HOTAKA BOOK NEWS No. C-470 /2020 Pali Text Society 全出版物 Pali Text Society (パーリ・テキスト・ソサエティ)とは Pali Text Society(PTS)は、1881 年、パーリ語文献研究の振興促進を目的として、T.W. Rhys Davids によって設立された協会です。パーリ語文献のローマ字版、英訳版、辞典や 索引書、パーリ語文献に関する研究書、ジャーナルを出版しています。これまで数多くの 古典文献や注釈書を刊行し、そのうちの多くは英訳されました。協会では、全ての出版物 が常に入手可能であること、1年につき新刊本を少なくとも2部、ジャーナルを1部刊行 することを目指しています。 PTS は非営利団体であり、出版物の販売、会費、寄付で運営されています。出版活動の ほか、世界各国でパーリ語文献研究に携わる研究者たちを支援しています。また、東南ア ジアの写本の保存と識別のプロジェクト“Fragile Palm Leaves Project”を支援しています。 この度、PTS の全面的な協力を得て、全出版物のカタログ(改訂版)を作成しました。 皆様のご研究の一助となれば、幸甚に存じます。 〒101-0051 東京都千代田区神田神保町 1-15 杉山ビル 4F 株式会社 穂高書店 URL:http://www.hotakabooks.com/ Tel:03-3233-0331 Fax:03-3233-0332 E-mail: [email protected] CONTENTS Page ご注文 ・お問い合わせ 2 カテゴリー表(1)The Books of the Pāli Canon (Tipi aka) 3 カテゴリー表(2)The Pāli Canon and its Commentariesṭ (A akathā) 4 Index of Titles ṭṭ 5 I. Texts in Pāli 8 II. Translations 21 III. Journal of the Pali Text Society 30 IV. Reference 32 V. Ancillary Works 34 VI. Paperbacks 36 シリーズ案内:Sacred Books of the Buddhists Series 37 シリーズ案内:Translation Series 38 セット販売:Pāli Canon in English Translation 40 セット販売:Pāli Canon in Pāli (Tipi aka) 41 Recent Publications ṭ 42 主要辞書・語学書(新刊を含む) 43 ご注文・お問い合わせ ご注文は、E-mail または FAX にて、表紙のカタログのナンバー(C-470)と商品番 号にタイトル・価格をお書き添えの上ご連絡ください。 各パート(I.~VI.)、タイトルのローマ字順に記載されています。商品番号がついて いないものは、別タイトルで記載されているか、未刊行であるか、協会紀要”Journal of the Pali Text Society”等に掲載されています。それぞれの典拠を参照してください。 表示価格は本体価格です。別途、消費税と国内送料(¥440)を申し受けます。 為替レートの変動や仕入先からの価格変更などにより、販売価格が変更される場合が あります。また少部数のお取り寄せの場合も、価格が変更されることがあります。ご 了承お願い申し上げます。 納期は、夏休みを除き、おおよそ2~3週間いただいております。公費でのご注文 も承りますので、お気軽にご相談ください。 皆様のご注文、お問い合わせをお待ちしております。 〒101-0051 東京都千代田区神田神保町 1-15 杉山ビル 4F 株式会社 穂高書店 URL:http://www.hotakabooks.com/ Tel:03-3233-0331 Fax:03-3233-0332 E-mail: [email protected] 2 カテゴリー表(1) THE P#LI CANON (TIPI%AKA) P!li Title (オリジナルテキスト) Translation (英訳) VINAYA-PI"AKA Vinaya-pi"aka The Book of the Discipline SUTTA-PI"AKA D$gha-nik!ya Dialogues of the Buddha Majjhima-nik!ya Middle Length Sayings Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha Sa&yutta-nik!ya The Book of Kindred Sayings Connected Discourses of the Buddha A'guttara-nik!ya The Book of Gradual Sayings Khuddaka-nik!ya Khuddakap!"ha The Minor Readings Minor Anthologies I (The Text of the Minor Sayings) Dhammapada Word of the Doctrine Ud!na Minor Anthologies II (Verses of Uplift) The Ud"na Itivuttaka As It Was Said The Itivuttaka Suttanip!ta The Group of Discourses The Rhinoceros Horn (paperback) Vim!navatthu Minor Anthologies IV (Stories of the Mansions) Petavatthu Minor Anthologies IV (Stories of the Departed) Therag!th! Elders’ Verses I = Poems of Early Buddhist Monks (pbk) Psalms of the Brethren Ther$g!th! Elders’ Verses II = Poems of Early Buddhist Nuns (pbk) Psalms of the Sisters; Stances des Ther# J!taka Stories of the Buddha’s Former Births Niddesa No PTS translation yet available Pa"isambhid!magga The Path of Discrimination Apad!na No PTS translation yet available Buddhava&sa Minor Anthologies III (The Chronicle of the Buddhas) Cariy!pi"aka Minor Anthologies III (The Basket of Conduct) ABHIDHAMMA-PI"AKA Dhammasa'ga($ A Buddhist Manual of Psychological Ethics Vibha'ga The Book of Analysis Dh!tukath! Discourse on Elements Puggalapaññatti A Designation of Human Types Kath!vatthu Points of Controversy Yamaka The Book of Pairs I Pa""h!na Tikapa""h!na Conditional Relations Dukapa""h!na No PTS translation yet available ※各文献の掲載ページは、p.5~7の Index of Titles をご覧ください。 3 カテゴリー表(2) THE CANON & ITS COMMENTARIES (A%%HAKATH#) TEXT COMMENTARY( 注釈) TRANSLATION (英訳) VINAYA-PI%AKA Vinaya-pi"aka Samantap!s!dik! The Inception of Discipline (the B"hiranid"na only) Ka'kh!vitara($ Overcoming Doubts (on the P!timokkha) SUTTA-PI%AKA D$gha-nik!ya Suma'galavil!sin$ The Buddha’s Last Days (Mah!parinibb!na-sutta only) Majjhima-nik!ya Papañcas)dan$ Sa&yutta-nik!ya S!ratthappak!sin$ A'guttara-nik!ya Manorathap)ra($ Khuddakap!"ha Paramatthajotik! I The Illustrator of Ultimate Meaning Dhammapada Dhammapada-a""hakath! Buddhist Legends Ud!na Paramatthad$pan$ I Ud"na Commentary Itivuttaka Paramatthad$pan$ II The Commentary on the Itivuttaka Suttanip!ta Paramatthajotik! II Vim!navatthu Paramatthad$pan$ III* Vim"na Stories Petavatthu Paramatthad$pan$ IV* Peta Stories Therag!th! Paramatthad$pan$ V Ther$g!th! Paramatthad$pan$ VI The Commentary on the Verses of the Ther#s J!taka J!taka-a""hava((an! The Stories of the Buddha’s Former Births The Story of Gotama Buddha (intro. only) Niddesa Saddhammapajjotik! Pa"isambhid!magga Saddhammappak!sin$ Apad!na Visuddhajanavil!sin$ Buddhava&sa Madhuratthavil!sin$ The Clarifier of the Sweet Meaning Cariy!pi"aka Paramatthad$pan$ VII ABHIDHAMMA-PI%AKA Dhammasa'ga($ Atthas!lin$ The Expositor Vibha'ga Sammohavinodan$ Dispeller of Delusion Darlegung der Bedeutung Dh!tukath! Puggalapaññatti Pañcappakara(a-atthakath! Kath!vatthu The Debates Commentary Yamaka Pa""h!na ※各文献の掲載ページは、p.5~7の Index of Titles をご覧ください。 4 INDEX OF TITLES A Philological Approach to Buddhism 35 Dhammapada, see Word of the Doctrine and Minor Abhidhammatthasa$gaha 8 Anthologies, Vol. I Abhidhammatthavibh!vin%)%k! 8 Dhammasa$ga#% 10 An!gatava'sa 8 Dhammasa$ga#% Commentary, see Atthas!lin% Apad!na 8 Dhammasa$ga#% Index 10 Apad!na Commentary 8 Dh!tukath! with Commentary 10 Apocryphal Birth Stories 21 Dh!tup!)ha and Dh!tumañj(s!, see The P!li Dh!tup!)ha and As It Was Said, see Minor Anthologies, Vol. II Dh!tumañj(s! Atthas!lin% 8 Dialogues of the Buddha 23 A$guttara-nik!ya 8 Dictionary of P!li 32 A$guttara-nik!ya Commentary 8 Dictionary of P!li Proper Names 32 A$guttara-nik!yapur!#a)%k! D%gha-nik!ya 10 A$guttara-nik!ya Subcommentary 8 D%gha-nik!ya Commentary, see Suma$galavil!sin% Basket of Conduct, see Minor Anthologies, Vol III D%gha-nik!ya Subcommentary 10 Bhesajjamañj(s! 8 D%pava'sa 10, 23 Bhesajjamañj(s! II 9 Discourse on Elements 24 Birth Stories of the Ten Bodhisattas 21 Dispeller of Delusion 24 Book of Analysis 21 Dukapa))h!na, see Pa))h!na Book of the Discipline 21 Elders’ Verses 24 Book of the Gradual Sayings 21 English–Pali Dictionary 32 Book of the Kindred Sayings 21 Epochs of the Conqueror 24 Book of Pairs 22 Exposition of the Topics of Abhidhamma, see Summary of Bra* M!leyyadevattheravatthu 9 the Topics of Abhidhamma Buddha’s Last Days, The 22 Expositor, The 24 Buddhadatta’s Manuals 9 Extended Mah!va'sa 11 Buddhaghosuppatti 9, 22 Gandhava'sa 11 Buddhava'sa 9 Geiger's P!li Grammar 34, 36 Buddhava'sa Commentary 9 Great Chronicle of Ceylon 24 Buddhist Legends 22 Group of Discourses 24 Buddhist Manual of Psychological Ethics 22 Guide 24 Caillat’s Selected Papers 34 Guide to Conditional Relations 34 Cariy!pi)aka 9 Hatthavanagallavih!rava'sa 11 Cariy!pi)aka Commentary 9 von Hinüber’s Selected Papers 34 Casket of Medicine 22 Illustrator of Ultimate Meaning, see The Minor Reading 26 Catalogue of Manuscripts in the U Pho Thi Library, Thaton, Inception of Discipline 16, 24 Myanmar 34 Index to the A$guttara-nik!ya 8 Catalogue of the Nevill Collection of Sinhalese Manuscripts Index to the D%gha-nik!ya 10 in The British Library 34 Index to the Gandhava'sa 11 Catalogue of the Pi&aka and Other Texts in P!li, P!li- Index to the J!taka 11 Burmese, and Burmese (Pitakat Samuin) 34 Index to the Mah!niddesa 14 CD from Introduction to Pali 34 Index to the Milindapañha 13 Chakesadh!tuva'sa 9 Index to the Vinaya-pi)aka 19 Chronicle of the Buddhas, see Minor Anthologies, Vol. III Index to the Visuddhimagga 19 Clarifier of the Sweet Meaning 22 Indexes to the Dhammapada 10 Commentary on the Itivuttaka 22 In Praise of Mount Samanta 25 Commentary on the Verses of the Ther%s 22 Introduction to Pali 34, 36 Compendium of Philosophy 22 Itivuttaka 11, 25 Concordance of Buddhist Birth Stories 32 Itivuttaka Commentary 11 Conditional Relations 23 J!taka or Stories of the Buddha’s Former Births 25 Controversies over Buddhist Nuns 34 J!taka with Commentary 11 Connected Discourses of the Buddha 23 Jinacarita 11 Critical P!li Dictionary 32 Jinak!lam!l% 11 C(lava'sa 9 Jinak!lam!l% Index 11 C(lava'sa Translation 23 Jin!la$k!ra 11, 25 Cullaniddesa see Niddesa Journal of the Pali Text Society 30 Darlegung der Bedeutung 23 Ka$kh!vitara#% 12 Dasabodhisattuppattikath! 9 Kath!vatthu 12 D!)h!va'sa 9 Kath!vatthu Commentary 12 Debates Commentary 23 Khemappakara#a see N!mar(pasam!so Designation of Human Types 23 Khuddakap!)ha with Commentary 12 Dhammapada 9 Khuddasikkh! 12 Dhammapada Commentary 10 Ku#!la-J!taka 12, 25 L%natthapak!sin%, see D%gha-nik!ya Subcommentary 5 Index of Titles Lokaneyyappakara#a' 12 Path of Purity 26 Mah!bodhiva'sa 12 Pa)hamasambodhi 15 Mah!niddesa see Niddesa P!timokkha 15, 27, 36 Mah!s(tras 12 Pa)isambhid!magga 15 Mah!vastu 25 Pa)isambhid!magga Cty (Saddhammappak!sin%) 15 Mah!va'sa 12 Pa))h!na 15 Mah!va'sa, Extended, see Extended Mah!va'sa Perniola's Pali Grammar 35, 36 Mah!va'sa-)%k! 12 Perfect Generosity of Prince Vessantara 27 Majjhima-nik!ya 13 Pe)akopadesa 15 Majjhima-nik!ya Commentary, see Papañcas(dan% Petavatthu 18 Manorathap(ra#% 13 Peta Stories 27 Manual of a Mystic 25 Petavatthu Commentary 15 Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha 25 Pi&aka Disclosure 27 Middle Length Sayings 25 Poems of Early Buddhist Monks 36 Milinda’s Questions 26 Poems of Early Buddhist Nuns 36 Milindapañha 13 Points of Controversy 27 Milinda-)%k! 13 Psalms of the Early Buddhists 27 Minor Anthologies 26 Puggalapaññatti 16 Minor Readings 26 Puggalapaññatti Commentary 16 Mohavicchedan% 13 Rhinoceros Horn 28, 36 M(lasikkh! 12 (with Khuddasikkh!), 13 Saccasa$khepa 16 N!mac!rad%pik! 13 Saddan%ti 16 N!mar(papariccheda 13 Saddhammapajjotik!, see Niddesa Commentary N!mar(pasam!so 13 Saddhammasa$gaha 16 Nettipakara#a 13 Saddhammop!yana 16 Nibb!nasutta 14 Samantak()ava##an! 16 Niddesa 14 Samantap!s!dik! 16 Niddesa Commentary 14 Samantap!s!dik! B!hiranid!na 16 Norman, K.
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