Jacobsen—American Journal of Botany 2021—Appendix S1 Diversity in conduit and pit structure among extant gymnosperm taxa Appendix S1. Summary of pit membrane traits for extant gymnosperm genera and the references from which these traits are compiled. When different references have reported conflicting presence/absence reports for the same genus or species, these are highlighted in red text. The number of published reports for a given trait within a genus are included parenthetically for some traits. Species that were newly examined from dried wood blocks or fresh samples for the present review are indicated with an asterisk (*); these new examinations were not counted toward the number of reports nor the numbers of observations for trait characters. Phyla Family Genus Species for which traits Reports Species Vessels Pit Torus Pitting Pitting Reference(s) have been reported (#) with present membrane presence (-seriate) arrangement reported (Y/N) type (Y/N) (alternate/ traits (A/B/C) opposite) (#) Ginkgophyta Ginkgoaceae Ginkgo *Ginkgo biloba L. 9 1 N B (2) Y (1) and uni- & bi- opposite Penhallow 1907, N (6) Liese 1965, Bauch et al. 1972, Timell 1978, Schulte and Gibson 1988, Yin and Xiao-Mei 1992, Dute 1994, Hacke et al. 2004, Schweingruber et al. 2006 Gnetophyta Ephedraceae Ephedra Ephedra americana Humb. 22 12 Y (17) A (2) Y (17) and multi- alternate MacDuffie 1921, & Bonpl. ex Willd., N (2) Liese 1965, Ephedra distachya subsp. (vessels) (vessels) Bauch et al. 1972, helvetica (C.A.Mey.) Asch. (conduit- Carlquist 1990, & Graebn., type Carlquist 1992, Ephedra fasciculata specific) Carlquist 1996, A.Nelson, Schweingruber et al. 2006, Ephedra foeminea Forssk., Motomura et al. 2007, Ephedra fragilis Desf., Carlquist 2012, Ephedra major Host, Crivellaro and Schweingruber *Ephedra nevadensis 2013, S.Watson, Dute et al. 2014 Ephedra pachyclada Boiss., Ephedra pedunculata Engelm. ex S.Watson, Ephedra torreyana S.Watson, Ephedra trifurca Torr. ex S.Watson, *Ephedra viridis Coville, Ephedra spp. 1 Jacobsen—American Journal of Botany 2021—Appendix S1 Diversity in conduit and pit structure among extant gymnosperm taxa Phyla Family Genus Species for which traits Reports Species Vessels Pit Torus Pitting Pitting Reference(s) have been reported (#) with present membrane presence (-seriate) arrangement reported (Y/N) type (Y/N) (alternate/ traits (A/B/C) opposite) (#) Gnetophyta Gnetaceae Gnetum Gnetum africanum Welw., 29 14 Y (24) A (6) and C Y (11) and multi- Alternate MacDuffie 1921, Gnetum buchholzianum (3) N (9) Liese 1965, Engl., (vessels) (vessels) Bauch et al. 1972, Gnetum cuspidatum (conduit- (conduit- Muhammad and Sattler 1982, Blume, type and type and Carlquist and Robinson 1995, Gnetum edule (Willd.) species species Fisher and Ewers 1995, Blume, specific) specific) Carlquist 1996a, Gnetum gnemon L., Carlquist 1996b, Gnetum gnemonoides Schweingruber et al. 2006, Brongn., Carlquist 2012 Gnetum leyboldii Tul., Gnetum microcarpum Blume, Gnetum montanum Markgr., Gnetum nodiflorum Brongn., Gnetum paniculatum Spruce ex Benth., Gnetum schwackeanum Taub. ex Schenck, Gnetum urens (Aubl.) Blume, Gnetum venosum Spruce ex Benth., Gnetum spp. Gnetophyta Welwitschiaceae Welwitschia *Welwitschia mirabilis 6 1 Y (4) C (1) N (5) multi- alternate Greguss 1965, Hook.f. Liese 1965, (vessels) (vessels) Bauch et al. 1972, Carlquist and Gowans 1995, Carlquist 1996 2 Jacobsen—American Journal of Botany 2021—Appendix S1 Diversity in conduit and pit structure among extant gymnosperm taxa Phyla Family Genus Species for which traits Reports Species Vessels Pit Torus Pitting Pitting Reference(s) have been reported (#) with present membrane presence (-seriate) arrangement reported (Y/N) type (Y/N) (alternate/ traits (A/B/C) opposite) (#) Cycadophyta Cycadaceae Cycas Cycas circinalis L., 11 9 Y (5) C (4) N (4) multi- alternate Greguss 1961, Cycas ferruginea F.N.Wei, and N Greguss 1965, Cycas media R.Br., (2) Liese 1965, Cycas panzhihuaensis Bauch et al. 1972, L.Zhou & S.Y.Yang, Huang and Wu 2007, *Cycas revoluta Thunb., Schneider et al. 2007, Cycas siamensis Miq., Huang et al. 2010, Cycas szechuanensis Huang et al. 2017 W.C.Cheng & L.K.Fu, Cycas taitungensis C.F.Shen, K.D.Hill, C.H.Tsou & C.J.Chen, Cycas taiwaniana Carruth., Cycas spp. Cycadophyta Zamiaceae Bowenia 0 0 Cycadophyta Zamiaceae Ceratozamia Ceratozamia robusta Miq., 4 4 Y (3) C (1) N (1) Schneider et al. 2007, Ceratozamia becerrae and N Voides et al. 2000 Pérez-Farr., Vovides & (1) Schutzman, Ceratozamia euryphyllidia Vázq.Torres, Sabato & D.W.Stev., Ceratozamia hondurensis J.L.Haynes, Whitelock, Schutzman & R.S.Adams Cycadophyta Zamiaceae Dioon Dioon edule Lindl., 7 5 Y (1) C (1) N (3) multi- alternate Chamberlain 1911, Dioon holmgrenii De Luca, and N Bailey 1925, Dioon merolae De Luca, (4) Greguss 1961, Sabato & Vázq.Torres, Schulte and Gibson 1988, Dioon purpusii Rose, Schneider et al. 2007, Dioon spinulosum Dyer ex Huang et al. 2010 Eichl. Cycadophyta Zamiaceae Encephalartos Encephalartos altensteinii 5 4 N (2) C (2) N (2) multi- alternate Greguss 1961, Lehm., Greguss 1965, Encephalartos barteri Schneider et al. 2007 Carruth. ex Miq., Encephalartos gratus Prain, 3 Jacobsen—American Journal of Botany 2021—Appendix S1 Diversity in conduit and pit structure among extant gymnosperm taxa Phyla Family Genus Species for which traits Reports Species Vessels Pit Torus Pitting Pitting Reference(s) have been reported (#) with present membrane presence (-seriate) arrangement reported (Y/N) type (Y/N) (alternate/ traits (A/B/C) opposite) (#) Encephalartos senticosus Vorster, Encepalartos sp. Cycadophyta Zamiaceae Lepidozamia Lepidozamia hopei (W.Hill) 1 1 Y (1) multi- alternate Greguss 1961 Regel Cycadophyta Zamiaceae Macrozamia Macrozamia communis 4 3 Y (1) N (2) multi- alternate Greguss 1965, L.A.S.Johnson, and N Schneider et al. 2007, Macrozamia macdonnellii (2) Huang et al. 2010 (F.Muell. ex Miq.) A.DC., Macrozamia moorei F.Muell., Macrozamia sp. Cycadophyta Zamiaceae Microcycas Microcycas calocoma 2 1 N (1) multi- Greguss 1961, (Miq.) A.DC., Microcycas Greguss 1965 sp. Cycadophyta Zamiaceae Stangeria Stangeria eriopus (Kunze) 3 1 Y (1) N (1) Greguss 1965, Baill. and N Schneider et al. 2007, (1) Huang et al. 2010 Cycadophyta Zamiaceae Zamia Zamia furfuracea L.f. ex 6 5 Y (1) C (1) N (2) multi- alternate Greguss 1961, Aiton, and N Greguss 1965, Zamia loddigesii Miq., (2) Yuyuan and Hongda 1998, Zamia neurophyllidia Schneider et al. 2007 D.W.Stev., Zamia skinneri Warsz. ex A.Dietr., Zamia muricata Willd. Coniferophyta Araucariaceae Agathis *Agathis australis (D.Don) 10 6 N B (4) N (5) bi- & alternate Penhallow 1907, Lindl., multi- Patel 1968a, Agathis borneensis Warb., Jane et al. 1970, *Agathis dammara Bauch et al. 1972, (Lamb.) Poir., Donaldson 1983, Agathis macrophylla Dickson 2000 (Lindl.) Mast., Agathis philippinensis Warb., Agathis robusta (C.Moore ex F.Muell.) F.M.Bailey 4 Jacobsen—American Journal of Botany 2021—Appendix S1 Diversity in conduit and pit structure among extant gymnosperm taxa Phyla Family Genus Species for which traits Reports Species Vessels Pit Torus Pitting Pitting Reference(s) have been reported (#) with present membrane presence (-seriate) arrangement reported (Y/N) type (Y/N) (alternate/ traits (A/B/C) opposite) (#) Coniferophyta Araucariaceae Araucaria *Araucaria angustifolia 15 5 N B (7) N (7) uni-, bi-, alternate Penhallow 1907, (Bertol.) Kuntze, & multi- Liese 1965, *Araucaria bidwillii Hook., Jane et al. 1970, *Araucaria columnaris Bauch et al. 1972, (G.Forst.) Hook., Butterfield and Meylan 1980, *Araucaria cunninghamii Yin and Xiao-Mei 1992, Mudie, Schweingruber et al. 2006, *Araucaria heterophylla Carlquist 2017 (Salisb.) Franco, Araucaria spp. Coniferophyta Araucariaceae Wollemia Wollemia nobilis 1 1 N B (1) N (1) uni- & bi- alternate Heady et al. 2002 W.G.Jones, K.D.Hill & J.M.Allen Coniferophyta Cupressaceae Athrotaxis Athrotaxis × laxifolia 3 1 N B (1) Y (2) and uni- (bi-) Bauch et al. 1972, Hook., N (1) Pittermann et al. 2010, Athrotaxis sp. Román-Jordán et al. 2017 Coniferophyta Cupressaceae Austrocedrus Austrocedrus chilensis 2 1 N A (1) Y (2) uni- (bi-) alternate Roig 1992, (D.Don) Pic.Serm. & Román-Jordán et al. 2017 Bizzarri Coniferophyta Cupressaceae Callitris *Callitris columellaris 11 6 N A (3) Y (10) uni- Bauch et al. 1972, F.Muell., Butterfield and Meylan 1980, Callitris muelleri (Parl.) Gadek et al. 2000, Benth. & Hook.f. ex Delzon et al. 2010, F.Muell., Pittermann et al. 2010, Callitris pancheri (Carrière) Román-Jordán et al. 2017 Byng, Callitris pyramidalis (Miq.) J.E.Piggin & J.J.Bruhl, Callitris rhomboidea R.Br. ex Rich., Callitris robusta R.Br. ex Mirb., Callitris spp. Coniferophyta Cupressaceae Callitropsis *Callitropsis nootkatensis 3 1 N A (1) Y (2) uni- (bi-) Penhallow 1907, (D.Don) Oerst. Bauch et al. 1972, Román-Jordán et al. 2017 5 Jacobsen—American Journal of Botany 2021—Appendix S1 Diversity in conduit and pit structure among extant gymnosperm taxa Phyla Family Genus Species for which traits Reports Species Vessels Pit Torus Pitting Pitting Reference(s) have been reported (#) with present membrane presence (-seriate) arrangement reported (Y/N) type (Y/N) (alternate/ traits (A/B/C) opposite) (#) Coniferophyta Cupressaceae Calocedrus *Calocedrus decurrens 5 2 N A (1) Y (4) uni- (bi-) Penhallow 1907, (Torr.) Florin, Bauch et al. 1972, Calocedrus macrolepis Pittermann et al. 2010, Kurz Román-Jordán et al. 2017 Coniferophyta Cupressaceae Chamaecyparis *Chamaecyparis 12 4 N A (4) Y (6) uni- & bi- opposite Penhallow 1907, lawsoniana (A.Murray bis) Bauch et al. 1972, Parl., Butterfield and Meylan 1980, Chamaecyparis obtusa Román-Jordán et al. 2017, (Siebold & Zucc.) Endl., Huang et al. 2017 Chamaecyparis pisifera (Siebold & Zucc.) Endl., *Chamaecyparis thyoides (L.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. Coniferophyta Cupressaceae Cryptomeria *Cryptomeria japonica 6 1 N A (2) Y (5) uni- (bi-) Penhallow 1907, (Thunb. ex L.f.) D.Don Bauch et al. 1972, Fujii et al. 1997, Kitin et al. 2009, Pittermann et al. 2010, Román-Jordán et al. 2017 Coniferophyta Cupressaceae Cunninghamia *Cunninghamia lanceolata 2 1 N B (1) Y (1) and uni- (bi-) Bauch et al. 1972, (Lamb.) Hook. N (1) Román-Jordán et al.
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