1 : University of Missouri-St. Louis Issue 531 Interim Chancellor Named "We don't have candidates," Magrath said."·We Steven Brawley Grobman believes that one approach an interim managing editor have prospects." . chancell or can take is that of "caretaker.' Presently Magrath is t"onsidering candidates In t hi s capacity Grobman said the interim chan­ While the search for a new chancellor con­ for chancellorships on both the St. Louis and Rolla cellor can postpone making decisions and j ust see tinues, UMSL Vice Chancellor Arthur MacKinney campuses. that th ings run· as smoothly as possible. will serve as the university's interim chancellor, Magrath said that the people being considered UM 'president C. Peter Magrath announced Nov. for the Sl. Louis position came from the recom­ The second approach Grobman s ees an interim 26 . mendations of the screening committee he taking is more forceful. Magrath told the Current that MacKinnev will appointed last summer. " The other attitude is that since he is acting as serve as interim chancellor while the searcl; for a chancellor he can fulfi ll that role, not agressively, new chancellor continues. The screening committee submitted a list of but as if he were the chancellor even t hough he UM President C. Peter Milgrath . "Dr. Mac Kinney's decade of experience at five to eight names to Magrath . for knows it is an interim period," Grobman said. Cha ncellor Arnold B. Grohman UMSL and his proven abilities as an adminis­ c.onsideration. He said this type of inte rim chancell or is going trator, will provide the continuity that is so im­ Magrath said tllat between'three to five persons to take action a nd make decisions. Future- ­ portant during this time of transition," Magrath are being interviewed for the UMSL position. said. Presently Magrath as well as the screening Grobman said th at 'an interim can take either ---Past committee and the special faculty committee are one of these positions;;' something in between. Magrath said that he did not know how long Visions meeting with the three to five candidates. MacKinney wi ll begin his interim role in MacKinney would have to serve as interim The candidates are also expected to meet with Januar~ '. alter Grobman has officially retired. Reflections UM President C. Peter chancellor. ' the various deans during their interview Ma~Kinn e y. a professor of psychology, joined Magrath was on 'campus . last MacKinney said that he would not comment on process. UMSL in 1976 . UMSL Chancellor Arnold B. week - but he wasn't interview­ his apPointment until Chancellor Grobman has Grobman made his final official ing candidates for the UMSL offi cially retired. Chancellor Grobman has r emained noti ceably He is a graduate of William Jewell College, and appearance on campus yester­ chancellorship. Grobman announced in May that he would step quiet during the search for a new chancellor. he received his masters and doctoral degrees day in a farewell gather ing in the It's a busy time for the UM down as chancellor effective Dec. 31. Grobman however has said that he is preparing from the University of Minnesota. University Center. president. He is [ravelling While MacKinney is serving as interim chan­ a memorandu'm for the new chancell or that gives across t he state for university cellor, the search for a new chancellor will his insights into the pOSition he held for over 10 Prior to coming to UMSL, MacKinney served as A related story on page 3 business. See what issues he is intensify. years. dean of graduate studies and research at Wrjght outlines his retirement and involved with in related story on Presently, the UMSL chancellor screening Concerning l\1acKinney's role as in terim chan­ State Uni versity. He has also served as dean of the future plans for the chancellor page 7. committee and a special faculty committee are cellor, Grobman sees two approaches Mac Kinney College of Science and SOCiety a t the University of and his wife, Hulda. interviewing candidates for the chancellorship. can take. Wisconsin-Pa rkside. Kenosha. Wisconsin . .~ .. Denney Resigns Petition Circu ates AssemblyChair o Remove Barnes Weil.er said the ultimate goal was Daniel A. Kimack Daniel A. Kimack to take "'the whole situ ation with editor-in'chie! editor-in'chief Student Association and the Saying the move would reduce A petition asking for the removal As sembly to the Student Court and " unneeded exploitation" of the from offi ce of StUdent Association try to get some truthful and honest UiVISL student government, Student President Greg Barnes and Student a nswers. ,. Association Assembly chairperson Association Assembly chairperson " That's what \\'e want even if it Sue Denney last week announced Sue Denne\' has almo3t half the takes impeaching Greg Barnes. " .. her r esignation from office . needed s ignatures to present the Denney. who held the Assembly Denney fell under criticism mid­ . request to Student Courl.organizers chair despite not bein g offiCially way' through the semester when it of the petition drive said. enrolled at UMSL. resigned from was revealed she was not officially The petition would need 5 percent her position last \\'eek. .: enrolled at UMSL. The Student of the s tudent popul aiion signatu res Denne\' said she took t he petition Association constitution prohibits r about 550) before a case could be into consideration, but it ·· \\"asn· t the - non-students from holding office. presented to the court. Student only reason" sh resign ed. "If the As sociation guidelines state. signatures become invalid then so She said her situation could be Circulation of the petition began be it. I can·t say I wouldn't be happ,v • detrimental to Student Asso~ iati orl deadlines came through informal three weeks ago in an effort to end about that.·· efforts. requests. can trOl'ersy s urround ing Stude nt At least four Assembly members "My situation should in no wa)' "An ultimatum for enrollment bv .-'l.ssociation and the Assemblv, chairman Rich Klosterman . reflect what's going on with Greg a certain date wouldn't be appropri­ Assembly member Mary Weil~r Kevin Locastelo, Sandy Richey and • (SA President Barnes) and Hilary ate." Wallace said. " The only hitch said. Weiler- along with former member (SA Vice President Shelton) and the is that sbe can' t serve on a s tude nt I "V'-e're no t c laiming Greg Barnes Kim Fishman. are involved in the work that they are doing," ' Denney committee or office without being is not giving the commitment and 'petition drive. Weiler said. said. enrolled asa student."' effort in the many t hings he is " The petition will not specifically .. ··It" s like putting a magnifying Denney said she will continue to invohed in with Student Associa­ impeach Greg or Sue'- ' Fishman · glass to an ant farm and telling peo­ attend classes through the end of. ti on."' Weiler said. "But there has said. "We will get a fair hearing. !\ot ple it's a zoo," Denney added, ' this semester. She said she was una­ been flagrant breakings of the (Stu­ only do Greg and Sue deserve a fair explaining media attention and stu­ ble to pay tuition fees this semester dent ASSOCiation) constitution. dent concern regard'ing her enroll- See "Petition," page 6 be cause of disputes over past tI ment status. semester fees. Vice Chancellor for Student "My financial situation and Affairs D:l.l1 Wallace said Denney's dealings with the bureaucracy Nevv Ent rance For resignation was VOluntary. should not be incorporated with Stu­ Cedric R. Anderson • "1 don't think I could have dent Association," Denney said. resolved m y situation by early next HOLIDAY FESTIVAL: Students, faculty and staff decoraied a Bookstore Proposed Denney said s he felt her situation semester'-· she said. evergreen tree in the Universit y Center as part of a week-Iona was drawing too much attention and Denney, who ear lier s aid she was series of holiday events sponsored by the University Center and detracting from the purpose of stu­ .. given specific deadlines to enroll Student Activities . Construction dent government She said she did before she would be removed from "We know there isn' t any office. explained that those See " Denney," page 7 Could Start money for another building, so we have to make do with . r In M id-M arch what we have." - Ken Langston ~ Scholarship McNary Speaks Here Matt Merriman reponer The UMSL Bookstore will soon ror anolher building, SU ',\ e JJ;:J \'.n I e: • Announced Chuck Wiethop alot of s uccesses and failures. I've had a lot of these." He tied this in. have a direct entrance on the north make do with what W E '!,ile UMSL Chancellor'S Council reporter with his recent actions regarding a side of the University C~nter. have. "Langston said. has established the Arnold B. The UMSL Student Investment stadium in St. Louis County. according to Kennet h Langston, Langston said th e project is still Grobman Scholarship in honor of Trust, a lso known as the Investment The evening also marked the offi­ bookstore manager. in the planning stage. An architect .• the retiring UMSL chancellor'S 10 Club, marked its first anniversary cial kickoffofthe Investment Club's According to Langston, t he new has been hi red to draw up the years of dedicated service to the with a reception at the UMSL fund drive. Club members had entrance is the main thrust of the specifications and the bUS iness university. Alumni House last week. St. Louis already undertaken a Phone-a-thon.
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