Odonatological Abstract Service published by the INTERNATIONAL DRAGONFLY FUND (IDF) in cooperation with the WORLDWIDE DRAGONFLY ASSOCIATION (WDA) Editors: Dr. Klaus Reinhardt, Dept Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK. Tel. ++44 114 222 0105; E-mail: [email protected] Martin Schorr, Schulstr. 7B, D-54314 Zerf, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)6587 1025; E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Milen Marinov, 7/160 Rossall Str., Merivale 8014, Christchurch, New Zealand. E-mail: [email protected] Published in Rheinfelden, Germany and printed in Trier, Germany. ISSN 1438-0269 - was conducted during July September 1996. The springs 1997 were primarily in central and northern Ohio on a variety 12122. Fahrngruber, H.; Wenger, A. (1997): Nachweis of surficial geology settings including karst, till, and ex- von Gomphus flavipes (Charpentier, 1825) bei Krems / posed bedrock. Water quality varied with the ground- NÖ. Lanius, Krems 1996-1997: 73-75. (in German) [As water source and local environment (agriculture, wood- a result of a road kill, Stylurus flavipes was found on 24- land). The algal community varied greatly in diversity VII-1997 along the river Krems, near Senftenberg, Nie- among sites. One woodland site (Styx River) had only derösterreich, Austria] Address: not stated three taxa. In contrast, Cedar Bog (an open alkaline fen) had a great diversity of diatoms (246 taxa) with a total 12123. Taylor, P.D. (1997): Empirical explorations of of 258 taxa. At most locations, between 15 and 56 taxa landscape connectivity. Proceeding of the sixth annual were reported. Like the algal community, the diversity of International Association for Landscape Ecology (UK the macroinvertebrate fauna differed considerably among - Region) conference, 9th 11th September 1997. Eds: sites, ranging from 2 to 40 identified taxa. This variation - Cooper, A. and J. Power. IALE (UK): 11 18. (in English) may have been due to the sitespecific differences in ["Movement plays a fundamental role in the dynamics water chemistry and/or habitat. Computation of Jaccard of populations, and is influenced by differences in the similarity coefficients for both the algal and macroinver- patterning of resources on the landscape. The interac- tebrate data resulted in low similarity values among tion between the ability of an organism to move through sites. The data collected provide a basis for proposed different types of landscape and the relative size and sampling methods (spring biotic survey protocols) that positioning of resources in the landscape is termed could be used for the range of spring/seep types found - landscape connectivity. Experimental manipulations ha in Ohio." (Authors) The following taxa are listed: Anax ve been made to measure landscape connectivity for junius, Cordulegaster sp., Libellula sp., Pachydiplax two species of damselflies (Calopteryx maculata and C. longipennis, Enallagma sp., Ischnura verticallis, Lestes aequabilis) in completely forested, completely open and rectangularis.] Address: Vis, M., Dept of Environmental mixed landscapes. Experimentally, individuals have & Plant Biology, Ohio Univ., Athens, OH 45701, USA been translocated between landscapes to measure as- pects of how they move through the different types of landscapes. I present an overview of these experiments 2001 and results and then discuss their importance as meth- 12126. ods for further exploring the important concept of con- Goddard, S. (2001): The Scarce Chaser (Libel- lula fulva) on the River Stour. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. nectivity." (Author)] Address: Taylor, P., Biology Depart- - ment, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada 37: 81 82. (in English) [Recent records between 1997 B4P 2R6. E-mail: [email protected] and 2000 along the River Stour, UK are brought on rec- ord.] Address: Goddard, S., 47 Colchester Road, Ips- 12124. Wenger, A. (1997): Die Libellenfauna eines Fo- wich IP4 3BT, UK lienteiches. Lanius, Krems 1996-1997: 57-62. (in Ger- 12127. Sugimura, M.; Futahashi, R. (2001): Second re- man) [In early 1996, a garden pond was created. The - development of the colonisation by dragonflies in 1996 cord of an interspecific hybrid between Sympetrum ero ticum eroticum (Selys, 1883) and Sympetrum parvulum and 1997 is outlined. Anax imperator inspected the pond - before it was filled with water.] Address: not stated (Bartenef, 1912) (Libellulidae). Tombo 43: 51 54. (in Japanese, with English summary) [Japan; a supposed interspecific hybrid between the two taxa, is reported.] 1999 Address: Futahashi, R., Fujiwara Lab., Univ. Tokyo, Bi- osci. Bldg 501, Kashiwa, Chiba, 377-8562, Japan 12125. Hambrook, J.A.; Armitage, B.J.; Vis, M. (1999): Algal and macroinvertebrate assemblages of selected Ohio springs. Ohio Biological Survey Notes 2: 1-24. (in 2002 English) ["A qualitative study of the algal flora, macroin- 12128. vertebrate fauna, and water quality of ten Ohio springs Malavasi, D. (2002): Note sull'odonatofauna delle zone umide della Bassa Pianura modenese. Natu- Odonatological Abstract Service 37 (May 2013) - page 1 ra Modenese 6: 59-64. (in Italian, with English sum- /iss1/10: 29-40. (in English) ["Fluctuating asymmetry mary) [" Notes on dragonfly community of the Modena (FA), or subtle random deviations from perfect bilateral lowland wetlands: Notes on Odonata living in man- symmetry, has recently become a useful tool in allowing made wetlands, ponds and canals in Modena lowlands, researchers to understand more about an organism's are reported. The area is a typical intensive agriculture- health, fitness, developmental stability and environmen- based lowland,... The following list includes all the spe- tal stressors. Ultimately, FA studies can be used as an cies observed: Sympecma fusca, Lestes barbarus, indirect measurement of the quality of an aquatic sys- Platycnemis pennipes Ischnura elegans, Enallagma cy- tem over time. We measured and examined the femur athigerum, Erythromma lindeni, Coenagrion puella, segments of the larval damselfly, C. maculata from sites Erythromma najas, Aeshna cyanea, A. mixta, A. affinis, on the Town, Hockomock, and Salisbury Plain Rivers, of Anax imperator, Hemianax ephippiger, Gomphus vulga- Plymouth County, Massachusetts to determine FA lev- tissimus, Onychogomphus forcipatus, Libellula depress- els. After accounting for measurement error, preliminary sa, L. fulva, Orthetrum brunneum, O. albistylum, O. can- results show that variations in symmetry are not corre- cellatum, Crocothemis erythraea, Sympetrum striola- lated to individual trait size. Also, the Hockomock River tum, S. meridionale, S. sanguineum." (Author)] Address: site showed FA levels thee times higher than the Salis- Malavasi, D., Studio Associato GECO, Via San Fausti- bury Plain river, and twice that of the Town River. Final- no, 23, 41037 Mirandola, Italy. E-mail: davidemalava- ly, severe femur deformation of some individuals at all [email protected] sites suggests that other, more serious developmental 12129. - or environmental factors may be inhibiting normal de- Matushkina, N.A.; Gorb, S.N. (2002): A check velopment. Results from a simple two-way ANOVA of list of substrates for endophytic oviposition of some Eu- differences in right and left femur segments and a Kol- ropean dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata). J. Kharkov Ent. - mogorov Smirnov test for normality strongly suggest Soc. 10: 108 118. (in Russian) ["Compiled from original that the first femur of C. maculata is a useful trait for FA and literature data, we have drawn up a list of endo- measurement." (Author)] Address: not stated phytic oviposition substrates for some European drag- onflies. This list can be used for ecological and faunistic 12134. Leeming, D.; Warrington, S. (2004): An aquatic studies in a variety of aquatic ecosystems. In some invertebrate survey of Ickworth Park, Suffolk. Trans. cases, the list can help predict the occurrence of a spe- Suffolk Nat. Soc. 40: 55-71. (in English) [At eight of the cies in a given area." (Authors)] Address: Gorb, S.N., twelve studied ponds the following Odonata were rec- Functional Morphology and Biomechanics, Zoological orded: Calopteryx splendens, Coenagrion puella, Enal- Institute, Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel, 24098 lagma cyathigerum, Pyrrhosoma nymphula, Ischnura Kiel, Germany. E-mail: [email protected] elegans, Aeshna cyanea, A. grandis, Libellula depress- sa, Sympetrum striolatum, and S. sanguineum.] Ad- 12130. Sherman, N. (2002): The discovery and obser- - dress: Warrington, S., Regional Nature Conservation vations of Small Red eyed Damselfly (Erythromma Advisor, East of England, The National Trust, The Dairy viridulum) at a Suffolk site in 2001. Trans. Suffolk Nat. - - - - House, Ickworth, Bury St. Edmunds, IP29 5QE, UK. E Soc. 38: 124 125, pl. (in English) [15 VIII 2001, without mail: [email protected] locality dates.] Address: Sherman, N., 98, Dover Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 8JH 12131. Zhou, J.; Xie, J.-h.; Dai, Q.; Zeng, Y.-j.; Liu, J.- 2005 - - x.; Zhang, W. g.; Zhang, S. y. (2002): Feeding behav- 12135. ioral strategy of Rhinolophus pearsoni in summer. Zoo- Martinov, V.V.; Martinov, A.V. (2005): To the logical Research 2002(2): 120-128. (in Chinese, with knowledge of dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata) of tne Na- English summary) [According to table 1, the diet of 32 ture Reserve ‘Medobory’ and surrounding areas. The Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette 2004 (2005) specimens of R. pearsoni contained 912 specimens of - Aeshnidae.] Address: Zhou, J., Institute
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