Organise! 1 OORGANISE!RGAN...... forfoIr revolutionaryrevSolutionarEy aanarchismnarch!ism VViolenceiolence iinn ccontext.ontext. PPLUSLUS • RRevoltevolt iinn TunisiaTunisia ••AnarchismAnarchism iinn GGreecereece ••MaximilienMaximilien LLuceuce 776£2.50 €3.00 Free6 to prisoners AANDND MMOREORE Anarchist Federation local groups and contacts Organise! Scotland/Alba Lincoln AF Th e magazine of the [email protected] [email protected] Anarchist Federation h p://scotlandaf.wordpress.com/ Liverpool AF (including Merseyside) Issue 76 - Spring 2011 Aberdeen c/o News From Nowhere Bookshop 96 [email protected] Bold Street Organise! is the magazine of the Anarchist Liverpool L1. Federa on (AF). It is published in order to Edinburgh & the Lothians [email protected] develop anarchist communist ideas. It aims [email protected] to provide a clear anarchist viewpoint on London AF contemporary issues and to ini ate debate Glasgow BM ANARFED, London, WC1N 3XX, on ideas not normally covered in agita onal papers. [email protected] England, UK We aim to produce Organise! twice a year. [email protected] To meet this target, we posi vely solicit con- Striling tribu ons from our readers. We aim to print s [email protected] Manchester AF any ar cle that furthers the objec ves of c/o News From Nowhere Bookshop anarchist communism. If you’d like to write Wales/Cymru 96 Bold Street something for us, but are unsure whether cardiff @afed.org.uk Liverpool, L1. to do so, why not get in touch fi rst? Even [email protected] [email protected] ar cles that are 100% in agreement with our h p://www.af-north.org/ aims and principles can leave much open to debate. England (and all other areas) As always, the ar cles in this issue do not BM ANARFED, London, WC1N 3XX, Newcastle AF (including Tyneside) necessarily represent the collec ve view- England, UK Anarchist Federa on, PO Box ITA, New- point of the AF. We hope that their publica- [email protected] castle Upon Tyne, NE99 1TA on will produce responses from our readers [email protected] and spur debate on. Birmingham AF (including West Mid- The deadline for the next issue of Organise! lands) No ngham AF (including No s) will be 14th August 2011. Please send all [email protected] Box AF c/o The Sumac Centre 245 Glad- contribu ons to the address on the right. stone Street It would help if all ar cles could be either typed or on disc. Alterna vely, ar cles can Brighton AF (including Lewes) No ngham be emailed to the editors directly at [email protected] NG7 6HX [email protected] no [email protected] • Bristol AF mansfi [email protected] [email protected] h p://www.afed.org.uk/no ngham/ What goes in Organise! h p://bristolaf.wordpress.com/ Organise! hopes to open up debate in many Organise! editors areas of life. As we have stated before, un- East Anglia AF (including Norwich & Organise!, BM ANARFED, London, less signed by the Anarchist Federa on as a Cambs) WC1N 3XX whole or by a local AF group, ar cles in Or- [email protected] [email protected] ganise! refl ect the views of the person who has wri en the ar cle and nobody else. Hereford AF (including Herefordshire) Resistance editors If the contents of one of the ar cles in this [email protected] Resistance, BM ANARFED, London, issue provokes thought, makes you angry, www.afed.org.uk/hereford WC1N 3XX compels a response then let us know. [email protected] Revolu onary ideas develop from debate, they do not merely drop out of the air! Hull AF [email protected] Sheffi eld AF h p://yorks-afed.org sheffi [email protected] h p://yorks-afed.org Kent AF East Kent Surrey and Hants AF [email protected] [email protected] Lancashire AF Worcester AF [email protected] [email protected] Leicester AF York AF [email protected] [email protected] Leeds AF [email protected] Anarchist Communist h p://yorks-afed.org Editions Organise! 3 Organise! Issue 76 - Spring 2011 Organise!, BM ANARFED, London, WC1N 3XX [email protected] Editorial UK Unmasked and the New Kids on the Bloc 4 Subscriptions Single issues £3·50 (£4.00 non- Sketch UK) inc. postage & packaging. A Doorway 18 Annual subscrip ons to Organ- ise! (two issues) are available for: History £5·00 inc. postage & packaging “Either we will bow our heads or we will take our (£6·00 non-UK). future in our hands”: a brief history of Greek anarchism 22 £10·00 supporters Th row Your TV at Your Boss! (TYTVAYB!) £5·00 to pay for a prisoner’s sub- Th e Alienation of Work and Leisure in Capitalist Society 28 scrip on (£6·00 non-UK) Sabotage: Th e Ideas of Émile Pouget 30 £15·00 ins tu ons £10·00 for a joint subscrip on Th e Tunisian Revolt 32 to Organise! and Resistance (UK only). £6·00 (UK only) Resistance sub. Feature: Th e Paris Commune of 1871 and its NB: A year’s sub is 10 issues. Impact £15·00 – Special supporters sub: Maximilien Luce: Neo-impressionist painter and anarchist 35 brings you Organise!, Resistance Review: Th e World that Never Was 37 and all new pamphlets as they come out (UK only) Reviews 40 4 Organise! UK Un-masked and the New Kids on the Bloc. Since around the me when we accounts of local ac vity and raised within the wider an -cuts published Organise! #75, October na onal propaganda). In this movement about civil disobedi- 2010, it is fair to say that anar- issue we deal ini ally with what ence and direct ac on, and the chists in Britain have been most was arguably the culmina on occupa on and destruc on of visibly ac ve on one issue prima- of the fi rst phase of the strug- private property. It is wri en with rily: the Cuts. The ConDems’ vision gle, the huge march against Cuts a view to making anarchist views for the future featured heavily in on March 26th in London, the of the events of the day more that issue and has dominated our ‘March for the Alterna ve’ called understandable to other sorts ac vity since (see our website for by the T.U.C. We explore issues it of people on the march, such as Organise! 5 people iden fying primarily as workers, trade unionists and serv- Friends tex ng marchers behind them ice users, who are now scouring from Hyde Park were bemused; where anarchist media for explana ons. We also evaluate UK Uncut and was the real opposi on? Where were the Black Bloc from an anarchist- communist perspec ve. We ad- those who would heckle the Labour dress the groups of people above as an anarchist organisa on with hypocrites? Was this really the culmi- members in all of them. na on of the march? Marching for the Alterna ve. Trades unionists and everyone else in the an -cuts movement were dismayed last Autumn when they are coming at us so thick the T.U.C. announced that it and fast that it feels impossible Their friends were very possibly would wait un l March to fa- to keep track of them (this is no in the West End, either engaged cilitate what we all knew would accident of course) never mind in or cheering on the various be the biggest march in Britain come up with a coherent alterna- forms of direct ac on striking at since the demonstra ons against ve that everyone fi gh ng the the heart of the problem, both the war in Iraq in 2003. It is the cuts would agree on. Instead, the symbolically and actually. As only body big enough to organ- way the working class is respond- has happened on many demos, ise something on this scale, and ing is to a empt to fi ght the cuts but not always with the press its cons tuent unions are the and salvage what we can at a local exposure it had on the 26th, only groups able to lay on the level. But at a na onal level, not the West End was, well, if not hundreds of coaches, and even only does no one single strategy exactly alight, certainly warming several trains, that brought peo- dominate, but this is probably a up. The banks fell one by one, ple from the four corners of the good thing at this stage. No one surprisingly easily. The Ritz and Bri sh Isles to London. But this has managed to s tch up ‘the the elite car showrooms fell too. frustra on in itself had helped alterna ve’ and so dialogue about But these sights paled in com- to build the movement at a local it is not only possible but s ll cen- parison with seeing Fortnum and level. All the T.U.C. had done by trally important. The main point of Mason occupied by UK Uncut. calling for a march rather than the march, therefore, was to make This was the mother of all short- industrial ac on was to cop out our anger known, and furiously lived occupa ons! The gregarious anyway. The feeling of dismay led determined people did this in vari- jollity of the spectacle put on for union ac vists to muck in with ous ways according to what they on-lookers was fantas c.
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