Pt. 165 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–01 Edition) Failure of redundant navigational-safe- 165.101 Kittery, Maine—regulated naviga- ty equipment, including but not lim- tion area. ited to failure of one of two installed 165.102 Security Zone: Walkers Point, Kennebunkport, ME. radars, where each satisfies § 164.72(a), 165.103 Safety Zone: Portsmouth Harbor, does not necessitate either a deviation Portsmouth, New Hampshire. or an authorization. 165.110 Boston Harbor, Boston, Massachu- (1) The initial notice and request for setts. a deviation and an authorization may 165.111 Safety Zone: Boston Harbor, Boston, be spoken, but the request must also be Massachusetts. written. The written request must ex- 165.112 Safety Zone: USS CASSIN YOUNG, Boston, Massachusetts. plain why immediate repair is imprac- 165.113 Security Zone: Dignitary arrival/de- ticable, and state when and by whom parture Logan International Airport, the repair will be made. Boston, MA. (2) The COTP, upon receiving even a 165.120 Safety Zone: Chelsea River, Boston spoken request, may grant a deviation Inner Harbor, Boston, MA. and an authorization from any of the 165.121 Safety Zone: Rhode Island Sound, provisions of §§ 164.70 through 164.82 for Narragansett Bay, Providence River. 165.122 Providence River, Providence, R.I. a specified time if he or she decides regulated navigation area. that they would not impair the safe 165.130 Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey—secu- navigation of the vessel under antici- rity zone. pated conditions. 165.140 New London Harbor, Connecticut— security zone. [CGD 94–020, 61 FR 35075, July 3, 1996] 165.141 Safety Zone: Sunken vessel EMPIRE KNIGHT, Boon Island, ME. PART 165—REGULATED NAVIGA- 165.150 New Haven Harbor, Quinnipiac River, Mill River. TION AREAS AND LIMITED AC- 165.155 Northville Industries Offshore Plat- CESS AREAS form, Riverhead, Long Island, New York—safety zone. Subpart A—General 165.160 New York, New Jersey, Sandy Hook Channel, Raritan Bay, Arthur Kill—safe- Sec. ty zone. 165.1 Purpose of part. 165.161 Safety Zones: Coast Guard Activities 165.5 Establishment procedures. New York Annual Fireworks Displays. 165.7 Notification. 165.162 Safety Zone: New York Super Boat 165.8 Geographic coordinates. Race, Hudson River, New York. 165.163 Safety Zones; Port of New York/New Subpart B—Regulated Navigation Areas Jersey Fleet Week. 165.164 Security Zones: Dignitary Arrival/ 165.10 Regulated navigation areas. Departure and United Nations Meetings, 165.11 Vessel operating requirements (regu- New York, NY. lations). 165.165 Regulated Navigation Area; Kill Van 165.13 General regulations. Kull Channel, Newark Bay Channel, South Elizabeth Channel, Elizabeth Subpart C—Safety Zones Channel, Port Newark Channel and New 165.20 Safety zones. Jersey Pierhead Channel, New York and 165.23 General regulations New Jersey. 165.166 Safety zone: Macy’s July 4th Fire- Subpart D—Security Zones works, East River, NY. 165.168 Safety Zones: New York Harbor, 165.30 Security zones. Western Long Island Sound, East River, 165.33 General regulations. and Hudson River Fireworks. 165.170 Safety Zone: Triathlon, Ulster, Subpart E—Restricted Waterfront Areas Landing, Hudson River, NY. 165.40 Restricted waterfront areas. FIFTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT 165.501 Chesapeake Bay entrance and Hamp- Subpart F—Specific Regulated Navigation ton Roads, Va. and adjacent waters—reg- Areas and Limited Access Areas ulated navigation area. 165.502 Cove Point, Chesapeake Bay, Mary- FIRST COAST GUARD DISTRICT land—safety zone. 165.100 Regulated Navigation Area: Navi- 165.504 Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry gable waters within the First Coast Dock Company Shipyard, James River, Guard District. Newport News, Va. 610 VerDate 11<MAY>2000 02:04 Jul 14, 2001 Jkt 194124 PO 00000 Frm 00610 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\194124T.XXX pfrm06 PsN: 194124T Coast Guard, DOT Pt. 165 165.510 Delaware Bay and River, Salem 165.804 Snake Island, Texas City, Texas; River, Christina River and Schuylkill mooring and fleeting of vessels—safety River–Regulated Navigation Area. zone. 165.514 Safety Zone: Atlantic Intracoastal 165.805 Calcasieu Channel and Industrial Waterway and connecting waters, vicin- Canal, Calcasieu River, Lake Charles, ity of Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, LA. North Carolina. 165.806 Sabine Neches Waterway, Texas— 165.515 Safety Zone: Cape Fear River, Wil- regulated navigation area. mington, North Carolina. 165.807 Calcasieu River, Louisiana—regu- 165.530 Safety Zone: Cape Fear and North- lated navigation area. east Cape Fear Rivers, NC. 165.808 Corpus Christi Ship Channel, Corpus Christi, TX, safety zone. SEVENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT 165.810 Mississippi River, LA-regulated navigation area. 165.701 Vicinity, Kennedy Space Center, 165.811 Atchafalaya River, Berwick Bay, Merritt Island, Florida—security zone. LA–regulated navigation area. 165.703 Tampa Bay, Florida—Safety Zone. 165.815 Ohio River at Louisville, KY; regu- 165.704 Safety Zone: Tampa Bay, Florida. lated navigation area. 165.T0704 Safety Zone: Savannah River, Sa- 165.817 Arkansas River, Mile 118.2 to 125.4, vannah, Georgia. Little Rock Arkansas—regulated naviga- 165.705 Port Canaveral Harbor, Cape Canav- tion area. eral, Florida. 165.821 Ohio River at Cincinnati, OH; regu- 165.708 Safety/Security Zone; Charleston lated navigation area. Harbor and Cooper River, Charleston, SC. 165.711 Safety Zone: Port Everglades, Fort NINTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT Lauderdale, FL. 165.901 Great Lakes—regulated navigation 165.713 Safety Zone, Ashley River, Charles- areas. ton, South Carolina. 165.902 Niagara River at Niagara Falls, New 165.T07–013 Security Zone: Internal waters York—safety zone. and territorial seas adjacent to the Flor- 165.903 Safety Zones: Cuyahoga River and ida peninsula. Old River, Cleveland, OH. 165.714 Regulated Navigation Area; Atlantic 165.904 Lake Michigan at Chicago Harbor & Ocean, Charleston, SC. Burnham Park Harbor—Safety and Secu- 165.720 Safety/Security Zone: St. Johns rity Zone. River, Jacksonville, FL. 165.905 USX Superfund Site Safety Zones: 165.721 Safety Zone: St. Johns River, Jack- St. Louis River. sonville, FL. 165.906 Lakeside Yacht Club in Cleveland 165.722 Security Zone: St. Johns River, Harbor, Cleveland, OH—regulated navi- Jacksonville, Florida. gation areas. 165.726 Regulated Navigation Areas; Miami 165.907 Safety Zones: Annual fireworks River, Miami, Florida. events in the Captain of the Port Detroit 165.728 Jacksonville, Florida—safety zones. Zone. 165.729 Jacksonville Harbor, Florida—secu- rity zone. ELEVENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT 165.730 King’s Bay, Georgia—Regulated 165.1101 Security Zone: San Diego Bay, Cali- navigation area. fornia. 165.731 Safety/Security Zone: Cumberland 165.1102 Security Zone: San Diego Bay, Cali- Sound, Georgia and St. Marys River En- fornia. trance Channel. 165.1103 Security Zone: San Diego Bay, Cali- 165.735 Brunswick, Georgia, Turtle River, fornia. Vicinity of Sydney Lanier Bridge. 165.1104 Security Zone: San Diego Bay, Cali- 165.752 Sparkman Channel, Tampa, Flor- fornia. ida—regulated navigation area. 165.1105 Security Zone: San Diego Bay, Cali- 165.753 Regulated navigation area; Tampa fornia. Bay, Florida. 165.1106 San Diego Bay, California—safety 165.754 Safety Zone: San Juan Harbor, San zone. Juan, PR. 165.1107 San Diego Bay, California. 165.755 Safety Zone: Guayanilla, Puerto 165.1131 Security Zone: Wilson Cove, San Rico Clemente Island, California. 165.1151 Safety Zone: San Pedro Bay, CA. EIGHTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT 165.1152 San Pedro Bay, California—Regu- 165.802 Lower Mississippi River, vicinity of lated navigation area. Old River Control Structure—Safety 165.1153 Safety zone: Middle Harbor–San Zone. Pedro Channel, CA. 165.803 Mississippi River—regulated naviga- 165.1171 Copper Canyon, Lake Havasu, Colo- tion area. rado River—Regulated Navigation Area. 611 VerDate 11<MAY>2000 11:33 Aug 13, 2001 Jkt 194124 PO 00000 Frm 00611 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\194124T.XXX pfrm01 PsN: 194124T § 165.1 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–01 Edition) 165.1181 San Francisco Bay Region, Cali- controlled access areas and regulated fornia—regulated navigation area. navigation areas; 165.1182 Safety/Security Zone: San Fran- (b) Prescribe general regulations for cisco Bay, San Pablo Bay, Carquinez different types of limited or controlled Strait, and Suisun Bay, CA. access areas and regulated navigation 154.1191 Safety zones: Northern California annual fireworks events. areas; (c) Prescribe specific requirements THIRTEENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT for established areas; and 165.1301 Puget Sound and Adjacent Waters (d) List specific areas and their in Northwestern Washington—Regulated boundaries. Navigation Area. 165.1302 Bangor Naval Submarine Base, § 165.5 Establishment procedures. Bangor, WA. (a) A safety zone, security zone, or 165.1303 Puget Sound and adjacent waters, regulated navigation area may be es- WA–regulated navigation area. tablished on the initiative of any au- 165.1304 Bellingham Bay, Bellingham, WA. thorized Coast Guard official. 165.1305 Commencement Bay, Tacoma, WA. 165.1306 Lake Union, Seattle, WA. (b) Any person may request that a 165.1307 Elliott Bay, Seattle, WA. safety zone, security zone, or regulated 165.1308 Columbia River, Vancouver WA. navigation area be established. Except 165.1309 Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge Island, as provided in paragraph (c) of this sec- WA. tion, each request must be submitted in writing to either the Captain of the FOURTEENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT Port or District Commander having ju- 165.1310 Strait of Juan de Fuca and adjacent risdiction over the location as de- coastal waters of Northwest Washington; scribed in Part 3 of this chapter, and Makah Whale Hunting—Regulated Navi- include the following: gation Area. (1) The name of the person submit- 165.1401 Apra Harbor, Guam—safety zones. ting the request; 165.1402 Apra Outer Harbor, Guam—regu- lated navigation area. (2) The location and boundaries of 165.1403 Security Zone: Tinian, Common- the safety zone, security zone, or regu- wealth Northern Marianas Islands.
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