DOCUMENT RESUME ED 403 244 SP 037 104 TITLE Directory of Approved Programs for the Preparation of Educational Personnel in Illinois Institutions of Higher Education. Volume 20. INSTITUTION Illinois State Board of Education, Springfield. PUB DATE Jun 96 NOTE 42p.; For previous directory, see ED 267 058. PUB TYPE Reference Materials Directories/Catalogs (132) EDRS PRICE MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Bilingual Education; *Educational Certificates; Elementary Secondary Education; Higher Education; Preservice Teacher Education; *School Personnel; Special Education; *Teacher Certification; *Teacher Education Programs; Teachers IDENTIFIERS *Illinois ABSTRACT This twentieth edition of the Directory of Approved Programs has been updated to reflect the numerous changes in each recognized institution's approved program listing. The directory lists state approved programs for the preparation of education personnel in Illinois. Addresses, telephone numbers, and contact persons for each institution are listed. The data areprovided in 11 sections:(1) alphabetical listing of recognized institutions and approved programs with listing of specific curriculum areas; (2) approved early childhood education certificate programs;(3) approved elementary (K-9) certificate programs;(4) approved secondary (6-12) certificate program areas;(5) approved special (K-12) certificate program areas;(6) approved special education areas for the special (K-12) certificate;(7) approved school service personnel certificate programs;(8) approved administrative credit certificate programs; (9) approved transitional bilingual certificate programs; (10) geographic location of Illinois institutions recognized for teacher education; and (11) special programs offering alternatives for individuals with degrees. 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Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. 1 ET.ITNHFoEREMDAUT.IAOTNI.eNEAN,TREERS,OERUIRC.,RESOURCES Points of view or opinions stated in this H document do not necessarily represent , official OERI position or policy. 1 e -astion EducationEdu ,cx\ 2 BEST COPY AVAILABLE, WORLD-CLASS EDUCATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY: THE CHALLENGE AND THE VISION VISION STATEMENT Aswe approach the 21st century, there is broad-based agree- ment that the education we provide for our children will determine America's future role in the community of nations, the character of our society, and the quality of our individual lives. Thus, education has become the most important responsibility of our nation and our state, with an imperative for bold new directions and renewed commitments. To meet the global challenges this responsibility presents, the State of Illinois will provide the leadership necessary to guarantee access to a system of high-quality public education. This system will develop in all students the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes that will enable all residents to lead productive and fulfilling lives in a complex and changing society. All students will be provided appropriate and adequate opportunities to learn to: communicate with words, numbers,visual images, sym- work independently and cooperatively in groups; bols and sounds; understand and appreciate the diversity of our world and think analytically and creatively, and be able to solve the interdependence of its peoples; problems to meet personal, social and academic needs; contribute to the economic well-being of society; and develop physical and emotional well-being; continue to learn throughout their lives. contribute as citizens in local, state, national and global communities; MISSION STATEMENT Themission of the State Board of Education is to enable all Illinois students to become confident, self-sufficient and productive citizens. To this end, the Board establishes policies that systematically support an everchanging, lifelong learning process. Furthermore, it acts as an advocate, provider, and broker of community, family and state resources and services that ensure the accomplishment of the State's Goals for Learning. ILLINOIS GOALS 1.Each Illinois public school highly qualified and effective professionals who ensure that student will exhibit mastery of the learner outcomes defined in students achieve high levels of learning. the State Goals for Learning, demonstrate the ability to solve problems and perform tasks requiring higher-order thinking 5.All Illinois public school skills, and be prepared to succeed in our society and the students will attend schools which effectively use technol- workforce.All people of Illinois will be literate, life-long ogy as a resource to support student learning and improve learners who are knowledgeable about the rights and operational efficiency. responsibilities of citizenship and able to contribute to the 6.All Illinois public school economic and social well-being of our society. students will attend schools which actively develop the 2.AllIllinois public school support, involvement and commitment of parents and their students will attend schools which are safe and free of community through the establishment of partnerships and/ violence and drugs. Such schools will provide an environ- or linkages to ensure the success of all students. ment which is conducive to learning and promotes respect among all students and staff. 7.Every Illinois public school student will attend a school that is supported by an adequate, 3.AllIllinois public school equitable, stable and predictable system of finance. students will be served by an education delivery system which focuses on student outcomes; promotes maximum 8.Each child in Illinois will flexibility for shared decision making at the local level; and receive the support services necessary to enter the public has an accountability process which includes rewards, school system ready to learn and progress successfully interventions and assistance for schools. through school. The public school system will serve as a leader in collaborative efforts among private and public 4.. AllIllinois public school agencies so that comprehensive and coordinated health, students will have access to schools and classrooms with human and social services reach children and their families. Developed by citizens of Illinois through a process supported by the Governor, the Illinois State Board of Education and the Illinois Business Roundtable. Adopted as a centerpiece for school improvement efforts, revised February 1996. Printed by the authority of the State of Illinois. Directory of Approved Programs for the Preparation of Educational Personnel in Illinois Institutions of Higher Education Volume XX June 1996 Illinois State Board of Education 100 North First Street Springfield, Illinois 62777-0001 Division of Professional Preparation Phone: 217/782-2805 FAX: 217/524-1289 FOREWORD This twentieth edition of the Directory of Approved Programs has been updated to reflect the numerous changes in each recognized institution's approved programlisting.Several new programs have been approved since the last publication date, andinstitutions have requested that some programs be deleted from their listings. Changes in personnel and institutionaldata have also been noted. A few areas have been reorganized to provide more information and clarification, as theintent of the publicationisto further communication and provide assistance in guidance and educational development. To be of service to all those interested in the preparation of educational personnel,this publication depends upon the accuracy of the listings.Notification concerning any changes in programs, data, or personnel, as well as any comments and suggestionsfor future revisions, will be appreciated. Joseph A. Spagnolo State Superintendent of Education ii5 CONTENTS Page FOREWORD iii Alphabetical Listing of Recognized Institutions and Approved Programs 1 Approved Early Childhood Education Certificate Programs 22 Approved Elementary (K-9) Certificate Programs 22 Approved Secondary (6-12) Certificate Program Areas 23 Approved Special (K-12) Certificate Program Areas 28 Approved Special Education Areas for the Special (K-12) Certificate 29 Approved School Service Personnel Certificate Programs 30 Approved Administrative Certificate Programs 31 Approved Transitional Bilingual Certificate Programs 32 Geographic Location of Illinois Institutions Recognized for Teacher Education 33 Special Programs Offering Alternatives for Individuals with Degrees 34 Directory prepared by: Illinois State Board of Education 100 North First Street Springfield, Illinois 62777-0001 Division of Professional Preparation Telephone: 217/782-2805 FAX: 217/524-1289 v Alphabetical Listing of Recognized Institutions and Approved Programs AUGUSTANA COLLEGE Address: 639 38th Street Elementary (K-9) Rock Island, Illinois 61201 Contact: Dr. Jack Garrett, Chairperson, Secondary (6-12) Education
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