A NEWSLETTER ABOUT PUBLISHING AND PUBLISHING DISTRIBUTION THE· NEW·SINGLE· COPY www.nscopy.com March 6, 2006 Editor: John Harrington Associate Editor: Eileen Harrington Volume X, # 32 Special Edition - 2005 Newsstand Performance Review (3 pages) Newsstand Sales Stable for Two Years Dollars at new high. Efficiencies improve. Retail shifts For the first time in well over a decade, total copy sales business conducted by Harrington magazine newsstand unit sales grew for two Associates, publishers of The New Single Copy. consecutive years. Of course, in each year, the Clearly, the strong performances of the celebrity improvement was less than a single percentage titles (five leaders on Top 50 list, page 3) fueled the point, but for a business that has been plagued by growth, however as The New Single Copy pointed consistent declines since early in the 1990’s, it’s a out last week, several women’s fashion and men’s noteworthy accomplishment. The annual unit sales style titles had very good years as well. Overall, 38 of audited titles were also up, and that has not of the 100 leading retail dollar producers improved happened since the 1980’s. The two years of growth their numbers in 2005 (one magazine was in its first pushed the retail value of magazine sales to a new year of audited sales). high, $4.8 billion. Additionally, as a result of the steadier performance, the industry’s sell-through Newsstand sales have struggled mightily during figure has risen back above the 35% level. It had the past decade, a period notable for tumultuous fallen in 2003 to 33%. These are some of the shifts in the mass market magazine distribution significant findings in the unique analysis of the single channel. However, in the past year, developments at the wholesale and retail levels have taken place Key Industry Performance Figures which may bring some much needed stability to the channel. Magazine wholesalers may be economically sounder, and a significant new retail format has been opened. Along with the 2005 2004 Change apparent change in sales trends, many in the business are actually daring to be optimistic. All Magazines Dollar Sales $4.811 billion $4.665 billion +3.12% Unit Sales 1.427 billion 1.420 billion +0.57% On the Inside Audited Tiles (ABC and BPA) Total Newsstand Performance...Page 2 Dollar Sales $3.183 billion $3.147 billion +1.13% Unit Sales 945 million 939 million +0.41% A New Look at Retail Share of Market …Page 2 2005 Sales Efficiency............................……………..35.7% 2004 Sales Efficiency.............................................….34.0% 2005 Top Newsstand Titles Ranked by Retail Dollars…………...Page 3 THE NEW SINGLE COPY, March 6, 2006 Page 2 Overall Performance by Groups - 2005 2004 2005 Change All Magazines A New Look at Where Units Magazines Are Sold Draw 4,174,346,736 3,999,394,976 -4.19% Return 2,754,654,972 2,571,610,970 -6.64% For many years, magazine sales in supercenter Sale 1,419,691,763 1,427,784,006 0.57% stores (huge retail formats combining grocery and Sales Pct 34.01% 35.70% 4.97% discount stores) have been reported in the discount Dollars category in the annual survey by Harrington Associates. Now, through the efforts of Magnet, a data Draw $13,957,544,798 $13,708,353,567 -1.79% base of magazine wholesaler information, supercenter Return $9,291,692,325 $8,896,721,465 -4.25% sales figures are now included, more appropriately, in Sale $4,665,852,473 $4,811,632,102 3.12% the supermarket category (see Chart 1 below). In this Sales Pct 33.43% 35.10% 5.00% transition year, we have also broken them out in the Cov. Pri. $3.29 $3.37 2.54% traditional fashion (see Chart 2) to demonstrate the Top 25 Titles change. In the future, they will only be in Chart 1 style. Units Draw 1,337,800,507 1,350,542,658 0.95% Return 763,410,964 762,666,169 -0.10% Table 1: Retail Share of Market: 2005 Sale 574,389,543 587,876,489 2.35% (Supercenters in Supermarket Category) Sales Pct 42.94% 43.53% 1.38% Share 40.46% 41.17% 1.77% Change Dollars Pct Dollars 04-05 Pct 04 Sale $ 1,644,241,022 $ 1,680,718,984 2.22% Supermarkets 46.1% $2,218,819,057 1.2% 47.0% Share 35.24% 34.93% -0.88% Cov. Pri. $2.86 $2.86 -0.13% Discount Stores 9.3% $447,572,943 7.8% 8.9% 26 to 100 Titles Drugstores 10.6% $509,471,329 6.3% 10.3% Units Conv. Stores 7.2% $347,583,243 1.1% 7.6% Draw 577,677,065 534,315,688 -7.51% Bookstores 11.6% $559,689,145 5.3% 11.4% Return 365,418,116 332,065,911 -9.13% Terminals 5.7% $276,162,029 -1.5% 5.6% Sale 212,258,949 202,249,777 -4.72% News/Misc 9.4% $452,334,357 -3.8% 9.2% Sales Pct 36.74% 37.85% 3.02% TOTALS 100.0% $4,811,632,102 3.1% 100.0% Share 14.95% 14.17% -5.26% Dollars Table 2: Retail Share of Market: 2005 Sale $828,877,289 $812,987,370 -1.92% Share 17.76% 16.90% -4.89% (Supercenters in Discount Category) Cov. Pri. $3.91 $4.02 2.94% Top 100 Titles $ Units Pct Dollars Change Pct 04 Draw 1,915,477,573 1,894,268,274 -1.60% Supermarkets 37.5% $1,804,576,014 1.0% 38.3% Return 1,128,829,081 1,094,732,081 -3.02% Discount Stores 17.9% $861,815,986 11.4% 16.6% Sale 786,648,492 790,126,266 0.44% Drugstores 10.6% $509,471,329 6.3% 10.3% Sales Pct 41.07% 41.92% 2.07% Conv. Stores 7.2% $347,583,243 1.1% 7.4% Share 55.41% 55.34% -0.13% Bookstores 11.6% $559,689,145 5.3% 11.4% Dollars Sale $2,473,118,311 $2,493,706,354 0.83% Terminals 5.7% $276,162,029 -1.5% 6.0% Share 53.00% 51.83% -2.22% News/Misc 9.4% $452,334,357 -3.8% 10.1% Cov. Pri. $3.14 $3.16 0.39% TOTALS 100.0% $4,811,632,102 3.1% 100.0% Rest of the Line Units Note on Methodology: In producing our reports, Harrington Associates collects data from the ABC, BPA Worldwide, Draw 2,258,869,163 2,114,536,630 -6.39% individual mass market wholesalers, retailers, Capell’s Circu- Return 1,625,825,892 1,476,878,889 -9.16% lation Report, and Magnet, the database of wholesaler sales Sale 633,043,271 637,657,740 0.73% information. Individual publisher sales efficiency figures are Sales Pct. 28.02% 30.16% 7.60% from Magnet. The process of collecting and reporting maga- Share 44.59% 44.66% 0.16% zine retail performance data is undergoing significant change, Dollars which should improve the quality of industry reports. Conse- Sale $2,192,734,162 $2,317,925,748 5.71% quently, during this period of transition, there may be some Share 47.00% 48.17% 2.51% inconsistencies from one reporting period to another. Cov. Pri. $3.46 $3.64 4.94% THE•NEW·SINGLE•COPY © is published 46 times a year, by Harrington Associates, LLC., P. O. Box 670, Norwalk, CT 06852-0670. 203-838-1701. FAX 203-838-1861. E-mail: [email protected]. ISSN 1521-1169. Subscription price: $395 per year. Delivered by FAX and e-mail. Overseas FAX: price varies by region. Single copy: $20. Reproduction and/or redistribution by any means without writ- ten permission is prohibited. www.nscopy.com THE NEW SINGLE COPY, March 6, 2006 Page 3 2005 Top 50 Titles - Ranked by Annual Retail Dollars Cover Single Copy Total Circ Single Total Annual Dollars Sell Magazine Price Per Issue Per Issue Pct +/- Pct +/- Retail $ Pct +/- Thru 1 PEOPLE $3.55 1,507,337 3,735,404 2.0% 1.2% $272,982,433 8.7% 59.0% 2 US WEEKLY # $3.41 971,952 1,668,135 21.7% 18.0% $172,018,330 31.0% 43.4% 3 STAR MAGAZINE $3.39 871,432 1,428,767 -5.1% 15.2% $153,574,828 -2.2% 36.9% 4 NATIONAL ENQUIRER $2.92 881,905 1,239,211 -19.7% -15.5% $133,668,447 -13.0% 33.6% 5 IN TOUCH WEEKLY * $1.99 1,114,856 1,150,735 29.4% 30.0% $115,365,247 33.9% 49.4% 6 WOMAN'S WORLD $1.49 1,478,594 1,575,214 -0.8% -0.6% $114,561,463 -0.8% 54.9% 7 COSMOPOLITAN $4.08 2,030,394 2,969,952 1.2% -0.6% $99,408,090 3.5% 69.7% 8 GLOBE $2.70 434,248 505,439 -4.7% -1.4% $60,718,578 4.8% 34.6% 9 LIFE & STYLE WEEKLY $1.96 532,054 535,930 N/A N/A $52,398,117 N/A 40.6% 10 O, THE OPRAH MAG’ $3.95 1,034,523 2,513,318 8.4% -6.4% $49,036,390 8.4% 64.9% 11 GLAMOUR $3.95 909,463 2,371,986 -7.2% -0.3% $43,116,655 4.8% 46.0% 12 FIRST FOR WOMEN @ $1.99 1,225,621 1,463,197 -7.2% -6.0% $41,417,478 -12.4% 50.9% 13 IN STYLE $3.99 848,247 1,783,235 -4.8% 1.6% $40,614,042 -4.8% 52.6% 14 TV GUIDE $2.27 329,956 8,211,581 -27.7% -8.9% $38,728,121 -35.6% 33.2% 15 WOMAN'S DAY $2.49 828,885 4,050,887 -12.6% -2.0% $35,018,852 -12.6% 39.5% 16 MAXIM $4.99 541,972 2,517,450 -15.8% -0.3% $32,453,283 -15.8% 36.3% 17 SOAP OPERA DIGEST $3.47 177,858 495,552 -8.8% -5.5% $32,090,498 -9.6% 23.7% 18 TIME $4.01 151,147 4,038,740 -10.1% 0.1% $30,883,574 -9.8% 34.2% 19 FAMILY CIRCLE $1.99 870,950 4,296,479 -1.7% 0.9% $25,984,166 -21.4% 35.1% 20 NEWSWEEK @ $3.95 129,507 3,158,988 -9.7% 0.7% $25,577,534 -11.4% 27.7% 21 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING $2.50 770,674 4,634,763 -10.3% 0.1% $23,120,205 -10.3% 37.9% 22 SOAP OPERA WEEKLY $2.99 143,961 219,586 -8.1% -5.8% $22,382,979 -21.2% 24.5% 23 FHM $4.99 371,478 1,277,511 -7.3% 4.7% $22,244,073 -7.3% 43.5% 24 MARIE CLAIRE $3.50 516,726 960,900 -5.6% 1.3% $21,702,492 -5.6% 44.3% 25 VANITY FAIR $4.50 400,984 1,172,734 7.9% 2.0% $21,653,109 7.9% 48.3% 26 VOGUE $4.04 441,315 1,260,316 -5.8% -0.7% $21,381,399 -4.7% 45.5% 27 MEN'S HEALTH $4.05 493,649 1,774,558 3.8% 4.9% $19,993,367 5.4% 44.7% 28 MARTHA STEWART LIV’ $4.77 345,007 1,950,482 6.4% 2.3% $19,737,807 6.5% 46.9% 29 PLAYBOY $5.33 307,088 3,060,376 -25.9% -1.7% $19,699,435 -23.2% 37.8% 30 SOAPS IN DEPTH - ABC $3.50 205,450 259,433 26.4% 20.1% $18,695,950 36.4% 35.1% 31 REAL SIMPLE * $4.23 401,330 1,904,537 0.7% 7.9% $18,595,036 18.2% 44.2% 32 STUFF $4.99 287,929 1,333,768 -3.0% 4.1% $17,241,159 -3.0% 36.7% 33 SPORTS ILLUSTRATED $4.03 81,786 3,288,665 -18.3% -0.9% $16,886,553 -11.7% 27.4% 34 PENTHOUSE * $8.24 168,279 341,028 -23.5% -12.8% $16,622,134 -15.5% 36.2%
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