AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK GROUP GABON TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS IN LIBREVILLE AND PORT-GENTIL AND OTHER INLAND CENTRES Project Performance Evaluation Report (PPER) OPERATIONS EVALUATION DEPARTMENT (OPEV) 7 August 1990 TABLE OT CONTENTS Paoe CURRENCY DQUIVALENTS A}TD ÀBBREVIATIONS i LIST OT ANNEXES ii PREFÀCE iii PRO.'ECT DÀTA iv SI'IN,IARY APPF"AISAL viii A. PERTOru|ANCEAUDIT MET'TORA}IDT'M 1 I. INTRODUCTrION I 1.1 General overview of the economy 1 L.2 The t.eleconununl-cations gector 1 1.3 Project baekground 2 rI. PRO,'ECT IMPLI,I{ENTATION 2.L Loan effectivenegs 6 2.2 Proçurerncnt of goods and serviees 6 2.3 Major modifications in the projects 6 2.4 Implementation scheduLe 6 2.5 Costs and disbursements 7 2.6 Project rnanegement and monitoring 7 III. pROJEqf PEREoRMAIûCE RESULTS AND EVALUÀTIoN 3.1 Background I 3.2 Project rqsultc I 3.3 Tectrnical performance I 3.tl Operational performance 9 3.5 FLnancial performance 9 3.6 Institutional perforrnance rv. PERI!'ORMANCf, EVALUÀTTON OF lHE PANÎTES TWVOLTITD 14 4.1 OPT t4 4.2 Consultants 1rt 4.3 SupplLers T4 4.4 Àf,rican Developrnent Bank 14 v. gusTArNÀBIIrIly Or lHE PROJECIS 15 vI . coNclrqj;roN, LEssoNs ÀND RECOMMEIIDÀÎrONS 16 B. ÀTTÀCHMINTS ProJect eorqrlction report on the nrodernization and extension of the Ll,breville telephone network. Project eonpletion report on teleconununications development in Port-Gentil and Eight Inland Centres. Thls report lras prepared by t'lessrs V. VALAYDON, Principal Economist and D. NIKIEI.tÀ, leleconununications Engineer and ConsuJ-tant, foJ.lowing Èheir rnission to Gabon from 06 to 18 November, 1989. 0249M i- CURRENCY, AeRONylrtS_ÀND AgBREVIATTONS Currencll eguivAleuL,s 1) At aporaisal (1978) uA1 Ê uss 1.30279 Ual - CFA.F 285.76000 2l Duriugr-tha PCR (Nov. - Dec. 1988) uÀ1 = US$ 1.29039 UA1 : CFA.tr412.63500 3t puring rhs PPÀR (Nov. - Dec. 1989) uÀ1 * USS L.2798L UA1 = c['4. F 405. 41200 0 ,'r'' ,. t'" ACTEL t Agencê CormnercLale de Telecormnunications APTV : Afriean Post and Telecorrununicat,ions Union BDEAC : Development Bank of Central- Àfrican StaÈes 8GD : Gabonegs Development Bank BT : Base lax BUA : Bank Unit of Àccount CCCB : Caigse Centrale de CooperaÈion Economique (france) CENÀCOM : C€ntlo Nat,ional de Conununication CfA.f : franc dc la ComrrunauÈe Financiere A,fricaine DPC 3 Detr Processj.ngf Centre llfPÎ : EcoLc Nationale de Postes et Telecorununications GDP : Gross Domcstic Product IIIC ! International Manual Centre IMf : Intcrnational Monetary Fund ISB : Independcnt Side Band ITU : Intsrnatl"onaL TéIecorurrunications Union IOrt : Kilomreter U : Metcr ML : Mal.n tine NSf I Nurnber of S5.gmalling of Faults NfC : National Transit, Centre OCTRÀ : Office dcs Chèmins de Fer Trans-Gabonaie OPT : Offlce dss Postes et Teleconununications PATU : Pan-African Teleconnnunications Union (Specialized Àgency of ùhe oAu) PCR : Project Completion Report PPAR : Project Perfor:mance Audit Report RTG : Radio Television Gabonaise SÀP I SÈructural Àdjustmênt Progrranrwre SM : Sguare MGt€r SCU : Subscribers' Connection Unit SEC : Second T\I : lelevision U : Unit UPU : Universal Posta1 Union SfG : SocieÈe de TelecormunLcations Internationales du Gabon SOfRECOM : Societc Franca:Lso de ReaLisation des Teleconununications ACCOLNTTNG ÀNp UISCÀ,L_lrEAA. 1 ,January - 31 December - tt IJrsl 0r Àr.rNExEs 1. Gabon: Econornl-c Trend 2. EOUÀSÀTNctwork 3. Key lelcconnunlcatLons Data 4. IrLbrcvl.Ll-c: Disbursments 5. Post-Ccnt{I and I Centrcs: DisburuGmenta 6. Sum.ry of, OPl's Operating Accounts (1991-88) ':."'. ?. Surunary of (OpTrs 1981/88) Balance-She€ts 8. CâIsulaÈlon of, Èhe fRR (Calcul+Èion Àssunrptions) 9. Teleconununications rêvenuest 1L982/88, 10. Supplanrcntary RÊvanucs and Calculations of the fRR (Ll.brev:[I1c, Port GênÈiJ- and Eight Centres) . :.; :"à ç,È t; :i .a..1 iii PRETACE 1. This ProJect Perforrlance Audit Report (PPAR) Ls on th€: Modernization and ExÈension of the Libreville Telephone Network; Tcleconnrunieationg Development in Port-Gentil and Eigrht inland CGntresi for rhl.ch tro ÀIlB loang of UÀ 5.0 nillion each werê grantêd to the Republic of Gabon Ln Dccember 1978. 2. Although two sêpante loans were granted, they were for one sJ-nglc- telecomttunications project which was split, into tvfo becàuse of the ceiling of UÀ 5.0 million fixed for ADB loans at the t.ime. In addiÈion, they were approved and sJ-gncd in the same 1978t which explains why there ig only one Audl-t Rcport for the two Loans. 3. the first project airts aÈ remodeJ-1ing and extending Èhe f.ibsevLJ-le n€tsork with a view to meeÈing the pending tetephone and teLex ingtalLation regueets for a period of 10 years. thg tGcond proJcct seeks to Lnstall a modern tele;rhone exctrange at Port-Gentil and to set up local networks in I inland centres. In L918t the entlre project costs (inlcuding OPT's share) were estj.mated at UA 7.4 million for the first. and UA 8.1 million for the second. {. Works rare completed in December 1984 for the Libreville network and in Dcccrnbcr L987 for Port-Gentil and the eight centres. À Bank rniesion visLÈed Gabon Ln Novcnber/Deccnber 1988 to prepare a project conrpletion report (PCR). 5. Thc present PPÀR nas prepared following a Bank'g audit missj-on to Gabon frqn 06 to 18 Novenber 1989. It referg to the PCR and the appraisal report and' is bassd on: thc data avaiJ.abl-e in all the project-mission docrrnrents at the Bank; Èhe discugsl-ons and conversations which the auàLt had with thc of,ficials of PTD in Gabon; the docr:rtrents and data submitted by the PTD. 6. The PPAR comprises (it a review of thê economic background and the tclecomnunications sector Ln Gabon; (ii) a study and an appraisat of the resu^lts and perfonnences of the proJects and the parties involved and (iii) the vl-abl.Iity of the projccts. It draws the lessons and makes reconrnendâtions to the PTD and the Bank for future projects in the teleconfirunications sector. 1. Copies of the PPÀR trere gent to the PTT, Gabon and to the operational departrnentg of the Bank for corfirents. CorTnrents receiwed have been duly incorporated in this report. - l-v PRO.'ËCT DÀTA À. LIBRGVILLE 1. Country Republlc of Gabon 2. ProJcct Modernization and ExtencJ.on of the Lj.brcville tclcphone nêtwork 3. Loan NO. ADÈ/Ce/eB/rL/18/OO4 t. Dorrowcr Govcrn$rent of ths Rcpublic of Gabon 5. lrccut,Lng ÀEËney Post and lelacomnrunicationc Department, (PfD). I. ffltu 1. Loan rGquCBt : Septembez L977 2. LOan amOunt : UA 5.0 million 3. Intérort rat. (appraJ.aal) : 7t on the swûs dLsburgcd and outstanding t. Statut,ory charge (appraisal) :1t 5. Csilnl.tincnt chargc (appraisal) : 0.75t on t,ho undLcbursqd portion of the t.oan 6. Ralraymcnt Bcriod ! 16 ycars inclusivc ?. Grecc Pcrlod 4 years 8. Datc of appraisal Àpril 19?8 9. Datc of approval 8 .Iune 1978 10. Datc of SJ.gmaturc 04 Dqccmber 1978 11. Datc of cffcctlvencss December 1979 II. PROi'ECÎ DÀTA 1. ProJcct cott (appraLcal) : UA 7.44 m.t]-lion 2. finencLng plan (appraisal) ÀDE : UA 5.0 nillion Govcrnrncnt : UA 2.44 mi].lion 3. DcadlLne for lct dlsbursscnt 3L/L2/78 tl . Actua]- datc of 1sÈ disburs€nênt 02/0L/80 5. Dcadlinc for ].aat dicburgensnt 3LlL2l83 extsndcd to 3L/t2/87 6. ÀctuaL datc of last digbursorrênt 13/to/s7 7. (Planncd) Îfork starÈ-off L5/A8/78 8. Data of eonplction of, planncd works 3L/0L/82 9. Àctual project sÈârt-off date February 1979 10. Àctual project corqrletJ.on dat,e 28/LL/e4 11. âmounÈ of di.sburccd ÀDB loan uÀ 4 998 277.35 ]-2. OutrtandLng balance tJA"1722.65 (cancelled) rIr. PROTECI TrINATCIÀL I}IPLE!4BNTAIION 1. Projcct cost ovonun : + UA 3 424 974.13 (equivalent) 2. Ncr financlng plan ÀDB uÀ 4 998 277.35 BDEAC CrÀ.r 815 ml.llion (uA 2 238 72L.291 PgD CrA.f ?88 million (uA 2 321 138.79) Rcal ProJêct cost uA 10 838 974.13 ÀDB baLance VA I 722.65 (cancelled) 3. Other loans GDB BDEâC Amount (mitlions of, crA) 500.000 815.000 Interest rata 9.5t t3* Conunl-tment charge 1..25t Rei.rnburgement, time 7 yrs 7 yrs Grace poriod NITr NII, v. DISBURSEMENT (ADB) in millions of UÀ At appraisaL ActuE]. - 1978 500 , 1979 ''z 000 .t 1980 1 500 1981 1 1 373 r 614 7982 1 oo2t392 1983 3]l.8,32''1 1984 aooo 7t3r 482 1985 1Ot7t5 1986 406r237 1987 1 02CI,499 Total 5 ooo 4 998,211 Balance Lr123 B. PORT GINTIL AI{D ETGHÎ CENIRES 1. Country Republic of Gabon 2. Project Teleconununications dev€lopÛnênt in PorÈ- Gent,iL and I other inland c€ntres 3. LOan NO. ADB CS/GB/TL/78/005 4. Borrower Government of the Republl-c of Gabon 5. Executing ag€ncy Post and Teleconrmunications Department nPTD|' I. LOAII 1. Loan reguêst September 19?7 2. Loan Amount UA 5.0 million 3. fnterest rate (appraisal) 7* on the amountE digbursed and outstanding 4. Statutory charge lt on the amountg disbursed (appraLsal) and outstanding 5. Corunitmcnt charge 0.75* on the undisbursed (cvaLuation) portion of the loan 5. Rêpayment period 16 years incJ.usive 7. Grace period 5 years 8. Date of appraisal iluly 1978 9. Date of approval 18 Sept,ernbex L978 10. Date of, sJ-gnature 04 December 1978 11. Datê of effectLvsnesg 03 Decernber 1980 v:. rT. PROJICÎ DATI 1. Entire project coat (appraisal! UÀ 8.104 mi-lLlon 2. Financing plan (approval) - ADB UÀ 5.0 millLon GovernmGnt UA 3.104 million 3. DeadLLne for lst disburs€rrent 3L/t2/79 extended to 3L/L2/80 {.
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