
9842 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE AUGUST 13 into amendatory repayment contracts under By Mr. SASSCER: nominations were communicated to the the Federal reclamation laws, and for other H. R. 5127. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Elea­ Senate by Mr. Miller, one .of his secre­ purposes; to the Committee on Interior and nora O. Gibson; to the Committee on the Insular Affairs. Judiciary. taries. ~y Mr. HAQEN: By Mr. SCHWABE: MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE-ENROLLED H. R. 5116. A bill to confer jurisdiction on H. R. 5128. A bill for the relief of Michael . BILL SIGNED the Court of Military Appeals to review cases Demcheshen; to the Committee on the Ju­ of certain individuals discharged from the diciary. A message from the House of Repre­ Armed Forces under conditions other than By Mr. TOLLEFSON: sentatives, by Mr. Snader, its assistant honorable; to the Committee on Armed Serv­ H. R. 5129. A bill for the relief of Jose reading clerk, announced that the ices. Vieira Alves De Melo; to the Committee on Speaker had affixed his signature to the By Mr. KEOGH: the Judiciary. · enrolled bill <H. R. 3782) to authorize a H. R. 5117. A bill to provide for the refund H. R. 5130. A .bill for the relief of Leslie A. per capita. payment to members of the or credit of the internal-revenue tax paid on Connel:; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Menominee Tribe of Indians, and it was spirits lost or 'tendered unmarketable by rea­ By Mr. GOODWIN: signed by the Vice President. son of the floods of 1951 where such spirits H. Res. 383. Resolution providing for send­ were in the possession of ( 1) the original ing to the United States Court of Claims the LEAVE OF ABSENCE taxpayer or rectifier for bottling.. or use in bill (H. R. 3131) for the relief of Raymond · On request of Mr. CORDON, and by rectification under Government supervision B. Jeffrey; to the Committee on the Judiciary. as provided by law and regulations, or (2) a unanimous consent, Mr. AIKEN was ex­ wholesale or retail l.iquor dealer; to the Com­ cused from attendance on the sessions mittee on Ways and Means. PETITIONS, ETC. of the Senate during this week. By Mr. FORAND: COMMITTEE MEETINGS DURING SENATE H. R. 5118. A bill to amend the Social. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions Security Act to provide unemployment insur­ and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk SESSION ance for Federal civilian employees, and for and referred as follows: On request of Mr. GILLETTE, and by other purposes; to the Committee on Ways 381. By the SPEAKER: Petition of San unanimous consent, the subcommittee and Means. Joaquin County Disaster and Defense Coun­ of the Committee on Labor and Public By Mr. BATTLE: cil, Stockton, Calif., relative to civil defense Welfare considering labor-management H. R. 5119. A bill providing for the insur­ funrts to assist in the protection of local ance by the Federal Savings and Loan Cor­ facilities and bases which are vital to the relations was authorized to meet this poration of membership shares in Federal national defense; to the Committee on Armed afternoon during the session of the credit unions; to the Committee on Banking Services. Senate. and Currency. 382. Also, petition of Prudencio, Sampaloc, On request of Mr. GILLETTE, and by By Mr. FERNOS-ISERN: Manila, Philippines, relative to a group of unanimous consent, the committees H. R. 5120. A bill to amend the Federal De­ guerrillas known as the Third Sector, Usaffe on Armed Services and Foreign Rela­ posit Insurance Act so·as to require the insur­ Liberty Crusade with headquarters in the tions, meeting jointly, were authorized ance of deposits payable at branches of in­ city of Manila; to the Committee on Armed sured banks in Puerto Rico; to the Commit­ Services. to meet this afternoon during the ses­ tee on Banking and Currency. · sion of the Senate. By Mr. WIER: - TRANSACTION OF ROUTINE BUSINESS H. J. Res. 313. Joint resolution providing for the establishment of an American Na­ SENATE Mr. McFARLAND. Mr. President, I tional Arts Commission, and for the con­ ask unanimous consept that Senators be struction of a theater and opera house in. the permitted to make insertions in the REC­ Nation's Capital, and for other purposes; to MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1951 ORD, introduce bills and joint resolutions, the Committee on House Administration. (Legislative day of Wednesday, August 1, present petitions and memorials, and 'By Mr. CELLER: transact other routine business, without H. J. Res. 314. Joint resolution designating 1951) September 17 of each year as "Citizenship debate. Day"; to the Committee on the Judiciary. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ By Mr. RODINO: on the expiration of the recess. jection, it is so ordered. Rev. F. Norman Van Brunt, associate , H. Res. 380. ·Resolution favoring certain DISPOSITION OF EXECUTIVE PAPERS action against the Government of Czecho­ pastor, Foundry Methodist Church, slovakia unless John Hvasta, citizen of the Washington, D. C., offered the following The VICE PRESIDENT laid before United States is released from custody; to prayer: the Senate a letter from the Archivist the Committee on Foreign Affairs. of the United States, transmitting, pur­ By Mr. MACHROWICZ: Almighty God, Thou great indwelling H. Res. 381. Resolution creating a Select spirit, who art ever attempting to guide suant to law, a list of papers and docu­ Committee To Investigate the Katyn Forest the spirit of man to the realization of ments on the files of several departments Massacre; to the Committee on Rules. abundant life, give us a greater sense of and agencies of the Government which expectancy. Deliver us, we pray, from are not needed in the conduct of busi;.. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS fears that paralyze the will, and from ness and have no permanent value or doubts that breed despair. Let us see historical interest, and requesting ac­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Thee, the unchanging, secure founda­ tion looking to their disposition, which, bills and resolutions were introduced and with the accompanying papers, was re­ severally referred as follows: tion, upon which we continue to build a glorious heritage of freedom and fidelity. f erred to a Joint Select Committee on By Mr. FERN6S-ISERN·: the Disposition of Papers in the.Execu:. H. R. 5121. A bill for the relief of Felix We need the insight of Thy Spirit and Navedo Ramos; to the Committee on the the all-pervading power of Thy love. To tive Departments. Judiciary. this end grant unto us the divine initia­ The VICE PRESIDENT appointed By Mr. BEALL: tive that, as imitators of the Infinite, we Mr. JOHNSTON of South Carolina and Mr. H. R. 5122. A bill for the relief of Claudio may be bearers of light arid abundant life . LANGER members of the committee on Gandola; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the part of the Senate. By Mr. EATON: to our age. Teach us to look upon our. H. R. 5123. A bill for the relief of Walter purpose and place in the sun with the PETITIONS Huva and Leila Huva; to the Committee on same sense of mission of the One who Petitions were laid before the Senate, the Judiciary. staggered the world by the daringness of or presented, and referred as indicated: By Mr. JACKSON of California: His faith, tiie Man of Galilee. Amen. H. R. 5124. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Joan By the VICE PRESIDENT: H. Smith; to the Committee cin the Judiciary. THE JOURNAL The petition of Pierce Munsey, of Denver,· By Mr. McDONOUGH (by request): Colo., praying for the enactment of legisla­ H. R. 5125. A bill for the relief of Fong Way On request of Mr. McFARLAND, and tion to provide a uniform Federal old-age Chong, also known as Freddie Fong, and Chu by unanimous consent, the reading of pension system; to the Committee on Fi­ Lau Hing, also known as Lana Fong; to the the Journal of the proceedings of Friday, nance. Committee on the Judiciary. August 10, 1951, was dispensed with. A resolution adopted by Optimist Inter­ By Mr. MURRAY of Tennessee: MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT national, at Detroit, Mich., relating to the H. R. 5126. A bill for the relief of Lucian principles of true democracy in the conduct Roach, doing business as the Riverside Lum-. Messages in writing from the Presi­ of the government; to the Committee on the _ber Co.; to the Committee on the Judiciary. dent of the United States submitting Judiciary. 1951 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 9843 By Mr. McFARLAND: formation in the report which has not S. 1993. A bill to authorize payrp.ent for A concurrent resolution of the Legislature been made available heretofore. There transportation of dependents, baggage, and of the State of Arizona; to the Committee household goods and effects of certain offi­ on Interstate and Foreign Commerce: are, I believe, a number of important conclusions upon which the members of cers of the naval service under certain con­ "House Concurrent Resolution 7 our nine-man bipartisan subcommittee diti.ons, and for other purposes; "Concurrent resolution accepting the provt." agreed unanimously. It con tr ins, for S. 1994. A bill to authorize the use of the sions of Public Law 681, Eighty-first Con­ incompleted submarine Ulua as a target for gress of the United States, relating to fish example, carefully compiled figures explosive tests, and for other purposes; and restoration and management projects showing the comparative cost of arming S. 1995. A bill to authorize the Post Office "Be it resolved by the house of representa- a soldier in Europe as compared with Department to designate enlisted personnel tives (the senate concurring): arming a soldier in the United States.
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