An Official Journal of the American Association for . Cancer Research Clinical Cancer Research May 1998 #{149}Volume 4 Number 5 PP. 1079-1358 #{149}ISSN 1078-0432 Visit the AACR Website! www.aacr.org Now Online: 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts Abstracts of AACR Journal Articles Turn to our website to find: AACR scientific meeting schedule Tables of Contents of AACR journals E Instructions for Authors Information about AACR Research Fellowships and Young Investigator Awards The latest AACR newsletter, and more! L 1kCER AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR CANCER RESEARCH Iifl ICcJ I An Official Journal American Association cincer Cancer Research ReSecI rch 1kCIR American Association for Editor-in-Chief Cancer Research, Inc. John Mendelsohn Executive Director and Growth factors, hormones, cell growth: Director of Publications Margaret Foti radiation therapy, surgery, subspecialtv investigation Publications St off Deputy Editor Associate Director of Publications Waun Ki Hong Mary Anne Mennite Clinical trials targeted at specific nalignancies, cheinoprevention Manager, Editorial Services Heide M. Pusztay Senior Editors Staff Editors Bruce A. Chabner Paul Sondel Michael J. Bevendge Clinical pharmacology and pharnacokinetics, Immunotherapy and cvtokines-preclinical, and Kathleen C. Assenmacher drug ,netabolic,n, drug sensitivity and resistance, clinical trials Pamela R. Amold drug interactions Ronald M. Vitale Beverly A. Teicher Staff Assistant Michael B. Kastan Experinenial therapeutics, preclinical Mary Ellen Pining Cell cycle regulation, cell death pharmacology, combined modality regimens, Senior Editorial Assistant Theresa A. Griffith Lance A. Liotta ani,nal therapy models Editorial Assistants Pathology, metastasis Jeffrey M. Trent Valerie L. Samuel Genetics, cytogenelics Cecilia Gallo David Sidransky Marketing Coordinator Molecular pathogenesis. molecular correlates Robert B. O’Malley Associate Editors Administrative Staff Martin D. Abeloff Paul F. Engstrom S. B. Kaye William P. Peters Director of Administration Carmen J. Allegra Eric R. Fearon David P. Kelsen Herbert M. Pinedo Adam D. Blistein James 0. Armitage Isaiah J. Fidler David Khayat Philip A. Pizzo Controller Joan D. Ritchie Laurence H. Baker Richard M. Fox John M. Kirkwood William K. Plunkett Manager, Meetings and Exhibits Charles M. Baich Michael A. Friedman Donald W. Kufe Jerome B. Posner Jeffrey M. Ruben Barthel Barlogie Zvi Y. Fuks Steven M. Larson Derek Raghavan Meeting Planner Robert C. Bast, Jr. Stephen L. George John S. Lazo Mark J. Ratain Carole L. Kanoff Cohn B. Begg Giuseppe Giaccone Victor A. Levin John C. Reed Public Information Coordinator Jenny Anne Horst-Martz Joseph R. Bertino Luca Gianni Allen Lichter Ralph A. Reisfeld Assistant to the Executive Director Clara D. Bloomfield Anna Giuhiano Marc E. Lippman Jerome Ritz Ruth E. Fortson Ronald H. Blum Eli Glatstein Edison T. Liu Jack A. Roth Membership Development George J. Bosl David W. Golde Patrick J. Loehrer, Sr. Eric B. Rowinsky Coordinator Paul A. Bunn, Jr. Mark R. Green Dan L. Longo Edward A. Sausville Robin E. Felder Michael T. Lotze Administrative Assistant Michael A. Cahigiuri Jerome E. Groopman Howard I. Scher Margaret A. Pickels Alfred E. Chang William N. Hait Maurie Markman Richard L. Schilsky Systems Specialist Paul B. Chapman Adrian L. Harris William P. McGuire III Richard M. Simon Lydia I. Rodriguez Michaele C. Christian Curtis C. Harris Roland Mertelsmann John F. Smyth Secretary Curt I. Civin Sandra J. Horning Frank L. Meyskens, Jr. Jeffrey A. Sosman Malika L. Wright Ronald Crystal William J. Hoskins John D. Minna Michael B. Sporn Editorial Assistant Diana F. Certo William S. Dalton Janet A. Houghton Monica Morrow Louise C. Strong Office Clerk Albert B. Deisseroth Stephen B. Howell James L. Muishine Masaaki Terada James J. Waters Patricia K. Donahoe Daniel C. Ihde Sharon B. Murphy Daniel D. Von Hoff Data Entry Clerk Ross C. Donehower John T. Isaacs Charles E. Myers Raymond P. Warrell, Jr. Robert A. Simms II Timothy J. Eberlein Robert B. Jenkins Larry Norton Jane Weeks Merrill J. Egorin David H. Johnson Richard J. O’Reilly Ralph R. Weichselbaum Frederick R. Eilber V. Craig Jordan Robert F. Ozols Theresa L. Whiteside AACR Publications Department Robert M. Elashoff Barton A. Kamen Ira Pastan Leonard A. Zwelhing Public Ledger Building. Suite 826 150 South Independence Mall West Editorial Office Philadelphia. PA 19106-3483 Phone: (215) 440-9300 Colleen M. 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Changes of address notification should be sent 60 days in advance and include both old and new addresses. Member subscribers should send address changes to: AACR Member Services. Public Ledger Bldg.. Suite 826. 150 South Independence Mall west, Philadelphia. PA 19106-3483. Nonmember subscribers should send changes of address to: AACR Subscription Office, P.O. Box I 1806, Binningham. AL 35202. Copies of the journal which are undeliverable because of address changes will be destroyed. IUIIIIIIllIUlli1111111UIIUIIIIIIIIIIII NSNA-Z1Y-8X2Y 1i w Notice to Members of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Officers for 1998 -1999 President: Webster K. Cavenee, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, La Jolla, CA 92093-0660 President-Elect: Daniel D. Von Hoff, Institute for Drug Development, San Antonio, TX 78245 Treasurer: Bayard D. Clarkson, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY 10021 Executive Director: Margaret Foti, AACR, Public Ledger Bldg., Suite 826, Philadelphia, PA 19106-3483 Annual Dues The annual dues of active members of the AACR are $175, $50 of which may be applied to a subscription to Clinical Cancer Research. Corresponding members of the Association will be charged an appropriate fee to offset periodicals postage costs. Payment of dues and changes of address of members of the Association should be sent promptly to Margaret Foti, Executive Director, AACR, Public Ledger Bldg., Suite 826, 150 South Independence Mall West, Philadelphia, PA 19106-3483; Phone: (215) 440-9300; FAX: (215) 440-9313. Submission of Manuscripts Cancer Research, Inc., since these articles are considered to be in Clinical Cancer Research, a journal of the American Association the public domain. 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