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EVERY vERyDAYpioneerlocal.comDAY AUGUST 21, 2008 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * S1.25 24/7 COVERAGE ODE to OAKTON MOVIES SPORTS Daily news from 8000 North puts you Reel Time blog with Heard in the Halls Your Local Source . at streèt level Bruce Ingram athletics blog THIS WEEK SCHOOLS NEW LEADER Dr. Nanciann Gatta has begun her newjob as superintendent of Nues Township High School District 219. PAGE 11 NEWS BACK TO SCHOOL The costs behind Chuck Field and his stage partner, Ziggy, perform a ventriloquism act Biday at sending kids to class. TWO OF A KIND Oak Park in Niles. PAGE 3. PHOTO BY BRIAN VALENTIN/PIONEER PRESS PAGE 4 NUes Public Library District SERVING OUR READERS SINCE 1951 * YOUR LOCAl. SOURCE 6960Oakton Street Nues, Illinois60714, (847) 663-1234 O-t'r.do9L S NQL)í:i-11 S37It.i Check outOakton .LSïÁ/Jj17 iq O6: 3ii S37%/j Isla fromeveryangle. 317&/ld37fN rQQQGOQ . °a::ì.107 Fall Classes begin August25, 2008. Apply and register online 'q fr,1 OE&ton Des Plaines Skokie 847.635.1629 Community College A Pioneer Perro Pabarntion 2 Thuroday, Asgurt2l, 2008 A Pionner Preso Pubtjrs$jos Tbnrsda5 Aog051nt, tORSI 3 MANAGING EDITORs Nl,0l, Weorr Second tonone inonline home marketing. News eaeog,Orikplo,eeet059f,0.mI$0471 696-324G Nearly 9 out of to buyers now use the tnternet us tiseir primary means to searcis for Isoines Make sure yoro choose the real estate firm that provides dse most comprehensive online 24/7: advertising exposure to market your property in today's competidve environment. Check out 'Green-themeti' Visit any of our brando offices and asir about Baird & Warner's exclusive "Online Home Marketing System." Time for maximum exposure? shuttle starts in for more Time for Baird & Warner. HOROSCOPE District 219 For conpirte irlo os ALL rar "Opon Ocasno" this unrkood, ridi sar sobsute today! It, the stars Uy 605594'000TLIFFE is iChicegei, i take pabhc Check out this work's Era uiu!ltrSp ian ro ola no i ca o irorvyortotios withcut o bairdwarnercom horoscope onlimn. second thought. t think Is what noporintan- peaplo shcald es mach au Maltipir Plootoo Roboro Snails Dyosmir Slopping Ie-Mail AlorS eoov,picoeaArnrrao dent Noncians Getta de- pessikie heckle tu turc scribed as "e tip of Ohm MOVIE REVIEW and go in work withcut hat to going genen," Hilen serding a cad Mast im- Taxnakip High Ochoct pnrlartty it at005vu teeah- District ris hes started era te think about educo- es amptoyac shuttle pro- tics instead cf hosing in gram that maid rot Oho think cboot being reogkt $099,000 09,90, $900,000 U,.,003,o,S 5094,000u.n..... somber nf cars in Nitra is traIRe." GoaLi,,wt,,.,wIIxrS,000eo, 0t,,,nflu,r SpvaOL,, Lisa teniaS, an flag. rakis oats ardot,d alit ,,c,ai da,c bi.i,oi ,aith'naoiie ,en,sd,i,5 400 et ab Osati, icc North und West High nIece Grossman, who - $5055 snitnnie!aloFrPHtTtGRAPIiER He ain't heavy Schont parking teto. - heada tbe Biles Tcwnship s. w peire SHE'S NO DUMMY 55400kFIeld h,, Edler,, meuh., 0,90,,, Alhfllst, 60f Nil,,, help The service witit peo- Pedceoticm uf Teachers, Bruce Ingram raniews Siso pert.,,, o eenfeilusslom est F6d,y et 0.5Pork t,Nile,, side three pirbups be- said tke progstam hasn't "The Rachen" tween 4-14 and lind em. keen discussed during nien.piroean!eretnoo frem both the Mcrtan sagetieticcs, "but the Grooe Metro station and dintrirt necmn pretty FOOD Metaldyne might sell, close plant 000g. $450,010 55,0, lazo,000Meo,nGen,rotOo,rr,nt 43MO 5,55, $099,000 bonnie oprratics niere company hstod on Ohr rvoonsoyat,,,s,A'or, 1a90515903 aeoarotflcvdsng,, ls#Osisosrr,r,afl,,.n,,,3,,,,,, Future for 200 aIto been in the back ofmy mind for a tOM. Tnisyn Otoch Exchange. jobs unclear "Therein interant in "Au we resiewnd our while and was also a response to the the pianto," Sorge seid. pendocts cad aperatiras growing price of gas." By TONY OERTIICA "We don't tonasn when and their opportunity far All in the family tbeoiaao@y000eerla5005am they witt be antd, bat they grrwth, we faund that Sopatlntosdaat De, Noodos, Gotts ratti destinano ta operate sama pramluets and apero- ,.a&.90__ '.rntotywr, Locat rhets reved cootdng The propasad oste ne until then." tioss mean iasgnr nane ort 909 $305,400 flk,.e ili7,0000e,r100g 1049,509 seat-cts teemed at home. atosare cf a Japanese- 0f raurse, Ruega seid, cad better salted for the Shnkie Swift CTA committed to green ef- 9515011 00-150tic,,5,802,Oe, irsBoniOitsrd,tea's,o,v, canned atamiaam dic Ihere inca guarantee the athen suppheru," Thomas statuas. Two ahemsnnn forts. It might be limitad casting ptant in Nues pianto ratti be said ne that A. Anoatu, chairmen and nhuttieu, at 350 end 4A5 tu penple roba tire clase SUBURB000ITY cauld affect noerty 200 they rotti continua to np- CEO nf Meteidyne end p.m., nuiS also brasait- te the thais stasinns, but inks, errnediag ta the centras they have hoes ru-CEO of Andai Tac, said akte. hering the obitity ta retar Crazy crimes company undnranew awner - inapceasralraee. "We The skattie prngram orge through papams an thud natabrut wacky Metatdyooe Caepara- they eoatd ha closed. enatinae to review Ott 00e was ansousced taut Iba way to warb innteud ;i crooks end their oriones. lina, unveed by Asahi Tea,, "Thaee ion maehet far prcdactn and penantinely month durieg the regularuf dentiong with trelsc "° L t:'ffii1&ahi uneonesred that itwaiotd the praduats these pineta tehe actics if neoennsey." distrirt achoat boaed muid nvnmh meetly watt fnr Laa.iiroasd 5349,000 koSt, $330,000 55049, 5024,900 0900, $309,094 Ua,4,flgr,9,,9559915,rn,rRd, $540,945 dorast als Nues piccO at prudaca, nu we thtsk watt Rince January. Metal- meeFsag. Tcasspartation some penptr." rn,ro,r00015doceccor,aiado,i,,erred tos,, cxksaatnon','a,naitcne,,,ire,a Oei,,,rir005crarbki0000,npisxii,sana,,yrc, fl,,ik000h 50E sOno sis LOrOS305090flses,rtosafl,000n,d,vnasiosa 01t9 W Howard St. as be ahle to seit them," she dyne had atosed fanitilties wut be bandied by dis- Gatta naid tetones an,atEo,000inia,n,n,,inssa550isora,raoiun,b,rre,i iO30455010 Osa, iO33nir,sro ,a,,5005a,ioo, 555., ir000tansli nati, Ovnp,aei,555a,c,,rsias500r9124 well esa Middiesitie, said. "But att cf that witt in Fermirgtes Huta and trict secumity drivers about the new prngram W'?,..s.t fl.,TL2P ka up ta the new canners." Piysnoutk, Mich., and ut v..f Minh. faculty. wbase esinting district bevo been sent nut to em- i1 "Oar grat abf entino in Metaidyne is head- Grecnnultn, NC. ran routes wilt bere- pinyaes, askisg them ta ta try end seIt the pianta," quartered is Ptysssauth, Metaidyne asanunced arranged to include the contact the distriat if s eid Metaldyne spahes- Mich, and has enaaat rev-that it kas bees awarded new servire. The em- they are interested in woman Morga Sorge. "We enues nf cpprnnimately mere than $50 miSias is plAyer shuttles want in- tekisg part. Adnodnistea- 'TZ Want more have greet week Careas $1.5 hititas. The cnmpesy contracta from multiple armase tab or ensto, Getta tora moiti tank ot tke prm- Hiles 5090,000 5500, 1200,990 40,900 5329,000 Olios $ano,,400.,ni,in,, nor,909 there." emptaya mare than 6,nnn autnmahers to suppty gram later is the nnhomt ro La raus 0Th 00 '5 00190 - : pictures from The sale sviti affect to? emptayeen at SS faculties pnwdee-metet-forged ars- "in's bmsn in Ohs back yace tu eseloate the me- your town? haurty employens end St in t4 cauntrien. Metal- nacting rods fur 4-ando- nf my mind far awhile, spsnne, "but we've al- salaried employees at the dyne sen indirectly cylinder engiases used and wan cOsa a respoese ready had come goad Go to Bites piani, which fuse- wholly named nubaidiery giebally in nono eed Rolo ta the grassing price nf feedbanh aboutit." To learn more nboui any of the homes shown abnse, simply enier ihr iS Bomber in our Itnmrpoge "Qoick Lookap" box. pione,el,cotmy,opts,re.0050 lima primarity asan anta alAsatsi Tea Carpaeatinn,cars, ercsssvervekictas gas," she said isst Peiday POSAI ESTATE parts rappBer end has a Shinurhe, Jepnn-banad "Alter sniag abroad and Cemm,nt: ploneo,t,,aLc,m C 0M CAN t E r ocra, 000mm et,smet,ia'ssooroisrtrsrasn'ssatsaso ,u O&Peti,50320SOhi450PsOaOi Sa,.03e,ni,,.545iWSsil.5050,, Oi000,a.lLSOalS.5a5!,o,srllsl P,OsSo,ioro,l,ssroiaalsi,ssiosiLsastt,rO ,Sali,eol snioesao,'ro,,oas,,tesas _ssnasrv0050trsninsall ieOOsSLs,Ol050l000iahrost005isdro,5,52i0a50l593.a t, enes r,ioiLO,a,iaian oto el005alnsm,aeo,s iss,5151 5051 too, sao, 5i,,si,a s asola 4 rcoltft Auprosi. Il, Itiilli A Pionssr Preso PablieaOov A Pioneer Press Poblsslion Thomday, Asgual 21,2008 ¡ S Librar celebrates Indian Inde endence Da Starters www.pioHeerk40al.Com By TONY DEUTOCA EAST MAINE DISTRICT 6T INDEX LITIGIO blet osoS pio r e e ils sa iva su M011E $6511$ 54 CI CLASIIFIID $OlL$illlNl Offlciully, Oodhoo Onde- OSI 75 Sl los 63 Cost to send 8th-grader to school: $650 C$OtSiiiOlS Bob pertd0000 Doy wann'S astil 1'ItK 57 Pciday but Ike Nilea Pub- By TORY BERTUCA DIA 1$ S IO NS SI THE PRICE OF FSLICS ILOTIER lia Libruny got o keod ilsniaiaqp is n e e r loca Loa in 0Jguarantee you, ifa child shows up 1111$ If abrI Aug22 miih a ups- SilO WI IM E Al AN EDUCATION FOSS ii viol peogelni davigoad 0v 'i',,day l'lhursday) l'i without class materials, they will not be SPO RS) 66 got young ekildrrn mien- lite heut School supplies re- FORUM ayInebri,,) at refused an education," soled in lbs notion'o col- Oasi Moine l2rncntary quired fue Grmini Junios High school ntudents, avA lane osd)dnlorou lai.nlricl (loi, and purentro Elstflst 63 offidol ilasid Oslo Mushshs Cksnd,r, who who hava lice,, oriening the soso of auch al Wal- Sendus your news,photos vhnitad 1ko likeocy to hont wolleN and pu mall Mart, 8500W Gold tOned, Nile,, include: Join lbs Piossen new, caught an vvnalins, the 1ko peagrum, nvoni,s'oilh uurii,rier have been uaoigflmano hooks Ivories the regulsr bus son,.

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