 AJfected prodluction1 andl liv ing facilities..34 3.3 ANALYSIS ON SOCIOECONOMICIMPACT BY THE PROIECT. 35 3.3.1 BackugroANd of Caffected illages and toCns. OF ............ 35 3.3.2 Affected Mlinorities..38 3.3. 3 Imnpact of close-dowtn of railwtaj stations along the line..42 Scope of close-down of railway stations.42 Analysis on necessities of closing stations.43 3.3 .3.3 U tilization of facilities of closed stations and resettlement of staff.47 Substitution measurements for outgoings of residents nearby the closed stations along the line.49j 4 FRAMEO W ORKOF RE SETTLEMENT 50 4.1 POLICY BASIS..50 4.2 S TIPULATIONSIN RELATED LAWS .51 4.2.1 Related Stipulations in The Land Administration La. ofs the People Republic of China . 51 4.2.2 Main stipulationds in Measuresfor Demolition. ..an1d Relocation.of Ur.ban Buildin.gs. of Liupa.sh..ui City (Documents of Peoplea s Governmltent of Liupanshedi City). SFF f.00 }/#. 55 4.2.3 Related stipulations in iorldBank OP4. 12 56 4.3 C OMPENSATION STANDARD. .............................. 58 4.3.1 C ompensation standardfor rural migrants ...................... 58 4.3.2 Comtlpensation standardscfol relocationsand cosetluction of goversnm..en.t unr.its, en.terpises an.d in.stitution 4 ERA TLE WOMKE FT RE ........................................................... I 65 RAP under Additional Second Line Project of LZR 5 RESETTLEMENT AND RESTORATION PLAN ................................................. 67 5.1 OBJECTIVES AND TASKS .................................................. 67 5.1.1 Resettlement Objectives ................................................. 67 5.1.2 Resettlement tasks .. 6................................................67 5.2 RESETTLEMENT GUIDELINE AND PRINCIPLES ........ .......................................... 68 5.2.1 Guideline ................................................. 68 5.2.2 Resettlement planni77g prilnciples................................................ 68 5.3 GENERAL PLAN FOR RESETTLEMENT ....... ......................................... 68 5.4 ANALYSIS ON RESETTLEMENT ENVIRONMENT CAPACITY......... ,,.. ..... .............,,,,, ,,,,,.,,.,.69 5.4.1 Ntatural conditions ard lanid resour-ces.. 69 5.4.2 iMigrant's chaaracter-isticsand social relations.. , . ........... , ,70 5.4.3 Pr-oduction and living inifrastructureconditio77s .. 70 5.5 RESETTLEMENT PLAN ......................................... .............................. 7 1 5.5.1 Production resettlement ........................................... ........ 71 Affected ruralresidents ......... 71 Affected enterprisesand institutional units.............................3...................... ..... ................. ...... 73 Affected infrastructures ... 73 5.5.2 Migrants relocation plan................... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,............ 73 Selection of lhomestead and standard ....................................................................................................... 73 Site leveling and infrastructure planning .............................................. ................................................ 74 Construction of houses for the migrants .................... 75 5.5.3 Configuration of social service establishmuent in the resettlement area ........ ......... 75 5.5. 4 Management of community................. 75 5.5.5 Organization and nanagement on resettlement implementaticn .................................................... 75 5.6 SPECIFIC FACILITIES RELOCATION AND REBUILD PLANNING . 76 6 COMPENSATION INVESTMENT FOR LAND ACQUISITION AND RELOCATITON 77 6.1 FORMULATION BASIS AND PRINCII'LES .................................................................................................. 80 6.2 COMPENSATION ...................................................... ...................................... 81 6.2.1 Comnpensation for r Ur/al migrants............................................. ............................ 811........................ 6 .27 2 O tl7e r f e e s ........... ................................ ............... ............. ...... .......... .......................... ....... .... 8 2 . 6.3 IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDLJRE OF RAP .. 82 6.4 PLANNED SCI-IEDULE..851 6.5 FUND APPROPRIATION .............................................. 87 6.5.1 Appropriationprin8ciples.87 6.5.2 Organization responsible for migrants finance.. ........................................................................... 87 6.5.3 Fundflow ......... .......... ............ .... ....................... 888.... 7 ORGANIZATION .. 91 7.1 ORGANIZATION SE.TT.ING . 91 7 1. 1 Established organizations....................... 9...............................................................1............9 1 7.1.2 Organizationsand Duties ............................................... ................ ........... .. 939...............3.... 7.1.3 Staffing ........................ .... 977..................... 7.2 ORGANIZATIONAL LINK-UP .. 98 7.3 MEASURES TO ENHANCE CAPABILITIES OF ORGANIZATIONS .................................................. 99 8 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND APPEALS .................................................. 100 8.1 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ....... 1 0............................................. 8.1.1 Public participationduring preparatoryperiod ................................................ 100 participation onPublic p..ep81.2preparation of RAP ........ 1..0.................100 8.1.3 Public participation in implemi7en?tation of RAP . ......... 104 8.2 APPEALING MECHANISM AND CHANNELS.. 106 9 MONITORING AND EVALUATION............................................ 108 9.1 INSIDE MONITORING.108 9.1.1 O bjectives and tasks .................... .............. ................................ ....... .. 10810......8...... 9.1.2 Organizations and staff ineinbers ........ ....... 1....................................................108 9.1.3 Mon7itoring contents ......................................................................... ..................... 108 9.1.4 Implementation procedure............................................................... .......................... 109 2 RAP under Additional Second Line Project of LZR 9.2 OUTSIDE INDEPENDENT MONITORING AND EVALUJATION ............. .................. ............. 109 92.1 Objectives and tasks .109 9.2. 2 Background
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