2006 San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Control Program Schedule Updated: 9/7/06

2006 San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Control Program Schedule Updated: 9/7/06

2006 San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Control Program Schedule Updated: 9/7/06 More information on: Treatment Methods Imazapyr Site Locations Treatment Location Treatment Method Imazapyr Herbicide Manual Covering with Sub-Area Spartina Acres Amphibious Aerial: Aerial: Manual Site # Site Name Sub-Area Name County Treatment date Truck Backpack Boat Geotextile Excavation Number to be Treated vehicle Broadcast Spray Ball Digging Fabric 1 Alameda Flood Control 01a Channel Mouth Alameda 7.92 7/24-7/25/2006 XX Channel Lower Channel (not 01b Alameda 40.7 XX including mouth) 7/24-7/25/2006 01c Upper Channel Alameda 15.4 7/24-7/25/2006 XX Upper Channel - Union City 01d Blvd to I-880 Alameda 9.9 XX 7/24/2006 Strip Marsh No. of Channel 01e Mouth Alameda 3.52 X 7/24-7/25/2006 01f Pond 3-AFCC Alameda 5.83 7/24-7/25/2006 XX 2 Bair/Greco Islands Belmont Slough/Island, North Point, Bird Island, 02a San Mateo 3.36 XX Steinberger Slough/ Redwood Shores 8/8-8/11/06 Steinberger Slough South, Corkscrew Slough, 02b Redwood Creek North San Mateo 4.24 XXX 9/7-9/8/06 02c B2 North Quadrant San Mateo 19.64 8/08-8/11/2006 XX B2 South Quadrant - 02d San Mateo 8.8 X Rookery 8/08-8/11/2006 02e West Point Slough NW San Mateo 1.38 9/7-9/8/06 XX 02f Greco Island North San Mateo 2.04 8/8-8/11/2006 X West Point Slough SW and 02g San Mateo 0.44 X East 9/7-9/8/06 02h Greco Island South San Mateo 4.4 8/08-8/11/2006 X Ravenswood Slough & 02i San Mateo 2.2 XX Mouth 8/08-8/11/2006 Ravenswood Open Space 02j San Mateo 0.66 X Preserve 8/08-8/11/2006 3 Blackie's Creek (above 03a Marin 0.5 X Blackie's Pasture bridge) 9/5/2006 03b Blackie's Creek Mouth Marin 0.06 9/5/2006 X 4 Corte Madera Marsh 04a Marin 0.22 X Reserve September College of Marin Ecological 04b Marin 0.01 X Reserve 7/27/; 9/7/2006 04c Piper Park East Marin 0.01 September X 04d Piper Park West Marin 0.01 September X Larkspur Ferry Landing 04e Marin 0.03 X Area 7/27/2006 Riviera Circle 04f Marin 2.2 XXX 7/27-7/28;8/01/06 Creekside Park Corte Madera Creek 04g Marin 2.75 9/05-9/08/06; X X Complex 9/11-9/13/06 Upper Corte Madera Creek 04h (Above Bon Air Road) Marin 0.14 9/7/06; X 9/28-9/29/06 Lower Corte Madera Creek 04i (Between Bon Air Road & Marin 2.53 X X HWY 101) 9/18-9/20/06 2006 San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Control Program Schedule Updated: 9/7/06 More information on: Treatment Methods Imazapyr Site Locations Treatment Location Treatment Method Imazapyr Herbicide Manual Covering with Sub-Area Spartina Acres Amphibious Aerial: Aerial: Manual Site # Site Name Sub-Area Name County Treatment date Truck Backpack Boat Geotextile Excavation Number to be Treated vehicle Broadcast Spray Ball Digging Fabric Corte Madera Creek Mouth 04j (Downstream of HWY 101) Marin 0.34 X 9/18-9/20/06 Boardwalk No. 1 (Arkites) 04k Marin 0.55 9/28/2006 X X 5 Mowry Marsh-Newark 05a Slough to Calaveras Point Alameda 0.22 X August 05b Dumbarton/Audubon Alameda 3.36 August X Coyote Creek/Mowry 05c Newark Slough Alameda 1.1 August XX Complex 05d LaRiviere Marsh Alameda 1.38 September XX 05e Mayhew's Landing Alameda 0.58 September XX Coyote Creek- Alameda 05f Alameda 1.65 X County August 6 Emeryville Crescent East 06a Alameda 0.03 X 9/20/2006 Emeryville Crescent Emeryville Crescent West 06b Alameda 2.1 10/10/2006 XX 7 07a Oro Loma Marsh-east Alameda 21.75 7/17/2006 XX Oro Loma Marsh 07b Oro Loma Marsh-west Alameda 22 7/17/2006 X 8 Palo Alto Baylands 08a Palo Alto Baylands Santa Clara 0.16 9/6-9/7/2006 X 9 Pickleweed Park 9 Pickleweed Park Marin 0.01 9/8/2006 X 10 10a Whittel Marsh Contra Costa 0.2 9/8/2006 X Point Pinole Marshes 10b Southern Marsh Contra Costa 0.5 9/8/2006 X 11 Southampton Marsh Southampton Marsh 11 Solano 0.14 9/12/2006 X 12 12a Pier 94 San Francisco 0.01 Ongoing X 12b Pier 98/Heron's Head San Francisco 0.01 Ongoing X Southeast San 12c India Basin San Francisco 0.04 August X Franciso Hunters Point Naval 12d San Francisco 1.1 September X Reserve 12e Yosemite Channel San Francisco 2.86 10/6/2006 X 12f Candlestick Cove San Francisco 0.22 10/6/2006 X 13 Old Alameda Creek North 13a Alameda 6.38 7/24/2006 XX Bank Old Alameda Creek Island 13b Alameda 16.28 7/24/2006 X Old Alameda Creek South 13c Alameda 5.39 7/24/2006 XX Whale's Tail Complex Bank 13d Whale's Tail North Fluke Alameda 4.4 7/24/2006 XX 13e Whale's Tail South Fluke Alameda 12.5 7/24/2006 XX 13f Cargill Mitigation Marsh Alameda 8.36 7/24/2006 X Upstream of 20 Tide Gates 13g Alameda 3.3 7/24/2006 X 15 South Bay Marshes South Bay Marshes - Santa 9/6-9/8; 9/11-9/12; 15a Clara County Santa Clara 1.64 9/20-9/22; XX 10/4-10/6/2006 15b Faber/Laumeister Marsh San Mateo 0.01 September X 16 Cooley Landing Salt Cooley Landing 16 San Mateo 5.2 August XX Pond Restoration 2006 San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Control Program Schedule Updated: 9/7/06 More information on: Treatment Methods Imazapyr Site Locations Treatment Location Treatment Method Imazapyr Herbicide Manual Covering with Sub-Area Spartina Acres Amphibious Aerial: Aerial: Manual Site # Site Name Sub-Area Name County Treatment date Truck Backpack Boat Geotextile Excavation Number to be Treated vehicle Broadcast Spray Ball Digging Fabric 17 Alameda/San Leandro Alameda Island South (Elsie Bay Complex Rohmer Bird Sanctuary, 17a Crown Memorial State Alameda 12.5 September XX Beach, Crab Cove) 17b Bay Farm Alameda 6.5 September X 17c Arrowhead Marsh Alameda 15 7/17/2006 X MLK Regional 17d Shoreline/Garretson Point Alameda 9 9/12; 9/25-26/2006 XX 17e San Leandro Creek Alameda 0.55 August X 17f Oakland Inner Harbor Alameda 7.15 August X 17g Coast Guard Island Alameda 4.95 August X 17h MLK Marsh Alameda 4.5 9/5-6; 9/25/2006 X 17i Coliseum Channels Alameda 3.08 6/28/2006 X 17j Fan Marsh Alameda 3.85 September X 17k Airport Channel Alameda 8.5 9/11/2006 XX Doolittle Pond 17l Alameda 1.7 9/11-12; 9/25/2006 X Alameda Island (East: 17m Aeolian Yacht Club and Alameda 1.21 September X Eastern Shoreline) 18 Colma Creek San 18a Colma Creek San Mateo 3.5 9/4/2006 X Bruno Marsh Complex 18b Navigable Slough San Mateo 1 9/4/2006 X 18c "Old Marina" San Mateo 0 9/4/2006 18d "Inner Harbor" San Mateo 0 9/4/2006 18e Sam Trans Peninsula San Mateo 0 TBD 18f "Confluence Marsh" San Mateo 0 TBD 18g San Bruno Marsh San Mateo 0 9/4/2006 18h San Bruno Creek San Mateo 1.65 9/4/2006 X 19 West San Francisco 19a Brisbane Lagoon San Mateo 5.5 September XX Bay 19b Sierra Point San Mateo 1.65 9/1/2006 X 19c Oyster Cove San Mateo 2.75 9/5/2006 X 19d Oyster Point Marina San Mateo 0.55 9/5/2006 X 19e Oyster Point Park San Mateo 1.65 8/29/2006 X 19f Point San Bruno San Mateo 1.1 8/29/2006 X 19g Seaplane Harbor San Mateo 0.28 8/29/2006 X 19h SFO San Mateo 8.25 8/30/-8/31/2006 X 19i Mills Creek Mouth San Mateo 3.3 8/17-8/18/2006 X 19j Easton Creek Mouth San Mateo 1.1 8/17-8/18/2006 X 19k Sanchez Marsh San Mateo 1.65 8/17-8/18/2006 X 19l Burlingame Lagoon San Mateo 0.28 8/17-8/18/2006 X 19m Fisherman's Park San Mateo 0.13 8/17-8/18/2006 X Coyote Point Marina/Marsh 19n San Mateo 3.96 8/17-8/18/2006 X San Mateo Creek /Ryder 19o San Mateo 0.88 8/17-8/18/2006 X Park 19p Seal Slough Mouth San Mateo 36.5 8/08-8/11/2006 XX Foster City 8/24-8/25, 19q San Mateo 1.1 8/28/2006 X 2006 San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Control Program Schedule Updated: 9/7/06 More information on: Treatment Methods Imazapyr Site Locations Treatment Location Treatment Method Imazapyr Herbicide Manual Covering with Sub-Area Spartina Acres Amphibious Aerial: Aerial: Manual Site # Site Name Sub-Area Name County Treatment date Truck Backpack Boat Geotextile Excavation Number to be Treated vehicle Broadcast Spray Ball Digging Fabric 19r Anza Lagoon San Mateo 1.1 8/14-8/15/2006 X 20 San Leandro/Hayward Oyster Bay Regional 7/17/2006; 20a Alameda 9 XX (7/17) Shoreline Shoreline 9/26/2006 Lew Galbraith Golf Course 20b Alameda 0.13 August X 20c Dog Bone Marsh Alameda 2.75 09/13-09/15/06 X 20d Citation Marsh Alameda 11 09/13-09/15/06 XX 20e East Marsh Alameda 1.1 09/19/-09/21/06 X 20f North Marsh Alameda 5.5 09/13-09/15/06 XX 20g Bunker Marsh Alameda 8 09/19/-09/21/06 XX San Lorenzo Creek & Mouth 20h Alameda 19.8 7/17/2006 X 20i Bockmann Channel Alameda 0.04 August X 20j Sulphur Creek Alameda 0.04 August X 20k Hayward Landing Alameda 0.36 7/17/2006 X 20l Johnson's Landing Alameda 0.8 7/17/2006 X Cogswell Marsh, Quadrant 20m Alameda 30 7/17/2006 X A Cogswell Marsh, Quadrant 20n Alameda 25 7/17/2006 X B Cogswell Marsh, Quadrant 20o Alameda 40 7/17/2006 X C Bayfront Outlier Spartina 20p clones of entire Shoreline Alameda 0.88 7/17/2006 X 21 Ideal Marsh 21a Ideal Marsh North Alameda 13.3 7/24/2006 X 21b Ideal Marsh South Alameda 15.4 7/24/2006 X 22 Two Points Complex 22a Wildcat Marsh Contra Costa 0.22 9/21-22/2006 X 22b San Pablo Marsh Contra Costa 0.11 9/21-22/2006 X 22c Rheem Creek Area Contra Costa 0.11 9/21-22/2006 X 22d Stege Marsh Contra Costa 0.01 9/20/2006 X 22e Hoffman Marsh Contra Costa 0? 9/20/2006 X 23 Marin Outliers 23a Brickyard Cove Marin 0.01 9/8/2006 X 23b Beach Drive Marin 0.01 9/8/2006 X 23c Loch Lomond Marina Marin 0.01 9/8/2006 X San Rafael Canal Mouth 23d Marin 0.01 9/8/2006 X North 23e Martas Marsh Marin 0.69 9/22/2006 X 23f Paradise Cay Marin 1.1 9/22/2006 XX 23g Greenwood Cove Marin 0.01 September X 23h Strawberry Point Marin 0.01 September X 23i Strawberry Cove Marin 0.01 September X 23j Bothin Marsh Marin 0.01 September X 23k Sausalito Marin 0.55 September X.

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