M A L A Y S I A Warta Kerajaan S E R I P A D U K A B A G I N D A DITERBITKAN DENGAN KUASA HIS MAJESTY’S GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Jil. 57 TAMBAHAN No. 4 14hb Februari 2013 TMA No. 9 No. TMA 14. AKta CAP DAGANGAN 1976 (Akta 175) PENGIKLanan PERMOHOnan UntUK MENDaftaRKan CAP DAGANGAN Menurut seksyen 27 Akta Cap Dagangan 1976, permohonan-permohonan untuk mendaftarkan cap dagangan yang berikut telah disetujuterima dan adalah dengan ini diiklankan. Jika sesuatu permohonan untuk mendaftarkan disetuju terima dengan tertakluk kepada apa-apa syarat, pindaan, ubahsuaian atau batasan, syarat, pindaan, ubahsuaian atau batasan tersebut hendaklah dinyatakan dalam iklan. Jika sesuatu permohonan untuk mendaftarkan di bawah perenggan 10(1)(e) Akta diiklankan sebelum penyetujuterimaan menurut subseksyen 27(2) Akta itu, perkataan-perkataan “Permohonan di bawah perenggan 10(1)(e) yang diiklankan sebelum penyetujuterimaan menurut subseksyen 27(2)” hendaklah dinyatakan dalam iklan itu. Jika keizinan bertulis kepada pendaftaran yang dicadangkan daripada tuanpunya berdaftar cap dagangan yang lain atau daripada pemohon yang lain telah diserahkan, perkataan-perkataan “Dengan Keizinan” hendaklah dinyatakan dalam iklan, menurut peraturan 33(3). WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 2492 [14hb Feb. 2013 14hb Feb. 2013] PB Notis bangkangan terhadap sesuatu permohonan untuk mendaftarkan suatu cap dagangan boleh diserahkan, melainkan jika dilanjutkan atas budi bicara Pendaftar, dalam tempoh dua bulan dari tarikh Warta ini, menggunakan Borang CD 7 berserta fi yang ditetapkan. TRADE MARKS ACT 1976 (Act 175) ADVERTISEMENT OF APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE MARKS Pursuant to section 27 of the Trade Marks Act 1976, the following applications for registration of trade marks have been accepted and are hereby advertised. Where an application for registration is accepted subject to any conditions, amendments, modifications or limitations, such conditions, amendments, modifications or limitations shall appear in the advertisement. Where an application for registration under paragraph 10(1)(e) of the Act are advertised before acceptance pursuant to subsection 27(2) thereof, the words “Application under paragraph 10(1)(e) advertised before acceptance pursuant to subsection 27(2)” shall appear in the advertisement. Where written consent to the proposed registration of the registered proprietor of another trade mark or of another applicant has been lodged, the words “By Consent” shall appear in the advertisement, pursuant to regulation 33(3). Notice of opposition to an application for registration of a trade marks may be lodged, unless extended at the discretion of the Registrar, within two months from the date of this Gazette, on Form TM 7 accompanied by the prescribed fee. WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 14hb Feb. 2013] 2493 &/$66 $SULO 7KH WUDQVOLWHUDWLRQ DQG WUDQVODWLRQ RI WKH FKLQHVH FKDUDFWHUV DSSHDULQJ LQ WKH PDUN LV KXD PHDQLQJ IORZHU \DQ PHDQLQJ ZRUG RU WDON TLDR PHDQLQJ VNLOIXO DUWIXO RU FXQQLQJDQG\XPHDQLQJODQJXDJH 5HJLVWUDWLRQ RI WKLV WUDGH PDUN VKDOO JLYH QR ULJKW WR WKH H[FOXVLYHXVHRIWKHZRUGVWKHIORUDOVKRS $UWLILFLDO IORZHUV IORZHUV ZUHDWKV RI DUWLILFLDO DOO LQFOXGHG LQ&ODVV -2+1 *2+ <($+ +$1 75$',1* $6 %/220 7+( )/25$/ 6+23 12 -$/$1 3-8 '$7$5$1 35,0$3(7$/,1*-$<$6(/$1*250$/$<6,$ $*(17 7HH /LQ <LN 7HH ,3 6GQ %KG 6XLWH -DODQ 'ZLWDVLN'DWDUDQ'ZLWDVLN.XDOD/XPSXU WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 2494 [14hb Feb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hb Feb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hb Feb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hb Feb. 2013] 2497 &/$66 $SULO *DPHV DQG SOD\WKLQJV J\PQDVWLF DQG VSRUWLQJ DUWLFOHV QRW LQFOXGHG LQ RWKHU &ODVVHV GHFRUDWLRQV IRU FKULVWPDV WUHHV DOOLQFOXGHGLQFODVV ,1)250$7,21 *$7(:$< &25325$7,21 6'1 %+' /27 5$:$1* ,1'8675,$/ (67$7( 5$:$1*6(/$1*250$/$<6,$ &/$66 1RYHPEHU 7KH WUDGH PDUN LV OLPLWHG WR WKH FRORXUV DV VKRZQ LQ WKH UHSUHVHQWDWLRQRQWKHIRUPRIDSSOLFDWLRQ 5HJLVWUDWLRQ RI WKLV WUDGH PDUN VKDOO JLYH QR ULJKW WR WKH H[FOXVLYH XVH RI WKH OHWWHU [ DQG WKH ZRUGV TXDOLW\ SURRI MDSDQ )LVKLQJWDFNOHLQFOXGHGLQ&ODVV <*. &2 /7' )8.85$2768 0,1$0,$:$-, 6+,+<2*2-$3$1 $*(17 3DWULFN 0LUDQGDK 3DWULFN 0LUDQGDK &R 0 6GQ %KG6XLWH%3OD]D6HQWUDO.XDOD/XPSXU WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 2498 [14hb Feb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hb Feb. 2013] 2499 CLASS : 28 2012004672 22 March 2012 International priority date claimed : 27 September 2011, France Games; toys; play balloons; sporting and gymnastic apparatus; namely articles of angling, hunting and diving underwater, articles in the beach and swimming, skating boots with skates attached, roller skates, in-line skates, shams for skates wheeled, on-line; boxing gloves; hang gliders; archery implements; shams for bows for archery; bows for archery; bob- sleighs; stag shuttlecocks; kites of traction; kite reels; strings for rackets; guts for rackets; tennis rackets, shams for racquets of sneakers, table tennis paddles, shams for table tennis rackets, badminton rackets, shams for badminton rackets, shuttlecocks, balls for games; fishing tackle; wind surfers, ailerons, shams of sailboards, shams of sails; surfboards, not motorised, (bodyboard); surf boards, shams specially designed for boards of surf, flutterboards; snowboards, boards in the swimming; balls, baseballs, balloons, nets for sports; golf clubs, tee for the golf, nets for the golf; equipment and golf accessories, socks of protection for golf clubs, sacks for golf clubs (with or without casters), skis, ski pole shafts, waterskis, edges of skis, ski bindings, ski covers, racquets at snow; shams of racquets at beige; rods for fishing and angling accessories, shams of walking-sticks at angling, reel, wires, plugs, fish-hooks, primers and bait; weighted balls; cross-bows and arrows; harpoon guns (sports articles); swimming webs [flippers]; games and swim toys; swimming pools (play or sports articles); slides (playthings); skate-boards; practical jokes (novelties); swings; billiard tables and billiards balls, billiard cues; stationary exercise bicycles; chest expanders; (exercisers); fencing weapons; hockey sticks; skittles and bowls; balls of petanques, shams of balls of petanque; machines for physical exercises; abdominal boards (apparatus for gymnastics); equipment and fittings in the escalation of walls namely harnesses of escalation, handles of rise in the escalation; karabiners in the escalation; tables for table tennis; elbow guards (sports articles); knee guards (sports articles);
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