'SJEBZ +VMZ t7PMVNF *TTVFtnique.net Vigil for protesters Students hold remembrance cer- emony for victims of violence in Iran. !7 TechniqueThe South’s Liveliest College Newspaper Centergy parking deck collapses, no injuries and we’re trying to "gure out According to Harry Gleich, what could’ve happened,” said Vice President of Engineering Bill Pinto, president of Hardin for Metromont Corporation, the Construction. “Nobody should company has a clean slate and has be concerned about a parking done construction work on other deck anymore than - some plane concrete garages in Atlantic Sta- crashes and all of a sudden you tion, Emory and the World of say, well, I can’t go on that plane Coke. While he did not o$er any anymore – that’s not the case.” speculative explanations for the However, Hardin Construc- collapse, he did rule out the pos- tion was recently "ned by the sibility that the structure had been Occupational Safety and Health overloaded. Administration (OSHA) in the “Weight should not be an is- Atlanta Botanical Garden bridge sue,” Gleich said. collapse. !e pedestrian bridge David Tyndall, head of Gate- collapsed last December, kill- way Development, the company ing one construction worker and that owns the parking deck, re- injuring 18 others. According to ported that an exterior beam ex- OSHA’s report on this accident, tending from one column to an- Hardin Construction and two other, called the spandrel beam, other companies had placed sup- had popped out. What forced the port towers too far apart and had beam out is under investigation. not properly inspected the struc- “With regard to those who ture. had been a$ected and lost cars, “It’s unfortunate that a con- we have been in contact with nection [between the two inci- them and the property insurance dents] continues to get made. companies,” said Harry Conley, !ey’re absolutely and totally dif- president and CEO of Fifth Street ferent situations,” Pinto said. Management Company. “All of Typically, structures such as those issues have to be worked bridges and parking garages are out. In the meantime they have 1IPUPCZ#MBLF*TSBFM Student Publications “over-designed” to handle any ex- been instructed to contact their Four !oors of the Centergy parking deck in Tech Square collapsed on June 29 leaving cess stress. insurance companies to make ar- heaps of debris as well as crushed and damaged cars. No one was injured in the incident. “In the design phase, we try to rangements for other modes of allow for some tolerances. We de- transportation and then come By Zimu Yang moved from the deck and 45 were precast concrete pieces manufac- sign for a stronger structure than back and talk to us.” Sta! Writer rendered unusable as a result of tured at Metromont’s facilities in it ought to be,” said Robert Leon, Current rebuilding estimates the four-story “pancake-style” col- Greenville, SC and Hiram, Ga. a professor of civil engineering at project that repairs will take be- On June 29 a Midtown At- lapse. No injuries were reported as !e parking deck has not been Tech. tween three to six months. How- lanta parking deck at the corner a result of the collapse. inspected since receiving its cer- One striking aspect of the ever, work won’t begin until the of Spring Street and Fifth Street Hardin Construction was ti"cate of occupancy upon com- Centergy parking deck collapse is investigation into the cause of the collapsed around 12:30 pm. !e the general contractor for the pletion, and there had been no that such collapses normally oc- collapse has been "nished. 1,415-space garage mainly served Centergy parking deck, which complaints since. Consequently, cur during two phases: during or “No repairs will begin until employees of the Centergy build- was completed in 2004. How- city o#cials did not feel the need soon after construction, or when the cause of the collapse is deter- ing, RBC Bank, Georgia Tech ever, Metromont Corporation to conduct what would have been the structure has aged so much mined,” Conley said. “!ere will and patrons of the nearby L.A Fit- was the subcontractor which did a costly inspection. that it is falling part. !e Cen- be some preliminary meetings in ness Center. the actual construction work. “Obviously, we’re...very con- tergy deck, however, has been in the next few weeks and a new de- Roughly 700 vehicles were re- !e building was fabricated from cerned about what took place operation for only "ve years. sign plan put into place.” !ompsonBy Sijia Cai perience namedfor me,” !ompson said. nectionsnew that we can Ferstdraw between Center Director News Editor !ompson has over two de- the arts and engineering. Dance cades of experience in managing and architecture, for example, use George !ompson, former arts organizations. One of his a lot of the same nomenclature. professional dancer and general most signi"cant accomplishments Trying to "nd those connections manager of the American Conser- was increasing the budget of the while bringing world-class art to vatory !eater, has been named as Tampa Bay Performing Arts the campus is a main part of what the new director of the Ferst Cen- Center’s operating budget from I want to do,” !ompson said. ter for the Arts. $7 million to $27 million while Traditionally, the Ferst Center He steps into the position more serving as executive vice president has been funded through state than a year after former director there. funding, revenue from perfor- Jay Constantz left Tech. Stepha- “We had three very strong "- mances, and fundraising. In light nie Lee, marketing director of the nalists, but George stood out of the decreasing state budget, Ferst Center, served as interim because of his background and !ompson says that a main pri- director until !ompson was ap- interviewing ability. He is really ority for the Ferst Center will be pointed last month. the best person to take the Ferst making sure that all the perfor- As manager of the American Center to its next level,” said Bill mances can pay for themselves Conservatory !eater, !ompson Schafer, Vice President of Student and that further e$orts to increase was responsible for organizing A$airs, who chaired the search attendance, both from within and the production and operation of committee for a new director. outside of the campus commu- 14 shows per year. At the Ferst According to Schafer, after the nity, are undertaken. Center, he will be in charge of former director left, a company “!e Ferst Center cannot and not only organizing each season’s called the Management Consul- should not be just another pre- performances but also adminis- tants for the Arts Inc. worked with senter in a vast array of presenters tration and fundraising, among Tech to develop a comprehensive around the country. We need to 1IPUPCZ"EFCPMB"EFEJSF Student Publications other things. report on what the future direc- brand our programming so that George Thompson, a former professional dancer with 20 years of “Early in my career, I worked tion of the Ferst Center should be. it’s distinctive,” !ompson said. experience in arts management, is the new Ferst Center Director. at the State University of New One of the recommendations was Another main focus of !omp- York. !at gave me a very student- that the Center needed to deepen son’s is getting students more in- di$erent directions. I would just for their opinions. But I am heart- centric perspective on managing a its connections with the academic volved in the performing arts. like to expose the arts to them, ened by the large number of our campus arts program. So coming side of campus. “When students come to a uni- maybe bring in an outdoor per- students who do come to all of our to Tech is like a homecoming ex- “I think there are many con- versity, they are pulled in so many formance or simply ask students performances,” !ompson said. t+VMZ tTechnique NEWS business. !e person was arrested for soliciting drivers in a public Technique Campus Crime setting and was released to the 5IF4PVUIT-JWFMJFTU$PMMFHF/FXTQBQFS Fulton County Jail. Interesting- By Sijia Cai ly, two days afterwards another person was arrested for soliciting Founded in 1911, the Technique is the student newspaper of the News Editor Georgia Institute of Technology, and is an o#cial publication of the passing drivers for rides and busi- Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. !e Technique publishes Student robbed...again him on the head with the hand- ness at the same intersection. !is on Fridays weekly during the fall and spring and biweekly during the gun. After taking the student’s time the incident was reported in On June 29, a Tech student was possessions, the suspects told him the evening; the o$ender was also summer. walking by himself on Mecaslin to run away, upon which he did arrested and transported to the ADVERTISING: Information and rate cards can be found online at Street between 15th and 16th so and alarmed the police. Even Fulton County Jail. nique.net/ads. !e deadline for reserving ad space is Friday at 5 p.m. Street when he was robbed at gun- though the victim was slightly one week before publication. To place a reservation, for billing infor- point. According to his report, a injured during the incident, he re- When high, keep to yourself mation, or for any other questions please e-mail us at [email protected]. large black SUV pulled up to him fused medical treatment and was You may reach us by telephone at (404) 894-2830, Monday through as he was heading northbound released.
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