Notes Chapter 3 1. All quotes are from The Nickel and Dimed Challenge Forum (BBS) thread (Yamx, 2008). No message or page numbers are available. Unless otherwise noted, all quotes are from posts by Yamx. Chapter 4 1. The forum posts cited throughout this book are transcribed as they were written. These posts are often grammatically incorrect and include ASCII symbols and emoticons. Readers unfamiliar with this language may even find some terms incomprehensible, such as “lol” (laugh out loud). This is a form of Internet language that is quite typical of how teens and many young adults communicate on these forums and in other digital contexts. This language evolved, in part, from a need to communicate quickly (thus the condensed language), to express emo- tions overtly, and to convey one’s identity as an “insider” within vari- ous Internet communities. Chapter 5 1. All direct quotations from Tabby Lou and other women in this chapter are from interviews conducted by e-mail in 2008. 186 Notes Chapter 6 1. A humorous example: a digital interactive curriculum on Moby Dick made at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, available on the Web, could not be used by many schools because they banned any sites with the word “dick” in them. Chapter 7 1. As note 1 in Chapter 4 indicates, the forum posts cited throughout this book are transcribed as they were written and reflect a common form of language used online. We have used the term “teen-speak,” since there is not a commonly used descriptor for this type of language; however, it is not confined to use by teens only. 2. There are, however, critiques of this view of romance and women read- ers; for various perspectives, see Christian-Smith, 1993; Krentz, 1992; Radway, 1991. 3. The complete link to Alex’s Sim Page is http://thesims2.ea.com/ mysimpage/pod.php?user_id=2877919. References alexvamp15. 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