tain racial agitators can be officially identified as Communists or members of Communist-front A DOCUMENTED EXPOSE OF organizations. Respectable Negro organizations can then guard against infiltration by such identified Communists. (2) Use the documented facts in this pamphlet in writing letters to the editor of your local newspaper proving the Communist influence be• hind racial agitation in the nation or in your particular city. Be sure to send a copy of this COMMUNIST pamphlet with your letter, thereby substantiating your statements. (3) If the pastor of your church is unaware of the Communist influences in the civil rights move• ment, bring the facts in this pamphlet to his attention, as well as to the attention of the AGITATION leading laymen in your church. (4) Distribute copies of this pamphlet to depart• ment store owners, theater owners, hotel managers, etc., who would be affected by civil rights legislation which would deny business and owners the right to choose their customers. Also, distribute copies to owners of business establishments on whose premises racial de• monstrations have taken place or have been threate ned. (5) Mail or distribute copies to members of your RACIAL local School Board and local judges in order that they may have these documented facts which bring the real meaning of racial agitation into focus. ORDER - TODAY - EXTRA COPIES TURMOIL OF THIS PAMPHLET Tax Fax No. 46 Buy as many copies of this pamphlet as you possibly can and distribute or mail them to your friends, neighbors, your Congressman and Senators, civic and political leaders, club members, patriotic and study groups, doctors, WHAT IS BEHIND THE dentists, employees, etc. ORDER TAX FAX No. 46 from "CIVIL RIGHTS" REVOLUTION? THE INDEPENDENT AMERICAN P.O. Box 4223 - New Orleans, Louisiana 70118 Prices: Single copy 25? 10 - $1.00 50 - $ 5.00 500 - $45.00 20 - $2.00 100 - $10.00 1,000 - $75.00 Postage Prepaid Tax Fax No. 46 - ii - Copyright 1963 by THE INDEPENDENT AMERICAN Tbe Negro situation is being exploited fully and the so-called Black Belt of the South, where continuously by Communists on a national scale. the Negroes are in the majority, they will have -•J. Edgar Hoover. Director the fullest right to govern themselves, and also Federal Bureau of Investigation such white minorities as may live in this January 16, 1958 section. A Communist pamphlet entitled The Negroes Attorney General Robert Kennedy on July in a Soviet America by James W. Ford and 25, 1963, issued a statement in which he said James S. Allen, published in June, 1935, by that "based on all available information from Workers Library Publishers, discussing the investigation and other sources" he had found proposed Negro republic in the Southern part of no evidence that "any of the top leaders of the United States, declared: the major civil rights groups are Communists or A Soviet government must confer greater benefits upon the Negroes than upon the Communist-controlled." In his all-inclusive whites, for the Negroes have started with statement Attorney General Kennedy thus dis• less. This is the real test of equality .... played his ignorance of the background of The actual extent of this new republic .... racial agitation in this nation. would be certain to include such cities as Richmond and Norfolk, Va.; Columbia and An editorial in the July 21, 1963, issue of Charleston, S. C; Atlanta, Augusta, Savannah The Worker, official organ of the Communist and Macon, Ga.; Montgomery, Ala.; New Party, U.S.A., has this to say: Orleans and Shreveport, La.; Little Rock, Ark.; and Memphis, Term. The Communist Party of the United States wholeheartedly and selflessly supports the just struggle of the Negro people for freedom NEGROES REJECT RED BAIT and integration in the political, economic, and social life of the nation. Much to the disappointment of the Moscow- In a statement before the Senate Internal indoctrinated leaders of the Communist Party, Security Subcommittee released on January 17, Negro Americans did not fall for the bait of a I960, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover quoted Soviet Negro republic in the South because it Lenin's statement made in 1902 that: soon became evident that the Communists were We (Communists) must go among all classes merely attempting to use the Negro. This was of the people as theoreticians, as propagan• borne out by the late Joseph Kornfeder, former dists, as agitators, and as organizers .... Communist, who appeared before the Joint Mr. Hoover then went on to also quote in• Legislative Committee, State of Louisiana, on structions issued by the Communist Party, March 7, 1957, and testified: U.S.A., to its members as early as 1925, as They (the Communists) aim to use the follows: Negro — preach a doctrine of racial nationalism The aim of our Party in our work among the — in order to use the Negro for their purposes. Negro masses is to create a powerful prole• Once they have used him, then they will do tarian movement which will fight and lead the with the Negro what they have done in Russia struggle of the Negro race against exploitation with the peasant and the workingman. and oppression. Kornfeder's statement was corroborated by William Z. Foster, Communist leader, in his J. Edgar Hoover on January 16, 1958, when book, Toward Soviet America, published in Hoover said: 1932, discussed the role of Negroes by stating: The (Communist) Party's objectives are not The Negroes constitute a great potential to aid the Negroes — but are designed to take revolutionary force .... The Negro masses advantage of all controversial issues on the will make the very best fighters for the re• race question so as to create unrest, dissen• volution. sion and confusion in the minds of the Ameri• can people. In his book, Masters of Deceit, Mr. Hoover REDS PROPOSE NEGRO REPUBLIC IN SOUTH pointed out: As a means of enticing Negroes into the The (Communist) Party's sole interest, as Communist revolutionary movement, Foster most American Negroes know, is to hoodwink the Negro, exploit him, and use him as a tool promised that in a Soviet America "the Negro to build a Communist America. will have the most complete equality — eco• nomically, politically, and socially." In his book Foster also stated that: THE NEW RED LINE ON RACIAL AGITATION The right of self-determination will apply In view of continuing failure to "sell" the to Negroes in the American Sovier system. In American Negro on a Negro Soviet republic in - 1 - - 2 - the South, the 17th National Convention of the REDS URGE NEGRO REVOLUTION Communist Party, U.S.A., in December, 1959, In a pamphlet entitled Turning Point in announced an about-face on its long-established Freedom Road, by Negro Communist Claude policy which advocated the formation of a Negro Lightfoot, published in October, 1962, the nation within the United States. This marked a screws were turned tighter when Lightfoot, fundamental change in the line of the American calling for a step-up in agitation, stated: Communist Party which had dated back to 1930. Moscow-trained Negro Communist leader James The Negro movement has, by and large, Jackson, in explaining to the party faithful the broken with gradualism, and seeks revolu• turn-about on Communist policy stated that "it tionary solutions to its problems. This new Red line admittedly promoting has been misconstrued as a form of segrega• revolution in the U. S. was accentuated by tion." Negro leader Benjamin J. Davis, national Because of this policy change in the Red secretary of the CPUSA, in the August, 1963, line, white and Negro members of the CPUSA issue of the Communist publication Political reverted to an alternative official program of Affairs when Davis, in an article entitled "The action regarding racial agitation which had been Time is Now!" screamed: spelled out in 1932 by Communist leader William The whole country — north, east, south and Z. Foster in Toward Soviet America as follows: west — is in the throes of a peoples' revolu• tion . The Negro Freedom movement — The Communist Party actively promotes American counterpart of the national liberation . organizations to defend the rights of movements in Africa, above all, but also in Negroes . Where no mass organizations Asia and Latin America — has, since Birming• exist in these fields, the Party takes the ham — entered a new stage. initiative in forming them; where such are already in existence, and are headed by con• Here is proof positive of Communist direction servative officials, the Party follows the and control of such movements as the FLN policy of building an opposition within them (National Liberation Front) which took over and fighting for the revolutionary program and leadership. This is the so-called boring-from- Algeria, as well as Communist guerrillas such within policy. as the FALN (Armed Forces of National Libera• tion) in Venezuela. A column by Ray Cromley, appearing in the Birmingham, Ala., Post-Herald of August 8, Communist Davis, declaring that "the move• 1963, reveals that the Communist Party, U.S.A., ment aims to demolish so-called moderation," is now sending out Communists with specialized went on to say that "the struggle" will be training, instructing them to infiltrate local "fought out and won by the American people branches of Negro civil rights organizations within the framework of the present capitalist and to arrange for Party members to participate system." Davis further said: in local demonstrations. According to Mr. Birmingham brought the simmering upsurge Cromley "this grass-roots attempt to infiltrate of the people to a revolutionary pitch .... Communists believe that the "freedom now" the civil rights movement is currently, at least aims of the program answer the pressing — one of the major activities of the Communist democratic needs of the people and .
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