SECTION 3 Alexander the Great What You Will Learn… If YOU were there... Main Ideas RhnZk^Zlhe]b^kbgma^fhlmihp^k_neZkfrbgma^phke]'Bgcnlm 1. Macedonia conquered ^b`amr^Zkl%rhnZg]rhnk_^eehplhe]b^klaZo^\hgjn^k^]Zg Greece in the 300s BC. ^ghkfhnl^fibk^'Ghprhnk`^g^kZepZgmlmhinla_Zkma^kbgmh 2. Alexander the Great built an empire that united much of ngdghpgeZg]lbgl^Zk\ah_`k^Zm^k`ehkr';nmrhnÍk^mahnlZg]lh_ Europe, Asia, and Egypt. fbe^l_khfahf^%Zg]rhnaZo^gÍml^^grhnk_Zfberbgr^Zkl' 3. The Hellenistic kingdoms formed from Alexander’s Do you agree to go on fi ghting? Why or why not? empire blended Greek and other cultures. The Big Idea Alexander the Great built a ;NBE=BG@;:<D@KHNG= The world’s most powerful army in the huge empire and helped spread 300s BC was from Macedonia, a kingdom just north of Greece. The Greek culture into Egypt and Greeks had long dismissed the Macedonians as unimportant. They Asia. thought of the Macedonians as barbarians because they lived in small villages and spoke a strange form of the Greek language. But Key Terms and People the Greeks underestimated the Macedonians, barbarians or not. Philip II, p. 272 phalanx, p. 273 Alexander the Great, p. 274 Hellenistic, p. 275 BVXZYdc^V8dcfjZgh<gZZXZ In 359 BC E]^a^e>> became king of Macedonia. Philip spent the fi rst year of his rule fi ghting off invaders who wanted to take over his kingdom. Once he defeated the invaders, Use the graphic organizer online to he was ready to launch invasions of his own. take notes on Alexander the Great Philip’s main target was Greece. The leaders and how he spread Greek culture. of Athens, knowing they were the target of Philip’s powerful army, called for all Greeks to join together. Few people responded. 272 6-8_SNLAESE485805_C09S3.indd 272 5/11/10 12:40:38 PM DRAW CONCLUSIONS: After Athens and Thebes were defeated by Phillip, why did the rest of Greece agree to make Phillip their leader? As a result, the armies of Athens and its After conquering Greece, Philip turned RECALL: Phillip wanted to chief ally Thebes were easily defeated by his attention to Persia. He planned to march conquer the Persian the Macedonians. Having witnessed this east and conquer the Persian Empire, but he Empire. Was he defeat, the rest of the Greeks agreed to never made it. He was murdered in 336 BC successful? Why or why not? make Philip their leader. while celebrating his daughter’s wedding. When Philip died, his throne—and his E]^a^e»hB^a^iVgnHigZc\i] plans—passed to his son, Alexander. Philip defeated the Greeks because he was a brilliant military leader. He borrowed Å Summarizing How was and improved many of the strategies Greek Philip II able to conquer Greece? DEFINE: In your own armies used in battle. For example, Philip’s words, define the soldiers, like the Greeks, fought as a pha- term phalanx. 6aZmVcYZg7j^aYhVc:be^gZ lanx (FAY-langks). A e]VaVcm was a group of warriors who stood close together in a When Philip died, the people in the Greek square. Each soldier held a spear pointed city of Thebes rebelled. They thought that outward to fi ght off enemies. As soldiers in the Macedonians would not have a lead- the front lines were killed, others stepped er strong enough to keep the kingdom up from behind to fi ll their spots. together. They were wrong. Philip improved upon the Greeks’ idea. He gave his soldiers spears that were much 8dcigdaa^c\i]Z<gZZ`h longer than those of his opponents. This Although he was only 20 years old, Philip’s allowed his army to attack effectively in son Alexander was as strong a leader as any battle. Philip also sent cavalry and his father had been. He immediately went archers into battle to support the phalanx. south to end the revolt in Thebes. The Phalanx With men holding 16-foot-long spears, a phalanx marches into battle. Why were the soldiers’ spears so long? THE GREEK WORLD 273 6-8_SNLAESE485805_C09S3.indd 273 5/4/10 10:00:18 AM Within a year, Alexander had destroyed D D a a n n Thebes and enslaved the Theban people. u u b b e e He used Thebes as an example to other Ri Ri ver ver Greeks of what would happen if they Ja Ja EXPLAIN: xa xa Aral Aral ( rt( rt turned against him. Then, confi dent that NIA NIA Sy eSsy es Why is Alexander DO DO Sea Sea r D Rr D R E E a i a i AC AC B l B l r v r v a c a c y e y e called “the Great”? the Greeks would not rebel again, he set M M k k a a S S r r e e CAUCASUSCAUCASUS ) ) Pella Pella a a out to build an empire. MOUNTAINSMOUNTAINS C C O O AlexandriaAlexandria AegeanAegean a a x x Alexander’s efforts to build an empire s s u u EskhataEskhata (A s( A s ThebesThebes GranicusGranicus p p m Rm R i i u ivu iv made him one of the greatest conquerors AthensAthens 334 BC334 BCGordiumGordium a a D e D e a a n n r r Sea Sea ry ry BACTRIABACTRIA a a in history. These efforts earned him the SardisSardis ) ) SpartaSparta S S name 6aZmVcYZgi]Z<gZVi. e e a a ASIAASIA Issus Issus Crete Crete 333 BC333 BC MINORMINOR AlexandriaAlexandria on onHINDUHINDU 7j^aY^c\VCZl:be^gZ the Caucasusthe CaucasusKUSHKUSH AlexandropolisAlexandropolis AlexandriaAlexandria KabulKabul NicaeaNicaea Like his father, Alexander was a brilliant CyreneCyreneM M GaugamelaGaugamela AlexandriaAlexandria e d e d T T BucephalaBucephala i i i 331i BC331 BC commander. In 334 BC he attacked the Per- t e t e g g r r r r r r A A i i a a r r n n CyprusCyprus I I s s PARTHIAPARTHIA e e e e a a v sians, whose army was much larger than n n R R R R v i i S S i i EcbatanaEcbatana R e e Y Y v v R a a S S e e AlexandriaAlexandria his own. But Alexander’s troops were well r r Areia Areia PERSIANPERSIAN AlexandriaAlexandria AlexandriaAlexandria trained and ready for battle. They defeated Susa Susa E E ArachotonArachoton Alexandria Alexandria u u EMPIREEMPIRE s s p p (Kandahar)(Kandahar)u Opianau Opiana the Persians time after time. h Babylonh Babylon d d N N r r n n MemphisMemphis at at I I According to legend, Alexander vis- es es W W River River E E PasargadaePasargadae ited a town called Gordium in Asia Minor AlexandriaAlexandriaPersepolisPersepolis INDIAINDIA S S EGYPTEGYPT N N AlexandriaAlexandria while he was fi ghting the Persians. There i i le le CarmanaCarmana R R P P AlexandriaAlexandria i i e e he heard an ancient tale about a knot tied v v Red Sea Red Sea ArabianArabian r r e e s s r r i a i a PattalaPattala by an ancient king. The tale said that who- Alexander’s empire n n PeninsulaPeninsula G u G u ever untied the knot would rule all of Asia. Major battle site l f l f MA>BFI:<M According to the legend, Alexander pulled Route of Alexander ArabianArabian Sea Sea MH=:R and his armies out his sword and cut right through the 0 150 300 Miles We still use the 0150300 Kilometers phrase “cutting knot. Taking this as a good sign, he and his the Gordian knot” army set out again. to mean solving a If you look at the map, you can follow difficult problem easily. the route Alexander took on his conquests. BVgX]^c\=dbZ After defeating the Persians near the town Still intent on building his empire, Alexan- of Issus, Alexander went to Egypt, which der led his army through Central Asia. In was part of the Persian Empire. The Persian 327 BC Alexander crossed the Indus River SUMMARIZE: Using the information on this governor had heard of his skill in battle. and wanted to push deeper into India. But page and in the map of He surrendered without a fi ght in 332 BC his exhausted soldiers refused to go any Alexander’s empire, and crowned Alexander pharaoh. farther. Disappointed, Alexander began summarize Alexander’s efforts to conquer the world. After a short stay in Egypt, Alexander the long march home. set out again. Near the town of Gaugamela Alexander left India in 325 BC, but he (gaw-guh-MEE-luh), he defeated the Per- never made it back to Greece. In 323 BC, sian army for the last time. After the battle, on his way back, Alexander visited the city the Persian king fl ed. The king soon died, of Babylon and got sick. He died a few days killed by one of his nobles. With the king’s later at age 33. After he died, Alexander’s death, Alexander became the ruler of what body was taken to Egypt and buried in a had been the Persian Empire. golden coffi n. HRW HRWWorld World History History wh06as_c10map013aaHRWwh06as_c10map013aa World History 274 CHAPTER 9 AlexanderAlexander the Great's thewh06as_c10map013aa Great's Empire, Empire, c. 323 c. BC 323 BC Alexander the Great'sAPPROVED(3) Empire,APPROVED(3) c. 10/28/04 323 BC10/28/04 Legend FINAL 8/11/04 6-8_SNLAESE485805_C09S3.indd 274 5/4/10 10:02:34 AM Alexander the Great’s Empire, c.
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