MOE-2013-00100 Part 1 - 1 Tra.vet PHONE 250-598-6776 ~ lhlone . 104-2187 OAK BAY AVE VICTORIA BC V8R IGI PNR LOC: . ·P3RHPC DATE: 24 FEB 2012 BC REGISTRATION 3636 INVOICE: 140361 GSJ REGISTRATION: R100321645 AGENT:2AT4KP TO: FOR: MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT STANDEN/JAMES MR ADM 5TH FL JUTLAND RD --ITINERARY-- FROM TO CARRIER FLT/CL DATE DEP ARR ST VICTORIA BC VANCOUVER AIR CANADA 8060 V 24 MAR 12 1000A 1025A OK NONSTOP EQUIPMENT-DH1 FLYING TIME- :25 OPERATED BY-AIR CANADA EXPRESS SEAT- 3C VANCOUVER BEIJING AIR CANADA 29 W 24 MAR 12 1215P 235P OK NONSTOP LUNCH-MEAL ARRIVE-25 MAR EQUIPMENT-BOEING 767-300 FLYING TIME-11 :20 SEAT-19F DEPART TERMINAL-MAIN/CENTRAL BEIJING VANCOUVER AIR CANADA 30 G 01 APR 12 405P 1205P OK NONSTOP BREAKFAST-MEAL EQUIPMENT-BOEING 767-300 FLYING TIME-11:00 SEAT-28F DEPART TERMINAL-3 VANCOUVER VICTORIA BC AIR CANADA 8069 N 01 APR 12 200P 222P OK NONSTOP EQUIPMENT-DH3 FLYING TIME- :22 OPERATED BY-AIR CANADA EXPRESS SEAT- 6D DEPART TERMINAL-MAIN/CENTRAL ***AIR CANADA LOCATOR PYTAYI ** *AIR CANADA TICKET 0149480264454 ATHLONE TRAVEL IHSHES TO ADVISE PASSENGER THAT IT IS THE CLIENTS RESPONSIBILITY: 1) TO READ AND CHECK OVER THE ITINERARY/ARRANGEMENTS PRIOR TO PURCHASE 2)ENSURE ARRANGEMENTS BOOKED USING LEGAL NAMES 3)OBTAIN NECESSARY DOCUMENTATION AND IMMUNIZATIONS FOR COUNTRIES THEY ARE VISITING 4)UNDERSTAND THE INCLUSIONS/EXCLUSIONS OF ANY PRODUCTS INCLUDING INSURANCE PURCHASED ATHLONE TRAVEL WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED OR ANY PASSENGERS WHO DO NOT FOLLOW THE REQUIREMENTS STATED ABOVE MOE-2013-00100 Part 1 - 2 AIR TRANSPORTATION CAD 989,BB TAX HST, CAD 1.2B AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT FEE CAD lB.()() TAX OTHER CAD 33().31 TTL CAD 133(),51 PROCESSING FEE 5() , ()() HST 6.()() SUB TOTAL CAD 1386.51 CREDIT CARD S.17 56, ()()­ CREDIT CARD PAYMENT CAD 133().51- AMOUNT DUE CAD ().B() Expense Report ER1493877 MOE-2013-00100Page 1 0[2 Part 1 - 3 Iffi. Confirmation Expense report number ER1493877 was previously submitted for approval. Expense Report ER1493877 / (0TIP Hint: Print in landscape format to include all displayed information. Use your browser Back button to exit tile printable page view. Submission Instructions The following are instructions on what to do with expense report envelopes and receipts: • the expense report envelope must include your receipts and other supporting documents. On the outside of the envelope print your name, employee number, date, and expense report number. The expense report envelope and its contents must be filed at the location designated by your senior financial officer. • your Expense Authority will be notified requesting approval for this expense report. After your Expense Authority approves this expense report, you will be notified. This expense report will be paid within 3 working days after it is approved by your Expense Authority. • the expense report envelope and its contents are subject to post payment audit. These must be forwarded upon request to the Corporate Compliance and Controls Monitoring Branch for verification. Your Expense Authority may be:contacted for clarification or verification purposes regarding your expense report envelope. • at your option, print this page from your browser and insert into the expense report envelope. General Information Name MCGUIRE, Report Submit Date 03- JENNIFER APR; s.22 2012 Expense Dates 17-MAR- Attachments View 2012 - 01- Is a SMARTTEC confirmation report (PDF) required for this claim? Yes APR-2012 Yes Responsibility Centre 2945A Report Total 601.52 Reason for Travel China CAD Approver STANDEN, JAMES ALLAN Receipts Status Required Expense Lines Expense Allocations Weekly Summary Approval Notes [1] Business Expenses Cash Expenses Receipt Expense Receipt Receipt Reimbursable Date Amount Type Justification Required Missing Amount (CAD) Details r I 2.50 Public I 124-Mar-2012, CAD "rransp. ,sky train KG to YVR V' ~ 1 ." 2.50! ~ I [ II . Itaxi from Langley to KG I f~ ' 24-Mar-2012 40.80 M,scellaneous sky train station depart 4080. I ~ I 1 CAD , 10700 i I 49.00 Meal/Per I 1 24-Mar-2012, CAD :Diem depart langley 0700 49.00 r;~ 1 4.25 I 01-Apr-2012 I CAD :Miscelianeous,parking at YVR 4.25 , ~ , I 26.00] . ILangley to YVR (pick-up at ,01-Apr-2012 CAD :Mlleage IYVR) I 26.00 ', & I I depart Beijing - arrive I i 01-Apr-2012 49.00 ,Meal/Per Langley 2:30pm (local 49.00 ~ CAD ,Diem time) - ffight time 11 hrs, plus ground transportation I to langley 200.40 Jtravel insurance for China https://logan.cas.gov.bc.ca:8443/0A~HTMLlOA.jsp?OASF=OIE~EXPENSE~REPORT... 2013-04-30 Expense Report ER 1493877 MOE-2013-00100Page 2 0[2 Part 1 - 4 1 CAD M' II !- Blue cross [17-Mar-2012 Isee aneous 200.40 ~ I 35.77 'medical prescription for :23-Mar-2012 CAD Miscellaneous China 35.77 ~ 193.80 22-Mar-2012. CAD IMiscelianeous vaccinations for China 193.80 [ ~l Tolal 601.52 Expense Lines Expense Allocations Weekly Summary Approval Noles [11 Copyright (c) 2006, Oracle. All rights reselVed. https:lllogan.cas.gov.bc.ca:8443/0A_HTMLlOA,isp?OASF=OIE_EXPENSE_REPORT... 2013-04-30 MOE-2013-00100 Part 1 - 5 Expense Report ER 1494727 Page I of I [ffi.. Confirmation Expense roport number ER1494727 was previously submilled for approval. Expense Report ER1494727\ l'1 TIP Hint: Print in landscape formal 10 Include all displayed Informallon, Use your browser Back bullon to axil tile . printable page view, Submission Instructions The following are Inslructlons on whot to do wllh expense roport envelopes and recelpls: • Iho oxpense report envelope musllnclude your recelpls and other supporting documenls, On Ihe oulslde of the envelope print your name, employee number, date, and expenso raport number. Tho oxpense report envolopo and lis contents must be flied at Ihe location designated by your senior financial officer, • your Expense Aulhorlty will be notified requesting approval for this expense report, Aller YOllr Expensa Aulhorlly approvas this expense report, YOll will be nollfled, This expense roport 1'1111 be paid wllhln 3 working days allor Ills approved by your Exponse Auillorlly, • Ihe expense roport envolope and lis conlonls ara SUbject to post paymenl audl!. These musl be forwardod upon requesl to IIle Corporale Compllence and Controls Monllorlng Branch for'veriflcallon, Your Expenso Aulhonly may ba conlacled for clarification or verlflcallon purposes regarding YOllr oxpense reporl envolope, • al your opllon, prlnllhls page from your browser and Insort Inlo Ihe expense roport envelope, Generallnforrnalioll Namo STANDEN, Report Submit Dale 03- JAMES APR- ALLAN 2012 s.22 AUachments View Expense Dalos 23-MAR-2012 Is a SMARTIEC confirmation report (PDF) requlrod for Ihls claim? Ves - 24-MAR- Vos 2012 Report TOlal 264.19 Responsibility Cenlre 2940A CAD Roason for Travel Delegation to China Approver MACDONALD, CAIRINE Recolpls Sialus Required Expense Llnos Expanse Allocollons Weekly Summary Approval Notes [1) Business Expenses Gflsh Exponses Receipt Rocelpl Receipt Roirnbursable Date Amount Expenso Type Justlflcallon Required Missing Amount (CliO) Details I i ' . ' i ' " s.15 nlgllt " , ...... - . 200,~~ -r,~1 I :23-Mar-20121 200,69 Accommodation provlous 10 delegallon i I CAD departure, All oiller Irlp cosls r I Mar 24-Apnl 1 covered by I : I Chinese govornment I I I 5,00 Ipersonal vehicle 10 airport 5,00 \~If~J I [23-Mar-2012: CAO rMlleage and relurn lor drop ofl. 1 I i 28,501 I ;23:Mar-2012i CAo!MeaVpe! Diem I 20,501 ~ l i 1 24-Mar-2012[261gl,,,eav~er oloml I I. 22,001 ~ i I' Totol 264.19 Exponse Unos Expanse Allocations Wockly Summary Approval Noles [lJ Copy.lght (c) 2006, Ornelo, All lights reservod. hll ps:!Ilogan,cHs,gov ,be,en :8443/0A"HTMLlOA.jsp?OASF=OI E_EXPENSE_REPORT... 2013-04-25 MOE-2013-00100 Part 1 - 6 \ ~ <Y i:l I*.j- \~ Travel PHONE 250·598·6776 ~tM()i:'o.(! c 104·2187 OAK BAY AVE VICTORIA BC V8R IGI Copy PNR LOC: P3TC40 DATE: 24 FEB 2012 BC REGISTRATION 3636 INVOICE : 140360 GST REGISTRATION: R100321645 AGENT: 2AT4KP TO: FOR: MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT MCGUIRE/J ENNIFER MS REGIONAL OPERATIONS BRANCH 3RD FL 2975 JUTLAND RD VICTORIA BC · ·ITINERARY· · . FROM TO CARRIER FLT/CL DATE DEP ARR ST VANCOUVER BEIJING AIR CANADA 29 W 24 MAR 12 1215P 235P OK NONSTOP LUNCH·MEAL ARRIVE-2S MAR EQUIPMENT-BOEING 767"300 FLYING TIME-l1:20 SEAT · 19D DEPART TERMINAL-MAIN/CENTRAL - BEIJING ~\]IINCOU V ER AIR CANADA 30 \~ 01 APR 12 405P 1205P OK NONSTOP BREAKFAST-MEAL EQUIPMENT-BOEING 767-300 FLYING TIME-11:00 SEAT-28E DEPART TERMINAL-3 ***AIR CANADA LOCATOR PVVJQR ***AIR CANADA TICKET 0149480264453· ATHLONE TRAVEL WISHES TO ADVISE PASSENGER THAT IT IS THE CLIENTS RESPONSIBILITY: 1) TO READ AND CHECK OVER THE ITINERARY/ARRANGEMENTS PRIOR TO PURCHASE 2)ENSURE ARRANGEMENTS BOOKED USING LEGAL NAMES 3)OBTAIN NECESSARY DOCUMENTATION AND IMMUNIZATIONS FOR COUNTRIES THEY ARE VISITING 4)UNDERSTAND ·THE INCLUSIONS/EXCLUSIONS OF ANY PRODUCTS INCLUDING INSURANCE PURCHASED ATHLONE TRAVEL WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED OR ANY PASSENGERS WHO DO NOT FOLLo\~ THE REQUIREMENTS STATED ABOVE AIR TRANSPORTATION CAD 1100.00 TAX HST CAD 1.80 AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT FEE CAD 15.00 TAX OTHER CAD 330.31 TTL CAD 1447.11 V PROCESSING FEE 50.00 HST 6.00 SUB TOTAL CAD 1503 . 11 CREDIT CARD s.17 56.00· v CREDIT CARD PAYMENT CAD 1447.11- AMOUNT DUE CAD 0.00 MOE-213-00100 Part 2 - 1 Jonker, Jennifer B ENV:EX From: Standen, Jim ENV:EX Sent: Thursday, March 1, 2012 4:02 PM To: Kriese , Kevin FLNR:EX; Bellefontaine, Kim EMNG:EX; Demchuk, Tania EMNG:EX; McGuire, Jennifer ENV: EX Subject: FW: Schedule Attachments: Schedule-China2.docx FYI.
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