I Volume XXXI, Number XXIV August 5-18, 2021 A long road ahead for voting rights - See Page 3 COVID order outrages Texas Dems Visit us online at www.northdallasgazette.com - See Page 4 Biden Administration extends eviction Dro Guapo moratorium, potentially rescuing remembered with event millions from losing housing - See Page 5 By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Senior Pandemic National Correspondent widens The Centers for Disease Control school gap and Prevention has taken new mea- sures to protect renters from evic- - See Page 6 tions. Over the past two months, the Irving ISD new prohibition on evictions will apply to communities with high or serves up free substantial COVID-19 transmis- sion. food for all A formal announcement is ex- pected on Wednesday, August 4. - See Page 7 “My hope is it’s going to be a new moratorium that in some way Because of the spread of the Delta variant, President Biden asked the CDC to consider Murder plot covers close to 90 percent of the executive action. The White House said he is issuing a new, 30-day eviction moratorium focused on counties with high or substantial case rates. A formal announcement of the reveals horrid American people or renters,” Presi- extension came on Wednesday. (Photo: iStockphoto / NNPA) dent Joe Biden told news reporters links with law on Tuesday. act,” Congresswoman Maxine Wa- “Today, the Biden administration The President expressed fears ters (D-Calif.), the chairwoman of answered our call to provide a life- - See Page 8 that the order would face court bat- the House Committee on Financial line to millions of Americans at risk tles after the Supreme Court ruled Services, said in a statement. of eviction. This new executive or- Rihanna’s net that an extension to the original “This extension of the morato- der represents the degree of empa- moratorium that expired on July 31 rium is the lifeline that millions thy and responsiveness that this na- worth tops could not occur without clear and of families have been waiting for. tional health emergency demands,” $1 billion specific congressional authoriza- From the very beginning of this Congressman Gomez asserted. pandemic, it was clear that eviction The Biden administration has tion via new legislation. - See Page 9 Still, members of Congress who moratoriums not only kept people repeated its assertion that there re- had pressed the Administration to housed but also saved lives,” Con- mains about $44 billion in federal Sister Tarpley: act applauded the President. gresswoman Waters remarked. COVID-19 relief available to states “From the bottom of my heart Congressman Jimmy Gomez (D- and municipalities to thwart evic- Jesus: The and on behalf of millions of rent- Calif.), a member of the Congres- tions. sional Progressive Caucus, also ap- Mighty God ers, I thank the President for listen- See RENT , Page 7 plauded the President. ing and for encouraging the CDC to - See Page 15 Inside... See Page 2 People In The News ... People in the News ........................................ 2 Op/Ed ............................................................ 3 Health ............................................................ 4 Community .................................................... 5 Education ...................................................... 6 Irving / Carrollton / Plano ............................. 7 Entertainment .......................................... 9-10 Marcus T. Coleman Kay DeBow Alford J. Terry Smith Marketplace .......................................... 11-12 Career / Notices .......................................... 13 NDG Quote of the Week: “In recognizing the humanity of our fellow beings, we pay ourselves the highest Religion .................................................. 14-15 tribute.” —Thurgood Marshall NDG Book Review ........................................ 10 People in the News www.NorthDallasGazette.com tions practice at HWC, Inc. for Emergency Managers, Centers executed the ad- Director David L. Myers. Marcus T. Coleman Before HWC, Coleman FEMA’s course on Reli- ministration’s mission to David stated in a release. Stacy M. Brown served as the Interim Di- gious and Cultural Literacy boost economic recovery, “The country and the NNPA Newswire Senior rector for the DHS Center and Competency in Disas- combat systemic racism, in- president will be well National Correspondent from 2017-2018 and Spe- ters, IS-909: Community crease opportunity and mo- served by Marcus’ years of cial Assistant from 2013 to Preparedness: Implement- bility for historically disad- experience at the Center, The Biden-Harris ad- 2016. ing Simple Activities for vantaged communities. his expertise in emergency ministration announced the During his tenure, Cole- Everyone and led a nation- They also advance inter- preparedness, and his ro- appointment of Marcus T. man developed the DHS wide effort to increase the national development and bust network of trusted Coleman as the Director of Center’s partnership strat- security for houses of wor- global humanitarian work relationships with faith- the Department of Home- egy engaging more than ship. and strengthen pluralism, based, civic, and govern- land Security Center for 50,000 leaders from mul- On February 14, 2021, and respect constitutional ment partners.” Faith-Based and Neighbor- tiple sectors and devel- President Biden reestab- guarantees. Joe Briggs, the counsel hood Partnerships (DHS oped partnerships between lished the White House “President Biden could for the National Football Center). management to help people FEMA and organizations, Office of Faith-Based and not have appointed a bet- League Players Associa- According to a news re- before, during, and after di- including the NAACP and Neighborhood Partnerships ter prepared and more ca- tion, remarked that Cole- lease, Coleman leads at the sasters. AARP. and federal agency centers. pable leader than Marcus man had been a special intersection of religious His experience in the pri- He also co-developed In addition to their stat- Coleman to direct the DHS connection for the sports affairs, community capac- vate sector includes serving the guide, Engaging Faith- ed mission of outreach to Center for Faith-based and community to the work as co-lead for the behavior- Based and Community Or- stakeholders of all back- Neighborhood Partner- ity building, public-private See COLEMAN, Page 4 partnerships, and crisis al science and communica- ganizations: Considerations grounds and beliefs, the ships,” former DHS Center the Stuarts, who were en- Alford Jr. ventures. They had begun locally to Kay DeBow Alford trepreneurs, owning several After a short courtship Through their business fill the void of a Black busi- The National Black successful businesses in the Kay and Harry were mar- experiences, Kay and Harry ness organization by found- Chamber of Commerce an- greater Indianapolis area. ried on October 31, 1980. early on realized there was a ing the Hoosier Minority nounced the death of its co- A graduate of Shortridge The Alfords made their need for a national connec- Chamber of Commerce in founder Kay DeBow Alford High School in Indianapo- home in Indianapolis. Kay tion. Indianapolis which evolved on July 19, 2021. lis, she received her bach- pursued government work When Kay DeBow Al- into the NBCC. Highly focused, efficient elor’s degree from Indiana and at the height of that ford and her husband Harry The NBCC was crafted and determined, Kay was University in Blooming- work she became the Di- left Indianapolis, Indiana from the empowerment prin- the linchpin of the Cham- ton, Indiana. She began her rector of Marketing for the and moved to Washington, ciples of Booker T. Wash- ber, defining multitasking to professional career at Col- Hoosier State Lottery in In- D.C. in September 1994, ington, the business acumen its highest degree. gate-Palmolive in Detroit, diana. they had already founded of Congressman Parren Kay, as she was af- Michigan. It was in Detroit The couple also became the National Black Cham- Mitchell, and enforced by fectionately known, was on June 8, 1980, Kay met entrepreneurs owning sev- ber of Commerce on May See ALFORD Page 4 named Kayanne at birth on ing from a family that were husband-to-be Harry Cicero eral video stores and private 23, 1993. December 12, 1957, to the known educators and entre- parents of Charles DeBow preneurs. Jr. and Aurelia Jane Stuart Kay’s father, Charles in Indianapolis, Indiana. DeBow Jr. was one of the She seemed to be born for first four Tuskegee Airmen, business leadership, com- serving in World War II. Kay’s maternal family were J. Terry Smith InterBank today an- nounced the hiring of J. Terry Smith as an Execu- tive Vice President and as the bank’s DFW Regional President. In this key role, Smith will be responsible for leading the bank’s or- ganic growth strategy in the DFW Metroplex.. “We are excited to wel- come Terry to the InterBank leadership team,” said C.K. the opportunity to join this Lee, InterBank’s President group of like-minded bank- and Chief Operating Offi- ers with a focus on asset cer. “DFW is the best place growth, customer service in the world to do business and community involve- and Terry has the experi- ment. The future of North ence and the expertise to Texas is bright and Inter- build on our strong founda- Bank will be a source of tion in this market and lead growth capital for the needs our expansion efforts here.” “I am thrilled to have See SMITH Page 12 2 | August 5-18, 2021 | North Dallas Gazette For the 411 in the community, go to www.northdallasgazette.com
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