Vol. 26(2):121-132 Ocean and Polar Research June 2004 Article ÊB:ê ÊbFƶR Êbºö ª~º .~~ 7.³ ³ê n*ÁR\.Áæ;Á;^9ÁBæ\ ]·\ö ¦J æ\² (425-600) ãVê nÖ nÖÖÚ] ÒB 29^ Metal Concentrations in Some Brown Seaweeds from Kongsfjorden on Spitsbergen, Svalbard Islands In-Young Ahn*, Heeseon J. Choi, Jungyoun Ji, Hosung Chung, and Ji Hee Kim Korea Polar Research Institute, KORDI Ansan P.O. Box 29, Seoul 425-600, Korea Abstract : Concentrations of Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn were determined in four arctic brown algae (Laminaria saccharina, L. digitata, Alaria esculenta, Desmarestia aculeata) in an attempt to examine for their metal accumulation capacity and also to assess their contamination levels. Macroalgae were collected from shallow subtidal waters (<20 m) of Kongsfjorden (Kings Bay) on Spitsbergen during the period of the late July to early August 2003. Metal concentrations highly varied between sampling sites, species and tissue parts. Input of melt-water laden with terrigenous sediment particles seemed to have a large influence on baseline accumulations of some metals (Al, Fe, Mn, Pb etc.) in the macroalgae, causing a significant spatial variation. There were also significant concentration differences between the young and old tissue parts in L. saccharina, L. digitata and A. esculenta. While Al, Fe, Mn, Pb were higher in the perennial parts below meristematic region (excluding holdfast), Cd and As concentrations were significantly higher in the young blades above the meristematic region. Zn and Cr, on the other hand, showed little differences between the tissue parts. The highest metal concentrations were found in D. aculeata, which seems to be due to its filamentous fine branches leading to high surface/volume ratios. The lowest concentrations were found in the two Laminaria spp., the blades of which are thicker than D. aculeata and A. esculenta. No distinct signs of contamination were detected in the brown algal species analyzed. Added to this, the results of the present studies suggest the potential utility of L. saccharina, L. digitata and A. esculenta as biomonitors for metal pollution monitoring in this area. Key words : .`~(brown seaweeds), §(Arctic), ÊB:(Svalbard), %.³(heavy metals), Ê>º (Kongsfjorden) 1. B æ *®~ Cêj%(1917-1962, 1990ê), F*öÒ * ÿbR Gçö J">î º ®Ú ªÆ ÖÒ¾¢ ÖVæ& *~ ®º SvalbardRf R"r ö Cê%>ö ®º &æ 7.³ F~J">î [J>ö aÎ þ F«>º ©b > ® . 6 *Corresponding author. E-mail : [email protected] SvalbardRf &V B~~ ßWç " F#, jzÒ 122 Ahn, I.-Y. et al. , jöB * ëWFVJ">î 5 >f, Ï 3. Òò 5 O» ÷7'b F«>º æb ëWJ">î ·'>" ·~, F~ ~ ÚÚö ¸f ³ê ~º Kongsfjorden 3B æöB 2003j 7ú 28¢ ³»>Ú ®º © BÒ> ®Ú ·ê öB 8ú 6¢ Òö Æ> j÷~& (Fig. 1). æ k'Ë ÖJ> ®º (AMAP 2002). Svalbard F;öº æöB 1995j êö , ¦ Rf Þ Ny-Ålesundö WB B æÚ {ªö ö ~ >¯B > j*~ ÷7' Ò áÚê &B ÎîVçö &Ë ' æ~ ~¾ ÆJ b ª¶ò(Hop et al. 2002)f >Ò¶ò(Svendsen et ® . al. 2002)¢ ^~& . St. Aº ¦v"¾ J" &Ë Þ J">îö & ;º Ö Þ'b, ô B b º;>, St. Bº Fig. 2~ >N" "ª &'>öB 7.³" FV"²ê J">î Ô ªöB (Svendsen et al. 2002; Kang et al. 2003) ² ¦Â>îb¾, _~ ç*ê¢ Næ~ ®º [J>~ 'Ëj ~ Aæ pº Þ, ¦vöB fÒ Î >B öBº PCBs, >f" Ú ~ ³ê& Ö ¸ Úê ò « GçöB F«>º *' J"bî~ ' ² ¾æ¾ ® . º J"bî~ _j Û b³ Ë ~ ìj ©b '>Ú &æb F;~& »~ Ö" Òò> ®b¾, J"bî~ «~, J"ö" . îæïb St. Cº [J>~ F«ï ôj >N" F«";, _j Û ³»";, J"bî~ "ª Sts. Af Bö j ² Ô 6 [J>f þ ' 'Ë ;{~² 2k>Ú ®æ pj ö & GçVö~ ÆÒ& ô F«>º b ~~ 7. & / ; (AMAP 2002). Þ æ ³ ³»öê N& ®j ©b '>Ú F;~& . ²º Kongfjorden~ bBf ·~(Marine birds) ~& > 5-15 m z>ö 6Ò ª~º j÷ Ï öB 7.³" FV"²ê zbj ªC :, FV"² &;.~(Laminaria saccharina, L. digitata, Alaria ê zb~ ³êº Ôf > >f" Ï ³êº :2F esculenta, Desmarestia aculeata)¢ &çb 7.³ ³» ~ æö j R ¸² ¾æ¾, Kongsfjorden ·çj Ò~& . Laminaria saccharina, L. digitata, ¦"ö 7.³ J"ö ®j ©b º; : ® Alaria esculentaº Ë6(meristematic region)* 20-30 (Hop et al. 2001). cm ^~ jv' ÚÖ #ç¦(blades)f Ë6 ~ * ¢^f ÖVæ " Kongsfjordenò~ J V¦(stipe)¢ W ¦*(V¦B) ¾*Ú ª "ÎîVçö ' æ«j F;~V * ~ ¢ C~& . D. aculeataº V¦¢ B *Ú &æf *V ~b ÖF'b æö 6Ò ª~ j÷ Ï ¦¢ ö ªC~& . j÷B ö Gn'b &;.~(Laminaria saccharina, L. digitata, Alaria º ¦Obf j÷æöB &^N > aÚ B~ esculenta, Desmarestia aculeata)¢ &çb 7.³ ³» ·çj Ò~& . &;.~º > 20 m ò~ z> ö 6Ò ª~, ~ "º &Bb« green sea urchin(Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis)~ "º _ Ï> ® . 2. æ B& 5 >Ò' ßW Kongsfjordenòf ÊB: ê ÊbFƶR Bã nö *~ ®º *;' ~bº æ; . 79oN, 12oE~ *ê æOªöê ®~ Va §&B· ~~ 'Ëb ÿ*ê~ ÿã nö j R NÂ~ (Svendsen et al. 2002). ·bªê §&B·" § b bB ·çj º ©b rJ^ ®b, Vö Gçb¦V F«>º >f ÆÒï ö ~ ª b, ß® &Bb÷~ «W" &ê& ² æz ~º ©b rJ^ ® (Hop et al. 2002). Væ Kongs- Fig. 1. Sampling stations in Kongsfjorden. Seaweed fjorden~ >Ò' ßW" ·bçf Hop et al. (2002) samples were collected by SCUBA divers dur- f Svendsen et al.(2002)ö ¾ >>Ú ® . ing the period of July 28th to August 6th, 2003. Metal Concentrations in Arctic Brown Seaweeds 123 Table 1. Analytical results of metal concentrations (µg· g−1 dry weight) in the standard reference mate- rials of sea lettuce (CRM 279, IRMM-BCR, Belgium). Values are mean standard deviation. Values in parenthesis are not certified. Sea lettuce Measured Element Certified % Recovery (n=4) Cd 0.274 ±0.022 0.237 ±0.005 104 Cr (11.6 ±0.6) 8.94 ±0.23 76.7 Pb 13.48±0.36 12.39 ±0.28 91.8 Cu 13.14±0.37 11.16 ±0.06 92.6 Ni (15.9 ±0.4) 15.14 ±0.11 99.0 Mn (2150 ±70) 1920 ±40 89.4 Fe (2430 ±30) 2190 ±50 90.3 Zn 51.3 ±1.2 42.4 ±0.7 90.1 As 3.09 ±0.20 3.11 ±0.12 100 Îf Minitab 13j ÒÏ~& . 4. Ö" 5 Æ~ ¦*ê ³ê N *ê ³ê N ¦ Figs. 3, 4f 5ö Laminaria saccharina, L. digitata, Alaria esculenta~ Ë6 ç~ ¦*öB~ 7.³ ³ê N¢ " ® . Ë6 * ÚÖ #ç¦f Ë6 j¾ *V¦¢ W ¦*öB~ 7.³ ³ê& Â] N¢ & . L. saccharina~ ãÖ Al, Mn Ë6 ~¦öB ³ê& ¸~b(p<0.001 for Al, p<0.01 for Mn), Feê FÒ ãËj >(p=0.09), Cd, Cu, Co, Asº Ë6 ç¦öB ¸f ³ê¢ & (p<0.05 Fig. 2. Spatial distribution of suface water temperature for Cd, p<0.001 for Cu, p<0.001 for Co, p<0.01 for As). (oC) (a) and salinity (psu) (b) in Kongsfjorden in " f F~ N¢ æ p~ summer (from Kang et al. 2003). Pb, Zn, Cr Ni . A. esculenta~ ãÖ Al, Fe, Mn, Pb, Ni Ë6 ~¦öB (p<0.001 for Al, Fe, Pb, p<0.01 for Mn, p<0.05 for Ni), & . ò, D. aculeata~ ãÖº &¶ ¦ &æ& .Z Cd(p<0.05)" As(p<0.05)º Ë6 ç¦öB R ¸f ôj ¦Obj j*® B > ìî . ¦Obj B ³ê¢ ¾æî . Zn, Cu, Cof Crf F~ N¢ º 50oC J6öB 48* ;ê öÖ ê æ p~ . Þ L. digitataöBº Ûê'b F~ N b >Ç~ ïÿ~ ªöç ò ê & &V>æ p~º º ò >& 'V r^ © 0.2-0.3 g ;ê ~ ªC~& . ò~ *¾Òº Ahn b 'B . ò Al~ ãÖ Ë6 ~¦öB ¸f ã et al.(2002)ö >B O»j V¶b, 7.³ ³êº Ëj &b(p=0.07), ß® St. Af St. CöB Ë6 ~ ·ö~ ICP/MS(Perkin Elmer, Elan 6100) G ¦öB Â]~² ¸f ³ê¢ & . ;~& . &òº Sea lettuce(CRM 279, Community f ? ¦*ê ³êNº ~ «ö V¢ N¢ Bureau of Reference, BCR, Belgium)j ÒÏ~& (Table &b¾, Û'b Al, Fe, Mnº Ë6 ~¦öB Cd 1). ¦*ê, æê ³ê Nº ANOVA(General linear " Asº Ë6 ç¦öB, Ò Zn, Crf ¦*ö V model), Kruskal-Wallis test j Ï~& . Ûê* N& ìº ©b 6B . 124 Ahn, I.-Y. et al. Fig. 3. Comparisons of metal concentrations (µg·g−1 dry weight) of Laminaria saccharina between the young (I) and the old (II) tissue parts at three sampling stations. Mean ± 1 standard error bars are represented. Statistical significance: *, p<0.05; **, 0.01<p<0.05; ***, p<0.001. j÷æ * ³ê N ÷æ * ³ê N j æº æ* N& ìî (Fig. 5). Desmarestia aculeata L. saccharinaöBº &¦ª~ 7.³ ß® Al, Pb, Cd, öBº Cdj B Î 7.³ St. CöB &Ë ¸~ Zn, Cu, Co, Ni St. CöB &Ë ¸~, Fe, Mn, Cr, As , ò «ö ®º St. BöB &Ë Ô~ (Fig. 6). St. A º N& ìî (Fig. 3). L. digitataº Al" Nij B~ öB j÷ BÚ~ 7.³ ³êê St. C BÚ~ 8 º j÷ æ* F~ ³ê N& BÒ>æ p~º *>'b Ô~b¾ Ûê'b F~ Nº æ (Fig. 4), º ò >& 'V r^ ©b 'B . Al p~º ò >& 'V r^ ©b 6B . f Sts. Af CöB~ ³ê& St. B ¸~b(p<0.05), Û'b Alf J «~~ . ÎvöB St. CöB Ni~ ãÖöº J®J St. BöB &Ë ¸ St. AöB & &Ë ¸~b, öê Cd" As¢ B &¦ª~ . Ë Ô~ (p<0.05). A. esculentaº Al, Fe" Pb~ ãÖö ³ ß® Fe, Mn, Pb ~ ³ê& St. CöB j÷ &¦ ò St. CöB~ ³ê& St. BöB~ ³ê ¸~ ¾^ ª~ BÚöB &Ë ¸~ (Figs. 3, 4, 5f 6). St.
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