MKALAMA DISTRICT COUNCIL DISTRICT COUNCIL HEALTH PROFILE …...tame FOREWORD The District Health Profile (DHP) offers insight into district health conditions by assessing priority health indicators that reflect the district health status of the population, status of health systems, and status of health service delivery. The DHP also tracks the progress in the district and highlights some of the challenges and successes the district has encountered. The DHP offers information through a reliable and transparent platform. It allows district health officials to monitor priority disease trends and adequately target relevant interventions. It helps the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children to determine what policies are needed to support work in the district, and in turn how to allocate resources to district efforts. It educates and empowers district health workers and in turn the community they serve. The District Health Profile (DHP) is a like mirror that enables the District to know what is prevailing in the area, its causes and what measures can be taken to grab the problems. The profile also allows the District to budget and allocate the resources based on the magnitude of the problem or disease. DHP is an essential tool for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of programs and knowing the impact of health interventions. Through observing the trend of diseases covered in this DHP document, it will be easy to note the success and failure of the efforts ever tried to alleviate or control the problems prevailing in the entire community. It is our expectation that planning of health related interventions for the control of diseases as well as health problems other than diseases in Mkalama DC this tool will be used at all levels starting with the community up to Council level. We are also expecting to see more attention in relation to resource allocation be given to health problems seem to have more effects or impact to community health as noted in this document. Since this is a continuous process, this document will act as a base for the next year planning and assessment of various interventions implemented in the district. DHP document will also give room for the researchers to look for the causes of the rise and fall of disease trends and recommend on measures to be taken by various levels basing on the findings. The District is therefore expecting to see Development partners to use this DHP document as a guide for their interventions on various health issues found in Mkalama District Council. 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Mkalama District Council Health Management Team (CHMT) acknowledges that the preparation of this DHP document could have not been successful, without the technical and moral support from different stakeholders. It is impossible to list all of them here. However, we should like to convey our special gratitude to the District Executive Director (DED) Mkalama, whose consent enabled our team to spare time for successful preparation of the document. We, should like to pass special thanks to Singida Regional Health Management Team(RHMT) for their great role of passing through the whole DHP document, giving relevant comments and adding significant inputs to enrich our profile. We, also recognize and appreciate the contribution from different heads of departments including health facility in charges who spared time to provide Health Facility Reports required for compilation of this document. We recognize the solid commitment from multi-sectoral collaborators both at district and national level for their support in provision of health services. Last, but not least in importance, we would like to express the concern of the Ministry of Health,Community Development,Gender,Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC) and Presidents office, Regional Administration and Local Governments (PO-RALG) for their critical and constructive guidelines and policies which played a key role during development of the profile. The financial and material support from the government, council and different partners offered all necessary support during all exciting time of this work. I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to all stakeholders and partners in Mkalama Council who are involved in provision and promotion of Health Services. These include EGPAF, AMREF, SIGHT SAVERS, PSI, and HAPA, Marie Stopes and TASAF. We believe that strength and team work in collaboration with different partners are important tools to improve the better health services provision in our community. So thankful, we remain! DR. DEOGRATIAS B. MASINI DISTRICT MEDICAL OFFICER MKALAMA DISTRICT COUNCIL 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This District Health profile covers the introductory information of Mkalama i.e. geographical location of the area, size, population, health status and education status. The DHP deeply explains the common health problems dominating the community and the efforts done by the government to alleviate that conditions and diseases. It also covers the data collection and analysis methods and achievements observed in various aspects in meeting the health indicators covered in this DHP. The Health Indicators included in this DHP fall under the following areas: Health Status of the Population: The health status of the population has shown improvement in terms of vaccination coverage, utilization of health services and improvement of health delivery services in health facilities. Health Service Delivery OPD attendance rate in the facilities in the council. This is an indication of improved health service delivery Progress in the Health Sector Progress in health financing, increased skilled health workers, progress in health facility coverage, improved referral services and progress in ANC attendance In this DHP outcomes in relation to control and management of diseases is noted covering: 1. Morbidity 2. Mortality 3. Reproductive health services 4. Immunization 5. Causes of deaths, 6. Causes of Inpatients 7. Human Resources for Health 8. Health Financing and Availability of Medicine 9. Progress in Health Sector 10. Best Practices 3 ACRONYMS AND KEY TERMS AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AMO Assistant Medical Officer ANC Antenatal Care ANO Assistant Nursing Officer ARI Acute Respiratory Infection BCG Bacillus Calmette Guerin CHBG Council Health Basket Grant CHF Community Health Fund CHMT Council Health Management Team CHSB Council Health Service Board CO Clinical officer CSWO Council Social Welfare Officer DACC District Aids Control Coordinator DCCO District Cold Chain Operator DEHO District Environmental Health Officer DHS District Health Secretary DLT District Laboratory Technician DMO District Medical officer DNO District Nursing officer NTDs District Neglected Diseases DPLO District Planning Officer DPT-HB Diphtheria Peruses Tetanus- Hepatitis B DTLC District Tuberculosis/Leprosy Coordinator HBC Home Based Care HFGC Health Facility Governing Committee HIV Human Immune Deficiency Virus HMIS Health Management Information System ITNs Insecticide Treated Nets LGCDG Local Government Capital Development Grant MoHCDGEC Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children MSD Medical Stores Department NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations NHIF National Health Insurance Fund NTDs Neglected Tropical Diseases OPD Out-Patient Department 4 PLHIV People Living with HIV/AIDS PMTCT Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission PPM Planned Preventive Maintenance RCH Reproductive Child Health MDC Mkalama District Council STIs Sexually Transmitted Infections TB Tuberculosis UTI Urinary Tract Infection VCT Voluntary Counseling and Testing MMAM Mpango wa Maendeleo ya Afya ya Msingi FBO Faith Based Organization HRH Human Resource for Health 5 CHAPTER ONE INTRODCUTION Mkalama District Council is one among seven district forming Singida Region. Others are Singida District Council, Manyoni District Council, Itigi district council and Singida Municipal Council, Iramba District Council and Ikungi District Council. Location of the District Council The council is situated in the North of the region between latitudes 4° and 4.30° South of the Equator and Longitudes 34° and 35° East of Greenwich Meridian. The district is divided into three major zones, the eastern low land and the central – lowlands. The central zone is covered with hills and plateau with an altitude of 1,000m to 1,500m above sea level, with sandy loam soils. The eastern zone comprises at lowlands along the Great Rift Valley with scattered hills with red, black and sandy loam soils. It mounts an altitude of 1,000m to 1,500m above sea level. Mkalama is bordered by Singida District Council in the South and South East, Hanang District Council in the East, Mbulu and Karatu District councils in the North and North – East, Meatu and Shinyanga district Councils in the North West and Iramba district Council in the West. There are 3 existing divisions, 17 wards and 70 registered villages. Council Vision and Mission Statement Vision: An educated, healthy and accountable society committed to sustainable socio–economic development by 2020. Mission Statement: Participation of the community and all other stakeholders in quality services delivery through good governance and efficient utilization of available natural resources. 6 District Background Mkalama District Council was established in July 2013 having divided from the former Iramba district council into two independent district councils namely Mkalama and Iramba. Mkalama District Council has a total area of 3365.9 square kilometers
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