" .~ emple Beth-Et Broad .& Glenham St s·, P~Otid~nc~, R~ I. ,THE JEWISH. I-IERALD VOL. xxxm. NO. 22 . FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, -1948 PROVIDENCE, R. I. 7 CENTS THE COPY Eddie . Cantor To Laullch GJC Drive . I Senate Gro11p Blocks Drive lo Admif Initial Gifts Meeting Jewish DPs, Polish Pogrom Victims Sept. 1 al Ledgemont Eddie Cantor, one of America's , WASHINGTON- A drive by migx:ation Subcommittee has best-known and best-loved cele­ seven prominent Republican sena- .taken no notice of · it although brit ies and entertainers; o n c e tors to open the \ way for immi- general amendments to the immi­ again will appear in a leading gration to the U.- S. A. of victims gration Jaws are now under study. role--this time as the guest of of the anti-Jewish violence in In view of the probable shortness honor at the General Jewish Com­ Poland after the war is bogging of the present special session, each mittee's Initial Gifts Dinner at the down in the Immigration sub- day that is lost makes it more and Ledgemont Country Club, Wed­ ·committee headed by Sen. Chap- more likely that the measure will nesday evening, Sept. 1. man Revercomb (R., W. Va.). die. The dramatic news that the al­ The bill woulq change the ter- Virtually Dead most-legendary Cantor had ac­ mination date of those eligible to More ambitious efforts to amend cepted the local GJC's invitation· come in under the Displaced Per- the act Ii '> as to bring in 400,000 to highlight the official opening sons Act from December, 194_5, to immigrants instead· of the 200,000 oi this year's drive, iri behalf of April, 1947. The 1945 date bars now permitted are virtually dead he United Jewish Appeal, was thousands of Jews who fled Po- for this session. confirmed by Alvin A. Sopkin, land during the 1946 progroms chairman of the greater Provi­ and was the subject of strong ..Rep. Emanuel Celler ·(D .,N .Y .) dence campaign. criticism during debate in the has introduced an amendment Because his stirring personality House and Senate as opening the providing for the increase to 400,­ and contagious enthusiasm have way to charges of anti-Semitism 000. eliminating geographical and made him one of the nation's most - on the part of .the u. s. A. occupational priorities and estab- sought-after public speakers, Can­ - Jlshing a proportional system of· tor's ready acquiescence to ap­ No Notice Taken quotas among Catholic, Jewish The seven GOP Senators fight- and Protestant refugees. This has pear before Providence Jewry in ing for an amendment to estab- little or no chance this sessi6n, ' behalf of the UJA campaign was lish the 1947 de.adline are Alex- since the position of the House the cause of much jubilation at ander H. Smith_ (N. J .), Homer leadership is that the .initiative GJC headquarters this · week. Ferguson <Mich.> •. ~verett Salt- .must be taken .by the Senate. It EDDIE CANTOR. Returned from Abroad ' opstall (Mass.), J'_ohn Sherman was the Senate which amended Just returned from an exten­ ,~ Cooper <Ky.>, Wayne M O rs e the much more liberal House bill sive triI) abroad, the noted come­ (Ore.>. Irving M. Ives <N. Y.> and into its present restricted form. dian studied first-hand the pre­ Charles W. Tobey (N. H.>. Czechs Rep~rl Arm_ing Israel SJ!nt situation -of the more than 'I_'.heir amendment \Vas intro­ Unless Congress acts, a sigiu­ 1,400,000 Jews of Europe during duced last week. Th~ far the Im- ficantly small number of Jewish FRANKFURT, Germany A from the Zatec base, the pilots his visit to that continent. DP's will be allowed to enter the regular aerial arms delivery ser­ said. Arms are delivered by truck U.S. un·der the present Act. He, therefore, is expected to vice is being operated from Czech­ from factories -in Brno, they said. give to Providence community oslovakia to Israel, former Czech The Zatec field, which has an leaders an up-to-the-minute re­ air force officers who escaped to 8000-foot runway, has been port on the vast nee~ in Euro~. Withdraw UN Germany this w~ek said recently. guarded closely, the men said. the tasks involved in resettling .I The offlcers said most of the No customs formalities have been thousands of homeless . Jews in planes making the deliveries are observed there. they added. Israel, and the extent of aid re­ Global Hate Observer at Skymasters chartered under the quired from the United States Panamanian flag. Some of the through the· UJA. · The Arab Higher Committee ' customs declarations have listed Cam·p Centerland Cantor's visit highlights another has just released a 16-page "mem­ Israeli Request the shipments as "scrap iron for facet of his personality--once orandum" studded with fictitious Abyssina," they said. Program Featured termed by a leading critic as "the accounts of alleged Jewish atro- TEL AVIV-John Larsson, a More than 100 men who served most engaging in the entertain­ cities against Arabs. · Swedish UN ob.server who Jived in in the Czech squadron of the Brit­ The new Camp Centerland, the ment world." Needless to say, the memoran­ Palestine fop. many years -while ish Royal Air Force are in refugee Jewish Community Center's day To the world at large, he is dum Is a mosaic of -Jfes, the sad­ his father was Swedish Consul camps in the U. S. zone of Ger­ camp, is having- a highly success­ probably best known as a shining Ism depicted In the "document" General In Jerusalem, was with­ many. They crossed the border Il­ ful season at its permanent loca­ star of stage, screen and radio­ reflecting the author's own brid­ drawn from the country this w'eek legally. British authorities ha 14 e tion at Hope, R. I. A review of the led impulses. But the purpose of and a master of warm humor. at the request of the Israeli Gov­ granted visas to 78 of them for activities and conduct of the camp Known for Charities the Arab Higher Committee is to ernment which charged that he passage to England. Is contained in this Issue on pages To his intimates and charitable give the memorandum world-wide was a known pro-Arab. Small Arms Flown 12 to 15. circulation. agencies, however, Cantor is best When Larsson first appeared The officer~ said small arms are known and loved for his philan­ as a member of the mediator's being flown to Tei Aviv from a 60 TRUCE VIOLATIONS LI':.TED thropic. activities. staff, Israeli authorities voiced former German jet fighter base TEL AVIV-Arab· forces in Jer­ For example, he has been active Communal Trends objections based on his past rec­ at Zatec (Saac). between Prague usalem and ·. the rest of Palestine In the worldwide relief and re­ ord. and Jachymov. The field Is near committed a total of 60 violations construction phases of the UJA Earnest negotiations are now When Larsson appeared I a s t of the Security <;;ouncil's latest going on for merging the work of Uranium ore mines which are' be­ fgr many years. He spurned a Friday near Israeli p o s i ti o n s ing oper ated by Soviet technici'.. cease fire order since it went into number of attractive stage and the HIAS with the immigration effe.ct, · according to Israeli Foreign program of the J.D.C. in Europe northwest of Latrun he was taken ans and German labor. e radio offers to undertake his re- into custody. He was released Some flights have been routed Minister Moshe Shertok. ( Conth:aued on Pare 2) and with the refugee aid work Sunday hight w~en the UN staff of the United Service for Ne~ through Ruzyne airport in Prague, agreed to place him on the first especially 1in bad weather, but Americans In this ·country. outgoing plane. The merger ls advo,cated by the most of them have been made Arab Faction Ready lo Accept Partition . Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds and by some local TEL AVIV-A movement was e qua 11 y to Hai Amin el-Hus­ Jewish Federations which would .The Most Modern Newsp~per reported under way this week seini, the exiled Mufti ·of Jeru~ like to see less competition and ,among progressive Arab leaders more coordination In Jewish social In the Country to establish an Arab government salem, anlf to King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan. An Arab described work. Details of the merger are Presents The Complete Story Of The in Palestine In line with the U. N. now being worked out between pai:titlon decision of last Novem­ as the leader most likely to head HIAS and J .D.C. representatives ber. such a government, if it comes In New York, with the participa­ NEWEST AND MOST MODERN . Tl\e progressive Arabs, whose Into existence, ls reported already tion of U.S.N.A. experts. NEWSPAPER AND PRl·NTING PLANT headquarters are at 'Nazareth, engaged In conversations with Is­ Behind the plans for this rier~­ -were reported prepared to recog­ raeli leaders. er lier the fact that central Jew• In Next Week's Issue of p the legality of partition and Members of the group are said lsh orranizations ,not affiliated teady <to collaborate with the Is­ to be conv\nced that a ma.Jority with the United Jewish Appeal The Jewish Herald 't-~11 government In kll activities of the tJ. N. member nations find It more and more difficult to DON'T MISS IT! of mutual interest.
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