Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2008; 62: 220–225 doi:10.1111/j.1440-1819.2008.01758.x Regular Article Confabulation behavior and false memories in Korsakoff’s syndrome: Role of source memory and executive functioning Roy P. C. Kessels, PhD,1,2* Hans E. Kortrijk, MSc,3 Arie J. Wester, MSc4 and Gudrun M. S. Nys, PhD5 1Nijmegen Institute for Cognition and Information, Radboud University Nijmegen, 2Departments of Medical Psychology and Geriatric Medicine, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, 3GGZ Group BAVO/Europoort, Rotterdam, 4Korsakoff Clinic, Vincent van Gogh Institute for Psychiatry, Venray, the Netherlands and 5Laboratory for Neuropsychology, Department of Internal Medicine – Section Neurology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium Aims: Confabulation behavior is common in a word-list learning paradigm (a modification of the patients with Korsakoff’s syndrome. A distinction can Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test). be made between spontaneous and provoked con- Results: There were deficits in source memory, in fabulations, which may have different underlying which patients incorrectly assigned previously cognitive mechanisms. Provoked confabulations may learned words to an incorrect word list. Also, Korsa- be related to intrusions on memory tests, whereas koff patients had extensive executive deficits, but no spontaneous confabulations may be due to executive relationship between the severity of these deficits dysfunction or a source memory deficit. and the severity of confabulation or intrusions on a Methods: In 19 chronic Korsakoff patients, spontane- memory task was found. ous confabulations were quantified by third-party Conclusion: The present findings provide evidence rating (Likert scale). Provoked confabulations were for a dissociation between spontaneous confabula- assessed using the Dalla Barba Confabulation Battery. tion, provoked confabulation and false memories. Furthermore, assessment of executive function was performed using an extensive neuropsychological Key words: amnesia, confabulation, neuropsychol- battery. False memories (i.e. intrusions) and source ogy, source memory. memory were measured using twoparallelversions of ORSAKOFF’S SYNDROME IS characterized by made between two types of confabulation behavior. Ksevere amnesia in the absence of dementia,1,2 and First, spontaneous confabulations refer to incorrect Korsakoff patients typically show profound confa- memories that patients spontaneously recall without bulation behavior.3 Originally these confabulations any external trigger, in accordance with which the were regarded as secondary to the amnesia, that is, patient also acts. In turn, provoked confabulations that patients used confabulation behavior to fill up occur when the patient is explicitly prompted for a memory gaps,4 but confabulations and amnesia do response, for example in a test setting.6 Not only can not necessarily co-occur.5 Generally, a distinction is these two types of confabulation behavior be distin- guished behaviorally, but there is also evidence that they have different neurocognitive underpinnings.7–9 *Correspondence: Roy P. C. Kessels, PhD, Radboud University Spontaneous confabulations are thought to be due to Nijmegen, NICI/Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation, PO Box 9104, impaired source memory, that is, a deficit in remem- 6500 HE Nijmegen, the Netherlands., Email: [email protected] bering contextual information about an event, and Received 6 August 2007; revised 1 November 2007; accepted 8 November 2007. temporal confusion, that is, the difficulty in distin- 220 © 2008 The Authors Journal compilation © 2008 Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2008; 62: 220–225 Confabulation behavior in amnesia 221 aguishing irrelevant and old memory traces from rel- evant and new traces referring to the ongoing real- Materials ity.10 However, spontaneous confabulation behavior Confabulation behavior may also be related to executive dysfunction, specifi- The Dalla Barba Confabulation Battery was used, 11 cally concept shifting and divided attention, or the which is a structured interview in which the patient 12 result of a strategic retrieval deficit. In turn, pro- answers 64 questions tapping semantic memory, epi- voked confabulations are similar to erroneous sodic memory, prospective memory and spatial ori- responses or false memories occurring during neu- entation.18 All interviews were performed by the same 8 ropsychological testing and can also be observed in investigator (H.E.K.) and were recorded on audio- 13 healthy participants. Most studies examining the cassette. The patients’ responses were later scored as neurocognitive mechanisms of confabulation have correct, incorrect or confabulation, depending on the 14,15 10 focused on dementia or ruptured aneurysms. consistency with information about the patients. This Moreover, to date no study has examined spontane- battery has been developed to assess different types ous and provoked confabulations in combination. In of confabulation content and has been validated the present study we investigated the role of executive in clinical populations,15,19 but because this battery dysfunction, source memory and false memories in prompts the patient for an answer, it assesses only both spontaneous and provoked confabulation provoked confabulation behavior. behavior in patients with Korsakoff’s syndrome. Spontaneous confabulation frequency was assessed by the nursing staff of the institution. They were provided with the following definition of spon- METHODS taneous confabulation behavior: ‘Confabulations are the result of erroneous memories. These can be Patients memories of events that never occurred or traces of real experiences that are incorrect with respect to time Nineteen Korsakoff patients participated in this study or place. These incorrect memories do not have the Ϯ (14 men). Mean age was 58.8 8.8 years. Education intention to mislead. Spontaneous confabulations level was assessed using seven categories, 1 being occur without an external trigger and occur merely the lowest (less than primary school) and 7 the on the basis of spontaneity, that is, the patient acts highest (academic degree); mean education level according to the content of the memory. The ques- Ϯ was 4.7 1.2. All were inpatients of the Korsakoff tion is for you to indicate to which degree this patient Clinic of Vincent van Gogh Institute for Psychiatry confabulates based on his/her current behavior’. Sub- in Venray, the Netherlands and were diagnosed sequently they were asked to rate the spontaneous 1–6 months prior to the investigation. All patients confabulation behavior of the patient based on his or fulfilled the criteria for DSM–IV alcohol-induced per- her current behavior using a 5-point Likert scale (1, 16 sisting amnestic disorder and the criteria for Korsa- never; 2, seldom; 3, sometimes; 4, often; 5, always). koff syndrome described by Kopelman.1 All patients were in the chronic, amnesic stage of the syndrome; none of the patients was in the confusional phase at Neuropsychological assessment the moment of testing (i.e. Wernicke psychosis). All Premorbid verbal intelligence level was estimated patients had an extensive history of alcoholism and with the National Adult Reading Task.20 Executive nutritional depletion, notably thiamine deficiency, functioning was measured with an extensive neuro- verified through medical charts or family reports. psychological battery tapping all aspects of executive Neuroradiological examination (computed tomogra- functioning,21,22 that is, mental flexibility was mea- phy or magnetic resonance imaging) showed signs sured with the Trail-Making Test, concept shifting of brain atrophy and non-specific white-matter and rule detection by the Modified Card-Sorting Test lesions in most patients, which are often found in and the Brixton Spatial Anticipation Test, response Korsakoff’s syndrome but are not a necessary crite- generation with the Category Fluency test, response rion for the diagnosis.1 None of the patients fulfilled inhibition with the Stroop Color–Word Test and the clinical criteria for alcohol dementia.17 The study planning with the Key Search subtest from the Behav- was approved by the local ethics committee and ioral Assessment of Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS) informed consent was obtained. battery. Working memory was measured using the © 2008 The Authors Journal compilation © 2008 Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology 222 R. P. C. Kessels et al. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2008; 62: 220–225 Digit Span subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence working memory but profound deficits in long-term Test–Third Edition,23 long-term memory was assessed memory and executive function (Table 1). Table 2 using the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT), shows the results for the source memory task. The version A, which consists of a list of 15 words that patients made more false alarms from the RAVLT-A have to be remembered in five subsequent trials, fol- list than from the new distracter items (t(18) = 6.3, lowed by a 15-min delay, after which a free recall and P < 0.0005), but this inability was not correlated with recognition trial followed.24 The neuropsychological confabulation behavior or any of the neuropsycho- test results were converted to standard scores using logical tests. The total number of intrusions (i.e. false the available normative data (i.e. percentiles, deciles, memories on RAVLT-A and RAVLT-B recall taken scaled scores, equivalent scores or
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