City of Burlington Offi cial Plan Review: Mobility Hubs Opportunities and Constraints Study Final Report, May 2014 Prepared By: Brook McIlroy/ ARUP Contents/ 01 Introduction & Context 1 1.1 Study Purpose 2 1.2 Study Objectives 2 1.3 A Two-Staged Policy Approach 3 1.4 Mobility Hub Context 5 1.5 Study Overview 10 1.6 Key Stakeholders 12 02 Policy/Planning Framework 15 2.1 Places to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2006) 16 2.2 The Big Move (2008) 16 2.3 Metrolinx’ Mobility Hub Design Guidelines (2011) 17 2.4 Region of Halton Transportation Master Plan (2011) 17 2.5 Region of Halton Active Transportation Master Plan 18 2.6 The City of Burlington Offi cial Plan 18 2.7 City of Burlington Offi cial Plan Review (underway) 18 2.8 City of Burlington GO Station Lands Intensifi cation Opportunity Study (2006) 19 2.9 City of Burlington Cycling Master Plan (2009) 19 2.10 Ongoing Studies/Initiatives 20 03 Precedent Review 21 3.1 Completed/Ongoing Mobility Hub Studies 23 3.2 Local and Provincial Transit-Oriented Developments 31 3.3 International Transit-Oriented Developments 34 04 Mobility Hub Elements 35 4.1 Walking, Cycling and Transit Connections 36 4.2 Street-Oriented Development 37 4.3 Attractive Public Realm 37 4.4 Rail-Oriented Development 38 4.5 Highway-Oriented Development 38 4.6 Nodes/Entryways 39 4.7 Key Destinations 39 4.8 Landmark Buildings 39 4.9 Opportunity Sites 40 4.10 Sustainability/Environment 40 4.11 Transit-Oriented Development 41 05 The Mobility Hubs 43 5.1 Overview 44 5.2 Burlington GO Station 49 5.3 Downtown Burlington 55 5.4 Aldershot GO Station 61 5.5 Appleby GO Station 67 5.6 General Offi cial Plan Directions 73 06 Mobility Hub Connectors 79 6.1 Primary Connectors 81 6.2 Secondary Connectors 84 6.3 Tertiary Connectors 86 07 Recommendations 89 7.1 Short-Term Recommendations (By 2016) 93 7.2 Medium-Term Recommendations (2016-2019) 101 7.3 Long-Term Recommendations (Beyond 2020) 105 7.4 Mobility Hub Study Funding 109 Introduction & Context 1 1.1 Study Purpose The City of Burlington is currently undergoing and constraints related to the development a review of it’s Offi cial Plan. As part of this of Burlington’s mobility hubs. The fi ndings review, the City recognized the importance and recommenda ons of this study will be of considering its role in implemen ng The used to inform the integra on of mobility hub Big Move, and has ini ated the Mobility Hub objec ves and policies into the updated Offi cial Opportunity and Constraints Study. This is one Plan, as well as other City projects, including of a number of City-wide studies ini ated to the Transporta on Master Plan Update, and inform the Offi cial Plan Review. The purpose the Zoning By-law Review. of this study is to iden fy the opportuni es 1.2 Study Objectives The objec ves of the Mobility Hubs 7. Provide mobility hub language and input Opportuni es and Constraints Study are to: to inform the City’s policies and adjoining 1. Recommend mobility hub language, studies, including, but not limited to, the concepts, key objec ves, and design Transporta on Master Plan. considera ons into the City of Burlington’s 8. Consider the implica ons of municipal, Offi cial Plan. regional, and provincial planning and 2. Delineate mobility hubs and major transporta on plans and ini a ves. transit sta on areas and determine the 9. Outline the requirements, poten al opportuni es and constraints at each, delivery mechanisms, best prac ces, including land use and site development, policies and tools for implemen ng the transporta on, public realm, green desired development at each mobility hub infrastructure and the environment. area into the Offi cial Plan, Transporta on 3. Explore the role and vision of each mobility Master Plan, and other policy documents hub area in rela on to each other, and in as required. the greater City context. 10. Understand the ra onale, objec ves, and 4. Iden fy infrastructure constraints and considera ons for developing a capital func onal design requirements and plan budget for future mobility hubs and considera ons. major transit sta on areas work (e.g. func onal design studies, master plans, 5. Determine and provide guidance on design guidelines). poten al “connectors” or suppor ng corridors within or adjacent to the mobility 11. Provide recommenda ons on an hubs. implementa on strategy for Burlington’s mobility hubs and major transit sta on 6. Iden fy key urban design principles for the areas including considera on of policies, mobility hubs to provide guidance to the tools (e.g. incen ves, design guidelines), City for the review of current development interim measures, programs, partnerships, applica ons and to set the framework for phasing, priori es and next steps. future detailed design guidelines and/or master plan work. 2 1.3 A Two-Staged Policy Approach The diagram below demonstrates a two-staged detailed master plans (Stage 2), interim direc ons approach to establishing clear policies for the will allow for new development within the mobility development of the mobility hubs. In Stage 1, the hubs and along the connectors, while ensuring it is mobility hubs are considered as a system, and high consistent with the vision for each hub, and the vision level policy direc ons are provided for integra on for the hubs as a connected system. into the Offi cial Plan as part of the City’s Offi cial Plan City staff will bring forward policy direc ons based Review. In Stage 2 (beyond the scope of the Offi cial on the fi ndings of this study for Council approval for Plan Review), mobility hub studies are undertaken for integra on into the Offi cial Plan. each hub, including a detailed master plan to guide future development. In Stage 2, the policies derived from Stage 1 will be used to inform the development of detailed This study represents the fi rst step in Stage 1, and master plans and site-specifi c design guidelines and iden fi es the opportuni es and constraints that recommenda ons for each hub. The master plans will characterize each mobility hub. General guiding be supported by detailed urban design and planning principles are provided to direct placemaking, land direc ons, transporta on and traffi c analysis, and use, built form, open space and circula on. Building market research and value upli analysis. The fi ndings on these general direc ons, a vision and guiding of these studies may result in further, site-specifi c principles are provided for each hub. revisions to the City’s zoning bylaw. A key element of the study is the development of Throughout the build-out of the mobility hubs, interim policies and recommenda ons. Given the opportuni es for public engagement will be ongoing. poten al long-term meline for the development of STAGE 1: MOBILITY HUBS IN THE CITY-WIDE SYSTEM (Within the Scope of the Offi cial Plan Review) Strategic policy regarding mobility hubs integrated into the Offi cial Plan and complementary directions in the Transportation Master Plan. Burlington OP Review: Mobility Hub Opportuni es and Constraints Study Deliverables: Policies Added to City Staff OPR - Mobility Hub Visions Offi cial Plan and Direc ons - Guiding Principles Transporta on Report - Dra Offi cial Plan Policies Master Plan This Study Ongoing Public Consulta on Opportuni es (including residents, landowners and local developers) 3 STAGE 2: AREA SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTIONS (Beyond the Scope of the Offi cial Plan Review) Detailed master plans and supporting studies to guide the development of the mobility hubs. Mobility Hub Study Key Deliverables: - Detailed Master Plan Poten al Suppor ng Studies: Offi cial Plan Urban Design and Public Realm Plan Development Amendments, Zoning - Servicing & Infrastructure Study Applica ons By-law Amendments, - Transporta on Study etc. - Market Upli Analysis Ongoing Public Consulta on Opportuni es (including residents, landowners and local developers) 4 As the mobility hubs redevelop, new residen al and commercial buildings will frame adjacent streets and create a rac ve, vital pedestrian areas. 1.4 Mobility Hub Context Burlington is growing in place, which means that designated, the major transit sta on areas have been new growth in the City must be within the urban included to ensure the City’s transporta on network limits. To grow in a sustainable way, the City must is considered as an integrated system. For the purpose make strategic decisions about growth and use land of this study, all four areas are referred to as ‘mobility and infrastructure effi ciently. As determined through hubs,’ and encompass an approximately 800m radius the City’s Intensifi ca on Study, new growth will be of area around sta on. focused in areas such as Urban Growth Centres and 1.4.1 What is a Mobility Hub? Urban Growth Corridors - planned areas iden fi ed The Big Move, the regional transporta on plan for in the Growth Plan as centres for investment in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) ins tu onal and region-wide public services that (2008), establishes a long-term strategic plan for an accommodate major transit infrastructure and high integrated, mul -modal, regional transporta on density employment and popula on. Burlington’s system. To ensure the system evolves to meet the four mobility hubs are found within the Urban Growth needs of a consistently growing popula on, Metrolinx Centres and urban growth corridors iden fi ed in the has outlined The Nine Big Moves, a set of priority 2008 intensifi ca on study.
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